On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-94, May 6, 2012
May 5, 2012
Gregori ~~
By the Breath as and within my Being, I recognize and acknowledge the Divine within You as we are One and the Same.
My Dearest Beloved Brother Gregori,
The Brightest Stars in All Creation Speak To Me of Your Virtue. You remind me of GALILEO in his life time refuting critics and criticisms of Understanding Universal TRUTH.
Your wife, even Callista and some recipients participants to your espoundings seem chosen to a new earth oriented life in planet AB because of the love, harmony, luxuries, arts and beauty imagined and promised on a reborn, restored, renewed earth. It is grand good choice among all the many available at the end of Time.
Many choose AB as the place to go simply because their Imaginations cannot choose to go to the Beyond Imagination. They hedge their bets as playing against Life for they cannot yet surrender to Life, Light and Love. Such as may be and it is as it is, while you espouse opportunity to go Beyond as return to Source Consciousness’s. Hereafter be known as SC as compared and contrasted to CA. Quite a difference to the ears, if you know what I mean.
Brother Gregori, You continually proclaim that nobody understands you. I refute that unconditionally. Your science in English I have read. Thank You. Finally someone has published what I have always known as Universal Law. Congratulations for conquering all opposition and obstacles to be published.
As patent holder you have been monitored by FDA and responded to with immediate shutdown of nystatin at same time you announced the global nystatin project. You recouped by checkmate of Gates foundation to establish PAT Foundation as overseer of health care on new earth planet AB. My Brother I Love Watching You In Action.
I see what you are establishing as service to earth AB, with opportunity for the betterment of All. I am all on board in more ways than we have yet Imagined as you have captured and stimulated my Unlimited Divine Inspiration and Imagination to Serve Humanity Upon Mother Earth As The Heart Of All That Is and Ever Will Be. Thank You once again.
All the ideas and speculation for date of ascension are considered upon my preference for as soon as possible. Ascension Day is our choice in the making as our creation, collective and individual. May 17 is considered by Catholics as the Ascension Day. That day is soon enough for me to sight my aspirations for my ascension. Everyone else join the train or be catch up later. What are we waiting for, really?
Want to join me??
Otherwise I am in a situation where I may have as best option to go camping in the mountains among forests at a river for the month of June and beyond. It would be a campsite at the end of the road, the end of reality with slim chance of recovery and reintegration into this failing social world. It seems I am soon out of options to sustain my self participating in the illusion. I want to ascend ASAP. Carbon into Silicon in twinkling of the eye, without a moments notice. I am unable to make ideas as plans for the summer because it is beyond my imagination how to continue when I am outside established matrix living broke, without income and homeless to afford expenses of traveling and living in my 1988 CHEVY VAN.
I have been notified that I am to cease living and remove from my hermitage home situation at the end of May. Time to hit the road destination unknown. Conjure up my continued reality as to sustain and participate unto ascension. I know we are older than the oldest stars, so enclosed is photo of oldest star by Hubble. Take a look at all the light and imagine how much Light you are.
I live not by hope and faith, but with trust and confidence for I AM CREATOR AS SCIENTIST OF MY OWN EXPERIENCE OF LIFE. As such it is more than difficult, it is impossible to talk with others when one is sovereign to entertain ideas for discussion others never ever consider. Will write again as time and circumstance’s allow with timely inspiration. I have so much to share and discuss with you.
Especially about the coming pole shift and its effects of biology, brain function with memory, consciousness and wiping the slate clean as a door way for ascension. Regarding pole shift, as you know this month May Sun is going to shift into a quadpole. Sun’s axis will have single polarity and all around equator as opposite polarity. This magnetic change in sun is what will shift earths magnetics or what is called Pole Shift. [pole shift: what a catch all phrase describing nothing specifically at all, other than shit happens].
I consider more likely than simple polarity N/S reversal earth may have polar with opposing equatorial magnetics as replication of sun’s magnetics or it may well be maybe earth becomes monopolar with a magnetics at the core and the opposite magnetics as the outer shell. I have 40 years of speculation without discovered answer as to affects on cellular biology and memory if life-wave of planet is exposed to days of zero magnetics during time of magnetic realignment.
