Dorie Bowlin, April Bender and Georgi Stankov, October 23, 2012
October 22, 2012
Dear Sarah,
thank you very much for your very emotional and moving letter to me and the PAT. I am happy to hear that this website, with its discussions and information, has become a vital part of your life and has given you a meaning beyond the trifles of everyday life. There is indeed a spiritual power behind it that emanates from all members of the PAT and this power cannot be overlooked or neglected. Even from the dark forces who have started writing me again some nasty emails in the last days after a long period of silence, This is the most clear sign that they really fear us for what we are and this confirms one more time the importance of our future role for humanity.
By the way, I got an information this night from my HS that I will ascend in… (Please have an understanding that I cannot disclose the exact date that was given to me by my HS for reasons that will be explained below. But you all know that we are now under massive attacks from the dark forces and that they closely observe our website and discussions. The element of surprise must be preserved at any price.). The message was very clear, just as it was on October 12, when I was told that “we will be ascended within two days“. Exactly two days later, there was this shift to the 4th-dimensional space/chamber, which has been confirmed in the meantime by all PAT members as a much nicer place to dwell and retreat from the toxic 3d-reality….
Let us see what will happen this week.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
… Anyway, about your Source message that you will ascend in …. I assume that means that the rest of us should ascend before that? yippee!!!
Seriously, though, as I told you I have not had the same ascension test runs or visions or exactly the same LBP symptoms as others, but I have felt and resonated with all that you say and emanate from the very beginning. I hope that that resonating is enough for me to ascend at the same time, though I don’t have absolute confirmation of this, but I believe HS has given me some signs that this is so.
On a rational level, I am SO ready to go, so ready to get out of this plane of existence, so tired of this old Orion empire and all its minions and derivations in every form. I cannot imagine hanging around much longer. I feel so ready to jump into a new light garment and embody our new creative and miraculous powers.
As I suspected, in congruence with April’s HS, this quick “pop up” to source….to be honest that’s what I have long suspected would be the case. Do you sense it will be something along the lines of what Skyler described as his “ascension” and then later we will fully ascend as stated, into the 5th, as promised? that is what I gathered from April’s message.
If for whatever reason, your message from Source about your ascension does not happen, that means there would be more delays in the higher realms and slumbering masses than we were anticipating.
I will accept whatever occurs, but I’m really counting on this week as the big “return” for us. I also know it is no accident that I am alone here on the same group of islands where I was last year on 11.11.11. I am surrounded by silence, nature and beauty, and Leo is to meet me on Wednesday itself. I feel these islands are also crucial to our portal here.
May the next few days pass comfortably and peacefully for you Georgi.
Always gratitude for your integrity which I never doubt,
love, Sarah
Dear Sarah,
since the full detonation of the PAT supernova has been cancelled according to the latest information from April’s HS, it may not be necessary for me to be the last one, but probably the first one to ascend and pave the way for the others to come if they have to appear immediately on the ground. This makes a lot of sense. This is what I am catching now, but I am not so sure yet. On the other hand, there are so many other people that will simultaneously ascend with this first wave. Yesterday I dreamed for instance that I was on the railway station and coordinated the ascension of masses of people on a very long train.
It could be that all these first ascension candidates like you will ascend and immediately enter the new 5d-earth, which exists as a blueprint and begin to prepare it for mass ascension in two months. This is a very logical step. In this case you do not need this intensive LBP to prepare many light bodies that can also dwell in 3rd, 4th and even higher dimensions later on. I do not know, this is just a speculation. My impression is that the situation is very complicated and no matter what we anticipate now, may appear bluntly wrong or at least one-sided and narrow-minded. I think that very soon we will know much more when we ascend and expand our consciousness.
With love and light
October 22, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I just wanted to give you a quick update. I feel that something is up, I’m not sure what it is, but something doesn’t feel right. I have been sick for the last 3 days, and this sickness has nothing to do with Ascension symptoms, it is a very nasty virus that even my herbs are having a hard time dealing with. I normally bounce back very quickly from these types of things, so that leaves me a little curious. I was able to spend some time outside this morning, walking, and I did more energy clearing work which did make me feel a lot better. I still have not gotten a really clear message from HS either, that is, the information is just coming through in fragments. This could be due to my illness of course, and adjusting to the new energies, but I wanted to check in with you, just in case.
