September 2, 2012
Dear PAT Team & Georgi
I am very grateful for the beautiful information that has always been posted on this website. Although I have only checked it erratically, it has helped me gain some much needed knowledge about the proceedings of ascension-related issues on Earth at this time.
Currently I am partaking and organising a great plan to create an eco-village (light city) in the heart of the Netherlands, where a lot can and will possibly happen. Once we can overcome the bureaucracy of the system and finally gain control over a precious piece of beautiful land, we will finally be able to manifest one of the greatest self-manifesting creations in the Netherlands, and possibly in a much greater region. In this place, which has been named De Basis (The Base in Dutch) a great amount of healing of the masses will occur and thus hopefully spread around the Netherlands and the World as drops do in a pond.
My personal dream (short term) is to realise this Spiritual-Ecovillage (Universal Ecological Center UEC) and to spread this type of creation into the world. My long term dream is to provide water for every single being on this Earth and create a place of absolute happiness, harmony and peaceful living.
Even though I have surpassed the time of fear, there is always the pending issue of timelines which I am confronted with on a semi-daily basis. Considering that as the PAT team says – A Supernova will occur soon, to what extent will this afflict our possibility to create a beautiful city of light in the heart of the Netherlands?
The point might not be exactly that, as the manifestation is going to take place, it is as an oak tree which has started growing, and once bigger will and cannot be withheld by any force whatsoever. The vortex which has been widened and enlarged through the laying of a medicine wheel is now over 3km in circumference (inner circle) and at least 10x larger in its outer circle.
At the same time new systems are being constructed and executed in the Netherlands and in Belgium which will be able to place the light workers within the Benelux region on the same level, if not on a more powerful level, than the Multi-National Corporate Elite who currently control the world, in vain.
Personally, I sometimes grieve for in the deepest of deepest places in my heart, I wish for everyone to be able to come with us. Although this might not be realistic, it is something that I have hoped to achieve (with the help of the numerous other light workers in the world). To what extent MUST this Supernova explode and create what it shall, and ID-split between A/B and B? For what reasons can the people currently in their cocooned shells of Angst (fear) not proceed further until some significant beams of light which can be seen with 3d-vision and return to these people the spark which has been doused for so long.
Is it not so that in the previous ascension times, there were so many that were left behind for the next procession cycle? Is it also not so that this was not meant to be, if such is possible, for these ascension times?
In the belief that all people (a little bit of naivety for the greater good) have that spark within themselves which can and in my opinion WILL be REIGNITED, i thank you from the deepest of my hearts, on a soul level, for all the work that the PAT team is conducting.
If you and the members of the PAT team could manifest your thoughts/meditations on this city of light, which energetically is already in place, i would be of eternal gratitude.
Yours Sincerely and Eternally,
Kaspar K. Hakkesteegt
Dear Kaspar,
thank you very much for sharing your great EUtopia (European Utopia) on Dutch ground. You are now creating your 5d-city of light, which will very soon become reality, as first comes the thought and then its materialisation. In this sense it is irrelevant if this will happen on this degraded 3d-planet – which is highly unlikely – or on the new 4d-balanced earth A/B, respectively 5d-earth A, where two third of humanity will ascend this year.
It is noble that you care for all humans and that none of them should be left back, but do you really want to have your right-radicals in your village of light to spoil your harmony by preaching cultural intolerance? These people have a different spiritual path to go and we must honour their decision to continue with their incarnation cycle on a catastrophic earth B as to learn what real compassion and love for other human beings is.
From your email, I sense a kind of anxiety if you would be able to realize your Eutopia dream. Of course you will realize it, as it is already reality as a blueprint in the higher dimensions, otherwise you would not have dreamt it in the first place. But why “kleine Bröthchen backen” (bake small loaves of bread) when you can achieve your greatest vision in a higher dimension, which is the only appropriate environment for such dreams.