Gregori, Does it raise questions for consideration as to if and when biology and all memory with consciousness in electromagnetic spectrum loses magnetics, then what happens. Such is what I ponder and research without yet any answer other than wait and see, because such zero magnetic is what we are all here to experience as what we call ascension. I am not testing or challenging you, rather invoking your imagination as the pole shift maybe more than what we have been informed imagined about.
Seems some of PAT are accepting and loving an ascension of consciousness to a new earth, with congratulations job well done, while some as you are ascending beyond reality know as Heart and Heaven on Earth. Here we go into the wild blue yonder, beyond what has ever been imagined before. This may be my last opportunity to communicate until who knows when.
My Brother Beloved until again as Always. I love you. Know you are not alone, not the only one who sees and knows as you.
Happy Trails Until We Meet Again.
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Dear Tim,
thank you for this very powerful and affirmative message. Before I read your email, I had just answered Diana’s email, where she warned me that it is not us, but our souls who decide when we will ascend, and I essentially responded with the same arguments as you have now forwarded in your email:
“Dear Diana,
this is true in principle, but this approach assumes that we have no active impact on our existential decisions and this is definitely not the case since the end of April. It was true before that. From now on what we charge emotionally and mentally is what is most likely to occur. Hence the necessity to make clear statements. We are better off this way than just accepting our destiny as passive participants. Besides, there are no general rules anymore. There may be some members of the PAT who may not wish to ascend around this time, although they could have done it and this is in a perfect concordance with the overall ascension plan for this planet and humanity.”
I fully support your decision to ascend ASAP and that you should charge this decision with all the emotional and mental potential you are capable of as an incarnated human entity, as this is the only way how we create our realities. If you manage to ascend in May, so much for the better and I hope you will make us aware in any conceivable way that you have finally achieved your goal.
With this being said, let me now address your question on magnetism and howzero magnetics might affect our bodies, brains, mental and emotional fields, and memory during the magnetic pole reversal. Although I must admit that I have no precise idea about this particular condition, as it has never been experienced before, I can forward some general observations departing from the physical theory of the Universal Law.
As I understand it, magnetism is nothing particular but an energy field that occurs in matter and in photon space-time, which conventional physics now erroneously regards as vacuum. The particular property of any magnetic field is that it ispolarized, contrary for instance to the gravitational field, which is not polarized, although gravity always has a direction. This is by the way the chief obstacle why present-day physics has not been able to explain and integrate gravitation with electromagnetism and the other two fundamental forces in the standard model.
I personally believe that when the magnetic pole reversal will occur, only the magnetism of the energetic system “earth” as a planet will change or more precisely will be eliminated. This magnetic field is a composite of the rotations of the earth around its axis, around the sun, around the local solar group, around the centre of the Milky way, and so on, including its rotation around the Centre /Source of this universe. This superimposed rotation is responsible for the actual magnetic field of the earth as a planet and the establishment of the two magnetic poles – south and north.
Of course the whole situation is much more complex as one must also consider the inner rotations of the magma layers in the core of the earth etc. which also contribute to this superimposed rotation of the planet, thus creating its planetary magnetism as north and south poles. During the magnetic pole reversal (shift), earth will be aligned with the central sun of the galaxy and the universe, so that this superimposed rotation will be eliminated. Similar alignments must also occur in the core of the earth, and this is the reason why there will be some adjustments and movements of continental masses. It is known that the earth’s crust practically floats upon a magma see.
The zero-magnetic field of the earth during the pole reversal is, however, just one energetic level/system that will be eliminated at this time by a cosmic, transgalactic constructive interference. This is also the reason why we must wait until all the cosmic events have come into a perfect alignment as the Ascension of Gaia and humanity is closely linked with the ascension of the whole Milky Way galaxy and numerous other planets and civilisations.
