State-of-Ascension-Report-99: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-99, May 16, 2012

Fighting Forms in the End TImes,  Gregg Simpson, Canada

This channeled message of Archangel Michael by Celia Fenn summarizes succinctly what we have discussed in the last months. This is the reason why I am giving this link for further reading at this place. Please observe than many of you will work in the new councils that AA Michael is introducing in this message. As many of you have presented at length your future missions on this website, I felt that this text sheds some more light on what our future activities as ascended masters will be in the next eons of “no time”.

The Councils of Light and the Emergence of the Multi-Dimensional New Earth. The New Earth Energies May/June 2012;
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn.


Calibration of Individual Ascension Dates 

May 15, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Good to be communicating with you again, since I haven’t been in contact with you for a long time. With regards to the solar eclipse on the 20 May 2012, is it possible that the Magnetic Pole Shift may take place on the day and that the Inter-Dimensional Split will happen on the 20th of June? I think there is a possibility that the PAT members could ascend on the 20th of May, if the Magnetic Pole shift happens. You have said many times that the timing of the Magnetic Pole Shift will trigger the ascension of the PAT. Is there a difference between the Magnetic Pole shift and the Inter-dimensional split because I do tend to get confused with both? If so then I think that the Magnetic Pole Shift will trigger our ascension and the Inter-dimensional split is the actual splitting of the three earths and the different timelines. What do you think?

With Gratitude
Dear Arthur,

You have posed the key question, to which I do not have a precise answer, but only some intuitive assumptions. My personal feeling is that the magnetic pole shift will not come all of a sudden, but will be accompanied and announced by some major natural catastrophes and movements of land masses in advance. The actual pole reversal will come at the end of these geological earth changes. Parallel to it, we (all humans) are now preparing for the inter-dimensional split.

I have been checking and analysing  many channeled sources – the more reliable ones – with respect to this possible scenario and I must admit that there is almost no factual information on this issue. My guess is that the inter-dimensional split will happen either shortly after the final magnetic pole reversal or at the same time with it. Both major events will contribute to the elimination of the dark ones and the splitting of humanity in two timelines – earth B with the Elite and the dark forces and the rest 2/3 of humanity will go to the balanced earth A/B, which will dwell in the 4th dimension. The 5d-earth A will be part of the balanced earth A/B during the second half of this year before it will finally ascend on Dec 21 to the 5th dimension.

Our ascension will happen most probably around summer solstice – when a meeting of all ascended masters is planned at Mt. Shasta during June 19-25, according to Metatron and some other sources. This is also my feeling. All the PAT members are the future human ascended masters and  no other masters will appear on this planet this year. We have earned this privilege by having incarnated on this planet and having gone through the tedious LBP, while cleansing most of the dross of Gaia and humanity and raising their frequencies.

This is the greatest official secret that none of the channels are allowed to mention directly, but there are many indirect confirmations if one reads the texts carefully. They all refer to the PAT, as there is no other group which is that much evolved in the LBP as to ascend so high and become the new earth keepers.

However this is only my personal estimate and there can be different individual scenarios that deviate from it as from now on everybody creates his own destiny and timeline in the Now.

Anyhow, the next 40 days – from May 20 until the end of June – will be the most auspicious and crucial days in the history of mankind and Gaia when the whole world will change for ever. This is what I feel very strongly today. Of course there will be further important changes this year, but they will follow from these ones.

With love and light
May 15, 2012

Hi Georgi!

I just finished reading SOAR-98 and wanted to also share my own experiences emanating from the energies of the May 11th portal, very similar to Daniel’s, Laurie’s, and Alberto’s.

On Saturday I felt as if I had moved into even a higher frequency of energy due mainly to the fact that I am finding it more and more challenging to connect with my immediate family. I  feel like I’m becoming a stranger to them, an outsider who is constantly looking in on what is going on around me. I became so emotional about this, as if I were grieving for the loss of my family, and also grieving for the loss of my old self. While it is painful to feel myself moving further and further away from them, I think this is an important part of the process in letting go, so that there truly are no attachments left on my path to ascension.

On Mother’s Day, I spent time in my working in my garden, knowing that I will not be enjoying the fruits of my labor, but that I was merely enjoying the last few days/weeks with Mother Earth in 3D reality. The time in my garden helped me to balance out the toxic time that I had to spend with my in-laws that afternoon, but like all things that have purpose, I knew that in spending time with them it was another opportunity to let go and say good-bye.

Besides, the emotions, the headaches/dizziness have been extreme this weekend as well–another indication that LBP  is doing it’s job in preparing me for ascension.

Also, I have to tell you about a quick vision I received from my Higher Self last week that I had shared with Joe in an email. What reminded me about this was a comment you made to Daniel:

“When a collective threshold of transformation is reached and our contribution will no longer be that much effective on the ground, we will immediately ascend and then contribute much more effectively to the ascension process from the higher realms”

Last week I heard very clearly a voice say, “It’s time to get our forces (PAT) off the ground, and then  I saw a vision of “helicopters” coming in to pick us all up and take us to “safety”. The time is at hand, and I’m more than ready…I’ve have already let go.

Much Love and Light!
Dear Dorie,

thank you very much for your validation of the huge energy surge post portal 11 over this weekend. The sensations you depict are the letting go off of all human bonds which is a necessary, final prerequisite for our ascension and I can confirm that I had the same feelings over the weekend. The synchronicity in our preparation for ascension can no longer be denied.

Your vision, or should I say, message is a further confirmation of our imminent ascension. This time there will be no more delays as we have trespassed all heavenly deadlines. As I said, from May 20 until the end of June all this must have happened – we are now entering the most auspicious 40 days in the history of humanity and Gaia.

May 14, 2012

Hi George

I really liked your picture of the Tour d’Eiffel on your blog today. Just today I was telling Rumi that I was thinking of writing you to ask you to share more detailed information on your energetic changes recently, or LBP. I am most curious how the energy is manifesting in your body and how you are able to handle it all now.