The destruction of the old matrix is an energetic necessity in order to have ascension, as the higher realms cannot incorporate the current holographic dark Orion model of duality. Therefore you need not build your dreams on this crumbling foundation, called “De Basis”, which will most probably not survive the deluge of the magnetic pole reversal when the PAT Supernova will be detonated, but on a new heavenly ground. In this case I do not see any dilemma, but only your rest reluctance to detach from this reality. Change the canvas of your Utopian projections by substituting this 3d-reality with a new 5th dimensional one and you will have the perfect realization of your vision.
With love and light
LBP-related Symptoms Prior to Ascension and Their Scientific Explanation
September 2, 2012
Dear Georgi,
please excuse my bothering you but I have no one to ask about the strangeness I experience. This night I could not sleep until 6 in the morning, my body was so vibrating that it was unbearable. However I was also completely wake. After 6 I was so exhausted that I finally fell in sleep, but it was a kind of half sleep half waking state, am not able to explain better. This torture lasted about 3 hours when I had to get up, I had enough of it all. The first thing noticed after my getting up was that I felt like I slept good all night. The other strangeness is that I had to pee like always first in the morning, but this time I could not, it just did not work. It never happened to me. The last strangeness is that my stool was the hardest I ever experienced. My HS is practically silent.
Dear Rudi,
you have experienced a common LBP-symptom which has not been discussed yet by any source due to lack of knowledge and a broad experience in the LW population.
I am the only person who has a scientific explanation for it, and only yesterday I addressed this same symptom in an email to another PAT member, as I also have the same symptom, however with another expression.
Without delving too much into scientific details, let me tell you that most of the current high-frequency wave energies that affect at night all the PAT members are transmitted mainly through our nervous system. The unconscious visceral part of our nervous system consists of two antagonistic pathways – sympathicus and parasympathicus – which are innervated by different neurotransmitters and cause antagonistic reactions, mainly in the visceral muscles of the human internal organs, such as muscle walls of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary tract.
The effects are multiple and presented in a rather confusing way in scientific books as present-day bio-science has failed to establish a coherent theory of biological regulation as I have achieved this in volume III “The General Theory of Biological Regulation”. Therefore, you may check some scientific books on this subject, but you will be completely lost in the conflicting data and will not find any explanation. And of course you will not find a single word on LBP-related symptoms, as LBP is non-existent for the current science.
Now most of these high-frequency waves, which are transmitted throughout our physical body, are activating predominantly the sympathicus pathway in comparison to the parasympathicus, so that the physiological balance of the two neuronal pathways is offset. This over-stimulation of the sympathicus leads to a relative (antagonistic) blockade of the parasympathicus pathways, which can be also experimentally induced with dopamine. This substance is a precursor of many neurotransmitters of the parasympathicus and can block their receptors at the post-synaptic endplates of the effector neurons.
Simply speaking, the neurons of the parasympathicus normally stimulate the peristaltic (bowel movement) of the gut and also open the constrictor muscle of the urethra during mixture, as they usually cause a dilatation of the visceral muscles, while the sympathicus causes as a rule a constriction of these muscles. This also holds true for the heart muscles, although they are striated muscles and somewhat different to the visceral muscles in their structure. This is the reason why dopamine is widely used as a drug in cardiology and ICU in patients with heart and circulation problems.
When the LBP waves reach the present intensity shortly before Ascension, the activation of the sympathicus and the subsequent antagonistic inhibition of the parasympathicus may be rather pronounced. This leads to mixture and defecation problems. The bowel movement is reduced and this leads to constipation and the constrictor muscle that closes the urinary bladder cannot be opened consciously although the bladder is full. For instance I used to take high dose dopamine during my experimental doctor thesis as I was also an active participant in my experiment, which investigated maximal sympathicus effects during dopamine blockage of the parasympathicus, and I can assure you I know how painful it can be to have a full urinary bladder and not being able to pee.
