PAT Comments on the Latest Post

July 8, 2012

On Karen Danrich’s messages

Hey Georgi,

I wanted to apologize for the email I sent you a couple of days ago. I know it was off-base and poorly thought-through and full of misdirected animosity, and I’m sorry about that. I’m glad that you managed to turn it to good effect to further illustrate some of your ideas, but it must have been bewildering to receive.

The short answer for why I sent it was the same as for why you once cut your hand in exactly the same place several times – it was something that my Higher Self wanted to happen, and he figured out how to arrange it.

Note that I’m not saying that my Higher Self had anything against you or your article. Its energetic signature definitely negatively affected me, but I’m now willing to concede that it may simply be a case of its resonance not agreeing with me personally, rather a Dark attack. I suppose I’ve just been conditioned to interpret such things in such a way because it’s happened to me so many times before.

No, I think the reasons for why I got suckered into sending you that angry late-night email are more subtle, and they seem to revolve around how my Higher Self is still trying to shape me.

In this case, I had a serious case of hero-worship (of you and your work), so my Higher Self created the conditions to smash that dynamic to bits, to force me to relate more genuinely and to force me into my own power. I found myself agreeing and fitting in with the followers of your site, so my Higher Self prompted me to write something calculated to make me a pariah amongst them, again to force me to find my own way. I promised you (a couple of weeks ago) that you could “tell me I have my head up my ass on any subject whatsoever with no hard feelings” (or words to that effect), so my Higher Self arranged precisely that circumstances. Did I mention that he has a rather wicked sense of humour? *grin* *shrug* *sigh*

I mean, there were a great number of more proximate causes for that email – those writings you linked struck me very wrongly and I was concerned that they might be hurting others besides me (which as a Light Warrior and defender of other Light beings, weighed on me rather heavily), and when concerned for others, I tend to move from my heart (rather than my head) and leap without looking, and I had been trying to sleep for two hours but failing to and failing to clear that discordant resonance (and getting more and more worked up about it with each passing minute), and I have been (these past couple of years) integrating a Wolverine archetype (whose basic strategy when annoyed or threatened is to attack the nearest living thing… lol), etc., etc., etc…

But I know that those reasons are all really beside the point, because I know if my Higher Self hadn’t wanted me to write exactly that sort of letter, it would have arranged for me to write a different one or none at all… Because as aware and awake as I am here, I’m ever more painfully aware that I am still in many ways just a puppet on a string to my Higher Self, who has his own agenda for what I am here to do and experience. I find that it makes it impossible to relate deeply and honestly with virtually anyone around me (with one shining exception – thank God for my Ara), which just makes the situation here that much more intolerable and the waiting that much more interminable for me.

A lot of your readers have mentioned their boredom and restlessness and impatience with this Reality (which seems to be always on the cusp of, but never quite, going away). I feel exactly the same way, but on top of that, my Higher Self seems determined not to let the time go to waste. It keeps engineering new things for me to endure, seemingly to try to make good use of my time and to ‘toughen me up’ for my next assignment (whatever that will be), because I get the sense that I do this job (of helping planets to Ascend) quite often.

And I could elaborate a lot further on all of this, but the hollowness of these phonic words in this fake reality clang ever louder in my ears as I type, and I can’t see what the point would really be, anyway. More likely than not, it would just acutely highlight my frustration, as I feel confident that, under different circumstances, you and I would have a lot to share and talk about… But under our current circumstances, it just seems impossible… And if it wasn’t, I fear that my Higher Self would find a way to make it so, because he’s already decided how I am to spend the rest of my time here.

So apologies for any confusion, and best of luck in your remaining tenure here on Earth. Perhaps I’ll see you when all of this is over, and we can have a good laugh about it all. :)

Infinite Love,
Dear Daemon,

It is perfect the way it is. Controversy invigorates the discussion and this is how we learn. I think that the PAT and, first and foremost, you have learnt a lot from this discussion on this channeling source and this is what counts at the end.

I never take any comment personally but try to see behind the words and understand why somebody reacts in this particular way.

