PAT Comments on the Last Post

On Robert’s Report from Mt. Shasta at Summer Solstice

June 26, 2012

Hi George ~

just returned from Mount Shasta and apparently in form as I write this to you. As synchronicity avail, I was at the highest point during the peak of solstice playing my crystal singing bowl… sending out a high heart tone of love with the frequency of my own tone.  The sky was completely clear blue as the light was incredibly intense, while unity consciousness imbued the mountain. There were many that came and contributed to this grand moment some in groups as well as many alone, all playing a part in this grand symphony. Not far from me someone playing a flute and off to another area someone with their drum, others OM-ing and toning and all meditating and praying….

Like Robert, I too walked the labyrinth prior to the peak time, all the while playing my smaller bowl. I understand that there was no water coming out of the mountain all the way up to horse camp, higher than Redfir flats where Robert was. I was told this was very unusual.

Struggling with disappointment,
I have surrendered to timing.
I am “out of time” and in no space.
I am “out of my mind” and in my heart place.

Nothing left to do or say only to be here this today

Still catching up with your newest posts and will continue to follow to the last day. Any sense some of the PAT have ascended?  Be fun to do a roll call…. so many that have connected with you, I feel their energy and know them.  Again thank you for holding up the field in the splendid way that you do.

much love



June 26, 2012

Dear George,I forgot to mention, as I am still processing, but the town’s people told several people that the US military had shown there presence in the past 2 weeks & had been seen flying helicopters around the mountain (Shasta). I feel that is one reason why these MAJOR ACTIVATIONS were so clandestine. Monday – Wednesday nights were ABSOLUTELY quiet on the mountain, but Thursday night as I lay in my tent processing, I heard 4 different aircraft fly over the mountain.Just for information, the portal that would ALLOW ALL HUMANITY TO ASCEND was opened Wednesday Afternoon the 20th & the giant violet merkabaic portal that will ALLOW GAIA TO ASCEND, that took us 4 days to fully activate, was fully opened Thursday Night the 21st. I am convinced that these last TWO MAJOR PORTALS could not have been activated without the pulse coming from the OM CRYSTAL. As we were doing the activations we could all FEEL THE PULSE through our hands & everything we touched (rocks, trees etc.). Need to rest now.

With love & light,



Dear Robert,

this is an important confirmation that the announced Om wave has been activated on June 21 in the evening. My huge wave started also on June 21 in the evening and is still on. I had always wondered  about what the military is doing in the case of Mt. Shasta and if they intervene. Thank you for this information.



On Juliano’s (The Group of Forty) Biorelativity of Ascension (In “Enslavement of Humanity by Shape-Shifters as Politicians)

June 26, 2012

Dear George,

I’m actually ashamed to admit this, but it became clear to me this morning after reading David Miller’s channeling of Juliano addressing Biorelativity that my thinking process has been really off. All along, I have been rooting for more severe signs of Earth changes (absent the deaths, of course), such as stronger earthquakes, increased volcanic eruptions, more intense storms, etc., as these would be undeniable signs for me that Earth’s transformation was accelerating, primarily due to Nibiru’s influence.

Well, it seems that giving my energy in this fashion, i.e., focusing my attention on calamity, is all wrong.  Instead, I should be visualizing a beautiful, pristine, 5th-dimensional Earth, as that is what we ultimately desire. Thus, my sole point with this email is to help even one unknowing star seed to re-focus their energy toward 5th-dimensional Earth, rather than, for example, monitoring an earthquake site or lapping up the Earth changes on a cabal site like ZT (rife with disinformation). One should be aware of these changes, but not give any energy to them.