I, too read CAC´s latest predictions for June with some disappointment. No mention of ascension for the 1st wavers. Nothing! But at least the awareness does mention that there are different types of ascension and that a few will not be going to any planet A or B or A/B. This was a nice blip to read for me today as I sought out external confirmation of my own imminent personal ascension.

The other reason why I´m writing. I am giving it another go and my special day will be 15th of May. I am telling you because as a scientist I think you will find it fascinating and helpful if I do manage to heave out of this dimension on said date. Actually, I had a strange occurrence on the weekend when my soul decided I needed to sustain a bicycle injury to make me turn inward. I have been basically bed-ridden or “laid up” as we say since Friday the 11th. The message is now clear, after lots of meditating, that my personal ascension window is rapidly approaching and only this kind of undeniable signal from my HS was going to get me to take notice.  (I had mentioned earlier that I was focused on a June date).

So I am giving it a big push tomorrow evening and am keeping my fingers crossed for myself. I am currently water fasting in the day-time (but tonight I was starving and gave in to some lovely vegetarian Indian food). I was again told to write my Last Will and Testament and to let go of any remaining attachments I may still have. I am practising “spiralling” up the waves, if you know what I mean.

I feel ready to go and have been guided to “GO HOME” in block letters and that is to 8th Dimension- Arcturus, where I can decide from there what I wish to do.  This is the 2nd time I have received this guidance.

I hope to see you on the other side soon, Georgi. Shame about Callista. I hope she gets over her self-doubt and checks in with her High Self. Maybe she´ll discover that personal ascension is still viable. I went through that doubt also. I think it´s only natural to get stuck at times in 3D thinking.

Thank you so much for all your continued effort at getting us to respond to your coherent beacon of light and wisdom.

With respect and love,
Dear Debra,

I will be really happy if the individual ascension waves begin in May, but my inner voice tells me that the first ascension will begin in June as it is too early and they need us here on the ground for some more time. We are hostages of heaven on earth and a guarantee that the ascension process will not go awry. On May 20, the MOS (multidimensional operating system) of all light workers and star seeds will be installed and on June 20, it will be in full operation. We, the PAT have had this installment prior to 11.11.11 and the MOS was fully activated on November 22, 2011. When this will happen with the rest of the LW community, we will no longer be needed as they will now take our job and we can ascend. We need substitutes before we can leave earth. It is as simple as that.

It is good that you know where you will go after ascension and it is obvious that we are in the last throes, but it is very tedious these last days. My waves are no different than in the last 10-12 years even less debilitating than before, as I have reached a plateau, but I could not say that their negative quality has changed substantially. In fact I have given up evaluating these waves as they give you no information on what is coming next. I have been preparing for ascension for the last 5 years and two years ago I had to ascend, but then it was postponed again in the very last moment. But this time there will be no more delays as all deadlines have been trespassed, so that we can plan for ascension in the next 40 days.

With love and light
Hi George

Thanks for your reply. Indeed, you sound exhausted. I bet you are shaking your fist at the heavens! I see exactly what you are saying, about the “rings of the ladder”. We cannot leave until there are substitutes. My only question is whether this process might even take about 40 days, with some leaving earlier and others later?

It does feel a bit early also for me inside. I have not got my “house in order” like last time and nor do I feel that certainty like before Nov 2nd. But I did get a strong signal in meditation to prepare now. Maybe I am wrong about the dates and my soul just wants me to settle down and get ready and that´s why I was thrown off my bicycle!

Oh, well, there is nothing to do but wait and see.

What I find fascinating is just how ready people seem to be to take on their new roles on Planet A.  Not just on your site, but among some of my friends, ones who don´t “believe” in Ascension. They talk about their financial struggles and how they have begun bartering and how they´d like to return to a grassroots community living. I chuckle because this is obviously a post-ascension time-line they have merged with!

Be well, George. You needn´t reply if you are bombarded with emails (as usual I´m sure).

Love Debra
Dear Debra,

I said that I expect that the first ascension waves will be within these 40 days and I do not exclude the possibility of an earlier ascension than summer solstice. I hope at least to be so. The inner impulse is beginning to work very effectively in transforming the mind-set of many people at the subconscious level and I observe this trend  even in my two sceptical daughters. But it will take some more time before the ideas are cleared and the speckles removed from their eyes.

May 15, 2012


In the last SOAR you mentioned an Ascended Masters retreat at Mt Shasta in June, would you please elaborate? My HS has given me the date of June 2  for ascension. Previously, when I asked it was soon or just a little longer. I hope she is not messing with me.

Love and Light,
Dear Sheryl,

there is nothing to elaborate as I am only giving this information from Metatron. In case it is true, we must be present there, at this meeting. In this case an earlier ascension is not in breach with your information.

May 15, 2012

Dear George,

It appears I have aborted my lift-off (on May 14 as previously announced). I have purposely not troubled myself as to why I am still here other than to ask, what now? Perhaps I have attachments I am yet to discover, or perhaps I have more to complete? No matter, in due time we shall all be changed….

With love and light,
May 15, 2012

Dear Tiqvah,

I told you that my feeling is that the first ascension waves will be in June, as they (heaven) still need us here on the ground, but May 13-14 was an important personal portal that has been opened in many of us as reported.




Personal Experiences with the May 13/14 Portal 

May 15, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I also confirm massive energy downloads and a very hard night on the 13th through to 14th. I haven’t been keeping my system so clean, letting some lower frequencies in as to conform with family and friends over the weekend, which was quite hard and draining. I think this makes it harder to assimilate new energies and harder to perceive what’s happening. I am getting very big signals to keep a very clear system and avoid all things such as beer. Hopeful this will help me perceive and integrate what will unfold over the next couple weeks. All year I’ve been quite double minded about when I will ascend, sometimes I think it’ll be December, then other times I realize or feel that I am further ahead than I thought (as far as awareness, releasing old patterns and facilitating LBP goes anyway). Also don’t know who I am, whether I am starseed, Crystal, PAT, Earthly Human or what. I guess Ill find all this out soon enough.