Just to put the situation in perspective. When I first read these messages with regard to the Anu false Gods which later became the prototype of the Greek-Roman Gods, I was so disgusted by their behaviour that I stopped reading this source. Later on I recognized that it is more about human prototypes and less about the factual history.

Your immediate rejection of this information must have much deeper reasons. The text must have triggered unpleasant past incarnation memories which have surged high in order to be deleted, as is the case with all of us in these last days, and this has been your emotional reaction to this process. This is legitimate and I would recommend you to consider your behaviour as appropriate and stop castigating yourself as energy must flow.

From that point of view, as I said, everything is perfect and everybody has profited from this discussion, which has deeper roots than it seems at first glance and you have made your contribution. To see this situation in terms of pariah… etc. is absolutely wrong and you should start to appreciate yourself and everything you do in an unconditional manner.

By the way, we are all in a very tense emotional and mental state now, which does not come from us this time, but from our souls who are more impatient than we are to ascend and unite. In such a state it is quite normal to have strong emotional reactions and we will soon see similar reactions on a global scale and must be prepared to encounter them with understanding.

Therefore I hope that you will not be intimidated by this discussion and will continue to make your contributions as long as this website exists, which I hope will not last very long.

With love and light
July 8, 2012

Hi George –

Many thanks for posting (to the PAT) The Karen Danrich material along with the Great Central Sun Transmissions.  I think it’s a good thing that this material gets out once again, as it at least makes one think  and consider how this material may or may not fit in with one’s current paradigms. I deeply resonate with the transmissions I have read thus far – around 10 or so and will continue studying the material.

I was blown away by the 2nd transmission “Earth Cycles and Holographic Time”.   In part that reads:

The dimensions ascending at this time in history include 3, 5, 12, 18, 25, 36, 72, 144, 360, 1200 & 1800.”

Mostly, when I have read channeled material they speak of dimensions up thru 12 and sometimes upward to around 36, but never had I heard of as many as 1800 !!!  It is mind-boggling to think how many eons of time (as we think of time in this dimension) it would take to get to 1800 – and who knows maybe there are an infinite number of “dimensions” to get thru beyond that.

Along those lines, apparently the “dark” is so infiltrated up thru as high as (I think I read) level 72?  Which leads to the question – if some of us are tapping into say, even as high as the 12th dimension, isn’t there a high probability that any information received from that level might be distorted to some degree?  So, I’m not sure how one determines what is true or not – except thru determining from within ones self if it feels true or not.

So much of what I have read thus far, I had no idea of and so often I need to re-read some material in order to try to wrap my head around the ideas put forth. But it’s so fascinating, I can’t stop reading (ha)!

I’ve been reading with great interest the feedback from the PAT and hope that the discussions will continue.

I am always researching the web for new, different, and enlightening material (which is how I found your site, by the way, as well as the Karen Danrich material). Also, a very exciting read is a book called “Return of Light” which I read not too long ago. It’s in a pdf format and the entire book can be read free online – that book is mind-blowing as well.

Love and Light
Dear Diane,

I think that the publication of Mila’s messages was very timely and triggered a lot of new ideas and reactions in these last days, which were rather invigorating and broadened the horizon of many PAT members.

Even today I received a very frank letter from Daemon who apologized for his previous letter and I am now brooding whether I should publish his letter or not. But for the sake of absolute transparency and honesty, I will most probably publish it as it shows that Daemon has also learnt a lot from this controversy.

The case with the many dimensions is indeed mind-boggling and I have suspected something like this. However, you should not put too much importance in this statement that within the lower 72 dimensions there is still darkness. This simply means that there are some energetic imbalances that must be harmonized in order to raise to higher dimensions. However this kind of darkness has nothing to do with the darkness we experience here on the earth. Even the lower 5th dimensions are in this respect a paradise, but the world view of most entities will still remain rather limited at the beginning. This limitation is part of the darkness, this source is talking about.