With love and light,
Dear Dorie,
I have the same experience. Saturday and Sunday were very nasty days for me and I suspect for many of us, as it was an important portal 10.21 and much human dross came on the surface and needed to be processed. Most people were out of balance. I was burning again like a torch. This goes on today when I was hit by a new cc-wave and for the first time since very long I also feel ill and have the sensation as if I had fever, although I cannot have fever since many years.
The few nasty emails I have received these days indicate the last convulsions of the dark ones and their weakness. It is just a click on my delete button to eliminate them and they have never existed. But since there was a long period of total silence on the dark front, this recent surge clearly shows their desperation and powerlessness and this is a very important sign that tells us that they know that they have lost.
Now this information is confidential as I do not want to forge false expectations. This night after another powerful wave I awoke up at 02.00 am as usually and received information from my Higher Self that I will ascend in …. and that these days will be full of energy surges. It was the same kind of message I received on October 12 that “we will ascend in two days” as I have published it. On Oct 14 the whole PAT moved to the 4d-chamber, as this has been unanimously confirmed by all members and your HS.
However this time the message was personal, saying that I will ascend and not in plural. After that I slept again and had many lucid ascension dreams which confirmed this information.
I am still sceptical, although the time is ripe for ascension. It may as well be another threshold, although I wonder how many more thresholds we must surmount till our physical ascension comes.
Anyway, the message of my ascension in …. was very compelling and I just wanted to share it with you. The vibrations are so intensive and powerful these days that they carry me away and I move in a haze all day long and cannot do any other homework except editing this website.
Let us hope that this week we will begin to see some real action.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
Here is the completed message along with a little further information than was provided before. What HS keeps impressing upon me, Georgi, is that you are the “trump card”. You are the element of surprise at the end of the story!
It’s late for me, so I’m off to bed. I hope this new information resonates with you! I’ll look forward to hearing from you in the morning.
Much love and light,
Message From My HS- October 22, 2012
While there are many details that have been provided through different HS channels, this form of channeling will no longer be a necessity. All PAT members are now completely connected and function as one unit within the Higher Realms, dispersing information as One – Georgi’s role as “Captain” will be changing to the role of First Ascended Master, therefore, he will be the “one” who will disperse new information. The script, once again, has changed. Georgi is needed to ascend into the Higher Realms first, before the core group, in order to reappear FIRST. This change has occurred for one reason and one reason only.There needs to be an EXAMPLE. Just as Georgi has been the key in opening the dimensions, he will now not only be the key, but will set the “tone” that sparks the final detonation of the PAT supernova. Who better to go first than the one who knows the process?
Understand also that it was a necessary strategy for the Captain to now go “first” because of the last minute infiltration of dark forces. This act is being implemented along with the “web of light” protocol for protection, and the recently altered plan of ascension that was presented by April. This had to be done because the Dark had been working to create divisiveness between the members of the PAT by projecting thoughts of “unworthiness” and “uncertainty” into their thought processes. With the “Captain” taking the lead and Ascending by example, it removes ANY and ALL energies that remain in the way, even for members who believe in the Ascension process, but are still fearful that they are not members of the PAT, simply because they themselves do not experience many of the LBP symptoms.
While the script has changed, and changed, and then changed again, what always stayed at the forefront was the Higher Self’s desire for their troops on the ground, the PAT, to have the opportunity to experience the fruits of their labor, while still in 3D. Certainly the desire to say “I told you so” comes from the ego mind, but this is not the energy that contributed to the final script. It was the desire of Source itself who wrote within the script, “and their efforts shall be made known“.
While you will receive the fanfare and celebration that you so justly deserve here in the Higher Realms, the real celebration will take place as you watch the matrix crumble to the ground right before your very eyes. While vindication was certainly not the energy you were seeking or creating, it will be your just reward for the hardships that you have suffered during your mission. To be able to appear in your Light Body after ascension, in 3D reality, and show others what “you knew” and who you were able to become as a result of that knowing, will give others what they have been waiting for.
