State-of-Ascension-Report-106: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-106, June 4, 2012

Croatia Dalmatia Square

A Conversation with Sarah on the End Times and the Balkan History

June 3-4, 2012

Dear Sarah,

I hope you will have a nice swimming day today and, indeed, you must be a German to swim at that time of the year. My wife does this since one month in Germany, although the water in the near-by caterpillar-ponds (Baggerseen), as they call them here, is icy as the nights are still very cold.

You have used a Turkish word “Budala” that made me smile. It means indeed a “stupid person” and I remember that my grandmother and even my father used this word very often when they scolded me. So this word is also used in Croatian. Good to know!

The situation in Eastern Europe is a prototype of what will soon happen on a global scale. However one must have lived in these countries to understand all the underground social currents that shape the people there. I always profit  from this experience when I analyse the West, as these countries are in their collective material and spiritual development much more advanced than the West, and in particular the USA.

I am for instance flabbergasted by the encroaching stupidity of the German nation and its mass media in the last years and months. The debauchery of the collective Western mind has reached pathological dimensions and only a sweeping cosmic event can liberate humanity from its perennial material enslavement, based on its total mental confusion.

From that point of view, the outcome in the End Times is rather predictable, as there is not much choice for humanity to survive, but to ascend to a new world.

We can discuss this issue in more detail after your fresh bath. Enjoy it first!

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

Thanks for informing us about Budala. Leo didn’t know it was Turkish. There are many Turkish words used in Croatian, like cipele (shoes), divan, duvec (joo-vech in anglo-pronunciation) (mixed vegetable rice dish), top (gun), dzeva (Turkish coffee pot) etc etc. If you go to any Croatian home they’ll make you inevitably Turkish coffee.

I had a nice swim in the salt-water pool here, thanks for wishing it to be so. I also got brave and jumped in the sea later. It was brisk but not unbearable. I swear there is something medicinal in the Adriatic. It always makes me feel better and more refreshed, alive, revived, and sleep well.

Tonight we went for a long walk on the lungomare in Opatijia. Here you can see the prototype of the freedom of what you’re talking about in Eastern Europe. True, some of the hotels are thriving with Western European tourists and gambling, but basically you can still see mostly local people walking along, enjoying swimming, fishing, sitting and talking on the many benches.

The other night we walked and there was this huge multi-billionaire looking yacht and right beside it were some local guys fishing with a string! I mean, in the States, I imagine it would be manned with armed guards and a “no trespassing” sign. There were also a young local family cleaning the fish they had caught for themselves right in front of a fancy restaurant. No one cared but I think in western countries there would be a law against that. You can still see normal people living in the villas that were divided into apartments for working people during Yugoslavia, probably confiscated from Italian fascists and Austrians and Hungarian royalty. That is maybe one leftover of socialism that makes things feel a bit more egalitarian, but it’s changing fast.

There are more and more people looking through the trash every day here, it’s tragic. Leo says you would never see that 30 years ago. He’s not lamenting Yugoslavia, for sure, but there were at least safety nets for the poor and there were not many really poor people then in the western sense of total isolation and psychological poverty. Everyone was basically physically poor on the same level, but they had community and family and camaraderie.

Leo and I pondered a lot tonight about these subjects. He was saying as an encapsulation of what he loves about this region is the instinctive flow here, people are still close to their feelings and you feel that immediately. The downside of that is that sometimes they lack what appears as grace to a westerner and social respect, they become too familiar immediately and Anglo-Saxons cannot handle that. There is also the negative tendency to be jealous of what others have, and to hold grudges when that sort of instinctual warmth and hospitality evaporates in the face of confrontation or some perceived transgression. People here can be truly revengeful. But I suppose that is world wide a phenomenon.

The other advantage of Eastern European culture, and I think, in particular Balkan culture is because they have remained close to their instincts, they have also remained closer to nature.  People here still love to go into the forest and collect truffles, wild fennel, nettles, asparagus, porcini (called “vrganje” here) sage, rosemary, wild strawberries, and other berries. People still make their own wine, rakija (schnapps), cheese, and olive oil. The European Union would regulate and end all that homegrown culture, and thank god the EU will end soon.

I read a guidebook the other day to this region in which an American tourist went to the market in Rijeka and called it the “farmer’s market”, but that’s because they are American and this concept of a fresh market is something Americans have just recently revived in the last 10-15 years, which is wonderful, but in Croatia, at least, the fresh market is the only place a reasonable person would want to shop. Now that is changing and supermarkets are appearing and undercutting prices and making it difficult to buy local produce because imported stuff is cheaper.