But the establishment of zero-magnetic field for the planet “earth” does not mean that the magnetism of matter as created by the rotations of the elementary particles will be also eliminated. It will continue to exist, although I assume that their inner alignment in matter and photon space-time will be also affected and altered. The new matter, which we can now refer to as crystalline matter will consist of elementary particles which are now aligned in new geometric patterns and forms and will thus affects substantially the overall magnetism of matter. One can observe a similar effect in superconductivity when the electrons which are the chief source of magnetism of matter are organized in Cooper pairs in such a manner that there is no waste of energy in terms of thermal radiation and the electrons move in electric loops without any resistivity, without any collisions, which create the waste of thermal energy and low effectiveness of current conductors as wires. This explanation is according to my physical understanding, which is of course limited by my human brain.
In the 5th dimension such elementary particles will continue to exist as we observe them in the current 3d-reality, but they will have in the future different kinetic characteristics and geometric alignments within matter, so that the new kind of matter we will experience as macroscopic superimposed product of the movement of all elementary particles will be of a completely different quality. It will allow for instance to have superconductivity in all conductors and eliminate the waste of thermal energy, which is now erroneously assessed by the second thermodynamic law of entropy. These new alignments of elementary particles will also allow fort the energetic fields to move through matter or vice versa, human crystalline bodies to move through matter, which will still be existent in the lower second level of the 5th dimension after mass ascension in Dec 2012. There will be many variations of this theme that will allow for numerous holographic realities, which can still be interpreted in terms of matter by humans and their expanded awareness.
The reason why I believe that with the coming of the zero-earth magnetism nothing essential will change for most human incarnated beings is that their ethereal bodies, which they now use in the dream state to travel in the higher dimensions, are also free of the current magnetism of matter. But when we are awake, these ethereal human bodies or fields are energetically linked to the physical bodies through the chakras and other energetic systems such as the Ka-system and theaxiatonal network at the skin level.
I wished some “clever” channels would have paid much more attention on such technical problems and inform the light workers about them. Unfortunately the channellers themselves have absolutely no idea of science and of the importance of these topics, as you have correctly pointed out,and for that reason they simply cannot receive this information which they will neither understand, nor have asked for. An incarnated human entity receives only the information it asks for and can process. And if one does not ask, he only receives crap as is the case with 99% of the channelers that currently publish on the Internet.
This can be observed very well with CA, which is a fairly clear channel for the current circumstances. When this source was channelled by Paul Shockley in the past, who was philosophically inspired and had a broader view of the world, the quality of the CA messages was much better. All basic philosophical books channelled by CA were transmitted by this man. Now we have Berlinghof who has no idea of philosophy or transcendence and is intellectually rather mediocre and you only get the same old crap which he channels in trance – the repetition of the repetition at the worst possible level, so that there is absolutely no need for this kind of channelling anymore as it does enlarge the understanding and the spiritual scope of this group.
In the meantime Cupid came and actually paralyzed this medium in the gestalt of our former PAT-member Callista, just as the famous nymph Calypso seduced Odysseus on her island in the Greek mythology, and the whole channelling affair with this Old/New Age group is coming to an end. I have pledged for this solution more than a year ago at the higher realms as I did not see any pedagogical function for CA anymore and my recommendation as an enlightened observer and analyst on the ground was finally heard.
Drop in Munich after you have ascended to say hallo in case I must still keep the position here on the earth.
With love and light
May 5, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your response. Not long after your previous E – Mail to me I was given that the ascension of certain individuals of the PAT would take place June/July, but no specific date. So this morning I was given another confirmation on your date of 21st June.
A Big Thank you Georgi.
From The Heart
Maria Chabaani.
Dear Maria,
these are important confirmations which are now growing by the hour from all sources, so that the ascension scenario seems to be finalized in the higher realms. From that point of view our job is finished on the ground.
Dear Georgie,
It’s great that the 21st June has been finalized for the ascension of certain members of the PAT. This morning I was given another message from the higher realms which I trust implicitly. And that is, I myself, along with others, will ascend within the next few weeks. I am not being told any date, or how many I am being given confirmation from the White Brotherhood that for myself this information is correct.
Also I am told that I will be coming back to help prepare the others. I have no more information in regards to this role at the moment though. My understanding is, that this is part of the preparation for the ascension of those who have chosen to go on the 21st June. There will also be those that will ascend after 21st June, but before 21st Dec. It seems to be broken down into levels of preparation. What I do know is that the more the masses start to LET GO, the quicker the time lines will shift and the opportunities will come in quicker.
