On Dorie’s Message
July 20, 2012
Dear George,
In your last publication of Dorie’s Third Message, I noticed very interesting energy pattern. While reading Dorie’s text, I can feel heart energies flowing up, connecting with throat and higher chakras. It simply ignited the most beautiful and profound feeling.
Obviously Dorie must be a master of her female energies. Then you start to intertwine left brain portal energies with your analytic and logical comments and observations. And finished it with a simple and powerful conclusion. You have both performed the most incredible energetic dance I have ever seen.
I am in total alignment with what was said and can’t imagine anyone would disagree. Only add more of observations.
With love and light
Dear Boyd,
thank you for your impressive confirmation of Dorie’s message and my comments on it. I also feel an incredible synchronicity and resonance these last days between the PAT members that reached a peak yesterday when I also received Jerry’s HS message, which I have commented in my latest article on the abolition of linear time. The whole picture becomes more and more congruent shortly before our ascension.
With love and light
July 21, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Dorie’s latest message from her HS really resonated with me in multiple ways. A couple of days ago I had a waking experience where I actually thought I was ascending and then I had a brief but very intense “panic” response. This symptom is something I suffered extensively with at one time, but had not manifested in several years. I felt really disappointed in myself for this reaction because I thought I was prepared mentally and emotionally to make this transition. So, when Dorie said in her message;
“There is nothing to fear, however, you MAY feel a very brief moment of fear as you experience separation from the ego mind. This is similar to what people move through when they experience the “death” process but know that if you should experience it you will move through it quickly,”
it really hit home with me. I knew instantly upon reading that statement that it was exactly what I had experienced in my most recent trial run.
These energies are burning me up! I literally feel like a live wire and, just like other PAT members, my skin is on fire! The past couple of days I have been receiving another huge wave and have been knocked down with a headache, sore throat, congestion, muscle cramps, lethargy… you name it. I haven’t had the energy or desire to do anything, while waiting in the void except to remain in a perpetual state of discovery and learning. This was triggered, not only by the intense solar influx, but also by the many excellent articles and resources presented here.
I have basically stopped giving interviews or writing articles as I have also become resistant to dealing with my Web site, two Facebook pages, and YouTube account and the volume of email that these activities usually generate. Additionally, I haven’t accepted any new speaking requests and even cancelled one that I had scheduled this past June.
All that being said, I now feel led to attend an engagement I booked several months ago and will be traveling to San Francisco on August 2. I am supposed to speak to over 1,000 chiropractors on August 4th at a chiropractic convention. This is nuts! I barely have the strength and where-with-all to get anything done right now. The days pass with lightning speed and I have very little tolerance for this structured, limiting, 3D existence. I have to stay disciplined in order to practice mindful thinking as instantaneous manifestation of my thoughts is already occurring.
One reprieve is that I do feel an ever increasing closeness to Mother Earth and nature at this time. (As a side note, yesterday I communed with several dragon flies, while swimming and they swarmed and landed on my head and fingers almost in competition for my attention. It was exhilarating!) But back to my point…I most definitely must be about to ascend as I don’t see how I can possibly be effective or inspiring by speaking to these people in my current physical, mental and emotional state!? Moreover, I haven’t the faintest idea WHAT I’m going to say as I have not given a presentation in many moons and have no desire to prepare one. Yet, somehow I know I will be given the words that are needed when the time comes.
So, it only makes sense to me that if my HS has created this opportunity and forum and prompted me to attend for some higher purpose, then our ascension and my return prior to this event would represent maximal energy optimization – for me anyway! My next thought was “how can I possibly ascend, recover and regroup, yet still return in time to make this event and positively impact these doctors of the future for planet A/B? Then, once again I read Dorie’s response, “As there is ‘no time’ in the new energies you reside in, the adjustment period can last as long as needed.” It all makes perfect sense! On with the show!
Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,
thank you for this latest account. If you read the latest PAT comments, I have written there that our bodies can be used by our soul families without us being involved in this function, while we are relaxing in the higher dimensions after our ascension. I have also addressed this topic in my latest publication on the elimination of linear time by the ID split.
Therefore, there is no need to worry about your time schedule. The only objective is now to survive the latest energy surge this week as predicted by Jerry in his HS message I have just published.
