State-of-Ascension-Report-84: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-84, April 10, 2012

Kahlo Frida,  1907-1054, The Ascension Goddess, Mexico

April 10, 2012

Dear Dr. Stankov,

I discovered your site around the first of the year and have been an avid reader ever since. Although I don’t possess a scientific mind, your truth resonates with me with great authenticity. I am 62, an independent oilman in Houston and have experienced all of the dark energy I can stand in one lifetime. I shall not waste time enumerating the toll of these experiences but suffice to say that many times I have prayed to God that I never have to repeat this incarnation again as it has been too painful an experience. I had concluded that one of my lessons in this lifetime was for my soul to perfect ‘forgiveness’ as I have been betrayed by most of my family and closest friends with calamitous consequences for my business and personal financial condition, not to mention the heartbreak of such behavior. However, luckily I have a Billy Pilgrimesque capacity of not allowing these painful events to cause lingering psychological suffering, anger and resentment. I am able to move on without negative feelings other than disappointment. The perpetrators are the losers as they lost my respect and friendship but not necessarily my love.

I almost wrote you after reading your 7/14/11 essay on psychedelics a few weeks ago, to share my personal experience. In brief, when I was in college in the Fall of 1971, in Austin, the cradle of the counter-culture, I had many psychedelic experiences, mostly with LSD, but also psilocybin and mescalin. Most of these ‘trips’ were happy & fun, as I enjoyed the altered experience. However, one October afternoon, some friends and I went to the coast and took some very pure LSD and sat at the end of a pier, over the Gulf, and watched the sun set to our right, as the full moon rose on our left, and I ‘came on’ to the most profound and only true spiritual experience of my life. This ‘trip’ was a beautiful out-of-body experience. One in which my ‘consciousness’ hovered above my body and I was One with the energy of the Universe. I was One with the Energy of Love. It was the most incredible single experience of my life. I have never forgotten it but haven’t ever shared it with anyone due to their incredulity about my description and disassociation with such a feeling, especially the spirituality of it.

Well life goes on but I was forever altered. This ‘trip’ was one of complete ego loss and thereafter I was ‘opened’ to living a life of caring and compassion and gratefully so. However, such traits are not compatible survival skills in the Reptilian world of the current business climate, which has progressively deteriorated over the past 20 years.

I was born with a very subjective personality, a heavy veil, and I suspect that was necessary for me to plod down my path to endure the road hazards I have encountered. As I aged into my forties and into the present, and suffered the misdeeds of loved ones, I have often felt like I have been in the wilderness of trial & tribulation for 40 years, since I left college in May of 1972, and I have diligently prayed that God deliver me and my flock of loved ones, my current fiancee and daughters, out of the wilderness and into the green pastures of abundance, prosperity and peace. I now feel my exit is approaching, nearly coincident with the approaching summer solstice.

Anyway, your description of the psychedelic experience in your essay as being akin to the multidimensional state of the 5th dimension was a startling revelation and gave me great comfort & joy, as I have experienced such a feeling and state of awareness and it is indescribably beautiful & joyful. I have longed for such an experience again and had planned to secure some DMT and withdraw somewhere to ‘clear my head’ again but the opportunity hasn’t yet presented itself. Your essay reflected the truth and validation of the greatness of multidimensionality, which I have longed to experience again. I cannot imagine being in such a  perpetual state but I am in wonder at the possibility. I am also in awe of your ‘knowing’ this experience without having had the drug induced effects.

I regard myself as deeply spiritual and have an awareness of my Oneness with God as my life, in God. Your essay about the myth of Christianity resonates as truth for me. However, I am writing you now due to my feeling of dread from your current essay about Mankind at the Crossroads. It seems to leave little choice about the events before us and our decisions. For me, this is also the most pessimistic essay I have read of yours. I do not pretend to fully grasp the ‘timelines’ and their effects. To me the essays about the Earth A/B implied a phased period of awareness toward Ascension, which could be a path chosen, after some further enlightenment, in this plane, after the dark & evil energy was removed to Earth B. I hadn’t necessarily considered myself sufficiently enlightened to be amongst the first wave of Ascension, but rather a way-shower to assist others towards this path, offering encouragement and assurance about the wonders and joy of such an experience, until I had reached a point of personal readiness for departure.

Maybe I am mistaken but your new essay implies a condemnation to Earth B and all of its toxic, evil darkness if one doesn’t proactively prepare through the LBP to Ascend and succeed in doing so, by years end. My dilemma is my love for my children compels me to stay here to protect and provide for them (two daughters 20 & 23), whom I love more than my self, or cease all other worldly endeavors and prepare to Ascend.

I appreciate how overwhelmed you are maintaining this website lighthouse to all of us so deep in sleep, while communicating with your Higher Self, and being the Captain of the PAT, but I would greatly appreciate your advice as relates to the months ahead, if you have the time to respond.

Since I doubt that I could get my children sufficiently prepared for Ascension, what would be your advice? I had thought that if/when the dark energy was ‘removed’ to Earth B that life on Earth A/B would become much less toxic and more benign, enlightened & caring, wherein we would collectively continue to evolve towards Ascension to 5th dimension.

I had imagined that ascended entities could co-exist between worlds, Earth A/B and 5th dimension, so that we could enjoy our Earthly families & friends and also be in our Higher selves. I must be very confused..

I strive every day to source capital to advance development of our remaining assets for the sake of tangible productivity, financial security and ultimately charitable giving, hoping to survive to reach a point when dark energy is eliminated and honorable commerce and communion amongst all men could flourish. Am I better off getting my affairs in order and spending my energy on the LBP?

Is the Golden Age of Earth that almost all channeler’s predict a fiction? Would you please assist reconciling these issues for me as I am confused?