So I have been doing some big energy pattern releases each day and have learnt I can now facilitate healing on myself, others and animals (and probably plants, have not tried yet). Also that anyone can do this, once they know they can and have released the limiting patterns that block you….

Today I was doing a big energy release when we had an earthquake (New Zealand), it didn’t bother me at all I just thought, “nice one Gaia, you are obviously doing some healing too”. I expect more of this energy / earth movement over the next month.

I’ve just been going over some older article on your site, and understand so much more than when I first read. Could you please tell me if there are any others been emailing you from New Zealand? I hope I am not the only one… “It is often sufficient to have only one wayshower in a country to raise the vibration level of the whole population there” I would love to get in contact with any others that have contacted you, if they are keen.

With Divine Love, Light and energy restructuring,
Dear Frank,

I have had two or three more persons from New Zealand who have written to me once, long time ago,  but I do not remember their names now and I could not find them so easily in my archive. When I come across them, I will send you the emails.

One should use the current energies to make the utmost cleansing as one can achieve very much in a very short period of time now.

May 15, 2012

Dear Georgi,

I can also confirm severe waves of energy, resulting in extremely intense headaches, almost migraine-like in that there is transient severe one-sided pain with light sensitivity. I have also experienced extreme dizziness and fell down today as well as yesterday, as reality seemed to rotate on different axes at once. The fatigue has been crushing. My son has had trackmeets recently and the noise is unbearable creating an energetic drain on the system which is taking 3 days to rebuild. I was invited out for a drink and had a Mojito which just about killed me! I felt like throwing up all night! My Mother collapsed the other day and I had to get the ambulance to come. She later told me that she suddenly felt herself fly out of her body up to the ceiling, and what was that all about? My husband, from whom I am separated, has been complaining that he has constant chest pain and is just going to die from his exhaustion.  Maybe you should go to the Doctor. Why, why go to the Doctor, if God wants me dead?  What a party.

With Love and Light,
Dear Carla,

LBP-related symptoms abound and their intensity is exponentially rising. My only advice is relax and repose and do not try to manipulate this reality as this is contra-indicative to your ascension process. Why modulating an old matrix that is about to crumble anytime soon. This is only waste of energy. Use your rest energy  to cope with your internal energetic transformation. I have a motto: Even your almighty soul can do only one thing properly at a time – in this case it is your LBP and everything else is of no importance.

May 15, 2012

Dear Georgi, PAT and Crystals,

I can confirm all the symptoms of the massive download everyone had… for me in UK it was the night of 12th May. I felt like I had had a massive dose of cocaine (not something I have done very often, nor for a very long time, either) and it was not pleasant at all. I was awake all night till 8am when I finally managed a little sleep. Literally, my whole body buzzing with energy, as I feel quite often, but vastly more intense.

I am suddenly contacted by several old friends whom I have not been in touch with for a couple of years, all wanting to see me. Also two friends (normally well-balanced) very recently suddenly feeling suicidal. And meeting a few young, well balanced, aware and awake people in situations it was not expected. And apparently the Euro is finally actually collapsing.

All this says to me that we are so close to ascension and the separation of the worlds that the word imminent is not sufficient any more. I love you all….Georgi, PAT and Crystals. I look forward to our meeting up, which I know is VERY soon.

With infinite love,

Dear Gail,

thank you for your latest energetic update. What does it mean “balanced people” – that they have been swimming with the dirty tide of this old matrix all their life and now when they are beginning to lose the ground under their feet, they notice all of a sudden that they have nothing in the hand to substitute it. The more unstable the individual has been in the past, the better prepared he is for the coming turbulent changes. This is the reversal of current failed psychiatry.
Dear Georgi,

Yes, exactly. The previously ‘balanced’ people are falling apart and even old-matrix things like a continuing very successful career does not keep them ‘sane’ and fulfilled like it used to. – Gail
Quite on the contrary – social success in the Orion order is a free ticket for the catastrophic earth B. – George
May 15, 2012

Hi Georgi,

Just a quick note to confirm that I experienced an energy download last night (14th) and this morning that knocked me out for quite some time.  I almost always get up between 6:30 and 7:30 in the morning, but this morning, I woke up to a friend telling me that pest control was in the house and needed to check my room, and this was after 9 am! I could barely get myself to come all the way back and I was stumbling about to use the bathroom and get dressed and when I came out to talk to the pest control guy, I felt I was in a daze, and he was even being very gently and quiet with me because it seemed like he knew I wasn’t all here.

Then I sat down an hour later, and announced that I did not feel real and then I said, “I’m scared a little” and then my friends who were here, laughed very hard and said that I said it like a child, and so then I laughed and it brought me back more… Then I realized, that I wasn’t really scared, however, just bothered that I had to function in this reality still when I really feel that most of me is somewhere else now. It’s very difficult. I have always been dependable and I struggle now with feeling flaky or disinterested in most things. I forget things all the time now. I forget on which day something happened or lists of things I meant to accomplish. It’s really hard.

I also want to say something to Callista.I know it can be very distracting to fall in love and maybe it seems like everything is heaven now, when you are feeling those intoxicating feelings, but at some point, the human ego will surface and will remind you why this reality is so toxic and why we must ascend to experience true and lasting peace. That is all I want to say. I did feel that she was waning long before, I knew what was going on. It was just an energy I felt in her emails… She also seemed to lack a sense of humor and I was never drawn much to interacting with her, but I do hope that she will get back on board soon.

Love and Aloha,


Human Relations

May 15, 2012

Hi George,

I tried reading the CA May 10th .pdf version of the channeling posted on report 98 by Linda since I couldn’t put myself through being tormented by another robot voice if listening to the audio.  Unfortunately, I couldn’t get past the first couple of pages of the text either as it read as BS.