I know you know all, this so I will wrap this up now because I wanted to hear more about why you perceive Eastern European culture is more spiritually and materially developed than in the West. I could go on and on about the spiritual immaturity I see in these countries and the very provincial mindset and totalitarian mindset that is full suspicion and fear that still limits people here. But I am pretty sure I know what you are getting at, I’d just like to hear more exactly what you mean by that?

I know time is getting short, but I actually think this is a very relevant topic to emerge because it’s especially important to give people who have less awareness of this part of the world more of an understanding of the real openness and advantages of the very deep and nuanced social threads through which this part of the world weaves it’s way within the sea of confusion in modern times towards the greater ocean of collective unity. (let’s hope!)

Fully concur with your comments about the western media. Having worked within the US media somewhat in my early years out of school, I can tell you it became so quickly clear that I had to stay out of that morass of corruption and dumbed down cultural commentary….

I quote you:

“From that point of view, the outcome in the End Times is rather predictable, as there is not much choice for humanity to survive, but to ascend to a new world.

We can discuss this issue in more detail….” okay, let’s discuss it. but it’s true there isn’t any choice anymore that is so clear….

Much love and moonlight and hopefully meet you in our dreams…sonje slatko!
Dear Sarah,

thank you very much for this cunning and comprehensive elaboration on the Croatian and Easteuropean way of life. It depicts very well the typical aspects of these societies and their collective behaviour.

Now first to the word “budala”. This word was used so often in Bulgaria that it actually lost its original meaning and I do not believe that my relatives put too much meaning into it. At least I did not, as I was such an energy driven child that I never stopped and pondered what the adults were telling me as I considered them stupid at that time and I have preserved this opinion by and large. At least with respect to my countrymen. The other words you have mentioned are also used in Bulgarian.

I remember when I asked for a Turkish coffee in Greece the first time I was there, how the Greek waiter looked scornfully at me and told me that they have no Turkish coffee, but only Greek coffee. Then I told him I did not know that the Greek grow coffee and he did not serve me. This is the big difference between the Greeks and the other Southslavonic (Yugoslav) people on the Balkan. They may be nationalists, but they are not chauvinists as the Greeks are. They may despise their Ottoman past, but they do not negate it as the Greeks do. But these are mere nuances and the overall picture is rather grim.

Human passions can be very strong on the Balkan and they are all materialistically motivated. In this sense, when I wrote that the Easteuropean population is materialistically and spiritually more advanced than in the West, I simply meant that they have already gone through their tribulations after the Fall of the Iron curtain and in former Yugoslawien through 5 civil and other wars, which the West may experience this year. These people witnessed the collapse of the communist system, with which they identified themselves to the very last moment and then learnt quickly to disbelieve any state form. They fell into the abyss of most primitive post-socialist predator type of capitalism, from which they expected miracles, only to become more impoverished than under the communist rule as you have rightly observed.

This recent historical experience has created a complex mixture of healthy cynicism, fatalism and inner detachment from this reality, which the western population will only reach this year. In this sense I meant that the people in Eastern Europe are spiritually better prepared for the final countdown, as they have gone through all possible mental and emotional calamities, but unfortunately have not learnt much. So their ordeal is still ongoing.

They become easily familiar with westerners because they are not used to respect the natural boundaries of human individuality, as this category of social  behaviour is  unknown historically in these cultures, as is the case in most underdeveloped societies. This can be seen also  in some parts of Western Europa such as South Italy and Spain, although much has changed there in the meantime.

But the free space for individualism in the West has ultimately led to the utmost form of alienation, which is in fact an expression of  carelessness and lack of true humanism in the collective world view. The optimal solution would have been a combination of the easy socialisation of the East with a true respect for the private boundaries of the individual in the West. I can only hope that this new way of life will be possible on the balanced earth A/B.

With this I think I have covered the main topics you  have addressed in your email.

Many warm greetings to Leo!

With love and light

Dear Georgi,

Thank you very much for your precise and pungent response to my comments on Eastern Europe, which I hardly expected, and greatly appreciate.

I was moved by Dorie’s “Let Go Of…” brave account of her recent life, and also your dream on June 3rd. I will be observing and waiting for the intuitive higher self downloads.

I don’t know how much time or interest you have to respond (and don’t expect it) but I feel it a duty to comment just a bit further on this region, as a contribution (for the benefit of all) and then try to give a succinct account of the last two months for us, as I promised yesterday.