I’m not surprised that you had already addressed this issue. I often find when I open this site that you have anticipated the very questions I am entertaining at the moment and that you have answered them with an article or response to another PAT member, before I can ask. After sending the previous message in response to Dorie, I found these references in your other posts. As always, you have my sincere gratitude for your wisdom and guidance.
Love and Light,
July 21, 2012
The statement below is confusing to me can you please elaborate? If our bodies remain on Gaia and our souls ascend, how does this appear to our families and friends? Do members of our soul family step into the body and continue business as usual? Is it a collective inside our old body? And if they (soul family in our body) come in contact with our friends and family will they have our individual soul memories to greet them? In other words, will they know who they are and will they show them the love and affection that I have for them? Will I be aware what my body/soul family is doing? Do we become one mind?
“In this respect you must deeply apprehend the notion that even when you ascend, you will not leave this earth as your energetic field will stay here for ever as part of Gaia and the collective field of humanity. Otherwise we will not be able to fulfill our mission as Earth Keepers for the next eons of time. Practically this may mean that even when we ascend, our bodies may still be present on this planet and be used by our soul families as containers (conduits, avatars) of their energies to fulfill certain social or other function in a direct, physical manner.”
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
from your questions I have the impression that you still have not detached yourself from the more conventional apprehension of your human identity and cannot see the processes in a more abstract, energetic manner.
Even now the regulation of your body is not your achievement, but that of your soul and soul family. You have no influence on the metabolic regulation which keeps you alive. The same holds true for your ideas – most of them come from the see of ideas of the Spirit which is called in Neoplatonism “World Soul”, “Nous” or “Logos”, as I have recently published in my book “Neoplatonism and Christianity” .
When you, as your human ego or earthly personality, ascend, you will transcend first and merge with your soul family of about 1000 souls, so you will no longer be that what you see now as your private personality. In this case, even if you come back on the earth in a crystalline body, it will no longer be “you now”, and your family members and friends will notice the energetic difference. You will be then an ascended master and not a humble human being anymore.
In this case your “expanded you” will be your whole soul family of more that 1000 individual souls that will show up in this new crystalline body. The soul family can as well leave your soul fragment home in the higher dimension and show up with 999 souls, instead of 1000 souls in your body, or another body, while you relax in Celestria or a higher dimension. Read also my latest article on the elimination of linear time to expand your multi-dimensional consciousness before ascension as you will need it after that.
With love and light
July 21, 2012
Hallo George,
again I am very happy to read Dorie’s third message. It makes absolute sense that our “ascension team” is “directing” events in our 3D world, in order to prepare us for the big event, and I feel that that is what has been happening to me during the past weeks.
I can also recall that small feeling of fear when the ego separates, which is experienced during death. I get it every time I go on a mushroom journey, at the moment when the trance kicks in. It just lasts a few seconds fortunately.
“you have already ascended in frequency many times within the last eight months (which means to higher and higher dimensions. George), so much so, that you have “disappeared” to many of your friends and family. Even though your physical vessel still remains within 3D reality, to many you have already left. Although the reasons behind your leaving appear to others differently, the fact is, you have increased your vibrational frequency to an energy that no longer allows you to interact with them, thus you have already become “invisible”.”
I can also confirm this statement as this is the case with my associates and friends. They would take note of my absence, however it would not bother them too much (ie. “this guy has always been a bit weird, so odd things could happen to him”). As for my kids, they would be “wrapped in love”, and they would know that I ascended as I have spoken to them about it before, even though they gave me that funny look at the time. On the other hand they might ascend too, all depends how many of the starseeds will go on this first wave of ascension.
“…. that the preparation period may be filled with some of the biggest challenges you have yet to face in letting go of 3D reality.”
I have been experiencing this for the past weeks as well. I think that the more and easier we DETACH from anything 3D, the easier this preparation period is going to be for us. There was brilliant essay by a PAT member published a while back on detachment. I can’t remember who wrote it, but it would be worthwhile to look it up again and study.
Our ascension will be the first and most important domino and whatever happens beyond that, we shall only find out, once we have retained our full consciousness. There we can get a good overview of the situation on earth, especially in regards to the current state of the cabal control and capabilities. Any other suggestions about a possible modus operandi would be pure speculation, since we really do NOT have a clue about the real state of affairs at the current time.