From My Heart,
Dear Maria,
this is excellent news and I have only today received an email from another member of the PAT (Tim) who told me that he has decided to ascend in May. I must admit that I have not been given any precise date so far, but only the deep feeling that we are in the countdown. After all it does not matter a few days earlier or later. We have reached the point of no return.
May 6, 2012
Dear Georgi,
The week that was April 28 through May 4 was a truly ‘Alzheimer moments’ week for me. The fears that surrounded me were unbearable. Through the protective movements of the PAT, your generous care, and All-That-Is, I was able to move through it without suffering too much damage.
I became aware that the dark forces were hypnotizing me, while working at the computer or watching a DVD on it! I even saw one walking through the wall, in peripheral vision, in my tiny kitchen this morning! Things are heating-up for ascension. I hope I’m with the first group.
In Love and Light,
Dear Henry,
thank you for this confirmation. I asked my soul for information on the coming events yesterday, as today (May 6) is my name day St George, which is a big feast in Orthodox Christianity (also Wesak, the day of all ascended masters in Buddhism and a full moon) and last night I got the information that something big will happen around May 14, but I was not told what. We will see it soon, as time is really flowing now with a light speed….
I hope the dark entities will not bother you any longer. According to my information they must have been purged from this planet by the end of April, but you might have had the privilege to have seen the last ones.
With love and light
May 5, 2012
Hello Dr. Georgi,
It has been a while since my last (and first) message around SOAR #43-44. I have enjoyed keeping up with your website and events, nonetheless.
In regards to your correspondence with Callista in SOAR #93 and her second interpretative post on planetary torus, and I quote her….
“Just as the energies of the primary portals of the Earth planet are beginning to operate in a torus-shaped energy field, so, too will the planetary energy be configured. In mid-May the Interpreter (Will Berlinghof) will travel from the northern hemisphere into the southern hemisphere, and as he travels, the energies of the planetary torus will be initiated. This is truly the meaning of the pole shift. The energies of the north pole will be brought into the opposite polarity; and the energies of the south pole will occupy that which was once the north. This movement will energise the torus energy field into operation and facilitate the separation of the planets A, A/B and B.”….
So let me get this straight…. this fellow going to Australia to consummate his illustrious find is the pole shift and subsequent separating of the planets to A, A/B, and B? I have heard it all now!
In other news, I can sincerely relate to the confusing plight that Alberto mentioned. On the same night he referenced, I, too, was taken aback with confusion. My daughter and I had treated ourselves to dinner at an Asian restaurant, then stopped at the market for ice cream to take home. At the end of the dinner, while paying the tab, I realized post-haste that I had just consumed the fortune cookie without opening it first and reading the fortune! I ate my fortune. Who does that? I’ve never done that! Then, at home, I put the ice cream in the refrigerator, not the freezer, as discovered by my daughter. Needless to say, we had many laughs over all of this, but it was a bit disturbing to say the least. Energies abound, to be sure!
And lastly, what I would give for a 3 month supply of nystatin. If it could work for me with my asthma, allergies, etc, then I would shout it from the rooftops. As it stands, exercise is so difficult when one can’t breathe well. Will should have gone to Australia 14 years ago!
Dear Tina,
I am glad that you noticed this profound crap which Callista has written. I was eagerly waiting to see how many people will notice it and you are so far the first and probably the only reader to have noticed it….
With love and light
Dearest Dr. Georgi,
I knew you awaited a response such as mine. You do not have to ask why because we both know it’s because you and I both thought it….it is the example of the One we Are. Time in the 3D is what we are used to. Time otherwise is where we are…confusing indeed. I’ve come to the conclusion that my instincts don’t fail me any longer…. I can smell a liar a mile away! I can tell if you’re operating from your heart or your mind! Two seconds is all I need. This is a very isolated world Dr. Georgi. I mean, we have to be sane and calm, knowing the rug is going to be pulled!