Without making the obvious jokes about what it means to be an “energizer”, or providing video links to ads of the energizer bunny (keeps going), or the shifting of Berlinghof’s “pole”, I would like to express my reservations about the objectivity of such a relationship and the quality of the message when the “energizer”, or just the interviewer, to use plain journalistic terms, is having sex with the subject or interviewee.

On the positive side, just as most programmed spies don’t know that they have been programmed or that they are spies (so they don’t need to get paid either), Callista might just as well be serving the purpose of neutralizing Berlinghof on behalf and for the benefit of the rest of humanity. She could very well be serving the purpose of knowingly or unknowingly penetrating the CAC, destroying its status and credibility to the “fan base” and putting the tombstone on this organization. What better way to do this than to “take down” the medium itself.

Her writings have always been too powerful and too intelligent for what I am mentioning to be more than plausible. It would have been very easy for her to have telepathically planted a dream 6 years ago, or even plant a recent memory of a 6 year-old dream to Berlinghof’s mind. For that we should thank her. Berlnighof should also thank her for giving him a nice way out of all of this. I truly wish that they be happy together after Berlinghof stops channeling permanently.

With regard to Alberto’s and Laurie’s comments, I too felt extremely heavy on Sunday, and especially between the hours of 4pm to 6pm, in Athens, one hour ahead. I was on a hike at a nearby mountain and not even an eighth of the way, maybe 15 minutes into a 2 hour route I do everyday, I had to lie down and close my eyes. I felt much better and might even dozed off but not really. I was lying down maybe around an hour or so from 4pm or so.  Then it started to rain so I had to just sit under a tree for a while longer until 17:30 my time. I did finish the hike after a long long time, around 8pm or so but felt a lot better as the time went on. I made some additional stops along the way which I never need to do. I ate twice as much as I eat for dinner Sunday night and felt much better indeed. And I too couldn’t sleep Sunday night because I felt too hot, and had to turn the A/C. The thermometer in my room was showing 25C. Today Monday was overall a good day, less tired than usual.

Sending everybody some good thoughts if you publish this,

In light and love,
Dear Nik,

Excellent comments on Callista and Berlinghof. I have seldom laughed so much in the last months. Very sarcastic and precise. I will definitely publish them in the next report for the other readers to also laugh a little bit. They need it bitterly in these last, very strenuous days.

Sunday seemed to have been a very exhausting and transforming day for many of us. Monday was a marked improvement in this respect – this  I can confirm. I hope that we will be left in peace by Heaven during the next few days.

With love and light
May 15, 2012

Dear George,

The entire line of questioning in Callista’s latest talk with CA has a distinct fear-based or even trying to induce fear undertone and she seems to want to hear a reiteration of what has become widespread and old by now: Gaia will do some heavy cleansing – you don’t say!  So CA gives the outlines for May and then June in that respect, but does refer to and imply the Ascension and the 3 Earth scenarios, but the questions relentlessly go on about – pardon my blunt expression here: please, please, tell us again of the huge pile of sh*t headed our way so we can wallow in it – and people that just entered this field of information could almost go into a fear psychosis because they’re likely to miss out on, once again,

CA’s emphasis that it is all for the greater purpose and advancement, even if our soul contract states leaving our body – that last part is still particularly scary to me. I interrupted a friend of mine on one or two occasions stating: listen, it all boils down to how you are going to get out of here!  Still, I felt quite reassured that I am somehow moving in the right direction when CA explained the hard cleansing work done in our personal lives and connections during the dream state.  My dreams have significantly changed, they are almost real life scenes of heavy emotional encounters with people both still alive or passed away and I regularly get into a dream-awake state when I can hear myself shout outloud and kick my legs heavily in sheer anger – very much to the dismay of my three cats, haha.

I have read the Jesus message about the latest Mayan calendar several times, trying hard to grasp the multi-verse options and choices throughout our lives and that the new timeline is of an ascended Gaia. I thank you for referring me to that board.

Best regards,
Dear Dominique,

Thank you for your lucid comments on the latest CA release. I do agree with you that there is a pronounced fear based undertone in this message coming from the energizer in the first place, although CA tries to eliminate some of it. Altogether this kind of information is no longer needed and it is not very helpful either.

There is a lot of cleansing going on nowadays in the dream state and the dreams may become very vivid in the  night. But this is a clear sign that we are nearing the time of ascension.

May 15, 2012

Hi Georgi.

Was wondering if you can shed light on something. I have always been in the past an easy and clear communicator with those around me. However the past years and in particular I am having people in conflict sometimes in our communication. They see things in my messages and communication that simply is non existent. I know this because I am specific in what I say. Also even if something is potentially conflicting of nature, I do not have or feel the energy emotionally in that situation and, being very sensitive to these things, I can clearly differentiate.

Is it the state that people find themselves in during these huge changing energies that are creating in their minds chaos or dross that is of their own making? It’s like often I am speaking to children that academically have the qualifications, but are void of intellectual understanding or any emotional intelligence. I want to stress that my observation must not at all be seen as judgemental, but only as my sincere observation. I experience that things are seen in situations that simply don’t exist. It’s very frustrating and I feel very isolated these days as I prefer not to mix with so many that simply are appearing to me almost the same as children do. Can you share a thought or two on this please?

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

I have this same situation for the last 12 years. As soon as you start to raise your frequencies, the other people around you who are still stuck in their blockages and limited chakras and fields feel very uncomfortable in your presence and expanded higher frequency field. Your powerful energies accentuate their disharmonies in their emotional and mental bodies, which they themselves cannot see or do not want to see. It is absolutely irrelevant what you say and how you say it, it is your field that disturbs them as you are like a clear mirror that presents to them their ugly image.

Instead of seeking the cause for this in themselves, they prefer to make you a scapegoat and to project their aggressions on you by telling you that you have hurt them or you have personal failures, etc., etc.