In my present case, I have a very dry mouth during the night when the waves hit me, as the salivation in the mouth is also stimulated by the parasympathicus and inhibited by the sympathicus. For instance when somebody experiences a sudden fear shock, there is always an enhanced secretion of adrenalin/noradrenalin, which activate the sympathicus pathways. The person under fear stress/shock has most of the time a dry mouth and may not be even able to speak. In my case this dry mouth is also associated with an aqua-phobia.This term has been introduced by myself for the first time in the literature. That is to say, although I must drink water to wet my mouth, I cannot swallow it, as I have a very strong sensation of being drowned, which is caused by the accompanying sympathicus constriction of the pharynx.
There is one drug, which is an antidote to dopamine and it is called “scopolamine”. The Nazi Germans used this drug also as a “truth drug” in war prisoners to unlock their military secrets as it also has a strong psychotropic effect on the CNS and eliminates conscious blockades of the mind.
This is a highly exciting area of bio-research, which I have not discussed yet, as there is no broad understanding for its scientific background, but it will surely play a major role on the balanced earth A/B in the proper selection of new therapeutic methods.
With love and light
Dear Georgi,
thank you so much for such detailed reply. The fact is that I know very well what LBP is since I have it from about 1994 if not earlier. I will not expose every single symptom I had till today but you know better than me what some of us experienced and are still going through. As a matter of fact for the last couple of years I greatly minimized my LBP symptoms by eating live raw food, no heat processed food at all. I rejuvenated my body and mind and lost all my fat lining. I have no joint problems anymore, no back pains, my stomach problems that were my long time partner are nearly non-existent. Actually my solar plexus region problems are with me since my birth, but no doctor was able to find out what it is all about, they said this is a nerve problem. The only recurrent problems are my neck pains, occasional headaches and vertigo, but it is all a joke compared to what it used to be before my radical lifestyle change. Decades of painful hemorrhoids are long forgotten, there are no traces left, intestinal issues are also gone for good and I feel much better than 10 years ago,
I’m 59 now. Well I forgot to mention my unbearable skin itching of late that is beyond imagination and also very dry mouth during the night, so I have to go to the bathroom to watter my mouth at least once every night, its just impossible to sleep with such a dry mouth. Do you still think I do not know what LBP looks like?
Thanks again,
Dear Rudi,
I am sorry, but there is a misunderstanding in our correspondence. I never meant that you do not know what LBP is, quite on the contrary, but that most of the LW have not the same experience with the advanced stages of the LBP as we, the PAT members, have, which are associated with the most severe and debilitating symptoms and that this is the reason why this issue is not discussed in esoteric circles.
I also referred to the fact that many of the LBP-related symptoms we experience have a complex scientific explanation, with which I have not come forward so far, as it was not asked and, if so, would have overwhelmed most of my readers as most of them have no scientific background. That’s all.
naturally I was joking, I know that you know that I know… however this last experience was something new even for me. But as they say, I can feel on my urine that something big is behind the corner.
Dear Rudi,
This is also my feeling – it is the proverbial lull before the storm.
New PAT Members
September 2, 2012
Hello there.
I have only read your writings a couple of times, but you state things I have been thinking about for many years now and believe deeply. I keep many of my opinions of life on the planet hell hole to myself. it is hard to explain to others that we are hard wired to survive: hunt, kill, eat. just like every living thing on this hell hole planet called earth. our d.n.a. is on mostly on the animal instincts mode: mating, territory mentality for our prey of food.
Yes I believe man is ruled by the empty belly that needs food to live another day and protect it’s supply to the end by instinct. where is the love, or even the compassion of the so called holy ones in this 3d life of our atoms ??? on this hell hole planet, oh yes energy is never wasted just transforms into some other atomic state. my ego is: what am I but atoms, and then what is the blessings on being here on earth, this all seems to lose it’s luster of being a joy of life.
Sorry if I seem harsh of how I see earth’s mother nature comports itself, for I am still guessing that I am learning my lessons in this training planet of hell for fallen angels, believe me or not I do remember my birth, it was NOT a dream for I don’t know why I do remember this event quite clearly, i checked it out with my mom of what happen on those few days and was shocked on the details were exact. I ramble too much, but it felt good to share this, with someone I feel is awake and understands our life on the planet earth.