It would be greatly helpful if you could inform me about my dilemma. I can hardly bear the thought of proactively seeking to depart this world only to leave my angels to fend for themselves on a toxic Earth B, if there is not the hope of a Golden Age of Earth A/B, with raised god-conscious and peaceful living towards Ascension, ultimately.

I have the highest respect and appreciation for the strain and difficulty you endure on our collective behalf. You are an evolved soul of the highest order, serving us all so patiently.
Thank you, sir.

In Love & Light,
Dear Campbell,

Thank you very much for contacting me for the first time and for sharing some glimpses in your personal life with me. You have used a very good example – Billy Pilgrim, a fictitious character in the Curt Vonnegut’s famous novel, who is an exaggerated personification of  all the perils a human being can suffer and endure as you have also told me with respect to your personal life. Why not me, using some exaggerations in presenting my case. In this way I am answering your last and main question.

Exaggerations are allowed literary means to awaken the people when there is still a narrow window of opportunity for them to change the course and be saved. While reading my articles you should display a lot of humor and even sarcasm as to understand them beyond the obvious statements. One must interpret them in the overall context and not follow the text slavishly word by word.

Besides, it is irrelevant what I say about other people – their ascension does not depend on my assessment. CA also told the CAC-group  that I will not ascend and its statement has absolute no relevance on my pending ascension, but is only a mirror image of the narrow mindedness of this group who are so dumbed down to ask a channeling source for an information about a living person, whom they can so easily assess by simply reading his books and articles on Internet. But they are too stupid for this endeavour and prefer to ask a source from the higher realms for an opinion instead of using their petty minds.

It is however an undeniable fact that all those light workers that currently get mired by the 99% of the flawed messages circulating in Internet are hampering their progress in the LBP and will not achieve their maximal goals. And this is the actual message I am trying to convey.

If you have read my article carefully I also say that more than 1.5 billion people will ascend at the end of 2012 as the bar is set very low for these people and that none of them knows about this destiny. This includes your daughters and all family members who you still love although they must have harmed you in many ways. Ascension of other people is the least thing you should now worry about.

If you read my articles in the context and do not stumble over single statements taken out of the context, you will see that the only thing I really wish is that as many people as possible make it. For this reason I outline rigidly the two clear alternatives as to make the situation simpler and nothing else. I am like a coach who tells his team in the pause that if they do not win this game they will descend in the lower division, while they are occupying a save place in the first league chart. This kind of exaggerations are legitimate means of motivation and one should not interpret them in another way.

In fact, my greatest desire is that all people ascend, although I know that this is not possible, and I still believe that there is a great potential to achieve a fairly good result at the end. But one must present the situation now drastically as to awaken the slumbering people and  many light workers.

With regard to your psychedelic experience. From what I know is that it is ultimately the soul that allows for such a full out-of–body experience as you have had once. Normally, the first time is the best and then the quality of the psychedelic experience deteriorates as the soul does not want that the incarnated entity loses contact with this reality.

I also confirm that everything points to a major showdown around summer solstice and that when the situation changes, it will be radically for the better, so that we should expect all kinds of miracles. In fact we have already achieved our goal for this  incarnation as nothing can go awry any more, but one still needs a clear mind and a preparedness in the coming days to keep it as simple as possible.

If you love  your daughters and still have contact with them, tell them simply what you feel and that you will leave earth in a couple of months. Even if they may not believe you, they will consider your words and this knowledge will transform them for the better. This is what I do with my daughters also, who are at the same age. You need not convince them, but just tell them what you feel and see. Stay honest and open. This is enough and the best thing to do, and it always works.

With love and light
April 10, 2012

Wonderful Again, George,

Basically you have recapped everything that has become more apparent to me in the last couple of weeks. The ground really is shifting underneath the feet of the masses and I have noticed many of them blaming others more and some going into full denial. While, I have seen some heroic actions of others who have made a peaceful choice or a sovereign choice before my very eyes.  I, myself, have had to make several “logical” choices  (but they are also in alignment with my heart, since this chakra is open for me) and I have had to act upon them in the face of seeming authority figures and old ideas.

I have been feeling this week that the rubber really is meeting the road now and that there is no more time to discuss these new age ideas, in fact there is nothing left but to live from them fully and to not have any fear involved in doing so and to not apologize for doing so.  I have largely taken several matters into my own hands, and now each day is unfolding in a pretty magical way, as I can clearly see the new reality that is being built brick by brick, while periodically throughout the day, I am confronted with last tests and archaic belief systems. I seem to move through these tests a lot quicker now, and soon they will not even enter my reality… I can feel this. I will say there has been an element of surprise for me between which people I detect are moving to planet A and which are moving to planet A/B… I rarely encounter anyone anymore who will be on planet B. But, there are many who I thought were more aware that are proving themselves to still be mired in the lower frequencies. It has all been very interesting.

Also my radar for this is becoming so keen. I can have one conversation now with someone and energetically feel what they are choosing. I have no interest to save them and lately I have no interest to interact with them again. Just like that. It feels like I am saying farewell to many. While, in the distance, there is this new group coming closer to me and I see their hearts more open than ever before and they are so innocently asking questions and it is all very exciting because these ones are growing leaps and bounds and I can finally see how some of our torture of transmuting the lower energies is now paying off for these recently awakening!! They are having such a smoother time and advancing so quickly and it makes me very happy.  I also feel like my whole field has expanded and I can tell who I want to look in the eye or who I want to interact with from very far away! What is amazing is how very natural that all feels. I can remember being telepathic! It is so wonderful and so much easier than a bunch of words… it cuts straight to the core of the matter! I am finding that if someone is lying to themselves, I have a hard time looking them in the eye… it doesn’t feel comfortable. But if they are honestly confronting their issues and seeking the truth, then I can stare at them for hours and it feels very comfortable.