In any case I think we should remain open to any possible scenario in the coming weeks, however remain focussed towards our coming ascension.
with love and light,
July 20, 2012
Hi George
I will keep this brief (on Dorie’s message). I haven’t even read your reply yet. My heart has not resonated as much with any other information as this one to date. There is a lot of truth in this message as confirmed by my HS.
Much appreciated as the void has been a challenge lately and a thank you to yourself also for your efforts in keeping us focused and motivated.
Warm regards
Alex, Australia
On Jerry’s Message
July 21, 2012
Dear George,
The following statements from JRJ’s Higher Self make no sense to me and sound like negative information that he is introducing into the forum:
“And I was also told, although I don’t understand why, that there are even less of us ready to ascend now and lead than before 11-11. How could that be? But I was also told that because of our low numbers, few if any of us will be allowed to return to our home. All of us, including me, will need to stay and guide humanity at least for awhile.”
That’s like saying we’ve waited and waited for the water behind the new dam to rise, but now there is even less water than before the dam was built.
This so-called “message” also states that each time this “ascension council” meets, it votes for another delay, so as to bring more people along, yet there are fewer and fewer ascended masters than ever before to help guide Humanity. I’m sorry, George, but that obvious contradiction makes no sense to me!
The only explanation that makes even partial sense to me is that more and more ascended masters are dropping out due to discouragement from years and years of endless delays, which keep getting voted in by fewer and fewer ascended masters.
Next time this “ascension council” meets, it will behoove it to vote unanimously for NO further delays, lest there will ultimately be NO ascended masters to lead Humanity. (I’m just following JRJ’s inferred logic here.)
However, if we really and truly are just inches from the finish line, than please disregard this email, as the matter is moot and/or I simply don’t understand anything anymore.
Dear Bill,
I see it differently. It is true that many incarnated entities that were supposed to ascend in 2008-2009, as initially planned, ascended through death experience and left the burden on a smaller number of star seeds to carry on as they were very exhausted. This has diminished the number of the star seeds ready to ascend now. The others that had to follow their steps did not awaken to the necessary level to ascend now or preferred to ascend with the others during the mass ascension in Dec 2012 as it will be easier for them and because they knew that there will be many more delays, so that their desire to go through the most intensive form of the LBP and ascend in the first wave was not very pronounced.
You must start analysing such information in a more constructive, all-inclusive way. You are too much influenced by the current dualistic dark-light picture, but there is much more to this.
July 21, 2012
Dear George and Jerry,
Message from your HS sounds good and resonate well with my opinion on topics you touched. Only exception is the statement that there was never a doubt about earth’s ascension. I think earth was in big troubles and her future unclear. However this statement holds true for the last few years.
And I was also told, although I don’t understand why, that there are even less of us ready to ascend now and lead than before 11-11. How could that be?
About month ago I got a dream and has revealed to me that the PAT group have started to trim off its fat. What is now left of the PAT group is pure muscle of incredible strength.
Have to keep in mind, that our bodies have not been designed to hold such a high level of ultra high frequency. It is like running a marathon. At the start they are all elite athletes and not everyone will make it to the end.
June 8, I got a message in the dream state that I have reached the 333-octave. Since than we were bombarded even with grater intensity of high frequency from the central sun.
Last two weeks I have witness such a HIGH QUALITY of publications on the PAT website and it is so obvious that almost everyone who did contribute, is WELL beyond 333-octave.
Jerry, it is all about quality and not quantity.
Today I woke up incredibly happy, knowing that Orion financial system will soon crumble into dust. I even sang, while I had a shower. All angelic and light beings went immediately to work, because they could not stand my singing.
With love and light
Boyd Kraigher
Dear Boyd,
thank you for this confirmation and explanation of an important statement in Jerry’s message, which has already irritated some other readers: I see it the same way and I also agree that before 1997 it was still an open outcome, whether Gaia will be annihilated in a planetary combustion and the human population will ascend only after a death experience.
The quality of the contributions does speak for the heightened awareness of the remaining warriors and I see even some signs that some do not catch up with this trend and begin to decompensate. I also have a very strong feeling today that we have done it and that our ascension is a done deal now.