Blessings to all of us for we are all one
Ramon Solorzano
Dear Ramon,
your diagnosis on this planet and its population is essentially correct and this is the reason why both Gaia and humanity have to ascend to a higher dimension as to change their light particles/frequency spectra (or “atoms” as you call them) and start thinking at a new, more evolved level.
With love and light
I too was born in 1951 in Oct. My intuition tells me to take to heart your opinions, and try to understand it’s true meanings you express for all of us. i also come from a background similar to you in human behavior studies, etc. I do not have the schools, but have had opportunity to be in the s.f. bay area, where I would buy the school books I was driven to read for myself and my soul. I do not have the so called high I.Q. but do have and come from a family of very smart people with proven abilities. that is the crash course history of my life.
I am curious about your statement of the triggered nova you mentioned several times, is this like the Haley’s comet kind of thing, or a metaphor of gods wave of energy changing our d.n.a. and hard wiring atoms to a higher state of being with all it’s e.s.p skill and abilities; bending spoons by thinking etc.??.
I too do not believe in any of the so called religions, which I refer to call woo woo of church and state lies that I feel is man made by the p.t.b. to control the masses in many ways, shame, hope, fear, complete obedience to the bosses of their tribe or state. his tactic has been used on mankind for thousands of years, etc.
Your statements will be taken with sincere thinking, for I feel you are with truth, I just don’t have the frame of knowledge to nourish my being with. The time frame of Ascension is also something of big importance to me, for I barely can take being alive in this planet hell hole anymore, for I feel very little love that helps me stay on earth.
Blessings to all of us for we are all one
Dear Ramon,
the term “PAT Supernova” is an allegory and a reality at the same time. When the members of the PAT will go through their portals during their cosmic Ascension to the Source, they will release their three lower chakras and delegate them to the energetic field of Gaia. At the same time there will be an energy download from the source through our portals into the core of Gaia, which will be one million times bigger than our current energetic fields, and they are already very powerful, I can assure you. This energy download will heave Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions and trigger the ID split.
This is celestial quantum physics at the highest level and this is what our souls are doing on the earth. For this purpose they had to incarnate on this toxic planet as to detonate the dark Orion holographic model from within. Otherwise the effect would have been very weak, if it had to be exerted from outside. Of course we will know much more about the energetic dynamics of this process after our ascension and the acquisition of full, unlimited awareness as multi-dimensional creator gods. But this description is fairly correct from a human point of view and all PAT members have fully comprehended it.
Naturally, it is not only difficult to understand this process if one is not personally involved in it and has not gone through all the debilitating phases of the LBP, which prepared the energetic conditions for the PAT supernova, but it is also an immense challenge for any conventionally thinking human mind to brood over such cosmic matters within the current box/matrix. Fortunately this is the least objection at present, as all human minds will be recalibrated during the ascension process to the 4th dimension and later on to the 5th dimension during the three days of darkness. This recalibration will be a shortened version of the LBP at a much lower energetic level.
From a higher vantage point of view, we are talking about celestial physics, which is based on mental creation and this is precisely what the current Orion science has not only failed to understand, but has deliberately suppressed.
Read also the latest message from Metatron that highlights this issue.
With love and light
September 2, 2012
Dear George,
Just found your site and am reading it with an open heart – Thank you for being here as you are.
I am a Singer/Songwriter/Lightworker and thought I would take this opportunity to share my free music with you from my website:
I must share with you that I too do not feel my lower chakras – I have very strong growth from my heart up…
Sending you Diamond Waves of Love & Light.
Dear Paul,
thank you very much for sharing your music with me. I am back on the Internet with an USB surf stick with a very poor signal quality and will be able to listen to your music next week when the normal Internet connection is established. I will respond to you one more time next week.