And what is new to me is that there are people I can actually stare in the eye!! I realize now that my whole life I have been avoiding eye contact with so many people because I could see too much of their insides… and now there are finally people that I can look into and it feels great!  Honestly, by May, it feels like smooth sailing for me and I think I am quickly burning off the last dross that has been holding me back. It is really just a few quick fixes and I will be able to say that everything in my world reflects my absolute highest truth!! It has been such a long and hard road getting here and we have all endured much. But somehow I don’t think our ascended state is going to take much time, if any, to get used to.

April 10, 2012

Hallo George,

It was truly enlightening to read the truth about Jesus and the entity called Apollonius. All this was entirely new to me, and I can fully believe how the Romans distorted the truth for their ends and “fabricated” a Jesus that way. It is really sad how they destroyed all this ancient information and numerous libraries and buried the truth.

I can say that I share your frustrations expressed in “Mankind at the crossroads”, however I see the Occupy movement as a “spur of the moment” operation, borne out of a situation in a sporadic fashion with little time for planning. This movement should have become a tidal wave of protest to bring down the PTB. However apart from the few brave ones who dared to spend 7/11, sometimes in adverse weather conditions and facing the police brutality, while the other 98,5% percent who should have been there, were following the action from their cushy couches. And it is thanks to them that this whole operation failed.

So, I do take my hats off to those who tried to stand up to the PTB, although many were still ignorant of the truth, they had nevertheless followed the voice of their souls to go and do their bit. It is in a way similar to our situation, where a few enlightened souls who have suffered through the LBP are doing all the work, while many others that should have joined us, are still fast asleep. That is why we are still here, instead of having ascended at 11.11.11.

Now we are treading water and waiting, while dealing with an inner conflict on whether to go back to mundane activities in order to survive here, while the time is getting ever shorter for souls to wake up from their millennia long conditioning in regards to religion, financial, social, economic and healthcare systems, etc.  So, what are we waiting for now?

Love and Light,
Dear Joe,

my negative analysis does not include the few brave human beings who established the Occupy movement and fought for its ideas, but deals only with the 98% of the US citizens who, as you said, watch the courage of these few on TV on their soft cushions at home. What I mean is that the American nation has totally failed and this is an undeniable fact. This is cogent and I said explicitly in my article: as long as the US-citizens still stick to the national state and its institutions and do not become dissidents, there will be no radical change.

What will now happen is a huge cosmic broom that will sweep away the old order and leave the masses without any material and social foundation whatsoever. They will be in such a shock that they will willingly succumb  to this new cosmic force which will from now on determine their lives in an overt manner, just as this same cosmic power, being our souls, have always determined our destiny as incarnated entities in a covert manner. This will be the only difference, but this is a huge difference indeed.  When this point in time comes, we will ascend.

With love and light
April 10, 2012

Dear George,

I am an avid reader of your site and have even written to you a couple of times before – and to your credit – you have always answered me with a certain calm, wise patience. Thank you again. I am concerned about some of your comments though about New Agers in your last posting – particularly when you use words like “trashy”, “menopausal”, “post-menopausal”, “fluffy” channelers.  It seems unfair to me to insinuate that a natural hormone shift creates flawed, superficial thinking… and to use the term menopause in a derogatory way is mean-spirited and frankly, may reveal, some un-enlightened thought process by you. There is a real freedom of body, mind and spirit that can come with not being ruled by one’s hormones.  And for some cultures there used to be ceremony honoring this time of life – to usher in the next stage of “true” wisdom. George, you are most likely post-menopausal yourself – and you seem to get out quite a lot of helpful, insightful information – so why attack with the words menopausal or post-menopausal?

Margi from Maui
Dear Margi,

I think that this is a storm in a glass with water. Given the energetic transformation we, the members of the PAT, have to go through, the menopausal changes are negligible in comparison. Should we also be indignant when one is talking about the LBP physiological transformations? This is ridiculous. Why then be indignant about some conventional medical terms, which are used more in a sarcastic manner in this case than in their original physiological meaning.

I would recommend you to display more humour and mental liberty. Check some of the greatest US comedians such as George Carlin to see what kind of rude language he is using for instance and he is brilliant – he is a genius, and he was extremely popular and the people knew what he wanted say and did not get indignant  but visited his shows in millions.  Why not me? If you are not able to display this little portion of humour in life even I cannot help you. See also this video with George Carlin about fat American people that will probably raise your tolerance towards all forms of humour and sarcasm:

Please observe that humour is the staircase to heaven and it is my duty to display as much humour and sarcasm on this website as necessary as to make my readers aware of the fundamental distortions in present- day society. It somebody gets outraged, then I have achieved my goal  and this proves that I am on the right track.

With love an light
April 10, 2012

Hi, GS:

Just wanted to let you know that about a week ago Sheryl called me and we were discussing a few things regarding the End Times and how things were moving along. In the course of our conversation we both agreed we are at peace and that the best method of operation as we move forward is to “keep everything as simple as possible.”

Now today at the end of your essay “Mankind at the Crossroad” I read the following:

“Keep it, therefore, simple and do not flounder with your feelings and ideas. This should be the motto of the coming days when human confusion will grow to heaven, figuratively and energetically spoken, and the few clear sighted persons to ask for advice will be as rare as one hundred carat diamonds.”

This seems to be evidence of the synchronicity and telepathic communication among the PAT that has been discussed in the SOAR’s. in the past few weeks. We are definitely on the same page.

Love to you,
April 10, 2012

Dear Georgi,

First let me thank you, in the same way that Bernice did, for supplying the remarkable readings during last week. There is much to read and re-read. I would like to present the following quote to other members of the PAT from the late sat-guru who initiated me into the mysteries in 1984:

“Silence is really golden. Because when we are talking to the worldly people, we cannot talk to God. But talking to God and thinking of God, that is very valuable. That will make you God. It is a law: As you think, so you become.”