Dear Tina,
you have pointed to the gap that is now widening between the few true enlightened human beings such as most of the PAT who have evolved so much that can only act from their impeccable soul integrity and those who are still trapped in their earthy egotistical illusions and cannot see the discrepancies in their actions and thoughts. And when made aware of this fact, they behave like a somnambulist who has been awakened and runs amok and may kill you in rage. We are now experiencing the famous “loneliness of the long distance runner”, a novel by Alan Sillitoe (the young angry men in the 50s in GB).
May 5, 2012
I read somewhere that when we come into an earth incarnation, we have attached to us three dark entities. And that this is the tradeoff with the PTB in order for the light to send a light being into 3D incarnation? I can’t seem to track down the source I saw this in, can you help me?
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
I am the source of this information and we discussed it in previous ascension reports from the last year, when there were reports that many members of the PAT were attacked by dark entities. I think it was before 11.11.11, but you must find it out by using the search function on my website. It was in conjunction with the Christed meditation when I first recommended it at that time. I had this experience more than a year ago and purged this “unholy trio” or “triad” with this technique for ever.
Thank you George,
I read through reports 72 & 73 and found your Christed Meditation. I also typed in entities, dark etc ..but had no luck finding your 3 entity attachment explanation. This resonates with me and I wanted to know more …. why and the history behind this. I know that I am a starseed and that I volunteered for this mission but I know little else. Have I been here 2000 years since the time of Appollonius or longer, has PAT incarnated as a group in all incarnations but this one? If PAT is almost at the endpoint in this journey why has so little information been given to us in these end times. Even my dreams are symbolic and need to be interpreted. Since we have ascended on 11/11/2011 why can’t they download more information to us? Would our brains explode if they gave us more of our history and our connection to the upcoming event?
I have learned a great deal in the past eight months and I am grateful for the opportunity but I question why so much is still hidden from our sight? PAT becomes more in sync with each new report. I have also noticed that each member of PAT seems to have “specialty” for lack of a better word- for different areas. For example some can see portals, others can envision the future, and others read earth signs etc… It reminds me of a Mission Impossible movie but each of those players got a little background information before the mission began. Can you give me any insight into my questions?
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
I thought I wrote about this “unholy trio” (Sheryl has not checked the reports before 11.11.11) – it is very simple. Upon birth of a star seed, three dark entities from the 4th astral level attach themselves to his energy field and sponge on his energy for the rest of his life as long as he does not become aware of their existence and expels them in a deliberate act such as using the Christed meditation I recommend and saying loud that they should be expelled. Then the angelic forces have the right to expel them and they can no longer bother such a star seed. That’s all.
All your other questions are legitimate and you can find the answers by yourself. If we have had much more knowledge and insight than now, we would not stay a single moment on this planet as we will fully realize the absurdity of this life on this planet. This is the only reason why we are not given more information. Even the information we have is enough to make our lives on this toxic planet unbearable. Why add more baggage to it? Besides while still being in this clay vessel, we should concentrate on our current incarnation duties and not be distracted by additional information on past incarnations and experiences etc.as they will not be helpful to our current mission.
I watch some people like Sue for instance who is so much preoccupied with her past incarnations that she has no idea what is currently ongoing on this planet at the political and economic level and cannot develop a true social vision of how the new humanity should be. We must now act from the fulcrum of our current existence. Our past and parallel lives will be known to us after ascension at the appropriate level. We now receive as much information as we need to accomplish our jobs at the End Times. When we will ascend, and this will be very soon, we will know much more.
With love and light
May 5, 2012
Caro Giorgio,
will Camp David be dangerous for Putin? All the politicians who went to camp David never came back the same. It is said they they kill them and cloned in Camp David. Lula, the former president of Brazil, after being in Camp David changed a lot, even his wife and his politics, of course he became conform to the PTB. Do you know if there is this cloning activity there? I would be very careful if I were Putin! Let me know your precious opinion!
Un abbraccio, Alberto
Dear Alberto,
This is a very real danger and I cannot give you any definite answer. I can only assume that Putin is a “fox” and knows all possible dangers and will take special precautions. But even if they eliminate each other – so much for the better. My vision is a planet without any politicians. Putin may be better than Obama in the current political context, but these politicians are all of the same ilk and will not exist in the new planet A/B and surely not on the ascended planet A.