With love and light
Dearest George – My Diamond Light Brother…
I am so pleased to share your beautiful work infused with your beautiful heart. Thank you for sharing both so openly. You are brilliant and your mind/spirit is so refreshing. The love and light you share I feel in the deepest part of my heart/being.
I just had an amazing experience of past/present/future align with the following expert from your website – I read this entry from Dorie after reading your Sept. 1st entry.:
“The skies will open up and the rains will come – that is meant both literally and figuratively, both in your physical world and your spiritual world as the heavens open up sending you the cleansing energies from above. Extreme rain will be one of the “events” that will come to you as a sign that your ascension is imminent, meaning that it is within your reach NOW. It is known that you do not fear the coming earth changes, that the only fear you have now is the fear of being “stuck” in 3D for a longer period of time, as it is virtually impossible to move forward or go backward in a reality that no longer exists for you“. by Dorie Bowlin, August 24, 2012.
I should share with you that I have always been awake/spiritual, but not awake enough until March 6th 2011 when my 56 year old Father sadly took his life. I found my spirit in new ways that were profound and I was called to help. My Diamond light was turned on so-to-speak. I started writing music again… I have been a writing channelling machine since my Dad’s death. Finding a man hanging from a rope changes you and I am here as a result. My Dad didn’t see the “WE” like I. Tears flood my eyes because I have learned so much from this experience that has been a gift and at the same time a sad memory of sorrow. Bittersweet, but stunningly beautiful to awaken nonetheless. This is my path. I have complete faith it has lead me to you George. This moment for me is sacred/divine.
I am/feeling my head/light as I write and It is a sign I am meant to speak with you George about “PEACE WILL RAIN” My head started to pulse when I read the expert above from Dorie.
I need to preface that for the Venus transit I was called to Bermuda to charge and raise the vibration of the water/ ocean at the corner of the Bermuda Triangle. I feel a huge portal is under the sea bed on the coast all around the coast of the Atlantic waters that merge with the land of Bermuda. When I arrived in Bermuda, it was brutally slow/low energy dragging me. I wanted to leave desperately as soon as we touched down on the runway. I knew I must do what I came to Bermuda to do though. I blessed the water in my hands and my heart for 30 days, asking it to impregnate and raise its vibration. Blessing my hand-fulls of water with cosmic love, cosmic light, cosmic wisdom, cosmic kindness, cosmic healing, cosmic knowledge and to charge the water with crystal love to heal Gaia….
The month of June 2012 was an amazing experience, during which time I had a dream and a song started coming into my minds-eye SONG OF BERNADETTE by Jennifer Warren and Leonard Cohen…. St. Bernadette from Spain is what this story/song is about. Needless to say she is a Saint and her story is about Mother Mary, whom is all about blessing the water. I know both women were with me in Bermuda, while I was raising the vibrations. It as a magical month of many blessings for Gaia and myself and WE/ALL. The point I want to make is that I wrote PEACE WILL RAIN in November of last year, likely I am assuming around 11.11.11. Have a listen George, I am honoured to share it with you:
I would love you to share my song/story with Dorie and, if you so desire, I would love to share my music with your website. I feel compelled to share my music with you and the PAT.
I have found three diamonds on my path – one of which was found, while recording my Album WORTHY in Toronto. I should tell you I wanted my music real/true. No computers making my sound digitally. It was recorded with an acoustic Steinway, full size concert grand piano and simply my God given voice and our collective true vibrations merged. No editing to the sound vibrations. I hope you enjoy some part of my heart within it George. It was written with my heart in every word.
Sending you beautiful waves of diamond light from my heart to yours heart George. God Bless Us All.
Diamond Lights of Love…
Paul Luftenegger
Last Preparations for Ascension
September 2, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I must be done with the cleansing of humanity’s deep and ugly depression, because once again I was free to leave 3d and ‘be’ multidimensional. Last night I shifted up extremely close to Source, to 12D and I could rest there for a while. I know I’ve had a clear conversation as well, but unfortunately I can’t remember more than a few words of it. And it’s my understanding that I’m not suppose to ‘bring down’ to 3d the ‘material’ of such conversation for several reasons.