While you have worked diligently to open the minds of others to come along with you on this grand ride into the 5th Dimension, you knew not how many would come, only that you would succeed in bringing along as many as were ready to go. And what has always been most difficult for you was in watching, while many refused to awaken. Their slumber was too deep for you to even shake them.
And while certainly there will not be ‘as many’ transitioning as initially surmised, there will be an army of those who will ascend, who hold such a tremendous amount of Light, due to their connection to the PAT, and the Light energy that they will experience during the detonation of the PAT supernova, that they will be able to use that Light to be in a position to assist others in the lower levels of the Web Of Light beneath them. As we cannot possibly explain all the intricacies of the processes involved, know these details are being taken care of in the Higher Realms and that all that is left for you to do is Ascend and be the domino that sets all the other dominoes into motion within the Web of Light.
Dear Dorie,
Woh! This news came immediately. I just wrote to another member of the PAT that maybe I need not be the last one to ascend if the detonation of the PAT supernova has been now delayed and half an hour later you sent me this message (see letter to Sarah above).
I have to brood over it to comprehend it, but I am very thankful for this extremely important information. My immediate reaction is that we should keep it confidential as not to give fodder to the critics to attack us again if something changes in the meantime. If not, the game is won. I will forward this message to April, so that she could also check it, but the contours of the new playwright seem to emerge clearer now.
(Later on)
Dear Dorie, excellent job! Well done! Below I will send you the confirmation from April’s HS of your information (see below). I have departed from my initial decision to keep this information confidential as it is of great importance to all members of the PAT and they should be informed about this new development. The only thing that I will not disclose, as it is not certain to the very last minute, is the precise date of my ascension. But the rest must be made known to the PAT.
With love and light
October 22, 2012
Dear April,
Please find below my email to Sarah and then the message from Dorie on the latest developments. See if you can get some more information please.
With love and light
Haha George!
Get outta town! Way too much synchronization here. This is wild!
OK, let me start. First, HS gave me a few additional explanations and corrections regarding her last message. I have been lazy in getting them to you, and for that I am sorry. One of the clarifications was in regards to this statement:
“You will remember the brief and wonderful ceremony in the Higher/Inner Realms, but won’t necessarily experience the entire event as physically moving there and back. Am I making sense? Those who do not choose to return post-ascension will not reawaken here and will instead, stay longer with their Soul families and determine their next line/act of service.”
The following clarification/addition from HS confirms your hypothesis in your conversation with Sarah and also Dorie’s message:
“It is during this time of determination, that the newly ascended one may decide to take on “earthkeeper” duty directly on 5D, foregoing the return to 3D and instead preparing the soil there for the new arrivals. We anticipate many of the crystalline of the first wave to serve in this capacity, as well as on the ground. Ascending souls may of course, decide to serve as earthkeeper from an even higher vantage point. There are many, many choices in which to serve/where post-ascension.
The fact is, when you visualized your ideal ascension scenarios, many PAT members expressed their wishes to be with their family for obvious reasons. There was some fear generated within the group at the thought of having to depart and return “later.” We all know that this fear would not have held you (the PAT) back, but ideally this new scenario suits you better too, as I think you realize.”
The next clarification is the one I think you might be the most interested in, as this is that one that made me smack my head and go “Doh!” because I hadn’t sent you these corrections/additions. It FULLY coalesces with Dorie’s message.
“There will also still be some sort of visual queue or phenomena that will be seen by many of the masses upon your ascension/return so as to further prepare them for your new “appearance.”
The correction:
“There will also still be some sort of visual/tonalqueue or phenomena that will be seen/heard by many of the masses upon your ascension/return so as to further prepare them for your new “appearance.”
I am not making this stuff up George, seriously. I am only sorry I had not sent these to you yesterday, or earlier today as proof positive.
One last addition/clarification:
“You could think of it as one large download of information at the time of ascension, or you could think of it as a complete and sudden removal of the veil(s). Either visual would be an accurate description.”
(OK, now I’m taking a break to eat dinner and connect with HS to see if we can further connect the pieces of the puzzle.)