May 5, 2012
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for your confidence and this detailed information and explanation. It certainly isn’t surprising to me. These criminals (FDA and the pharmaceutical industry) will stop at nothing to meet their goals. As I have said many times, I am on a steep learning curve and constantly playing catch up here. I very much appreciate your tolerance when I ask questions which have been covered somewhere in your numerous volumes of scientific works and writings. I am intelligent, however, largely self-educated on these subjects. After awhile, I stopped trusting the information I was given by Pharma for obvious reasons!
Looks like shit is hitting the proverbial fan everywhere! A friend of mine who works for Dr. Matthias Rath sent me an article that he posted in an Open Letter to the New York Times today. I thought I would share it with you:
Perhaps this is another physician you could approach?
I’m sorry that I wasn’t clear about what I meant by “statin” drugs. It is the slang terminology used in the industry for HMG CoA reductase inhibitors such as Zocor (simvastatin) and Pravachol (pravastatin). I sold Pravachol. I also sold Capoten and Monopril, two ACE-Inhibitors also made by BMS. So, I actually feel a little better if these are some of the life-enhancing drugs currently available on the market. As you have said repeatedly, only a fool refuses to change his mind. I, sir, am no fool. I am eager to re-visit this part of your research and get the real truth of the matter and plan to do so immediately.
Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,
There is absolutely no need to excuse yourself for asking questions. This is the only way to acquire knowledge. The HMG CoA reductase inhibitors are extensively covered by myself in the chapter (volume III):
2.8.2 Treatment Effects of Depolarizing Non-Proteinic Drugs (page 286)
They are derivatives from the basic cholesterol molecule, but exhibit a slightly more pronounced dipole moment due to the oxide groups. In order to understand their mode of action, you must probably also check my elaboration on the role of cholesterol in the building of lipid bilayers in the cell membranes and its role in the lipid and fatty acid metabolism. Essentially, the statins replace cholesterol in the lipid bilayers and thus slightly decrease the isolation properties of the cell membranes. Cholesterol, which is normally found in lipid bilayers in a molar ratio of 1:1 with respect to the other saturated and unsaturated fatty (chain) acids increases the threshold of activation for cell action potentials, while unsaturated fatty acids decrease same and are thus recommended for the treatment of many diseases. They are present for instance in large quantities in olive oil and there were some excellent epidemiological studies in Greece and Italy in the 90s that showed that the use of olive oil lowers the overall cancer risk, especially the risk of breast cancer in women. You see how everything is linked together and can be perfectly explained with the new theory of the Universal Law. It is indeed mind-boggling.
If you look at the chemical structure of all “statins”, as you call them, they are all oxide derivatives from the basic cholesterol molecule. There are for instance many such statins that are produced by plants with an even greater dipole model and conductivity, as plant cells have a more powerful metabolism than mammal cells.
The Chinese herbal medicine uses these plant statins extensively in the treatment of various diseases. I have extensively studied the Chinese and the Bulgarian herbal traditions and checked the chemical moieties they use with the new dipole model which I have developed. This theory can go very deep and explain everything you have ever heard in the alternative medicine, but also expose most of the fraud that is committed there. From that point of view you can consider yourself lucky to have sold drugs that are cell-stimulating and thus helpful to humans.
This was the reason why I closed my Institute for clinical research (DIAS Institute) in 1996 after I developed the theory and realized that I can no longer perform clinical research with cell-inhibiting drugs, as it will be a participation in a genocide. I have depicted this pivotal event, triggered by a large trial with a ß-blocking agentd-sotalol done by BMS in Europe. I have told this story on page 333 (volume III) and you should probably read it as it is very instructive. It was at the time when I started writing volume III and was still in the process of expanding the new General theory of biological regulation.
It is another serendipity that I only recently saw several videos in German byMatthias Rath, where he lectured against the pharmaceutical cartel in Berlin and wrote a letter to him. But he had not answered yer. There are very few people on the Internet who practice such a diligent email correspondence with the people as I do, as they think that this is a waste of time and that they have much more important things to do than answer emails.