Here is the Biorelativity lecture that made me realize I have been counterproductive up to now (at least in my awake state):



Dear Bill,

this is a very good intention. In fact this is exactly what we are doing with this website as a forum for the PAT. We exclusively concentrate on the positive timeline of ascension and charge it with affirmative thoughts and ideas that amplify their energetic strength. When we mention possible catastrophes in conjunction with the mandatory magnetic pole reversal during the ID split, we only do this for the sake of completeness but never bother to delve into these fear based issues. This is the only website on ascension that does not discuss such horror scenarios as arrests or survival strategies after the Rupture, but solely supports the notion that the only safety belt one has in these End Times is the inner space of the soul –  a full awareness and a clear mind about the coming events.

In this sense we already display this “biorelativity”, the group Juliano is talking about. It has always been a basic thought in my editorial activity to promote consistent information. I am fully aware how basic gestalt ideas, even when generated by a single person, can transform the energetic probability model of the whole humanity as long as these patterns are sustained stable over a long period of time.

Even the nystatin project which failed practically due to the current debased conditions of the crumbling old Orion matrix has already created a new more positive biorelativity level for the balanced earth A/B by demonstrating which aspects of the current health care and economic system hinder this progressive initiative, so that they will be eliminated on the earth A/B after the split.

My objective has always been to establish within the PAT structure a coherent collective gestalt pattern of individual thoughts and visions which have the propensity to evolve to an infinite, boundless variety, but still superimpose harmoniously to a coherent stable wave pattern due to their inner consistency and lack of contradictions of the basic ideas. This is what human Axiomatics of the Universal Law is all about. This approach allows for a huge amplification of the collective thought pattern of the PAT and determines the destiny of mankind much more profoundly than the sum of all dis-concordant ideas of all other New Agers put together. This has always been my primary goal, no mater what I am doing in particular and the content of this website is the ultimate proof for the realisation of this endeavour.

With love and light



June 25, 2012

Dear George,

I have been reading your posts since the beginning. Today I am aware of a huge ocean wave of energy Juliano is describing. I woke up today with the words: A formless net of water. I spent sometime with this and it was just after visiting the link you posted with the Group of Forty, that I found this material about the ocean wave of energy.

To connect these. Yesterday evening in the shower my third eye received a transmission in dynamic colors and geometries of light. This has happened before at very pivotal times. The last occasion was on October 14, 2011, during the time we, the PAT team, opened our portals. I had the most magnificent transmission vision at that time. I know that today’s insights from my HS are instrumental to the current activity and to the Biorelativity Juliano wrote about. To me the formless net (grid) of water(oceanic wave of energy) is a metaphor depicting what he is expressing in the underlined passage below.

Many times my HS directs me to facts to substantiate and correlate my direct experience. I know there is an urgency at hand as I too am palpably feeling the “wave” that is here as the precursor to Ascension.

In the USA we are having having detectable and very obvious extreme weather factors. I live in the Hawaiian Islands and it is in the 60’s with high winds and cold rain everyday as if it were our normal February weather. A woman in Northern California stated her area is usually in the 80’s on this same day as a year before, but his week it was 48 degrees. The heat wave in Toronto brought the temperature to an increase of 20 degrees during a heat wave in just 11 minutes. There is also an uptick in seismic movement this week. Much is happening through Gaia at this very moment, all in synchronicity with the precise timetable of events outlined here as the prelude to the split of time-lines you have described. I too, experienced ascension in October of 2010 and I also have experienced dramatic LBP symptoms during our PAT journey.

Here is the passage I referred to above. Taken from David Miller’s website regarding his message through Juliano’s recent post on Biorelativity: The following is helpful for where we are right in this moment of our transformation:

“These waves are like an ocean of spiritual-dimensional, fifth-dimensional energy coming to this planet in anticipation of the Ascension, in anticipation of this intersection.

The intersection of the dimensions which will lead to the Ascension will be a positive experience for those who are ascending. At the same time, those energy waves that are coming and will be here can be directed in using Biorelativity exercises. You can use Biorelativity with fifth-dimensional energy to even quantumly affect the stability of the Fukushima power plant, for example, so that it doesn’t collapse, and those rods don’t fall to the ground. Use the fifth-dimensional waves to focus more on bringing moisture to the Southwest and to focus on creating a bigger balance on the weather patterns, to stabilize the plates on the planet. We know that there have been earthquake issues around Chile, and in Italy and around the Ring of Fire.