Sant Thakar Singh Ji Maharaj

Love and Light to all,
April 10, 2012

Dear Henry,

Thank you very much for this wisdom, but also for your recent donation. No doubt, this is absolutely true, but if I had to follow this wisdom, which I am quite inclined to do most of the time, then I must consequently close this website and resort to medial silence.

With love and light
April 10, 2012

Dear Marco,

Alberto Pieri has translated my article:

“Sintomi e prodromi della divisione interdimensionale”

I have read it and it is perfect from my point of view. Could you please publish it on your website. Thank you very much for your effort in advance. How are you by the way? I have not heard much from you in the last weeks.

With love and light
Dear Georgi,

I thank you and Alberto for your work. Actually I was already translating the same article! I will publish this article on  

(it’s a new version of the old

Here you can find other of your translated articles that I didn’t mentioned you by email. At the moment, my blog is just for my personal considerations.

I’m very fine thanks! I met my soul group here in Italy (Umbria), and we are all matched to San Fancesco d’Assisi e Santa Chiara (we are the same group of that time). We are working for Gaia with meditations and using the different flames of the Creation. Daily we receive new information from different archangelic sources (and not only) and we feel in tune with your considerations about ascension.

Your contribution is really appreciated.
Le mie benedizioni
Dear Marco,

Thank you very much for your express publication and for your great support to help me promote the idea of ascension in Italy. I checked the new website and it is indeed very comprehensive and informative. I will also check some of the links given on this website as they seem quite interesting.

I was fascinated to learn from you about your group around the former San Francesco d’ Assisi. In fact there is a channeling book by the German pair from Munich, Hasselman/Franke, where there is a very large chapter on San Francesco d’ Assisi and the entities around him. The German book is called “Wege der Seele” published in 2002. Paolo told me that some of the books of these authors are also published in Italian language, so that you may check whether this book is also translated. I personally learnt a lot about this group you are talking about from this book and I can imagine that their souls have also incarnated one more time at present to accomplish their mission. This is very important news as it confirms my information that we have entered the time when all these soul groups come together in preparation for the period after the inter-dimensional shift and the coming revelations.

You are also talking about channelings that your group is receiving. Are they published on Internet? I would like to read them if they are available. I am happy to hear that you are well and wish you and your group all the best for the coming days.

With love and light
April 9, 2012

Caro George,

il tuo ultimo articolo su Apollonio di Tiana e’ semplicemente eccezionale. Negli ultimi tempi ho letto due libri sull’argomento: “Apollonio di Tiana” di Mario Meunier (tradotto dal francese in italiano) e “Piso Christ” di Roman Piso e Jay Gallus e so che tutte le informazioni che hai dato sono assolutamente veritiere.

Aggiungo che, oltre ai riscontri storiografici “sento” che tutto cio’ che hai scritto e’ la verita’ storica degl accadimenti. Ho letto anche le Enneadi di Plotino e anche li’ ti confermo la validita’ delle tue affermazioni. La sua gnosi dell’anima e’ sostanzialmente coincidente con la tua. Grazie una volta di piu’ per il tuo impegno divulgativo. Molte delle cose che tu hai scritto in quesi mesi io le sapevo, le avevo lette, studiate, ma non si erano mai unite, restvano tutte come pezzi di conoscenza slegati uno dall’ altro.

Tu hai avuto l’effetto di un catalizzatore: man mano che leggevo i tuoi scritti i vari pezzi del puzzle andavano a posto, le varie ed eterogenee conoscenze accumulatesi negli anni andavano incastrandosi perfettamente le une con le altre. un’esperienza fantastica ed unica.

I really hope to remeet you on the “other side”.
love and light
Dear Goerge,

Your last article on Apollonius of Tyana is simply exceptional. In recent times I have read two books on the topic “Apollonius of Tyana” by Mario Meuner (translated from French in Italian) and “Piso Christ” by Roman Piso and Jay Gallus and I know that all the information you have given is absolutely truthful.

I may add that contrary to all historical accounts, I “feel” that everything that you have written is the historical truth about these events. I have also read the “Enneads” by Plotin and can confirm the validity of your statements. His gnosis on the soul is essentially the same as yours. Thank you one more time for your profound engagement. Most of the things you have written in these months were known to me, I had read about them and studied them, but they were not yet unified, they stayed like separate pieces of my consciousness that were not linked to one another.

You had the effect of a catalyst while I was reading your writings and the various pieces of this puzzle came to their just position, the different and heterogeneous pieces of knowledge that I have accumulated throughout the years have now matched perfectly to each other. It has been a fantastic and unique experience.

I really hope to re-meet you on the “other side”.
love and light
Dear Paolo,

I am very happy about your appreciation, knowing how profoundly you have entered this huge historical area of knowledge. No doubt you are the only reader of my website who has read the Enneads of Plotin and it is a great pity that you cannot read my philosophical treatise, where I discuss the basic gnostic ideas of Plotin and Origen and put them in conjunction with the official dogmas of the Church. But you may read one more time my introduction to the book “Neoplatonism and Christianity” on my website, where I touch upon this issue. I am proud to say that this is the deepest and most congruent philosophical and teleological analysis of Neoplatonism and Christian theology I have ever come upon. And this from somebody as myself who has always considered himself a heathen and has rejected all kinds of Christian writings.

I knew that you will like these articles. But the whole book of Jonathan Roberts is a real sensation and I have not yet come upon a better presented plea for the abolition of the Church. I can only hope that the other readers will not be overwhelmed and will also appreciate this surprising gift from the past that came at the right moment to support the just cause.