With love and light
July 8, 2012

Dear George,

Thank you for encouraging the links to Karen Danrich’s channelings. As you suggested PAT members do, I align myself with all concepts that I can. I’m tremendously appreciative to the PAT member that uncovered this and that we delve through it together with you as captain. I receive mind expansion and energy explosions while reading and learning this previously hidden knowledge. This with our PAT discussions is a high.

I have a comment regarding the most recent conversation of PAT members “doing something more” or not at this late moment. To the best of my understanding here is a partial list of what PAT members continue to do in the moment if we remember to acknowledge ourselves:

– We remain here in order to raise the vibration.

– We are practicing the correct use of our energies remaining within the spiritual body transferring back mental, emotional, physical energies on an as needed basis.

– We are learning to effectively record, learn from and share our dreams.

– We ask for and trust we receive assistance from HS.

– We maintain and enlarge our sparkling clean Christ lit portals.

– We practice tremendous patience in the last days before returning HOME as ongoing delays are faced.

– We offer the truth about ascension in a matter of fact manner to others in order to open their minds to ascension.

– We release judgments towards humanity in order to keep ourselves on course and lift the vibrations others.

– We willingly allow our LBP to continue so as to remove genetic, mental, emotional, physical distortions.

– We practice joy for the sake of all.

– We observe the crumbling of the old system yet remain focused on PAT goals, communications and knowledge.

– We respect and care for our health.

– All the while, we do what we must to keep some semblance of sanity in this crumbling 3D reality.

I could go on, but I find myself disabled by the energies of late June and early July. The fatigue makes it difficult to work, read, speak, and think. By mid-afternoon I must briefly lie down and do nothing but rest. Yet on each occasion that I give in and lie down, there is an immediate wave of joy that overcomes me.

In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,

Thank you for this excellent summary of our duties and activities in these last days. There is nothing more to add. As we have already crossed the point of no return, we cannot fail anymore as ascension is a reality already. We must simply keep the boat afloat till it reaches safely the harbour with the rest of humanity on board. That’s all.

With love and light

July 8, 2012

Dear George,

while I am still reading today’s report, on a short note, I want to point to this message by Karen Danrich which is a very clarifying lesson on Human History:

The Ancient Grand Master, History upon Earth

Karen as a “record-keeper” has saved a lot more articles in this web-archive:

I am still working through it and went through all kind of feelings, while processing this enlightening information. What a huge mess has manifested in this universe and how many tragedies have occurred! Though I had to laugh at the description of the Anunnaki and their Olympic club and soap operas as well as  their slave’s archetypes, which we know so well on earth.

From above article, especially the last paragraphs sound like a message for us PAT and all “key-holders” .

The false Gods remind me of the seven “Time Bandits”, great Movie by one of the Monty Python members and I am puzzled by the wide-spread incomplete ascensions and their devastating effect in feeding the false Gods and creating more schisms and fall in consciousness for the rest.

No to blend different energies from different creations with each other on a low level might be better taken care of in the next cycle after this cosmic ascension? There must be harmony between these systems on a higher level, as the different creations can not be separated from each other. i just imagine an Inter-creational Council communicating on this!

Thank you George for the Rules prior to ascension / the ID-split”, while waiting in the void! They are very helpful, while I am still into some (pleasant) 3-D action with my children who spend two weeks of vacation with me and their grandmother.

Blessings to you and my fellow PAT,

On “Lie-More (Libor) Banking Scandal and the Purity of Human Thinking

July 8,  2012


Zerohedge has an article today:

I think with any financial problem, its not the dollar amount or the political retardation of a functioning market that causes the problem, its purely the inability of us workers to create sufficient productive value to allay the debts that the financial sector generates in conjunction with the government itself.

For example, if you and I can only produce 6 oranges a day, that’s all we are “worth”. The financial sector is generating any number more debt, and this debt will never be paid by the productive worker under the basis of a fiat currency.

There is a brief hope that modern monetary theory can supplant the government debt that’s collectively been accumulated by the political ramifications and capital destruction by the political system is too great and leads to the situation you point out.