Bring these dimensional waves and focus them into the Etheric Crystals. The focus of the Etheric Crystals is significant, because the Etheric Crystals have the power to absorb and defuse in a positive way these dimensional waves. Remember, the dimensional waves cannot be integrated by those who are polarized. Or to put it in another way, those who are polarized significantly don’t have the openness and the sensitivity to work with or understand this kind of energy.Even for the star seeds, it is hard to store or to use this energy. Sometimes many of you don’t even know what to do with so much higher energy. Sometimes you may even feel so uncomfortable because of having so much high-level energy. At times each of you may feel unbalanced because there are waves of energy coming to you. The Etheric Crystals have the ability and the power to store this energy and then to defuse it and to refocus it for you. So, in the Biorelativity exercises, focus on the dimensional waves coming into the closest Etheric Crystal or focus on the dimensional waves coming into your Planetary City of Light or the Ring of Ascension.

In the final parts of this meditation, I, Juliano, am seeing this huge fifth-dimensional wave of beautiful power and energy coming to the Earth. See that wave being absorbed by the Ring of Ascension and see that wave being distributed from the Ring of Ascension to the 12 Etheric Crystals. These 12 Etheric Crystals are like new meridian lines throughout the whole planet distributing a balance and a fifth-dimensional power. So hold that thought for one minute as we are in meditation.

A beautiful fifth-dimensional wave has just been integrated into this planet by you, and then that wave is also integrating into your energy system now. And all of this is creating a greater attractive force for the coming dimensional intersection.

I am Juliano. Good day.

Thank you George for your never ending passion and commitment to the PAT Family.

With warmest regards,

Christina Fisher


Dear Christina,

thank you very much for your comprehensive comments on the last post. I can also confirm your experience with the latest huge energy wave which came to me yesterday and hit me rather heavily, so that I had to sleep in the afternoon. The wave current was so powerful that it simply swept me away. Then came my wife and awoke me all of a sudden, but although my mind was present, my body kept floating in the higher dimensions and simply took my mind with it, so that I could not enter this reality and fully awake for more than an hour. The energy was so powerful that my body simply melted into its vibrations. I could have sworn that I have already ascended, or better expressed, that the 5th dimension has already descended upon me.

These experiences are depicted by the group of forty (Juliano) and that is the reason why I published a link to this important message.

The extreme weather you describe is caused by the increased wobbling of the earth around its axis due to the approaching of Nibiru. I see each day pronounced striated cloud patterns that are also a consequence of this  pronounced wobbling. From this we can conclude that everything points to an imminent ID split and it may happen any time from now on, but nobody can tell the exact point in linear time. I have never witnessed so many signs and factors that confirm the coming of this event as in the last several days after summer solstice.

With love and light



June 25, 2012

Dear George,

As I was driving really straight for long periods (in Australia) and got into a receptive state of mind, it was if some other, higher part of me was reaching out to me in meditation. I’m usually not big on visuals, but what I received was colorful, serene, active and yet calm at the same time, like a representation of perfect balance in higher consciousness – male and female combined. The feeling was blissful and very soothing, like coming home into the warmth of a fireplace after a long and rainy journey through the night. The message, although not coming from distinctively far away, was validated for me, with certainty. It reminded me that everything is well, and Ascension assured.

Not long thereafter I become too tired to continue driving, and had to get off the road to take a nap. This has happened before at times when I suspected that I was needed to be at “another place”, free of the 3D body. I fell asleep right away and as I returned to the body I had the most incredible, positive outlook/feeling of… of… I don’t know, I couldn’t remember. I decided to go back to sleep again and awoke a second time with the most fantastic, unbelievably positive aftertaste of… and again, I just could not remember. I concluded that I was not allowed to remember, for good reasons I suppose, and as I settled into 3D felt miserable for a while. This, luckily, didn’t last too long… and so I continued my drive, getting seemingly random thoughts about Ascension being our surprise gift to ourselves. What an incredible journey!