With love and light
Caro George,

ho riletto la tua introduzione a “Neoplatonismo e Cristianita'”. l’avevo letto mesi addietro e l’avevo dimenticato. Riesci a proporre una visione sincretistica delle varie discipline – fisica, matematica, filosofia, teologia, storia – che mi lascia sbalordito. Come ti ho detto le tue parole hanno un duplice effetto su di me:

1. Sistemano il puzzle di tutte le mie conoscenze, che pur essendo poliedriche e abbastanza vaste, non riuscivano a cogliere l’unita’ del tutto, a dare una visione d’ insieme.

2. “sento” con il mio HS che sono corrette e che quella che proponi e’ la verita’. Sei stupefacente. Mi dispiace solo che tutti i miei conoscenti (tranne Eva con cui hai scambiato alcune emails) cui ho cercato di far leggere i tuoi scritti, non riescono proprio a cogliere la profondita’ e le implicazioni dei tuoi pensieri e dei tuoi argomenti. Cosi’, per lo piu’, medito su di te con me stesso mi dispiace anche di non poter leggere i tuoi libri in tedesco, ma scarichero’ il libro di roberts e mi procurero’ origene, sul quale mi hai incuriosito. Cosi’, se ascendero’ fra gli ultimi, avro’ modo di occupare il tempo .

Love & light
Dear George,

I read one more time your introduction to “Neoplatonism and Christianity”. I had read it several months ago and had forgotten it. You have managed to present a syncretic vision of such different disciplines as physics, mathematics, philosophy, theology and history that makes me perplexed. As I told you, your words have a double effect on me:

1. They systematically solve the puzzle of all my knowledge which encompasses many areas in great depth, while I was still not able to achieve the unity of all this as to establish a congruent vision.

2. I “feel” with my HS that your words are correct and that what you present is the truth. You are incredible. I am sorry that all my friends (except Eva with whom you had an email exchange) whom I tried to convince to read your writings did not ´manage to comprehend the depth and the implications of your ideas and arguments. But mostly I dislike the idea that I cannot read your books in German language, but I will download the book of Roberts and I will provide the books of  Origen, about which  you have made me curious, In this way if I will ascend among the last ones, I will have a lot to read to bridge the time.

Love & light

Dear Paolo,

Thank you very much for your additional comments. You address the major problem in my current life, which you have also encountered –  not to be able to reach most of the people, even those who consider themselves to be intelligent and educated, with few exceptions as yourself, Eva…  But even within the PAT-group the mental perception is not very much evolved and they only grasp aspects of my teachings related to LBP and ascension, but not the intellectual, scientific, historical and gnostic implications why this all should happen.

If you decide to read Origenes’ book, “Peri archon tomoi 4”, which is the only complete work that has been preserved in the Latin translation by Rufin “de principis libri 4”, you must bear in mind that this translation was done around 400, when Origenes was already repudiated on many synods by the Church establishment and declared a heretic. Subsequently, most of his books were re-written and mutilated as to comply with the Christian fraud since the Nicene Synod. Hieronymus, the famous Church Father, who must have been an insidious character, has  for instance plagiarized many writings of Origenes. You have to read between the lines, but, in knowing this background, there are some extraordinary elaborations by Origenes about the current Ascension = Resurrection, especially in book III.

Eva told me that she reads German well. You may ask her to read my book and then discuss it with you. I have written it rather fluently with references to the current times, so that it is not a classical antiquarian work.

The reason why most people cannot be attracted by my writings and profit from them is that they swing with a much higher vibration than the minds of most people can support and the whole information gets lost for them. As human knowledge functions as a memory, the magnetic storage function of their minds and brains simply cannot copy the information and use it individually afterwards. I made this experience/discovery first in 90s when I tried to popularize my theory in Bulgaria and the people told me honestly that when they read my book on physics, for instance,  they seem to understand everything, but as soon as the close the book, they forgot everything.

This made me curious and this led ultimately to investigate the principles of human perception and the role that human fears play in the compartmentalisation of human awareness. The result was the writing of my five books on Gnosis, where I essentially discuss this issue from different methodological points of view.

With love and light
April 9,  2012

Dear George,

I loved your posting on 4/9 astral news “Mankind at a Crossroad” so much that I just had to let you know how happy I felt reading it. I laughed for awhile after too. The new age light worker clique is unbelievable. I got banned from the “Galactic Free Press” due to my posts and comments at the end of March.  I was trying to explain that the ego killing attitude that they have is way off.  When hearts aren’t open, ego squashing will just create weak masculine energy and a follower attitude which just buries the divine feminine in further in shadow.  I told them they might as well start another organized religion or just consider themselves a cult.  If you want a good laugh, go to the Galactic Free Press news section and check some of my comments to posts on March 26-27, the ones that got me banned. These people also insist that MotherFatherGod is available to call on skype.  I said I don’t need skype to talk to MFGod and called them a cult.  It was crazy dealing with this group for the month that I did.  So, it was so refreshing to read your news. Thank you for the sanity I read here.

Dear Lynn,

thank you very much for your email and for the confirmation of my negative diagnosis on the current light worker mentality. I am not at all surprised about your experience with the Galactic Free Press, as I had in mind, among others, also this infantile, freaking group of non-spiritual neurotics, who indeed behave more like an exalted sect than like truly enlightened human beings who are able to center themselves firmly in their personality – which means to be in full control of  their mind, emotions and intuition.

The most dangerous aspect of the current light worker vanity fair is that very few people have really any idea of human psychology, but feel empowered to advise all other people how their psyche and personality should operate. None of these kids have really entered the LBP or gone through the most debilitating conditions, which are so typical for the destiny of most PAT members, otherwise I should have read something about these key topics on their websites. But there is nothing there, as  if this central human experience in the current End Times do not exist in their world view.