HS Update 10-22-12
HS: OF COURSE it makes sense that George would be the first “tone” of the group that is sounded of the PAT ascension symphony! Since there is no longer the goal of a larger PAT detonation, there is no need for the group to ascend so closely together, within a 24 hour period, and there is no need for anyone to stay and hold the door open. You will still go as a group, but this can still be done over a matter of a few days.
George will be the Example for the group, and will be there to witness/support each PAT member as they transition and/or return. As each “tone” is sounded, in some way, shape or form, he will be there for each of you in a recognizable way, as will your larger Soul family. He will also help all of you to acclimate to your new ascended master abilities/gifts post-return, as he will have the first chance to play with them.
All future PAT activities will be coordinated telepathically with George taking the lead, similarly to how he takes the lead managing/coordinating all PAT communications now. This “first-action” by George as the elected PAT Captain, is a mirror of the other “first-action” by George last month as having been given the “master key,” and the subsequent drilling up through all the dimensional levels, and the ignition of the entire, larger final ascension sequence with Source.
So these two activities are closely related, as he is your elected group representative. There MUST be a focal/nexus point of each group’s energy when consciously creating together. George is yours because you’ve chosen him to be, not because he’s declared it himself. This is very different than the focal point of the PAT’s collective mind and serves a different function. George helps align all the PATs energy into one focal/focus point, and this is beneficial for many different reasons, but mostly for co-creation.
Do be assured though, that PAT ascensions will go, how did you put it? Oh yes, in “popcorn style” once the first, the Captain, transitions.
I have to tell you, while reading the message that HS gave me, I had the distinct image of a recent experience pop up in my mind. The experience was arriving in Assisi after a 9 hour flight, 3 hour bus ride, and stepping off the bus to see my wonderful smiling colleagues from work ready to help us with our luggage and show us to our hotel room. After such a long and tiring trip, trying to absorb a completely new place/culture, they were a sight for sore eyes! Something wonderfully familiar! I let out such a deep breath after that, one I didn’t even know I’d been holding, haha. They’d already been there a few days and knew their way around enough to take care of us that first night. I was so deeply grateful for that “welcome team,” that I am overjoyed to think of 1) you playing that role for us, the PAT and 2) us, the PAT playing this role for the masses.
Anyhow, I hope this gives you some additional clarity. Dorie pretty much had you covered, wink, but I definitely understand how nice the additional verification and/or clarity is. It all sounds pretty darn good to me!
Much love and light,
Dear April,
thank you for the great work and this wonderful confirmation/validation of my personal information and that coming from Dorie’s HS.
One of my duties in the dream state is to be a guide for deceased souls. I meet the deceased souls in the astral plane and first make them aware of who they really are by eliminating carefully the veil of forgetfulness. My wife often helps me in this function. Then when the soul begins to realize that she is not dead, but sound and more healthy than ever, she is so overwhelmed with joy that she immediately wants to ascend further to her soul family and then they take care of her in the 5th dimension. This will be essentially my job when I first ascend – to welcome the PAT members in the astral plane/lower 5th dimension and give them the necessary first assurance and security before the veil of forgetfulness is taken off from them. You have assessed my function as soul “cicerone”, to use this Italian word, very precisely.
I can imagine that our HS are pissed off with this interminable tug-a-war on the ground and now want to establish clear facts. In this case they need our support and it will be one grand “Gaudi” (amusement), as the Germans say, when we appear and help this system collapse. It has nothing to do with revenge as this is not the way we think and feel, but we have, after all, come here exactly for this purpose – to destroy this dark system of enslavement and substitute it with something much better. We cannot do the dirty job all the time and then when it is harvest time to reap the fruits of our hard work, we simply disappear. This will be unfair. That is why I said from the very beginning when I read your last message that I liked the new changes in the End Time scenario.
As all of you, I am also very excited as to how this all will unfold, but this time there is also a great portion of serenity, knowing that we have entered the most important phase of our mission. But maybe even this judgment is a human invention and all previous phases were just as important and vital for our success. These are great times, for which we have waited for so long time.
With love and light