Remember I’m Anglo-Saxon in heritage, I keep my promises… unlike people here who are always exclaiming “Things will get done, I promise and then it’s “sutra, sutra, sutra”! (tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow).  Leo once told me his Ukrainian Jungian analyst in NY told him 25 years ago that “Because Slavs arrived late to psychological development, they identify imagining with doing.”  But that means they will do great in the 5th dimension! By the way, “Ljepi pozdrav od Lea”

My 3D ethnic background is northeast German, Swiss alpine, coastal Norwegian and southern English and maybe some Irish…. hope you know I’m joking about Slavs not keeping promises…

In modern times among educated pseudo-liberal white Americans of my age group it used to be kind of a source of shame to be Anglo-Saxon, because of our imperial brutal history, at least that is my impression and feeling. When I was younger I used to wish I was born brown-skinned, no joke. But all this is cultural romanticism.

After all, we are all PAT, global citizens, but these cultural specificities about the East can provide useful insights into what is to come very soon for the West.

Your story about asking for Turkish coffee in Greece was hilarious. I haven’t been to Greece, so this is news for me about the chauvinism towards their Ottoman past. I thought you said you had some Greek heritage–Thessaloniki, correct?


First of all, as you rightly put it, “the overall picture here is rather grim” despite the fact that Eastern Europeans and especially Balkan Yugoslavs have gone through their ‘tribulations’ in the form of 5 civil wars and they definitely are not in denial about suffering, even if they haven’t yet learned enough from their recent experiences of “post-socialist predator type capitalism from which they expected miracles and are now more impoverished than before”.

In Sarajevo in 2008 I noticed they are rather at ease with their Ottoman history, and in reference to their wartime past, they were making souvenirs of old bullets, bomb shells and grenades that the snipers poured down on them in the longest siege in modern European history. Only in the Balkans can you find this sense of black humor that transforms the worst human conditions into humor. Bosnians, seem to me, much more open and aware than Croatians. Leo confirms this. I don’t know enough of Serbia to comment.

In Serbia, recently the newly elected super-nationalist President is causing regional trouble in his statements that “Vukovar (the most brutally bombed and destroyed town on the Croatian side of the Serb-Croatian border on the Danube) is really a “Serbian” city.” Another comment was that “Srebrenica (in Bosnia) was not a genocide”. There were also huge uproars in Macedonia recently between Albanians and Serbs there. The regional tensions continue…

I will mention at this space a recent personal situation b/c it’s reflective of Eastern European dire economic and moral situation and relevant to what will happen or has already happened (as Dorie illustrates) to all of us personally soon:

Two weeks ago we fulfilled one of our last 3D wishes to see the work of Edvard Munch and travel to Oslo. There are direct flights on Ryanair from Pula, here. I got in touch with my vikingness and we reveled in the truly energetic intensity of Munch’s paintings. He seemed to see energy around him everywhere. As he said, I don’t paint what I see, but what I “saw” within me.

That trip is another story….but… the day we got back to Rijeka, Leo called his sister who is here from NY visiting their 90 year old mother who has been in a nursing home the past 3 years. A couple of weeks ago the director of this nursing home was killed instantly in a 6-motorcycle accident on the coastal road here.

We didn’t know this would affect his mother but the minute we called Mirjana (Leo’s sister) she was all in a total frenzied state, saying the rumor is that the nursing home is closing because the dead director left it in total debt, the nurses have not been paid in 5 MONTHS, and she’s moving his mother back to the Rijeka apartment along with 2 full time nurses, and could we please IMMEDIATELY remove the majority of the heavy furniture which we restored a few years ago and take it to the village house (of his mother’s youth) that we’d been restoring, along with the majority of our clothes and things.

There’s now not enough space for us and the live-in nurses, in the 1.5 bedroom apartment they grew up in Rijeka where we’ve been staying for the past year and more, and the village house is not complete (no heating, no kitchen), but within 24 hours we packed up the majority of our stuff, hired a big truck (thanks to a friend who has one), and moved most of our stuff to this empty house 40 min. away in the mountains.  I only mention this to illustrate the severe U-turn we had to take. Now we are jumping from rental to rental in the next few weeks, but we’re okay. I don’t care about the possessions and I know this is probably the Divine All-That-Is telling us to get rid of stuff and detach. okay, point taken!


I also mention this for the following more universal reasons:

1) The situation with the indebted nursing home and lack of paying workers’ salaries in totally symptomatic of the whole of Croatia and Balkans. Recently there was a protest on the island of Brac by workers who hadn’t been paid in a stone mine there for months. The police came out with riot gear and arrested a bunch of unarmed protesting men who worked for 20 years or more. Many of them were war veterans and they tore up their military cards in visible protest of the shame they felt in fighting, and then being raped by the local govt and corporations. A friend who is a taxi driver here wasn’t paid for 6 months. The average retirement pension here is something like 300 Euros a month, not enough to survive! I’m also told there is semi-permanent tent camp outside of Zagreb of people who are “occupying” it and have not been paid by another factory for over a year. Recently a waitress from the interior of Slavonija told us people are literally hungry in that region where she is from.