This also happened to me when I started to criticize the emotional and intellectual blunders of the New Age movement in the USA and they immediately accused me  of a huge ago. Such unreflected people will always find something in your character they dislike, especially when it does not exist at all as their accusation cannot be proven and their prejudices can be kept alive.

Let me give you a concrete example with an  article, which a teenager star seedWes Asnac wrote about me after I published  my critical article on Steve Beckow last year:

Then you can read his latest article on himself six months later: 

This young man is quite open to himself and he shows a marked progress in his thinking. But this did not hinder him at that time to comment on an unknown person like myself, who can be his grandfather and has a personal experience of his grand grand father and to judge me superficially from his lack of any personal experience on this planet with a lot of esoteric self-esteem.

This is just a case report that also highlights your unpleasant current situation. The good news is that it will  be over very soon. I live with this situation for the last 12-15 years, actually my whole life, as I changed energetically in a dramatic way in 1972 when I went through a  deep catharsis that opened my chakras at that time and I became for ever a foreign body in this debased human society and toxic planet.

With love and light
Hi George.

Your elaborated reply to my question is well appreciated and far more descriptive of precisely what I am experiencing. On closer inspection this (my experience) has come since at least 2001 and been really heavy for me since 2003 when I energetically went through huge personal transformation. From being the life of social and buss gatherings in my past, I have almost now become a recluse, only sharing conversions with a few more aware people who are not too painful to indulge. Often been told the past number of years by some the very things you mentioned. Yes also been clearly told by a Psychic as well that I am a very clear mirror, so all this accurately describes my toxic experience.

Your description is apt to say the least and valuable to compare, as during these times it’s important to reflect to maintain one’s sanity. The feeling one is left with often is that I must have lost my marbles as no one almost fits in. How can I be having this experience with so many? I really, but seriously can’t stand this non-functioning low energy mentality any longer. Lastly. I think this is perfectly meant in my unfolding as to let go. When we lose our total desire for the irrelevant busy-ness of 3D, we in essence are allowing the higher energies to fully manifest with least resistance, not true.

I will go study the links now you sent. Thanks again. I think it’s very valuable to understand what you said regarding what lower energy people will feel in the presence of higher energy beings. This is valuable to remind oneself, not to be caught up in another’s chaos and to clearly identify this as it will only exponentially escalate in the days ahead.

Love and light
Hi Georgi,

On the topic of Wes Annac. I have seen for a long time clearly how and what you are doing when you state clearly your thoughts to specific members of the light worker community. Interestingly how so few actually understand what you are doing. Firstly, this community is not that large on the planet , maybe 15 to 20 % and maybe only 10% as a generalization, has awakened. This is a dire situation.

It certainly doesn’t add effective transformational value or help to pussy foot around issues when clearly information that the majority of  light-workers indulge in now for so long and have become numb to their higher desire, thinking what they have picked up is truth and ultimately their fastest path of learning.

In these times it takes courage to face criticism and insults (have had so many on numerous blogs/sites etc), with the benefit that what one says will create a conflict from within those individuals and hopefully allow them to actually wake up. Sometimes it actually works when one shouts at a group WAKE UP WAKE UP… I think our programming has this in it designed for these times. The inner conflict you are purposefully throwing many into is done with an urgency to bring about this ultimate connection and break the lighthearted comfort zone leading almost nowhere.

I am aware of your specific purpose to do so, in the hope that they might ignite the spark beyond the ego and enter valuable debate to enable introspection on various levels or to even have an intellectual debate beyond EGO. The stalemate “love all and simply be and accept all” doesn’t do much to help so many playing the polite game. Politeness serves no one as its false. Nothing to do with good manners!  Had this debate many times and in spite of it many simply can’t get it.

Using judgement type statements throw so many into the exact chaos, they need to wrestle with because of this ego dominated world and how it’s been created specifically to use this very effectively to dis-empower humanity. It’s how it works and how transformation works in 3D . This is what we have to work with at present and soon to be over.

The question what many should ask is:

To what lengths would you/me /us go to, to help another if there is an unconditional attempt to bring about such an awakening in another? How many have the courage or can face the 3D conflict it will attract and stand up again and again doing ones’s damnedest?
The possibility of any other with a glimpse of light is a possibility worth acting on.

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

To answer your last question. I have given up helping the people actively on my part. When somebody crosses my path, I engage in a discussion with him as I tell myself that it is a preordained encounter and the person needs this discussion, or when I see clearly that the person needs my help.

Let me correct your figures – the awakened, active New Agers in the USA are less than one percent and even fewer here in Europe.  Given these fairly small numbers, it is surprising how little authentic discussion is taking place among these people. Everybody is “cooking his own soup”, to quote a German saying, and there is no effort whatsoever to think beyond the self-made box. Most of the so called gurus do not even know what other gurus are saying. In this respect many readers are better informed than their self-proclaimed spiritual leaders. And none of them have a decent memory to recall the crap he has said a few months or days ago or even feel ashamed about this. All of them could make perfect Orion politicians, if they were given the chance. This is the reason why I never plan with these people with respect to the coming big events  as their failures and deficiencies are well known at a higher place.

Yes! Must agree on your opening statement. I have myself realised that I have been in the rescue archetype for most of my life and in particular last year around June moved away from it. Like a mountain off my shoulders, I realised at the time that their conditioning in their ‘rightness’ lays a foundation based mostly on wanting to stay right without opening themselves to other possibilities. I also this year made the connection with the energetic optimistic and realised how much I have wasted energy in the past. I now only engage with others if questions arise and even then I am watchful of the receiver. I realise it’s in one’s contract to connect with this info or not. Either way, its their pre-ordained contract.

Love and light.
May 15, 2012

Dear George,

Yesterday, Monday, I experienced a three hour period ( 11:00 am – 2:00 pm) of unremitting joy running through my cells. My husband was traveling at the time but reported having a similar experience that began at the same time. He said he had been thinking of me. Today I am dizzy but the joy remains.