Which leads to the conclusion that they have no idea what the LBP is all about and what Ascension really means. Talking about anything else in these days is just talking rubbish. They have also absolute no knowledge  on economics, politics, history and their naivety is so overwhelming and dangerous at the same time, just like a kid who has decided to play with matches and becomes unwillingly an arsonist.

With love and light
April 9, 2012

Caro Giorgio,

your constant messages are extremely important, since in these days it may seem that the PTB, the dark forces, are winning, as their plans are facing almost no opposition. What I find really astonishing is that, at least here in Italy, people are so dumb and asleep that they are accepting almost everything by the Monti’s Government.

I can confer you that the economic collapse is happening right now here in Italy, but you do not really read it on the newspapers. I work traveling from company to company and the situation is just dramatic, and the collapse is deliberately created by the government. Chemtrails are huge and massive almost every day, and people are dying like flies.

I can confirm you that both in Italy and Brazil I personally know about a lot of deaths caused by sudden heart attack or cancer. Also, the rational and logical abilities almost disappeared from the great majority of people, all that you wrote in the article that  I have translated is 100% true, hope the ascension happens fast because it’s quite an unpleasant situation.

You said that we have ascended at 22. 11. 2011. I still remember that day, when I felt such a peaceful and glorious energy, a deep happiness out of nothing (and I wasn’t expecting nothing that day, I just read after your comments, so I couldn’t be influenced by you, Giorgio) and I’m really impatient to be back there!!

Un grande abbraccio,
Dear Alberto,

thank you for this additional, extremely valuable information that you have given me that ultimately confirms my predictions which in fact are  no longer any predictions, but a  dire reality.

Although it may seem that everything is going for the worst, in reality it is exactly the opposite case. But you cannot expect anything dramatic from the masses as they are now under total narcosis and will only awake when their false perceptions will be eliminated by a radical cosmic operation. This will happen when the matrix will fully collapse. The advantage of this procedure is that they will be under such a shock that they will not resist the coming changes and will willingly succumb to the will of the higher cosmic powers that will take full control over this planet. This is the only possibility to transform these dumbed down masses for the better.

As I have written in another email to you, I have sent your excellent translation to Marco to publish it on his Italian website. Thank you very much again for your effort!

With love and light
April 9, 2012

Dear Georgi,

Thank you for this offering regarding the historical mission of PAT.  It is the first time I have been privileged to read what I’ve always known and held close:  that many of us carry the incarnational memory of the Essene lifetime, and that we are here  to complete the journey of our seeding.

Today I knew it is time to bi-pass the introversion and thank you for being a perfect reflective screen for us, and our process.

April 9, 2012

Hi George,

only last night I was watching the news as they were reporting from Jerusalem. They showed images from “Holy Thursday and Friday”, the crucifix being carried by the crowds. The main story was the Holy Light that everyone was there to receive on the day of Saturday. Everyone?  No.

I am in Athens, Greece and today April 8th, 2012 is not Easter Sunday. Let me put the NOT Easter Sunday in CAPS.  The news report from Jerusalem was for the “Catholics” and everybody else.  Easter Sunday in Greece is next Sunday April 15th. The “passions of the Christ” will be re-enacted in Jerusalem for the Orthodoxes from tomorrow and until Friday so that the airplanes won’t travel empty back to Jerusalem to pick up the returning Catholics as they will be transporting the faithful Orthodoxes. It only makes sense for the travel agents and the hotel business to spread the tourist season over two weeks instead of one.

The “Holy Light”, the real Holy Light, from the real “Holy Spirit” will be given to the true Orthodox Christians next Saturday after the “real passions” will be re-enacted by the “true Christians” this week.  Other than that, there is “one” God, “one” Jesus, “one” Holy Spirit that everybody believes in, Catholics and Orthodoxes, true and faithful Christians, (except that “ours” is “better than theirs.”)

Santa Claus:

My daughter was born in Santa Monica, California. When she was a baby, I was thinking how I was just about to be faced with this dilemma:  Following the German tradition, Santa Claus’ name is Nicholas. Claus comes from Nicholas. He lives on the North Pole. He comes on Christmas, December 25th, bringing gifts to the children. Many movies illustrate his life and explain how he travels super fast using stargates and advanced technology.

His “name day” is December 6th, the day of Saint Nick which marks and honors him according to the church’s calendar. My name is also Nikolaos (or Nicholas for the western churches). The people called Nick, celebrate on December 6th, after this saint (copy/pasted after Neptune/Poseidon into Christianity) who protects the sailors and seafarers. Coincidentally, and by the way, Jesus was born on December 25th, what are the odds?

Also, the Santa Claus that I grew up with as a child in Greece, his name was (and still is for children here) Saint Vassili. Vassili comes from Vassilios, another official and revered saint name very popular in Greece, Russia, Bulgaria and the East. He lives in Cesaria, Capadoccia (Asia Minor or Turkey according to your political affiliations).  He comes every January 1st and brings gift to children as he is a very rich man, according to the myth, who loves children. The New Years carol explains his life and details. His “name day” is January 1st, and everybody named Vassili, celebrates on this day. With the changing of the year, there are always gifts waiting for the children, hidden somewhere around the house or outside. Adults visit their Vassili friends.

Therefore my dilemma was which myth to tell my daughter who was growing up in the US, with all the other American children, but who was also Greek. I solved this problem in the following way with this very clear, succinct and cohesive statement:

Santa Claus, whose name is Nicholas and brings gift to all the children on Christmas day from the North Pole and whose name day is December 6th like Daddy’s, his real name is Vassili and he doesn’t bring gifts to children on Christmas when Jesus was born, but brings them on January 1st from Cesaria, Turkey when we celebrate the New Year!