With love and light
Dear George,
When I received your reply, I reed Jerry’s post again. From my point of view I can simply do not understand why some people can be irritated. I even tend to agree that our project started in 1986. In the years 1991- mid 1994 I was heavily involved in recruiting star seeds in Ljubljana, Slovenia, for the upcoming spiritual revolution.
On the most decisive meeting in my house, I was brutally attacked by two entities, member of Asthar command and a reptilian shape-shifter. I was lucky to survive. Than I gave up on spirituality and moved to Australia, minding my oven business in the sound technologies.
I clearly remember mid August 1997, when I entered the LBP. From then on, my life was never the same again. Based on my personal experience, earth was in real limbo between 1994 and 1997.
“But I was also told that because of our low numbers, few if any of us will be allowed to return to our home.”
Again, for me, it makes a perfect sense. For those who think, they will become planets and stars and moons and galaxies, or space superstars, are simply dreamers, detached from the true reality.
On the Date of Our Ascension
July 20, 2012
I have been asking incessantly for HS insight to do with our ascension this month July 2012. This morning July 20th @8:44 am EDT I got this: On my calendar I saw circles appear. I will try to describe it for you to ideally understand.
Imagine the calendar page for July 2012 looking like this … with squares and numbers like this (the drawing could not be printed), it was the only graphic I could find quickly; however, I do like the feel of it! (If you have a calendar like this and draw in the circles it becomes very clear visually. It caught me totally “off guard” and then I had to say “WOW”!
Now imagine each date/square divided into 4 parts (to designate placement). First (smaller) circle: July 21 appears in “lower left” spot. Second circle (same size): July 22 appears in “lower right” spot. Third circle (Larger, at least 2X size of other circles) appears in “center” of July 25th.
Dear Ann Marie,thank you for this excellent confirmation (information) on our ascension date. I will publish it tomorrow with the next report. I hope strongly you are right, but all facts and signs point to our imminent ascension.With love and light
Dear Georgi,I am continuing to feel “confirmations” for my calendar message. Asking my HS, Is this true? throughout this whole day … July 20th (Fri) … time now is 7:37 pm EDT) .
I hope other members of the PAT will resonate with this message … and energize this thought for our ascension to be realized this month of July 2012. It is Done!!!
With love, Ann Marie
July 20, 2012
Dear Dr Stankov,
Just to bring up to your attention that July 26 is a significant date in the harmonic natural time calender (13 moon-month of 28 days) propounded by above Law of Time. It is the date that sychronizes solar and galactic cycles correlating with the star Sirius. The synchronicity of July 26 of 2012 is revealed by your HS as well as many PAT members eagerly awaiting for Ascension to appear before humanity to announce the coming of the new era of human consciousness. I’m looking forward to this cosmic event with eagerness and anxiety at the same time.
Kind Regards,
bee lian ho
July 20, 2012
Dear Gergi:
On Sunday July 15, I was very desperate and depressed so I slept asking fervently a response what to do. Then I had a dream, it was actually a very lucid conversation, which I almost remember, but repeatedly told me three days after the resurrection, then asked if something would happen in three days, to which they said, wait for two weeks to make a decision. The next night I dreamt, I was with a being, the stage was another planet and showed me a device, which was high tech and they were teaching me to use it. I share this in order to feed back information. Georgi blessings to you for your work and guidance, blessings for all PAT team.
With love and light
On Daniel’s PAT Mission as Ascended Masters
July 20, 2012
I look forward daily to the latest chapter in the great PAT revolution. Each day brings fresh outlooks and ideas. I am so impressed by the crystalline PAT members – all I can say is WOW.
Thank you Daniel for your contribution.
My thoughts….
1. Identify and isolate “confirmed” dark souls-mission to remove fear.
2. Explain who we are, why we are here and where humanity is going. Reaffirm we are their brothers and sisters.emphasis on self empowerment.
3. Meet basic necessities:food,shelter, medical.emphasis: Self sufficiency & working for a common cause.
4. Education on history: stress forgiveness and lessons learned.
5. Future possibilities, introduce new technology and star families. Emphasis hope.
6. Recognition that we (all sentient beings) are each a piece of All That I Is and by hurting another we only hurt ourselves. Emphasis: LOVE.
Please add these to our list.
Love & Light,
July 20, 2012
Dear George,
I read the publication of young Daniel with tears in my eyes. Must admit, he is writing as you would.