Here is an exchange that might be of interest or benefit  to others re: being an ascended master vs. following an ascended master. Last night I attended a group meditation I have been a part of for two years. I use this time to build and extend my portal. One gentlemen there, singled me out after the meditation. He knows how I feel about ascension as he has read my monthly ascension newsletter. He is a strong bodied 55 year old yogi devoted to TM and teaching TM to inner city school children. He kindly admonished me for giving up my daily meditation, giving up active volunteer efforts in the world and doing hatha yoga two times a week. He reminded me that enlightened masters never care about hatha yoga and that even though I am a ‘seeker’, a seeker can get snagged and sidetracked by something unenlightened and go down the wrong track.

I responded by saying I appreciated the intelligence of his words and knew he delivered them with love. I said I was apparently the only one in his universe that seeks enlightenment and also has the courage to discuss ascension. I suggested perhaps that confronts him. With due respect, I told him I am an old soul with my heart and mind fixed strongly on my next mission. I told him I share this with 2,000 others in the world that understand ascension and gave him your website address.

I said when I do meditate, I use the time to develop a strong and expanded portal for our bay area residents. I told him my focus is preparing humanity for ascension and helping them in the next dimension post ascension. Finally, I told him I no longer have a guru or teacher as we must communicate directly with our higher selves now.  Finally, I told him I came to understand I am an ascended master.

In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,

And what did he answer to your last words?

By the way this intercourse reminds me of the indignant comment by Steve Beckow on my article last year, where I criticized the New Age gurus and him personally, that an ascended master does not behave like this. I responded to him by asking him to explain me how a real ascended master should behave as he obviously frequents the company of ascended masers each day and must know this much better than myself.

Few people realize that when an incarnated entity is chosen to ascend by virtue of the divine plan and his previous achievements as a soul, that he will ascend even if he does not do anything to achieve this goal. This is the most difficult truth for many LW to comprehend, as it leaves the ego without any choice.

I confirm that Monday was a good day with a lot of optimism and harmonious vibrations.

With love and light
To answer your question he said, I might think about his words for what they are worth. I noticed two things. During our conversation, he was fidgeting with his fingers and hands. Secondly, he mentioned my light was stronger most recently. Perhaps my truth intimidates him. – Marilyn

Dear Marilyn,

There is a universal pattern of behaviour and a problem at the same time that is contagious for all esoteric minded people – the so called “spiritual high esteem” which is a basic human angst. These people regard spiritual evolution as a kind of competition and when they notice that another person is about to  surpass them – and they have a very fine-tuned intuition for such things – they immediately react from the position of this basic angst. Most spiritually oriented human beings, who are halfway to ascension but still have to cope a lot with their ego, are susceptible to this fear.

Ultimately, this is a clear sign that this man has noticed your recent progress and is now pondering on this issue without having a proper answer. He must therefore respond to this challenge by giving you spiritual advices as to legitimize his allegedly superior position in this field, which he now sees to be endangered. This is the most common reaction or spiritual Pavlov reflex in such a situation.


Yes. What you say about this behavior makes basic sense. Thank  you, George, for your responses. And yes, regarding the Bay Area and a potential earthquake, May 20th  is a good day to ascend. I am ready without a  troubled heart. Thank you for all you have continually given to each and every one of us with your wisdom, intelligence and determination. You are the one human being that opened my eyes to ascension in an authentic manner.  You made it real.

In Love & Light,
Dear Marilyn,

I hope I will make it real, as we are still waiting for this event. Heaven has put a great burden on our patience, but the overall sense is that this time it is real. There are other members of the PAT who also plan their ascension around May 20.- George
May 15, 2012

Hi George,

Firstly I would just like to say thank-you for posting online some great thought provoking material. I am not sure how I ended coming across your website, but I am very glad that I did. It seems that your latest article regarding our state after ascension has sparked a few interesting replies and it is something that I have been considering for quite some time now,

This whole thing started for me a few years ago, with 11.11 appearing in all aspects of my life. My friends thought I was a bit crazy, so I stopped talking to them about it. But the coincidences started getting more unlikely and I knew, there was a reason I was seeing it. I came across an article that told me that 11.11 was a gateway, it was a sign from beyond our comprehensible reality that there was a bigger picture out there, one that could not be derived only through experience. The article said that I needed to demand the truth of our existence and feel like I needed it just as much as the air I breathe. So that’s what I did, and I got answers.

I think the fact that I am a philosophy student has certainly helped me have an open minded approach to the questions I find myself asking. I began to see the earth and all that inhabits it as a soaring unity of energy. I began to see the individual essence we all have as a powerful and immortal entity that can detach from the body and partake in any part of the huge energy that surrounds us. But aside from this I knew there was more to it, It wasn’t about me learning all of these amazing things for the sake of it, I feel like I have a role to fulfill. I know that the way I see things, and the way I see how things need to be for the benefit of a new humanity and I can’t help but feel a need to teach others and to guide them in a positive direction to a new world.

I don’t know if you’ve ever come across the philosopher Nietzsche, but he writes about the “Übermensch.” The Übermensch are, according to Nietzsche, the next evolutionary step mankind will become, and I feel like this is pretty close to the mark in terms of being right. When people are writing on your page about ascension, I can’t help but feel that I cannot plausibly become a Übermensch. I feel that inevitably our self constructed capitalist world is going to collapse, and when this happens people will no longer be able to rely on the state, the government or money. We will need to guide humanity beyond in to a new phase of history, and this gives us the best chance to attain peace and eradicate suffering from the world. I feel like I need to be a guide for humanity, to walk them over the tight rope between man and the Übermensch and guide them in the right direction. I feel that this is my goal after, or even before ascension.

I hope I am not alone in feeling this desire to teach and to guide, I have asked for the truth of reality and gasped for it like I cannot breathe, it has changed my life and it seems to be the way forward.