I’m looking forward to the surprise, must be one hell of a gift.

Much Love

Andre (from Germany)


Dear Andre,

The best way to meditate is just to do a dull and monotonous work. I meditate for instance very well while cooking.

The problem of describing such an altered energetic state is that human language fails as a medium and people who do not have such experiences as us simply don’t get it and then doubt their validity and the reality of such transcendental states.

I would like to confirm your beautiful experience with my recent experience yesterday (June 24) when another big wave hit me and I had to go to sleep in the afternoon. The wave current was so powerful that it simply swept me away. Then came my wife and awoke me all of a sudden, but although my mind was present, my body kept floating in the higher dimensions and simply took my mind with it, so that I could not enter this reality and fully awake for more than an hour. The energy was so powerful that my body simply melted into its vibrations. I could have sworn that I have already ascended or better expressed that the 5th dimension has already descended upon me.

Such experiences have nothing in common with past human  experiences as they have been depicted in the esoteric literature for eons of time as they are of such extraordinary energetic novelty that only those who have had them know what they really stand for. I see that even you have difficulties to relate it in human words although you are quite eloquent otherwise. This discrepancy between the beauty of our higher dimensional experiences and our inability to express them in human language will increase in the coming days till the ID split takes place and then they will become our daily reality. I wish you nice days for the rest of your journey.

With love and light



June 26, 2012

Hi George

I  am just wondering when the ID split and the first wave of ascension( PAT members) will take place. I am thinking about it, not because of impatience or any kind of doubt. I know that Ascension will undoubtedly occur this year and this leads me to my questions and thoughts. Let us take into account that many people (billions) will ascend come  21 December  2012 , when mass ascension will  happen. Many people will be on Earth A/B after the ID split and a lot of their memories will be erased because of this process.

Now lets take into consideration the probability of the ID split happening later on in the year. From my perspective I would have thought that the ID split and the magnetic pole reversal would take place in June, so as to give humanity enough time (months and days) to learn about everything and to properly be able to understand the dynamics of all-that-is and as well as to get used to and contemplate the idea of ascension. As the PAT we would obviously need to teach and guide them as well as introduce new technologies and help clean and purify the planet and  from all the poisonous gases and toxins that damage the air and the environment.

In my humble opinion I would have thought that the ID split would take place this month (June) so as to make the whole process easier and smoother to orchestrate. Based on my analysis I don’t think that 3 or 4 months is sufficient enough time required for all of this to happen, considering that I have only mentioned some of the aspects that need to be taken into consideration. Now I know that you don’t know when all of this will exactly happen and l also know that the Higher Realms are trying to quicken the process. Unless there have been further delays, which I think all possible delays have already happened the ID split and the first ascension wave need to happen soon.

For the sake of humanity all these events can’t be delayed any further and my final conclusion is that the ID split and the ascension of the PAT has to happen either by the very end of this month ( June) or at the very least end of July. We have surely reached, almost surpassing the tipping point.The maximum optimal energy levels need to be reached soon. As the PAT we are the wayshowers of humanity, they need our help and we need enough linear time to help them.

Love, light and with careful consideration


Dear Arthur,

this is also my line of argumentation and therefore I have not wholly abandoned the hope that something big will happen this month. Please recall that even CA predicted at least two big events for this month in the last CAC newsletter for June. If this alleged source from the 12th dimension is so wrong how could we humble human beings be more right in our forecasts. This ascension process is a difficult birthing and I poignantly feel the efforts of the whole universe to heave this toxic planet, this spot of universal disgrace (“Schandfleck des Universums” as the Germans use to say) finally to a higher dimension.