From a spiritual point of view this is the greatest blunder of all. You can only convince one soul at at a time and while saving one soul you are saving humanity. And if you cannot convince a single soul, you have also lost humanity. This aspect is symbolically presented in the New Testament in the Jesus parable with the sheep which has to be saved even at the expense of the whole flock.
May 5, 2012
Hello Georgi,
1. Great article about Open Letter to Bill Gates. I have translated in French and distributed to my Group.
2. Cosmic Awareness: The Truth About the Destruction of the Deep Underground Military Bases Worldwide
Do you have any relation with this group?
Do they know the existence of our group PAT?
Will they accept to integrate our group after ascension?
Dear Marcel,
thank you for your efforts. I am planning to also write a similar letter to the FBI and other secret services later this month when some of the events begin to materialize so that they will have more weight.
I am discussing CA from the very beginning – cosmicawareness.org – and most of the time I am criticizing this group, which has a good source, but only put stupid questions. You will find in the past ascension reports many references to this source.
The website link you have given me is not the original one and they only copy excerpts from the CAC newsletters. You can go to this website and get the whole CA/newsletters:
Hello Georgi,
Sorry, there is a misunderstanding here. I am not talking about CAC, but the group (Sleeper Agent) describe in the Cosmic Awareness article. This group is living on the surface of Planet Earth in a flesh body.
This group seem to have a similar agenda than our PAT group.
It is said:
“They volunteered to be born into earthly bodies so they would have the right to act, to voice opinions, and to be part of the action of opposition, part of the action of teaching and educating the masses to the higher spiritual truths.”
“this has been an action of those on the surface that have come to know what is happening and have bonded together to create this top-secret, super secret force of opposition.”
My questions are:
What are the distinction between PAT and Sleeper Agent Groups?
Do you have any contact with this Sleeper Agent group?
Do they know the existence of our group PAT?
Will they accept to integrate our group after ascension?
Dear Marcel,
OK, I understand now what you are asking me. If you read the whole text of the CAC newsletter-5 you will find an explanation by CA that these groups are still fully involved in the dualistic battle against the dark forces at the incarnation level, but that there are also other much more evolved human beings as the PAT, who no longer need to participate in these battles, but have chosen the inner spiritual way of evolution beyond human duality. Their opposition against the PTB is also there, but it is waged at the higher levels. It is a battle of ideas and not of actions. This is also the reason why I have recommended the PAT-lers on many occasions in the past to support and urge a revolution in the USA and the world over, but not participate in direct street skirmishes, as this is not the level of their influence and experience on this planet. It is a very fine line to walk between being an active street revolutionary or being a revolutionary in spirit and a dialectically thinking man in daily life beyond the current duality.
May 5, 2012
Caro Giorgio,
I have just seen a fixed light in the sky, like a star or a metal object reflecting light, today during the day. It was close to a chemtrail, and rapidly the chemtrail dissolved. I asked other people in the street to look at it, and they all saw the same flying object. After 5 minutes it disappeared.
An abbraccio, Alberto
May 5, 2012
Hi George
Well, yes, we are trying to do something with the website as it helps the time pass faster, but who knows for how long. Indeed it seems like June is turning out to be another 11.11.11 in that we, the PAT are being encouraged from all angles to focus on this date for the next ascension attempt.
I had a dream recently (the only one that has made any sense of late, the rest are all jumbled up stuff) about me being given the reins to a caravan (my chariot, or house on wheels) and told by my mother “now, don´t fuck it up”. At the time I didn´t understand, but now it seems to make more sense. There is another window of opportunity for ascension candidates, and I shouldn´t mess it up.
I wouldn´t have come to that conclusion without the help of your last SOAR report #93. The energies building around the date on your site convinced me, as well as Callista’s report on the portals and her “twinning up”. Valeri´s confirmation and advice about integrating the lower self and re-assuring it was very helpful.
Thanks again for your reports which have brought to light now that I need to be focusing on ascension on June 20 and not at a later date. For me, that involves a certain amount of proper nutrition, rest, purification and meditation practice.
Oh and I can also report intense left-side of the head portal activity the last 2 nights and a shift in my attitude to this mundane existence along the lines of “ready to blow this pop-stand”.
Love Debra.