Dear Hannah,

Let me ask you first: “Are of German origin?” In that case you can correspond with me in German language, especially as you are a philosophy student.  All your perceptions on the more abstract level, but also on the individual level, are correct and easily explained with the current energetic background of Gaia and humanity in the End Times.

What I could not perceive from your email is whether you are also in the LBP or whether your inclinations to deal with the gnostic topics on this website are more of a mental nature. This makes a big difference at the existential level. If you feel inclined to teach other people, this will be most probably your mission after ascension on earth A as the younger generation of crystalline children will be the new teachers of the ascended humanity.

I know Nietzsche very well and I do not even consider him a philosopher in the true connotation of this word, as he is very chaotic in his thinking and more socially and behavioristically oriented and has no idea of systemic methodological thinking and approach. He represents in my opinion the bad side of the German philosophic school, and if I must be honest, I have great difficulties to find a representative of the good German philosophic tradition. Nietzsche’s Übermensch has nothing in common with my definition of a transliminal, multi-dimensional soul or personality which is also known as “Ascended Master” in the popular esoteric literature. His Übermensch is more similar to the Illuminati’s concept of a dark Ego-Master. I have written much more on the German philosophers in my five gnostic books available as free pdf on my website – see first the book “Philosophic Sources (Philosophische Quellen)”.  However you are invited to object my view on Nietzsche and write an essay on him and I will publish it on this website.

With love and light
I am an English speaking student, so unfortunately I cannot converse with you in German. I agree, the humble conclusions I came to regarding the nature of the universe seem to be reflected on a much wider scale on your website.

I have no idea, unfortunately, what the LBP is. However, I would not say my interest is due to a desire to further my mental capabilities, the path my life has taken seems to be an undeniable and unchangeable one, which makes me think that there is an ultimate goal I am heading towards, and anything I can learn on the way is going to help me.

I feel somewhat ignorant of much of what you talk about, but at the same time I am really drawn to what I read. I began writing my reply to you last night and when I went to be I had at least an hour of intense vibrations and noises surrounding me. This seems to happen on occasion and sometimes it really scares me, I know that there is something happening on a large scale and I suppose the fear is due to an ignorance of what it is that is happening.

I do agree with your thoughts on Nietzsche in terms of his lack of logical structure in his works, however he is undoubtedly one of the most misinterpreted thinkers of all time, and although a lot of what he writes is non-sensical, disillusioned ramblings, I just wanted to use his Zarathustra as an example of man-kinds ability to evolve beyond the rational.

What I need to know George is what can I do to help myself and others through ascension? There is an extremely intense battle within me and I don’t want to lose grip on reality all together, I often feel like I am wandering, waiting and searching for something and I don’t know what it is. Is this common? I really appreciate being able to speak with you,

Dear Hannah,

first of all if you want to get more information on the LBP – light body process – I have written three comprehensive articles on this topic which you can find under Ascension 2012. In addition you can read my book “Evolutionary Leap of Mankind” published as serials on my website, where I also extensively discuss this issue. In fact this book is a must for you in order to understand what is currently ongoing on this planet.

There is nothing more that you could do at this time, but enlighten yourself. The big events that are scheduled to come in June and after that in the course of this year will happen with or without our personal contribution. The actual work will begin after mass ascension in Dec 2012. Before that one has only to care about his personal spiritual evolution and in your case this means a lot of reading and contemplating. This is what I am also doing all the time. Are you coming from the USA or the UK?
May 15, 2012

Hello Georgi,

I read “A message from Wilfred’s Higher Self” and there is just one thing I question: “if you are concerned about your family, then you are still attached to this reality and are not ready to ascend.”  All my life I believed that it was GOOD to love your family and never just think only of yourself; love and be good to others. LOVE, LOVE. Now, we are suppose to not worry about family, just be concerned about yourself or you will not ascend. I just cannot grasp this part. I will always worry about my family. I am a mother, we worry. Not worrying about them means forgetting them for which I am unable to do this.

I truly despise this earth the way it is now. I hate all the vaccinations my grandsons have to get and the toxic air they are breathing. I hate it that  my family and myself have to live on this planet run by the PTB  and I know things are going to get worse very soon. I want my whole family on the new earth, a beautiful place to live and to watch the children grow up.  I cannot just make them disappear from my mind. They are my life. I guess I am not ready to ascend because I cannot block my family out of my mind? I want to understand this better. I do not mean any disrespect to anyone. I’m just trying to understand. Thank you Georgi. I admire  you for all that you do.

Love, Debbie
Dear Debbie,

you should not take this message too literally. It is Wilfred’s interpretation and he is a purist. Detachment is good, but this does not mean to stop loving your family members. In fact I do not think personally that this matters much. As soon as you are aware of the overall situation on the earth and you desire to ascend, this is absolutely enough. The only limitation to ascend is that we are still needed on the ground to help the others raise their frequencies. As soon as the other LW reach the necessary energetic level to substitute us, we will ascend immediately. Therefore my advice –  take it easy and live as you have lived until now and there is no reason to change anything or worry about anything. Your ascension is guaranteed.

With love and light


Thank you so much Georgi. I feel so much better now. This was really bothering me but I am at ease now. Now, if I could only make my neck quit hurting. I can barely turn my head and it hurts from behind my ear all the way down to my shoulder. Is this part of LBP? I do not go to doctors but I am hoping it is just the LBP. Thank you again for easing my mind.  Love, Debbie

Dear Debbie,

this is the LBP and I recommend you to take novalgin (dipyrone) as it has a very good muscle relaxation effects and no side effects. I also take this drug when I have a headache and muscle contractions with pain.

May 15, 2012

Dear George,

thanks for this great and informative website that for the last few months has given me yet another perspective from which to understand this fascinating mystery called life on earth. You are quite brilliant and have a good sense of humour at the same time. Since reading  your site all my other sources of information seem shallow and silly.