The different may not matter but I did spend 1000s of hours of spare time trying to analyze markets over the years and there is theoretical work that suggests (The authors name is Michael Betancourt) that the inability to create sufficient productive value is the straw that breaks the camels back:

Basically this is the structural limitation that ironically could bring the entire system again. The limit of productive value would eventually lead to another market collapse globally as the debt levels saturate themselves. This is the missing element that those who only try to look at GDP levels and debt levels can’t see – the productive limit keeps things in check so that we should get another collapse sooner than later.

Betancourt makes some suggestion that the global economies attempt to switch over to immaterial labour – i.e the service sector is just a convoluted attempt by capital to shift over to something that pleases capital, but really the inevitable path of destruction will still occur, just perhaps on a shifted time frame. I thought that Betancourt’s theory is useful in analyzing this recent crisis and in framing future crises because he is one step ahead of the curve – he addresses the initial conditions in which any financial crisis should occur as the result of too much financial consumption versus real productive value.

Dear Eric,

I think that you make it too complicated. If you read my articles on economics, I clearly say that there is a dissociation between production and money supply and that the money supply has been inflated more than 200-300 times the real value. This is enough and any further presentation only complicates the matter. This dissociation between inflated social price and value creates all the imbalances in the economy and will cause the coming crash this month. As about 50% of the whole GDP and human income is generated in the finance sector, we have a very inefficient Orion economic structure, which is based on speculation and scavengers and not on real value. You tend to complicate the matters and should learn to strip off the unnecessary details from your observations.

With love and light
I had to get complicated with my theorizing as a buffer when I started betting against the Markets in 2010.

I don’t do that anymore. Timing these issues is one of the tricks that seems to keep the system in place, the asymmetry persists.

Dear Eric,

This is also wrong. The asymmetries would have been destroyed a long time ago, also with the consent of the dark ones, were it not for the higher realms who keep this precarious situation calm as they do not need any social crashes that would give the dark side the possibility to establish the NWO. The most important variable in this game is the deep slumber of the masses that would have allowed this final enslavement. This is the reason why they keep the status quo and postpone all major events to the last possible  minute, as this is the less negative outcome.

When all humans are beamed sufficiently with energies and the dark astral patterns cleansed in the 4th dimension, then they will enter the scene and perform the ID split associated with all necessary social and economic crashes. The human protagonists on the ground have no say in this artificial drama, but their egos make them believe they are able to mend the situation.

OK, I’m in agreement then. But you know the stubborn part of me wants to know – “how do they do it?”.

Are the higher realms somehow empowering the Markets or certain politicians, so that things stay whole in the interim?

Are the higher realms conscious beings or is just a kind of energetic phenomenon? I could never understand if what we are dealing with higher up are more evolved beings or just energetic energy which may be part of all-that-is. Or is this higher energy just a higher part of ourselves?

These questions may sound odd or even dumb but you know, having read your writings I still don’t have clarity over that issue in my own mind.

They are both – there are powerful sentient beings, we are such beings, and there are simply distributors of energy which run the whole show behind the veil and then there is a conscious energy that permeates everything. – George
Dear George,

To send this full circle, it’s interesting how the Western world morphed into a pure financially driven economy preceding these End Times. Is that in unconscious anticipation of the final events that would break the back of our economy, thus opening us up to these energies before the ID split, or is it just the product of the dark forces that intended to blindfold us all and make us subject to the whole economic risks associated with the excessive financialization of the economy?

I guess the intermixing of these two scenarios would describe the situation we are in – dark seeks enslavement thru economic suffering, while light wanted maybe to expose us to the light and seeks to make us aware of the underlying dark theme that is present and particularly obvious to those subject to it thru the negativity in the financialization of the economy…

Dear Eric,

Read about my third axiom on the reciprocal behaviour of two gradients in a system to comprehend the dialectical nature of any strife. It is both, the Orion empire wanted to enslave humanity through financial fraud by impoverishing it and the forces of light used this same means to crash the power of the dark financial elite. It is a strife between local imbalances and an overall resonance at a higher level that deletes all local imbalances.