With love and light



June 26, 2012

The Reptilian Queen’s Bloodshot Eye

Hi George,

The incoming powerful waves from the central sun have hugely impaired their ability to shape-shift…”

This is exactly what I wondered when I saw these images

I’m no expert but I’ve never seen a bloodshot eye like that before, but I could be mistaken.

A few years ago I remember seeing Gordon Brown ex-British Prime Minister in person. He was about 20 metres away from where I was standing. I remember being unexpectedly creeped out about it. Gave me a very bad feeling, and to me it looked like his eyes were completely black, unlike the other people standing around him. This was about 2-3 years ago and I was open-minded about shape-shifters but was completely unprepared for the very bad feeling I got from him.



Dear Kate,

Thank you very much for this great and prompt confirmation of my latest article on shape-shifters that was inspired by my HS who urged me to write it. I am getting now many more details about what is ongoing behind the scene in preparation for the ID split and our imminent ascension.

If one has such a bloodshot eye as the queen, this must inevitably lead to a huge increase in the eye pressure and must be immediately treated, otherwise the person my lose his sight very quickly, in case he is a normal human being. I wonder what the physiology of these shape-shifters is, but definitely not human.

I had myself a huge rapture of the cornea of my right eye 12 years ago due to keratoconus and became immediately blind on that eye. My eye was visibly changed but I had no blood. When you have blood in the front eye, it  impedes the circulation of the tear fluid and leads always to high pressure in the eye that quickly destroys the retina and the sight. The statement that the queen was undisturbed by her predicament can only be interpreted that her physiology is not of human origin.

I am also glad that you have confirmed the intuitive feeling in the vicinity of shape-shifters or clones which is the best litmus test how to recognize them.



On LBP symptoms and Level of Evolution

Hi Georgi,

Thank you very much for the latest slew of updates on your website. Particular the “LBP symptoms and individual level of spiritual evolution” I deem one of the most important pieces I read for understanding our individual roles. Many readers could feel left out and not up to the tasks of the PAT, without this information. Now it gives many readers a great boost in understanding our own roles and connects many more of us in order to move in the same direction. Also the respect for each others choices can be greatly improved by this understanding.

Also very nice to give a link to the Arcturian explanation of early Pleiadean endeavors and the more technical background of the splits. I have a question regarding this; if I remember correctly they talked about moving from 3d to 5d and they omitted the 4th dimension constructively. Is there a special purpose and function for this 4th dimension? I understand its better to go directly to 5th.

My girl friend has a sensitive question. A very old woman recently passed away and suddenly her oldest son, being healthy most of his life, suddenly became ill. Now she thinks that the old woman is sucking out energy from her oldest son. Her question is how can he protect himself against such phenomena best? You told once that visualizing 3 white rings like the atomic symbol would greatly protect, relatively to the focus and the ability to visualize by the individual. Can he (and my girlfriend if she needs it) use this against vanishing energy? I have a question regarding visualizing white light or purple/violet light; Does white light blocks completely and violet light only mitigates and is somewhat transparent?

On another note, if I peek into all the news outlets it seems huge panic by the elite and it feels like every hour greater acceleration of energies.

With love and light,



Dear Dennis,

I am glad that you appreciate this explanation concerning the individual pathways of each star seeds who are embedded in the overall energetic tissue of humanity and Gaia in the process of ascension. It is very important to accept these individual destinies as not to fall an easy prey to spiritual high-esteem which is another form of deep human fear that must be overcome now.

I doubt the causal explanation regarding the old woman who has passed away and now sucks the energy of her ill son. What for? But I do recommend to use the visualisation of Christed white light as to protect one’s energetic field in these turbulent times.

The violet flame is not for protection but for cleansing negative old patterns. If one is in a process of releasing particular unpleasant memories, thoughts or feelings, one may ask for the violet flame which will help accelerate the cleansing process. However I have made the experience that it does not matter much. The clearing process takes as much time as it needs and it cannot be substantially manipulated. This is a wrong human obsession. But an adequate attitude, e.g a better understanding of these process will facilitate it and mitigate the unpleasant experience.