While I was resting, surrounded with that indescribable Light, Source directed my attention to 10th D, to that group of non-physicals, where I have seen you many times before. So, I started to observe the group and you. I saw you walking up and down in the ‘room’ like you are waiting for something rather impatiently. Then I looked at the rest of the group. They were ‘sitting’ in silence, giving me the same feeling, they are waiting. There was no discussion of any kind, no decision making, only waiting. My overall feeling and understanding of what I saw is: Decision(s) had been made. The plan is in motion!!! And now, you and the rest of the 10th D group is waiting for the plan to ‘play out/ manifest.
Everything I’ve experienced and saw last night makes me feel very optimistic! Even if it wasn’t yet my time to fully enter and stay in 12D with Source, to be so close to It again… well, I have no words to describe how I feel!
Truly hope that this information will have a positive effect on you!
Dear Eva,
I can only confirm that I have entered the total void and stillness – the proverbial lull before the storm.
I can only hope you are right and that we will soon see some action. I am glad that you have reconnected to the Source and that you feel much better now.
With love and light
September 2, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I am very pleased to see you were at least able to finally make contact to your site that so many silently read. I do believe your Internet downtime was meant as a time to rest and recollect before moving ahead, if not for you, mostly for your followers.
FYI, a few more here in N.S. are becoming more aware and are also along the lines of awakening. I can attest to at least 4 of us here now being connected with one at an advanced stage and 2 more not far behind and becoming more attuned daily as they are conveniently presented with the right paths. I believe there are many more but they are still lost and wandering, trying to understand what is happening to them, and also the reluctance element is there with some, although I know, they won,t admit.
I have also feel an increased awareness with a few other contacts across my nation and see them on the right path. I believe this group here is just forming and is designated for a different purpose on a different time line than PAT, whatever it may be. It is most difficult to find others, but they are not non-existent and I see a couple of my friends finding prospectives, which tells me that this collective, I may be part of, is still forming. If this is transpiring because of your efforts, its having an effect and is starting to grow. I should comment, the impossible events and ill percieved coincidences are providing the credibility to the awakening that I am seeing. It’s these profound events that are leaving the recipient with no choice, but to recognize that there is something outside of what they thought was normal. This in itself, suggests urgency, to be awakened this extremely, with a choice to accept or go off the deep edge.
Love and Light,
Dear Rick,
this initial awakening of the people you have observed in N.S. and elsewhere was actually expected to happen much earlier. Insofar it is a long awaited phenomenon and not a surprise. The only surprise is that it did not occur much earlier. We are now in the last days of the old order and way of life and then something completely new will come when these initial steps of awakening you are describing will seem like baby steps compared to the giant steps the masses will have make on the new balanced earth A/B after the ID split, about which very few speak or have any idea. Therefore, these few awakened “sparrows still do not make a full spring” to quote a popular German saying, but it is surely an important experience for you personally to connect with such people in preparation for your future mission.
With love and light
September 2, 2012
Hi George
Great essay. I share your frustration regarding the absence of any visible change within the masses. It’s strange just like you said. I don’t get out much, but when I do you can sense that people feel something changing though. It’s like they are operating on autopilot now because they have lost the confidence of their past convictions. They can’t even believe their own BS anymore and you can see it on their faces. They might tell each other the economy will recover next year, but they don’t believe it. You’re right, there is a graveyard stillness. Even under the busy facade I see here. It feels like collective despair and my HS confirms it. They are all having a belief crisis but are too afraid to show it.
Like you I also knew the imposed PAT break was needed after contemplating on it. We were all going around in circles. I also caught a very strange cold over a week ago which I am still fighting. On a brighter note I had my first question and (limited) answer session with my HS a week and a half ago. The answers are limited based on a graduated yes/no feeling response. The results are as follows from memory today.