That is actually very interesting. You know too much! Don’t you ever leak and lose your insights? This discovery of yours is like a culmination of a huge amount of insight. I swear I lose my knowledge & insight every few years and have to attempt to recreate it by force. It’s like I’m subject to a lack to flow or sufficient velocity. I couldn’t imagine you figuring all this stuff out and being able to weave into so many damn things. It’s crazy!

Dear Eric,

you point to a fundamental cognitive phenomenon which I define as “mental compartmentalisation“. Of course I have gone astray many times during the development of the new theory of the Universal law, every time when I delved too much in details. Then I had to retrieve to the primary term of our consciousness and start from this point one more time and keep it simple and axiomatic. I am now publishing my book “Neoplatonism and Christianity ” as serials, where I address precisely this issue with respect to these two gnostic teachings.

In the course of my explorations of this and other realities, I have established such a firm, global  thought gestalt (pattern) – a huge conglomerate of consistent information and causal interrelationships in all spheres of life, that I can easily navigate in any new, uncharted territory and have an immediate overview and orientation.

Ultimately, this is a question of how disciplined you are in your thinking, that goes way beyond the petty esoteric stuff I am dealing most of the time on this website, which has the only purpose to keep the morale of the PAT members high as to raise their personal frequencies and thus help Gaia and humanity ascend, and myself with them.

But for the time being, there is no chance that they can step more deeply into my theory and begin to comprehend the dialectical way of thinking that is behind the new Theory of the Universal Law, and which transcends all mental or any other awareness. You should not forget that I was activated 40 years ago (1972) by my soul and that I am on the last most intensive path of ascension since 1992. This is a cumulative result.

Well I know when I read this, I scrolled over it looking for evidence of my own personal thoughts and such. Like would the reading be in line with my own cumulative thinking… But I realize now if I took the time to read it in your own terms, I would pick up more. But I think the problem now is the timing. Most PAT are just trying to arrange their lives now and the insights in your book will have to wait I guess.

But to comment on discipline in thinking, you’ve probably found that at least young people these days with insights and innovative thoughts have their insight eradicated by the blunt force of 3D and its low level energies, which act as a kind of police over ones creative energies, so that they can’t get to the elevation your thinking operates from. This may be changing lately though…

We will have enough time after ascension and the ID split to continue with these discussions  on my theory and the like. This theory is not meant for this earth, this became poignantly clear to me several years ago.

July 8, 2012

Dear Dr Stankov,

Jim Willie of GoldenJackass is one of the few voices who condemned the US Fed’s QEs and zero interest rate regimes since the Lehman financial crisis in 2008. In the above article, he throws light as to how the LIBOR price rig is crucial (through interest rate swaps) mechanism giving rise to the “phony flight-to-safety” of US Treasury Bonds (where the 10-year rate is ultra low ~ slightly over 1%).  Unless there are other desperate measures of propping the US T-bonds with zero interest funds, this “tower” and everything (from banks, US dollar, economy, etc) is going to implode, excepting  precious metals he says.

However, I don’t see much point in his advice to put one’s money in these things.  Aren’t these also subject to the PTB’s control?  Your views would be much appreciated!

Kind Regards,
bee lian ho
By the end of this summer the financial system will irreversibly collapse and there will be no money at all. Thus all kinds of financial advices are obsolete.



July 9, 2012

I stand corrected. Your newsletter is NOT about ascension but rather about the new theory of Universal Law of which you are only a conduit. Thank you for clarifying.

best regards,

Demitra M. N.


Dear Demitra,

I must correct you one more time, as you have obviously not grasped the meaning of my words. Of course is the  scientific theory of the Universal law in the centre of my interest and this has been my declared goal from the very beginning. But this theory also renders the theoretical, physical  background for ascension. When I say that it will be a manual for the future transgalactic human society, this means that this society must have ascended before that. In this sense ascension is a vital aspect of the new theory, but the theory is much more than ascension.