You may be right that there is a kind of desperation creeping into the latest news and releases but, often speaking, I doubt if this is noticed by the masses. It is still too little for this advanced End Time. I wished I could peep in  the Cabal circles of power and hear what they talk about behind closed doors, but they must definitely feel rather desperate with respect to their situation and future perspectives, not only financial and political, but mainly with regard to their health.

Being dark entities, who vibrate with a very low and dense frequency, I can easily foresee that they must have huge problems coping with the new powerful energies since the opening of the summer solstice portal and keeping their reduced body metabolism afloat. They must be losing vital energy by the minute and feel ever more debilitated. And this energetic depletion must creep into their psyche and demoralize them greatly as a power force.

With love and light



On Jerry’s Cosmic Humour during the LBP

June 25, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Seems that not only do we PATers share the same mind, but also the same warped sense of humor, as well. I had to laugh when I read Jerry’s report on “How to survive LBP”, and today’s follow-up report. Satire is my only friend much of the time these days.

Since we’re enjoying a good laugh today, I thought I’d share a link to Just for Laughs, a Canadian comedy show that I watch when the LBP waves come through. They are 1+ minute episodes that I watch for an hour at a time when I need a Cosmic lift. Thought you and the PAT might enjoy.

Senile Cashier

Lick Sushi Prank

The reactions are priceless.

Much Love and Humor,



June 26, 2012

Dear George,

Thank you very much for your comments about my piece….

That said, I am sorry to hear from your June 22nd energy update that the LBP symptoms continue to do their worst on you, and that they are still lingering in the first place. At least the duration of their effects seems to be remarkably shorter lived now. Both the 22nd and 23rd were also pretty tough days for me energetically: On the 22nd it took constant effort to walk straight and not fall over or pass out; on the 23rd the aches had me bed-ridden most of the day. Today almost everything is back to normal, so I can at least function normally. You are a real inspiration when it comes to persevering, both in physical stamina, and mental/spiritual courage.

I’m catching up on the most recent posts on your site now. Humor is indeed a wonderful thing. Sometimes when things would induce long durations of emotional sobbing, at its most intense point I would suddenly start laughing.  That freaked out my nearby fiancé, he couldn’t figure out whether I was crying or laughing and what I could possibly laugh about so suddenly. And his reaction made the moment even more funny.  It’s simply that at the point of feeling rock-bottom, it hit me like a springboard that whatever I was angry/sad about didn’t matter, and the apparent drama became a reason to laugh… much in the same way Jerry noticed his tragic events taking on a curious sort of humor eventually. So when something starts to get me down, I think about Heaven’s laughter, and that sheds a little light on the situation.

Love and Light,



Dear Michelle,

thank you very much for your personal plea on behalf of cosmic humour. Surprisingly (as I did not expect it actually) I also received some negative, even full of uncontrolled hatred emails against this humouristic piece written by Jerry. I think that some people are beginning to “decompensate”, to use a medical term. I had initially planned to publish these negative emails but then I decided simply to delete them from my email archive and not answer these people. I am no longer willing to lead negative discussions for the sake of a faked balance. The negativity must die anyway and it can begin dying on my website.

We will soon encounter so much negativity, why giving it a platform on our website? This was a loud thinking on my part, but I hope you understand my mood. There are so many excellent and optimistic contributions like your vision, so full of light and bold ideas, why should one bother with a few exceptions that only spoil the harmony.

By the way I feel much better this evening. Obviously all the processes are highly accelerated now.



The Humouristic Aspects of First Awakening

June 25-26, 2012

Is this (Jerry’s) guide (how to survive the LBP) for the destitute on the verge of committing suicide?



Not necessarily! Only in case you have no sense of humour.