2) The frenzied state of Leo’s sister (which is a fairly normal behavior for her, after all she’s a trained psychiatrist!) will be just the tip of the iceberg of behavior that will flare in coming months in the West and all over the world.

3) Our state of semi-homelessness is also symptomatic of the times to come for many of us and probably is a good way of detaching from material reality. Leo and I have always been “wanderweg”(s) in this world anyway, so this is not that difficult for us. I think Kari from Hawaii mentioned a similar state of affairs for her.

Another reason that Eastern Europe is in better position is what Georgi mentioned – having been through all these wars and catharsis already. It always floors me how in denial the US media is… they are still calling the “total depression” a ” possible recession” since 2008!  People here were laughing when asked about an economic “crisis” 3 years ago. They would say, “Crisis, what crisis, we’re always in crisis….and we survive !” (Do they thrive, though, that is another question?)

Also interesting to mention, as far as the Balkans and Eastern Europe fulfilling their quotient of suffering… Leo’s mother is 90. She is a typical provincial woman from a peasant mountain village, who moved to the city after WWII and marriage to a city man, Leo’s father, born in 1913 and left this world in 1990. His family migrated from the border of then Italian-dominated mountainous Slovenia behind Trieste in the late 19th century.

As for suffering, her tiny village of 700 people was occupied by three armies-  Italian, German and Partisan (Communist, but not necessarily all in that army believed in communism, they were mostly Anti-Fascist, a difference most western people don’t understand).

Her own house, because it was large and central, was literally lived in by the officers of these three armies. Her father had left for America back in 1923, a year after she was born, and she and her mother had one tiny room to themselves, while the Officers occupied everything else. These two women almost starved, survived attempted rape, and the death of some in their village, and the confiscation of a lot of their land, later. She also has memories of living near Karlobag and hearing Ustase shooting their enemies outside the city. This same woman lived through the Yugoslav wars (though Rijeka was spared battles).

Every Russian and Eastern European of these generations probably has similar and even worse stories. When I try to explain this to my American family, repeatedly, it’s almost like they cannot get their head around it, they kind of tune out, and don’t want to hear about it.


Another insipid cultural American trait is to deny suffering. This is especially true where I come from, the blase’ Midwest. I am sure our PAT member, Amy can relate to this. Whenever I go home I am struck by how if I mention even a shred of my basic disgust with our political system and the state of affairs, people rush instantly to make it all better with an upward swing of fake positivity. If I even so honestly say something like, “No, I am not “fine”, I am heartbroken at what is happening , etc.”, people just look at you with a blank stare and change the subject.

Georgi, you’ve often commented on the greater the struggle and capacity to suffer (with the soul providing a “modicum of social stability”), and persevere the greater the reward in the Cosmic Dimensions. I think the Western cultures will have to learn this very quickly in the coming months and have a severe mirror held up to the intense denial they’ve been in for decades and centuries. Being formerly “on top” of the world in terms of Empire and Imperialism, the British and Americans will have the severest wake up call.

In Eastern Europe, as many reading this site know and Georgi, Joana and our Hungarian and Italian, and South American friends (Paolo, Marco, Alberto etc.) probably know, if you’re not complaining about something and feeling cynical and distrustful of government and the consensus reality, in these regions you’re considered budala and without common sense!  I’m not saying this is great, but it is better than being in a fake positivity that is so endemic amongst the majority of Americans (excluding the PAT of course).


One thing – recently a friend sent me a link to that Greg Giles guy (i don’t at all keep up with the new age sites) about future availability of “free energy devices”. I will send you the link if you want, but you’re probably already aware of it. I assume he was channeling the info you’ve already mentioned about the future technology of free energy distribution?

I will wait to hear back from you before I go further b/c I know I’ve maybe said too much but I think some of it is relevant to what is happening to all of us.

Much love to you and thanks for the humor as always Georgi! stairway to heaven, humor is– we agree!

Love, Sarah
Dear Sarah,

you have addressed so many related topics and aspects, jumping from East to West, which I like very much as an approach,  that I must see that I keep them all in my mind, while commenting your email.

The Slavs are known to not keep their promises, but so do most of the Germans nowadays and in this respect I observe a deplorable levelling towards the worst possible behaviour in Europe. This also holds true for most Anglo-Saxon people and I begin to doubt if this incorrectness is determined by nationality. It is rather ubiquitous.