It is not “either or” as you see the reality in your undialectical, mechanical Anglo-Saxon way of thinking, but all inclusive “as well as”. I am trying to educate my readers in this kind of all-inclusive dialectical thinking since I have opened this website and obviously I have fully failed as I see now. This is indeed a very frustrating conclusion, I must admit.

With love and light



On Metatron Messages

Dear George,

Your statement, “I see this dilemma for instance with Tyberonn who channels Metatron and the quality of his messages fluctuates a lot – from good to crap.” prompted me to search for the latest channelings of Tyberonn/Metatron. You may already have seen one or both of these two latest ones: (July 2012)

I love this closing statement in #74, “It is coronal mass ejections, gamma energy and a harmonic showering from the planets, moons and stars, from sources that are unimaginable to your scientists.” (Sorry, Daemon!) (May 24, 2012)

In #73, the importance of Arkansas is discussed, i.e., the crystals and energies located there are crucial to the final transition process that will trigger on 12-12-12 and finalize on 12-21-12.  Perhaps that explains the PTB’s desperate efforts to trigger the New Madrid Fault last year, i.e., to interfere with this process, not to mention killing, crippling and demoralizing as many of us as possible, as part of their ongoing depopulation agenda.

Please don’t feel obliged to comment on these, or even read them, George; I’m simply letting you know about them.  If nothing else, they broaden our understanding of, and appreciation for, this unprecedented and extraordinarily massive transition of Earth and Humanity that is literally less than six months away, though incredible events may occur well before then, such as an interdimensional split/shift.

The more I continue to read and learn, the more I am humbled by the sheer complexity of it all.  To top things off and further complicate matters, the benevolent Cosmic forces have to constantly deal with “bad children” (PTB/Cabal) muddying up our wading pool and stomping on our sand castles. No worries… these “children” will be receiving their very own playground very soon!

Dear Bill,

the last two messages from Metatron are good, especially the last one and they indeed show how complex the whole processes are. This is the reason why I prefer to make general observations and never delve too much in details as they will be necessarily wrong.

The forces of light have to cope indeed with a lot of dark interventions, whereas we are the most fierce warriors in the dream state and do the most dirty jobs cleansing these dark ones. But altogether the most decisive factor is the big slumber, in which most of humanity still resided that has hindered so far the occurrence of bigger events.


On Free Photon Energy

July 8, 2012

Hi Georgi,

I’ve just read your article on free photon energy of 6 July 2012.

In the light of Great Central Sun Transmissions it now makes perfect sense why such technology would be suppressed by TPB. The ruling cabal (Orion et al) are either electrical, electromagnetic or radioactive by nature (in terms of their genetic makeup), so of course they would be interested in pushing their technology (electric, electromagnetic, radioactive) at the detriment of humans (who are magnetic by nature).

At the same time, the cabal would do anything to prevent humans from the generation of magnetic energy, since such energy would be detrimental to the cabal’s physiology and would, as a result, weaken them and therefore undermine their ability to rule this planet and its inhabitants. (“all these inventors have now great difficulties to explain the fact that their generators of free magnetic energyproduce much more power than they need for the running of these machines“.)

Fascinating how it is all coming together now! Like, why we humans are suffering so much from electromagnetic smog and low-frequency electromagnetic radiation (mobile phones, WiFi), not to mention how TPB are not at all bothered by the continued radioactive emissions from Fukushima et al…

In the spirit of PAT,
July 8, 2012


I was thinking to myself, does the photon energy gradient has the equivalent of a “topology” or at least allow for variations in topology that in other words, could explain some of the complexity of life? I always wondered how biological flows of energy and gradients could operate. I assume that if the gradient is giving off free energy, than complexity itself can arise and engage itself through the topology of the gradient. Does this agree with your theory? I read some of the biological regulation book, but that part of my comments was never clear to me.

Dear Eric,

You are actually talking about spirit behind the photon energy and any other energy, which is conscious and creative energy and always creates forms and individual awareness. This is what we will work with after ascension – immediate creation through imagination.


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