Somewhere in one of the PAT members letters was a negative statement about meditation that caught my attention. I have never been able to meditate but have a vivid imagination that I use a lot and can visualize just about anything I want. Some people can meditate for hours on end and I think my inability to meditate for even 10 minutes could be a weak point that needs fixing. What is your opinion about meditation? Do you have anything written about it in this vast treasure grove of information?

all the best
Dear Karin,

thank you for contacting me for the first time and for your appreciation of this website. I have not written anything special about meditation as I myself am not a great friend of this kind of activities. My opinion is that only lesser evolved souls need this kind of exercise as they cannot establish a direct contact to their HS in a joyful and easy manner. That is why I go as far as to say that meditation does not help in the advanced stage of the LBP and can even harm, as the energies that enter the body must be anchored in the 3d-space-time and such meditations are not helpful in this respect.

If you have a vivid imagination and this imagination comes from within your inner realm  it will be the greatest blunder on your part to suppress this rare ability in order to meditate by making your mind and head empty as many gurus suggest. We have too much empty heads and minds on this planet and we need some more individuals with your vivid imagination.

My motto is: do not force anything. Let your ideas flow as they come and go and follow them with a curiosity. Thus you will learn much more about your soul and her plans and preferences, than from all other sources put together. My best way to mediate in a spontaneous manner is when I am cooking or doing a physical work. In this way I get my best ideas.

With love and light
Dear George,

thank you very much for your quick and wise response. We indeed have too many empty heads and minds on this planet and I shouldn’t feel obliged to make an effort to become one of them. You are also right about meditating in a spontaneous manner whilst cooking etc. Better to be playful and curious than dogmatic and serious.

with love and light

I thought you might like to read this:

If the link didn’t paste right… it’s from the “Children of the Sun” website and is called, “The Initiation of Monadic Absorption”.

Here we go! xoxox
Dear Kari,

Thank you – this is a good summary, but nothing new. The positive aspect is that more and more LW are beginning to see the events with the same eyes and this is the most important sign that we are approaching the final solution.

I had to laugh a little a bit about the advice to transcend sexual desires. We do not need to do anything in this respect. Our chakras transformation is taking its toll and prohibits the experience of old-fashioned orgasm, as the lower three chakras are now fully disconnected and made subordinate to the higher chakras and the energies entering our bodies from the left brain portal. The very effort to urge the readers to transcend sexual desires is a clear indication of still existing esoteric ego, which believes that one can manipulate the body for the better – leave it to the soul and  do not bother anymore. And if you still experience your old-fashioned orgasm, so what, be happy about this privilege as long as you can.

This my Sunday’s “2-minutes-sermon” (as given on the German State television at prime time).

With love and light
May 15, 2012

Dear George,

I’ve read that a lot of you were knocked out by huge waves of energy. I didn’t feel anything. They only out of the ordinary situation was that on the 12th and the 13th of May I spent most of the time in bed sleeping. I thought the reason was because while I was sleeping on Saturday during day time, a guy committed suicide in this island (Norway) and that I was helping him somehow after he shot himself. Sometimes I’m some kind of assistant in the astral plane for people that feel lost after they die. But with this guy, I don’t remember anything, so I think I was sleeping most of the time because of the waves of energy you guys were talking about.

As for my mission after ascension, I see myself  teaching or helping others to travel from one place to another (on earth and other planets) through portals. I think this scenario it’s only possible in the 5th dimension, right?. I will also have tasks that have to do with sound and/or music… not sure what they are.

What do you see me doing after ascension? I’m curious how you see me then. I see you on planet A/B as an adviser “behind stage” for a while, guiding the new (good) leaders. You will, of course, have the possibility to go back and forth dimensions because your new house is not planet A/B. In the higher dimensions you are just having fun with the rest of us creating.

Dear Monica,

You might indeed do the job of an “astral cicerone” for death-disoriented personalities and help them find their way to the 5th dimension. I am also doing this job from time to time.

I see you as a creator being – doing a lot of creative work, but what precisely this I leave up to you.

I think that I will be more involved on the earth A than on earth A/B as on this earth we, the ascended masters, will not necessarily appear physically, but will coordinate from behind the veil. Take care that you do not sleep through your whole honeymoon as your Viking will be rather sad.

With love and light
Astral cicerone…love it!! You are right, I like to create. In another email I’ll describe my creative work.

Honeymoon? hahaha. Poor viking, sex with me is so lame. I think I’m going to recreate the Kama Sutra on earth A. “The Kama Sutra of the 5th Dimension: How to reach cosmic orgasm with your partner by only touching your hands”. I guess, our galactic friends are experts on this field and I don’t have to recreate anything.

Come on, you disappoint me. Where is your Latin temperament? It could not have been buried under a couple of LBP-related symptoms. You told me that you are left in peace by your soul these days. I thought you have come to Norway to melt the glaciers with your exuberant Latin emotionality.

LOL don’t make me laugh George!!! Sorry to disappoint you. Well, I can say that I do melt the glaciers in other ways. Maybe I still inspire sensuality.

Maybe Norwegian men envy my Viking, thinking I’m the Latina hottie that is incredible in bed and does whatever her man wants her to do. If the only knew! Years ago I was that creative Latina hottie in bed. One lover even told me once that I was the Sex Goddess! HAHHAHAHAHAH……you don’t know how hard I’m laughing now remembering that! You know, my LBP symptoms are not that bad….well, besides my lack of libido.

The lack of libido is the most clear ascension sign. – George


May 15, 2012


I was floored by the poems by Kent in SOAR#97. I have been getting these as well in a quite similar format. ALL CAPS and they sound the same too…this is the first one,  not as flowerery as some.

I never considered them poems, still kinda don’t, but I find them interesting.I wrote this as an email to myself on 10/14/11.



Why is truth ignored?
Why is truth a bore? 
The truth sets us free
The truth lets us be 
Who I AM
Supposed to freely be

Dear Kai,

I like both poems very much. There is an Italian poetic style introduced by the famous writer Guiseppe Ungaretti called “il ermetismo” which is very similar to your style of writing poems. I will publish them in the next report.


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