I am very proud of him, representing the young generation, proving me wrong that this generation is totally seduced with today’s stupid music, movies, TV, drugs, junk food, money and fame. Just to name a few areas, where the PTB target our young generation. Not to mention vaccines for new born.
On 19.11.11 I grabbed my newborn, screaming at the personal in Heidelberg hospital, Melbourne Australia, accusing them of being layers and deceivers. I demand immediately discharge with no vaccines.
In the elevator I look in Joshua’s eyes and told him: I am fighting for you now, later you will do it for the human race.
No wonder, I had soon after that a visit from the medical services, frightening me with a court hearing. They even tried to bribe my wife with $AU 5.000 if she let Joshua to be vaccinated. Then I decided to move to Thailand, my wife’s native country.
I like to share and support Daniel’s believe that humans do have great potential to evolve far beyond their imagination. To evolve, to be truly free, sovereign trans-galactic, multi-dimensional civilisation, when dark forces, who manipulate this human race for last 10.000 years are finally permanently removed.
With love and light
Boyd Kraigher
Dear Boyd,
I am also very proud of the crystalline children around this website, such as Aegil and Daniel, and Arthur, and some more, and I try to stimulate them as much as I can. They are the jewels in the PAT crown.
The Australian medical authorities seem to be very aggressive, as I heard similar stories as yours from Alex, who recently became a father, and from some other PAT members from this country. I hope that we will soon get rid of all these organisations and social structures.
Enjoy your last days on this earth – they are really the last ones this time.
July 21, 2012
Dearest George,
I am being guided to share with you what is happening to me. Firstly, the ups and downs are horrendous, one on top of the other, several episodes in one day even. They are not lasting as long as they used to, but the intensity is multiplied to the nth degree.
Several days ago, I told HS I am walking away from fighting. I refuse to fight for I realized due to the upbringing I endured with all the abuse involved, I was not allowed to fight back, and if I tried, I would be beat even more, or punished even more severely. Years of tears and screams were stuffed down and caught in my chest.
Later years, I found myself in situations where I seemed to always have to fight for what is right. I brought my childhood right along with me, and the “flight or fight” instinct, this one being fight, remained and I attracted situation after situation, person after person, that I would end up fighting. All I wanted was peace in my life, and my life was the furthest thing from it.
After realizing how I brought the fighting pattern into my present life I surrendered. Completely. No more fighting. I will not. I shall not. I refuse. This is exactly what I commanded HS. I refuse to fight one more moment in this life!
And in that surrendering, the panic in my chest, started to rise. I walked, I exercised, I photographed flowers, I did this that and the other trying to stay ahead of the panic. It only worsened. Again I surrendered. And this time, I began to weep, not able to stop as within my Mind, a Life Review began and I saw how hard and difficult my life has been, and how much I have sacrificed my own needs trying to make this world a better place. I saw from my HEART and in seeing from that place, emotion arose like a torrent, my heart in so much tortuous pain that weeping commenced for days. Today was the hardest one of all so far, and the weeping turned into screams of terror that had been stuffed down again in my chest. I went into one of my closets with a towel to stifle the screams, so I would not alarm my animals nor my husband. I screamed so hard, I cannot speak right now.
This releasing has left me spent, exhausted, just about crawling. The feeling of “I am done” is so prevalent, that I just cannot shake it, no matter what I do. I attempt to even get involved in something in 3D and that attempt fails. I just am not able to go on in this life. It is just not possible.
I have been reading the SOARS and what was said about our soul families being able to step into my present body, makes perfect absolute sense to me. For years, I have had the idea that I need a double in order to step out of the role I am presently in. So many depend on me for their welfare. It’s either someone in my soul family is going to step in for me when I ascend, or these animals I will bringing to inhabit the New Earth. Notice I did not say my husband. He will not be going where I am. In fact, the ID has been so evident in my home for so many months now and I have become virtually invisible to this man.
I also know I am truly finished with ALL my assignments. My main assignment has been my husband as I tried to reach out to him in love for the past 28 years, to encourage his heart to open to that love. It took a tough love act on my part a couple of weeks ago, and the energies that have been lately pouring in, to finally make him crack, realizing he has not opened his heart to love since he served in Vietnam. My job is done. He has seen. Unfortunately, his doctor prescribed a medication to numb him out due to his “deep depression” and yes, he is taking it. So, now he is quiet, no longer seeing, no longer crying, but for that brief moment he did see, and in so doing, freed me. I am DONE.