I did mention that my family comes from North Greece indeed, from Macedonia, Thessaloniki  and the near-by town of Gianniza (former Endji Vardar), former Pela, the capital of Alexander, the Great. But we are Macedonians, Southslavs and have nothing to do with the Greeks, except that they wanted to kill my grandfather around the turn of the 20th century because he  promoted the Bulgarian culture as a teacher there. After paid killers from Crete came to kill him and his family in a Mafia-like manner, he had to flee to Bulgaria, leaving his house and everything he possessed in Thessaloniki. This is a long and typical Balkan story and I do not want to indulge in it now.

But the Greeks are such chauvinists that they do no even recognize that there is a Macedonian language and a large Slavonic minority in North Greece and are indoctrinated to believe that it is a Greek dialect, although they do not understand a single Macedonian word. I recently discussed this issue with Nik from Athene on this website. When I ask the Greeks  how comes that I understand the peasants on the Thessaloniki market when they speak Macedonian, while I myself do not speak a single word Greek, which is not true as understand quite a lot, they have no answer. This is another proof for their chauvinism.

I have personally no pity for the present calamities that the Greeks are experiencing in the course of their debt crisis, as their inability to oppose the austerity measures  and change the course is a proof for me how dumbed down they really are. I thought they were more rebellious, but I am used to all kinds of disappointment in the course of this last incarnation on this toxic planet and hence I am not terribly surprised how the Greeks behave.

The Bosnians are predominantly Moslems and have always considered themselves to be a legitimate part of the Ottoman Empire, contrary to the other Southslavs, who were considered to be the “raja” (the slaves of this empire), and this is the reason why the Bosnians are very keen on their Ottoman past, as the novels of Ivo Andric, the only Southslavonic Nobel prize winner in literature perspire.

The massacre in Srebrenica may indeed be no massacre at all, but a fabricated case by the West to start the war against Serbia and throw away the Russians from the Balkan, as is now the case with the massacre in Syria. There have been three official international investigations on it so far and two have come to the conclusion that it was not a genocide, but a war battle and the killed combatants were put in collective graves afterwards as to camouflage a massacre by the Serbs.

The third investigation which was supposed to object the results of these two has never been published. If you watched the trial against Mladic at the international tribunal  at the Hague, it was opened for one day and then again postponed without any apparent reason for unknown time, as the prosecutor had great difficulties to prove Mladic’s crime in a legal manner.

My personal guess is that the American and NATO cabal instigated this massacre case with their clones, with which they flooded Bosnia at that time (for which there are many proofs), as to bomb Serbia and ruin this region for many reasons, which will take a whole book to present. The Americans have a lot of southslavonic blood on their hands, as I visited at that time several times the Balkans and saw how many crimes they committed on the Southslavonic people, just as they do all the time elsewhere throughout the world. This should be clearly said at this place.

Your family U-turns are representative of those of the general LW community and seem to have reached a peak in these last days prior to ascension. Hence you are fully in trend. This is the most clear sign that we are leaving this reality and one should see these events from the positive perspective.

The most common trait of the current debased humanity is its inability to step up in other people’s shoes and experience compassion for their sufferings. This does not mean that one should immediately rush and help these people, but the lack of any understanding among the masses is really staggering these days and all western media are paradigmatic for this ubiquitous lack of human compassion.

This will become more evident each day as the new energies of transparency flood earth and change the mind set of many people. Just as the Americans are unable to feel the pains they are causing to numerous nations for many years, so do many other people seldom exhibit understanding for the problems of other nations in trouble. I have observed this disinterested attitude among my countrymen in Bulgaria and this has always made me furious.

All humanity lives now in a  state of denial and this becomes more evident each day. Take for instance the abnormal trajectory of the sun in the last days, which everybody can see with naked eyes. There are seven billion people that can see this astronomic anomaly due to the wobbling of the earth around its axis as a result of the powerful magnetic effect of Nibiru on our planet, and yet, there is still no official commentary on this obvious fact. It is really mind-boggling how blind and dumbed down humanity is shortly before ascension, and we should forget all the nice, euphemistic chatter of the ignorant New Agers  in their chronic, esoteric logorrhea. Apart from the PAT, the current ascension process is a disgrace to the human race.

Finally  to Greg Giles, After he published numerous Orion-tainted channelings in the past, he produced only recently some very interesting messages about new technologies and I immediately honoured this and published a link to him. However, he now slipped back again to his previous low quality of channeling, so that it is obvious that this entity has not the intellectual capacity to be a clear channel.

I hope that I covered the most important issues you have raised.

With love and light

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