Any indication of how the end time scenario will play out – an indication that events will be simultaneous i.e. not I/D split then PAT supernova
Clarification on geophysical events – inconclusive.
The timeframe of PAT ascension in week, month, or by end of year – not important.
The PAT has nothing left to do – yes correct, at the time of asking over a week ago. The statement gets a different response now as I type. Surprise, surprise.
The rest were personal seeing how much I was allowed to know. I will have another go soon for practise, but suspect that any questions relating to end time details will be answered inconclusively for various reasons.
Scoop from the party planners. Free beer and the Schuhplattler.
Warm regards
Alex, Australia
Dear Alex,
thank you for your comments. As usually they are highly appreciated. The process of ascension and the opening of our portals are so much advanced that they have fully incorporated our bodies and fields, which are now the best indicator. What you personally sense within this inner energetic space as well as the quality of the coming energy waves are the most reliable signs when the ID split will come. You simply know it when it will come. From my personal experience, I can only say that it can be a matter of days and not weeks.
As we have fully detached from this reality, our energy impact here on the ground is no longer effective, so that we must soon detonate the Supernova and leave this planet. This is also the tenor of the two messages from Dorie and April.
I also sense for the first time the feeling of relaxation that the job is well done and that there is nothing more to do. This is for me the clearest and best indicator for the imminent ascension. Also the energy quality has markedly improved in the last two days and I dwell most of the time in the 5th dimension, where I am working hard at night in the dream state when the energies are many times higher than during the day. In this sense I feel as if I am suspended in an energy bubble and now fully cut off from this reality.
With love and light
September 1, 2012
I just had a long heart-to-heart w/my dad, that I felt has been inevitable for the past few days. It started with him discovering that I’m simply refusing to pay off some credit card debt. Oh boy. lol…. We covered everything, from my bilocation & test-run experiences, to transmuting karma for the collective, to the ‘illogical’ nature of bowing out from 3D without ‘guarantee’ of ascension; and he asked some really good questions (about the timing of the dimensional shift, and ‘back-up’ plans) that the PAT has all faced too (with repeated disappointment, etc.)… And we ended with a light-hearted deal that he’ll help me with 3D, and I’ll help him with 5D when we transition. Holy shit. Snippity snap. There’s nothing left to talk about.
I think we just had the penultimate conversation… and the ultimate would be: “okay, it’s happening right now; remember everything we talked about? let’s go!” His last comment was that he was relieved that what I was saying was “in alignment”, implying he’d been worried that I was on the devil’s path or something. I had hugged him, and he was crying; we were face-to-face, and I said, “With sincerity, all these experiences I’ve been having are of the Light, are of God. We are in for a really fun time. And I’m going to help you out.” His eyes looked a little scared, but I could feel this vulnerable purity in him, like he was agreeing I would be that guide.
Dear Travis,
congratulations. You are more successful with your father than myself to convince my family. I am back again with a USB surf stick with a very poor signal quality and I will keep i short. On Monday they promised me to establish the normal Internet connection.
With love and light
Dear George,
That small success with my father was a false-flag-event, and it has ended up throwing my 3D arrangements on the rocks once more – in parallel to what you’ve described in your Sept. 1 post.
I am in resonance with so much of what you wrote. It is as if you are describing an alternative version of my life – with extremely specific experiences in parallel: including the 2 back-to-back daytime test-runs on the 27th and 28th, (which, adjusting for the clocks, I believe mine were simultaneous with yours); the aftermath of those runs, the difficulty of the week, the reacquainting with the HS, and many of the same awareness that you have described…. really just every single line – no kidding. I like how you put things – and among the PAT, you seem the best able to express what I’m willing to bet we’re all in sync with experiencing.
It is really good to hear from you in this way again. On every level. Thank you, and: ‘Here’s to hoping your Internet is fixed!’ or ‘We Ascend.’ Either way… Something good, or something awesome.
Much love and gratitude; couldn’t have done this without you.