Even though it is so difficult, those of you who are experiencing heart/lung problems I can tell you for a fact that the energy is getting caught there due to stuffed tears, screams and pain. Release all of them, no matter how bad it hurts. Yes, you will feel like you want to die. I know I did. Right now I am calm, but who knows how many more tears I have yet to shed? And shed them I will. I will not bring with me this life’s pain and torture with me when I ascend. I just will not do it. Though the waiting has been excruciating, it has been a blessing in disguise, for it has given us the needed time to cleanse our temples, our bodies/minds/spirits. Imagine the garbage we all would have dragged with us if we has ascended last November. No, the All That Is is a whole lot wiser then we are.
As a word of encouragement, I feel something of great importance coming ever nearer. I am not able to shake this feeling either, no matter what I do. Two things are so in my face… a feeling of my life is done, and I mean done, and this feeling that a tremendous event is approaching. That’s another thing. I elected to walk “blind” this life to enforce my faith and trust into a solidness, so when I do feel things, I rarely am given the reason why. Yes, I see in hindsight why sometimes, but in the moment no.
I hope my words stir you, George, to share them with the rest of the PAT. Not only do we have to focus on ascending but also with intention, letting go, and releasing all that we do not wish to come with us to the Land of Gods.
And in closing, a great and beautiful friendship has blossomed between myself and Dorina and through that friendship, we both have done much healing in our unique ways, shedding the dross that needed to be released. So for this, I thank you with all I am, because it was you who forwarded one of her emails to me. We have been corresponding ever since, and recognized each other as soul sisters. So, what I write here, Dorina, knows, for much of it, she has walked through with me. This last day, no, so that will be news to her. But the drastic ups and downs, and the realizations, and seeing what we hadn’t been able to see before. It’s all because of YOU, George, and my heart thanks you for all eternity for this Gift of a Friend. Releasing is so important because the goal of it all is in freeing yourself. What greater Gift can you give to yourself???
With Love and Light,
On The Terror Acts of the Dark Cabal Against Humanity
Just in case you haven’t seen this document yet, it was released prior to the false flag attack that occurred yesterday in Aurora, Colorado:
The FBI warned in advance about a possible terrorist theatre shooting attack just like they usually do! The documents have since disappeared off the Internet.
Now, they are milking this blood bath and ritual sacrifice for all that they can get as the humans respond to the continual media reports with fear and shock. Plus, check out this link about the Batman comic book Rise of the Dark Night:
This is definitely the same MO that we see repeatedly with the “shy, withdrawn, intellectual” who suddenly becomes a mass murderer! I spoke at Columbine High School on the 9th anniversary of that massacre and in the very gymnasium where the shootings took place. I can tell you the “imprint” of ritual sacrifice remained in the ether there…!
Seems the focus of MSM reporting regarding this event represents a circling the wagons to help re-ignite gun control initiatives!
Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,
we observe the same pattern in all terror attacks. The dark secret services know always in advance that something will happen and even warn the people in unclear terms, but they themselves never do anything to prevent the crime.
The same happened with the terror attack in Bulgaria on Israeli tourists. Mossad warned the Bulgarian authorities several months ago that they have information that an attack is planned on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria and when they, themselves, committed this crime on their own citizens, they said: “You see, we warned you and you did nothing!” The murderer cries: “Hold the murderer”. Then before anything could be investigated on the scene as to how the bomb was exploded, the Prime minister of Israel Netanyahu knew already that it was Iran to be blamed for this attack. Did the Iranians told Mossad and Netanayhu several months earlier that they plan an attack on Israeli tourists in Bulgaria?
How many more proofs does humanity need to realize who are the real criminals and terrorists on this planet – the Zionist Mossad agents in cahoot with the numerous dark US-secret services. There is not a single terrorist act that has not been planned and instigated by these services. It is irrelevant who then executes the act – there are enough clones and human bio-robots that can be mind-controlled by these dark secret services to commit the terror act.
However, it must be obvious to them that the energetic situation on the earth has changed so dramatically in the last days, that such crimes on humanity no longer help the dark cabal, but are another nail on their coffins.
With love and light