I have set up a special fund for her to use for psychiatric therapy when she turns 18. Problem solved! Finally, as my own teacher has said on many occasions, “Jesus wasn’t Christian.”

In light and love,
Dear Nik,

thank you for your lucid comments on human confusion, especially in association with celebration days. Why can’t humans simple celebrate without any stupid religious reasons – just for pleasure?

With love and light
April 9, 2012

Dear George,

Amazing. I just had a huge “aha” moment reading The Historical Mission of the PAT. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

I usually have very bad memory when it comes to remembering history. The history events I have been taught in school and university are mostly gone from my memory. However, the only story that stayed fresh in my memory was Constantine’s life. When I learned about him, I remember saying very disgusted: So this is the bastard who brought Christianity in order to gain control and enslave people’s mind.

I had strong flashbacks while reading about our history. But they were not images. I actually remembered experiencing emotions of frustration and disappointment. I feel relieved and happy now. Thank you.

It was also nice to find out the ‘why’ of my attraction to Italy and that part of Europe. I’m going to read the channeled message now.

April 8, 2012

Hi George,

When I opened your report this morning I got goosebumps. I had been researching Apollonius yesterday and reading stories of him – some I found through Cosmic Awareness Channellings. I had also had a message from my HS in dream state that I was an angel… I had always wondered about something that happened when my Uncle was dying.  He told everyone that I was a nurse looking after him in hospital even though I was living in the UK at the time. I also had a man I didn’t know tell me quite frankly that I was an angel years ago. On further consideration during the day, I wondered if that was what the PAT were.  I was feeling a WOW moment when I saw you answered this question too – as I had been looking for confirmation of this.

Thanks so much once again!
Rachel Dodson
April 7, 2012


I had a couple of vivid dreams last night. In both I was going about my day, and witnessed people completely losing all rationality. very strange and unexplainable behaviors. I have had premonitions of this before. I worry that a lot of people will be unprepared for the energies and impending psychic changes. and to witness others completely losing control will be very unsettling. I know you will say not to invest energy in how other people react, but there is still time to alert people. and the fact is, I care.

I really enjoyed your post on symptoms and prodromes. I’ve read it several times, and it resonates so strongly. I saw lots of harmonic waves of energy yesterday, in varying frequencies, but all harmonic and converging…

Dear Ben,

NASA (links above) behaves like a virgin who tells her boy friend that she may consider sleeping with him, or even having sex with him, but she must first figure out how she could still preserve her virginity as she wants to marry as a virgin. This kind of ambivalent behaviour may take quite some time and in the meantime her boy friend has found another more willing girl.

Of course the coming somatic reactions of many human beings are a big problem and this was the reason why I published this article as to inform them. But  ultimately one cannot do much more than enlighten the people and hope that some of them will open for these energies and be thus saved. But you cannot force them.

With love and light
April 7, 2012

Dear Georgi and PAT and crystals,

Thank you, all, for the letters. It is balm to the soul (and the mind) and confirms our telepathy very clearly. We are so in synch that I often laugh in amazement at our letters.

Divsy said, ‘The Ego is our number one obstacle on this journey to reconnection.  It projects outwardly hence creates negativity and comes in divers disguises, designs/ onfigurations.’ I thought you might all like a poem I wrote several years ago about our dubious friend, the ego…..


Oh, Ego! A friend, yet not a friend.
So simple in your designs
yet infinite in your variations upon them.

As insidious as the change from Summer to Winter,
Autumn passes unnoticed.
Your trickery; like a gentle wave caressing,
yet all the while robbing me
while I smile in innocent oblivion.

And then, leaving me destitute,
a draughted river, you would drink my last drop.

And me, desperate as a dawn for light
reaching to the infinite horizon,
the unseen God leans down
and takes the hand extended.

And I crawl out as far as I dare
on a creaking bough suspended between Me and me,
both suspect, unsafe,
both calling me to an eternity,
but each as opposite as North and South.

No middle ground, no East or West
I cannot remain here, being neither Me nor me.
I have to choose.

I feel so heartened by all our individual confirmations that it all feels so imminent. My sister, Anna, and I both recently had very similar dreams to Amy’s. Anna’s dream was of being supposed have a lift in a friend’s car, but she never got the lift in the end. I had a dream of being in my house and being told by my friends that it was time to go and I wasn’t ready and they were just leaving the house without me.

On Monday, Anna, in awake state, in the middle of the day, heard a distinct voice say in a firm manner, “Take Position.”

We both feel that there is an energy of ‘stampede’ brewing. On the 3-d level, there was a stupid and deliberately-caused (by the government) petrol-buying panic in the last few days, in Britain. We both feel that the separation is so imminent and yet feels like it needs some sort of impetus/catalyst. Does anyone else feel this? Some sort of panic-buying, stampede type energy might be the way it actually gets going. I am watching with interest, to say the least!!!

Anna shared that she sees the separation occurring by way of the dark forces pulling energy in rapidly (feeding?) at such a rate that it implodes upon itself. We could see stampedes as a potential for providing for that rapid and increased energy theft.

I can confirm lots of Alzheimer-type behaviour in myself, friends and family of all ages, here in Britain. And I am clearly seeing some of the effects of the old grid falling apart in peoples’ lives and minds. Imminent, it surely is!!

In love and light, Gail
Dear Gail,

thank you for your energy update and for your poem dedicated to the ego. As we should not polish the ego too much with such insightful poems, I suggest that you name you poem the “The swan’s song”,

The perception that the dark entities devour any spare energy now is correct as they have sponged for millennia on our energy – they have used up to 90% of our soul energies for their dark and perverse needs and now they are no longer allowed to do this, since we have been connected to the crystalline grid and this drains them totally. They are like addicts in search of the golden shot and will soon end in delirium. Thank you also for the confirmation of the Alzheimer-like symptoms in the broad British population.