HAH! Good Lord I need to relax! – Sam

Dr. Stankov,

I have been taking Sertraline Hydrochloride (Zoloft) for about 8 years now. It has stabilised my emotions an allowed me to think rationally. My question is, do you know anything about this drug specifically that would cause me harm physically or spiritually? Also, is it wise to ween myself off of it? I’m just afraid of the anger, rage and irrationality returning. Your advice will be most valuable.

With love & light.



Dear Sam,

let me be clear on one issue: I am editing a website on ascension and LBP for the PAT members and I am not a free information source for medical questions. In case you are a member of the PAT, which does not come clear from our past correspondence, and fully in the LBP, please describe your case first and I will give you an answer. Otherwise you should not misuse this website for service-to-self questions. You have obviously chosen the health care system to help you and you should ask your doctor for further advices.



Dear Dr. Stankov,

You are very correct, and I now realise that asking this is somewhat selfish and distracting. I don’t believe that i am a member of the PAT, my symptoms have been very mild and I am unable to meditate. From around September last year I have felt ‘waves’ of influence, bringing certain thoughts in my mind to the surface with great prominence. Just so you know how I got here (and the laughable state of my awakening). I watched Ancient Aliens on TV, was shocked that such a topic was even being discussed. This led me to further explore this topic through basic Internet research that led me to Alex Collier’s 1993 interview. After watching that, the name “Lyra” would not escape my mind. Something was telling me to investigate further. This then led me to Jelaila Starr’s website, and thus an introduction and explanation of the Galactic Federation. After watching her videos about Nibiru and Ascension I still needed to know more as her explanations were rather thin.

A few days went on after and I suddenly felt compelled to search, to look for something. I didn’t know what, there was just this urge to keep looking. Eventually I came across a manually typed copy of ‘Conversations with God’. Due to my level of ignorance still, this book opened my mind to an incredible degree, especially since I could not disagree with anything ‘God’ told the author. This is a long cry from my teenage years where I was obsessed with Satan and devil worship, even though I didn’t believe such a thing can exist. I was bathed in negativity and self destruction which could have easily been a result of my miserable surroundings. Anyway, not long after that I came across your site mainly due to the three-earth-scenario which brings me to where I am now.

I have no contact with any Higher Self, since I am practically spiritually impotent. Except for one time about 8 years ago, when I was in Wales. I was rather stoned (cannabis) and sitting in my room. I started going into this trance like state, when all of a sudden I hear in my head “Everything you do is for a selfish reason”. Clear as day. This scared me, but the most important thing is that I could see it. When I peered deep in my soul, for the reason behind the reason, I found that yes, everything I did was for selfish reasons. This is significant to my development, and leads me to believe that in the past I was a very bad person, and that I am here to learn to love. Thankfully my father’s side of my family has always showered me with love affection and support. So for that reason I can see why there has been little to no contact with me, since my family is telling me everything I need to know about integrity.

My parents are Persian, I was born and raised in London, UK. I now live in Texas. The energy in Texas is more positive (in Austin at least) and has enabled me to see the spiritual side of life. Now I have a clear understanding of the relationship between the light and dark which has always been of interest to me (maybe I have lived a post life as a Zoroastrian). The majority of my family live in Texas too. In a way I am doing very well in life. The wife is having health problems but nothing that cannot be dealt with.

I apologise for this rambling session, but now that I have said all I have to say, I promise that the next time I contact you (if at all) will be with information relevant to your interests. Thank you again for all you are doing. You are the ‘reality check’ this world needs.

Many Thanks,

Sam Soheylee-Arasi


Dear Sam,

Thank you for this very frank response that convinces me that you are making a huge progress on the spiritual path, even if you may not believe it now. You should follow this path. As far as your treatment is concerned, this anti-depressant influences indeed your brain functions in a harmful way and suppresses your fears which you must encounter as to release them in a natural manner as is the case during the LBP. For this purpose you should start to reduce the dosage and see if you can soon live without this drug and develop a clear mind to confront your fears as anyone of us has done in the last 20 years.

With love and light



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