With love and light
April 7, 2012

Dear Georgi & hello to all PAT members,

I find your website to be the source of the most relevant information regarding ascension and the issues we face at this time. About your article of 3 April, Symptoms and Prodromes of the Inter-Dimensional Split, you mention two common causes of death resulting from the inability to absorb high frequency energies – “heart arrest” and “brain disease.” I wonder how symptoms of this “brain melacia” are likely to manifest? For example, confusion, sudden memory loss, forgetfulness, loss of speech? Or irrational behavior & acting out?

I found your article heartening, esp. the part about the incarnated PTB starting to die from high frequency energies and thus facing karmic law after all they have done to harm humankind. If those of the Dark are to go on to Planet B while still embodied, then the inter-dimensional split must come soon! (Or else they will have to reincarnate on Planet B after death.)

I had an interesting dream two nights ago – I saw a HUGE carnivorous frog (with the brown skin of a reptile) at the bottom of a lake, sitting like it had been there for thousands of years. It represented for me the Dark alien presence on this planet, in the background where no one would see it, cold-blooded, able to change form. The reason I was able to see it now, I believe, is that dimensions are shifting and it will no longer be within my reality.

Like many of your readers, I find it increasingly difficult to interact with others in this 3-D world. I volunteer at a city hospital every week and acutely feel the emotional pain of the patients as well as the true motivation and intent of the workers (one in particular is disrespectful to those in her charge). I notice people are opening up to me a lot more these days but because of my increased sensitivity, I must limit my time with them.

Enjoyed your “jungle sunset” with SOAR-83, an apt reminder to beware the human jungle we are still in.

Lots of Light to all, Thelma (from Canada)
Dear Thelma,

Thank you for your email. All the symptoms you have listed and some more will manifest when the people will begin to decompensate due to total incompatibility with the new powerful cosmic energies. You can also check the clinical description of tertiary lues (syphilis) in Wikipedia or in a medical textbook.

According to my assessment, we have already reached this level when this disease may be initiated. But as is the case with all biological processes, they always commence  in an unapparent form and then exacerbate all of a sudden. I expect this exacerbation to begin to unfold in June when it seems to be the most likely time to experience the inter-dimensional split. In fact it is already widening rapidly and I estimate that it will be accomplished (finished) in June, around summer solstice. This is my gut feeling, anyway

We are now in a peculiar energetic state where the two spectra of the old matrix and the new crystalline matrix of the 5th dimension still superimpose, so that we perceive signals from the both systems. This makes life on earth so difficult for us now. We live most of the time in the higher 5th dimension, being the most evolved human beings on earth with respect to our LBP, but at the same time we still have to cope with the daily challenges of the 3d-reality. This is huge splits to make in daily life.

But I am confident that we will soon leave this interception area and rise above the current reality. It may be that for this reason we may even ascend earlier than the final split of planet B from the new balanced planet A/B, which will then dwell most probably in the lower 4th dimension. These are of course intuitive speculations, but all signs point now to such an outcome.

The shift will come very swiftly and abrupt and will catch the people by surprise – even us. This event will completely obliterate the dark portion of humanity from our perception, so that we will not even know how many of them have died and how many have remained on the catastrophic planet B. They will simply vanish from our lives, and we from theirs. Difficult to narrate!

With love and light
April 6, 2012


Bill’s email raises some questions for me: Are we  going through LBP to “pave an energetic pathway” for sleeping humanity? In addition, we are building a crystalline body? Why are we building a crystalline body if we already have a light body? Are we demonstrating it can be done? If so, to whom, because sleeping humanity has no idea that we exist and if we won’t be spending anytime on 3D earth we won’t need it.

Regarding St Germain and “less dark channels”, my take is that dark energy is using their names to create a web of misinformation. There are several who also channel A Angel Michael who do not feel authentic to me. I am making the assumption that All That Is is one consciousness and that AAngels, AMasters, the Great White Brotherhood and the GFederation are all in accord “one” with the current ascension plan for Gaia. If not, I can only surmise that there is dissension among the masters and brotherhood. If that is the situation, who is running the show?

Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,

to your first question: You have not read thoroughly my explanations to Bill and Andre, where I discuss this issue. You must  also start thinking holistically. I also discussed this issue in conjunction with the light quotient of humanity in a previous report.

You go through the LBP for yourself and for humanity at the same time, as these processes cannot be separated. The more you raise your frequencies, the more the overall frequencies of humanity and Gaia can be raised. I am saying on numerous occasions, and recently in connection with the crystalline grid, that one member of the PAT can influence positively the vibrations of one million people. This is a common knowledge that is also discussed by some channeled sources, but not very explicitly. The paths we create are energetic blueprints that other incarnated souls can use and follow.

To the second topic: It is exactly as you see it – there is only unanimity in the higher realms, so that all these channeling sources come from the 4th or lower 5th dimensions and have their personal agendas that play absolute no role for the destiny of humanity and Gaia, as these excarnated entities have nothing to say with regard to the End Time scenario. They are simply boisterous young souls. One single member of the PAT as an incarnated highly evolved soul is infinitely more powerful and influential than all currently channeling sources put together. Who do you think made the decision on the three-earth-scenario? – We the PAT in the first place. And why no other source talks about this except CA from the 12th dimension. Because they dwell too low and have no idea about these plans from the highest dimensions, from where we come.

They can only channel trash, but they have nothing to say. This is the actual reality on earth and in the LW community. This is also the reason why our discussions on this website are more important energetically as gestalt patterns for the creation of the new 5d-earth than all the channelings in the last 40 years. One has to comprehend this true relation as to realize what is happening on earth and who has the saying. But unfortunately, except for the PAT members, no other person gets it. This is no elite thinking – read also the visions of Bernice which prove this conclusion.

With love and light

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