On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-64, February 24, 2012
Michelangelo, The Last Judgment, Vatican
February 23, 2012
OK! So the Orion financial enslavement system indeed sucks, but for now it’s the only one we got. You and I know that some of the goods and services provided to you for which you were billed were done so by honest and loving people who, because you entered into an understanding that you wanted their stuff would pay for it. Your actions to intentionally stiff your creditors are way down at the bottom of David Hawkin’s Scale of Consciousness. Terms like dishonesty, deceit, uncaring, scorn, unkindness, theft, arrogance, etc come to mind. How about being forthright and upfront with vendors and tell them you want/need their wares, but you’ll be damned if you’re gonna pay’em? Being honest at the time of the transaction should move you up the scale to at least 250.
Frank Driscoll
Dear Frank,
you seem to be a very passionate advocate of the Orion monetary system and I really see your Reptilian nature crying loud “foul” at me, when the whole system is a total scam. I am sorry, but your reaction is so obviously wrong and unenlightened that I do not see any need to expose it any further.
If you have read carefully all my answers in the past, I explicitly wrote in previous emails that one should be free to respond with the same means against the Orion banks and other state institutions as they do with their citizens, but to be completely honest with personal friends and individuals. Why should anyone pay his debts to the banks measured in phony paper money that have been artificially created by the Orion banks with the only aim to exploit and impoverish humanity, as this becomes evident in Greece and many other countries even to the sparrows on the roofs. And how could the system collapse as a desired goal in the End Times, if the people continue paying their bills to this system in a slavish manner as you suggest?
I have come here on this planet to destroy this system with whatever means I have at my disposal and only then substitute it with a new and just one, but it is not my duty to educate in spiritual matters such self-proclaimed advocates of the Reptilian order as you obviously disclose yourself with this highly unreflected email.
I am terribly sorry for you and I must tell you, for the first time since I have opened this website, contrary to my principle not to judge, that I do not see how such a person like you could ever ascend and hence I wish you a lot of luck on the catastrophic earth B, still defending the fraudulent Orion monetary system.
With love and light
PS. By the way, it is not true that we have only this Orion monetary system. Worldwide there are numerous alternative exchange systems, introduced by the citizens to undermine the Orion system, especially here in Germany and Bavaria, where I live. You should better educate yourself in this respect.
I would also strongly recommend you all, and not only Frank, this excellent essay written by a brilliant young man and a star seed, Skyler Newman, which also addresses this same topic.
February 23, 2012
For some reason I keep having thoughts that are poking at me at the moment. It seems Paula got somewhat overwhelmed by your description of levels and systems within All-That-Is. To me, it appears that she limits herself in thinking, she has a poor understanding of Mathematics, but this is not the case. I have a small understanding of channeling, the only thing I could think of as to why people channel in the first place, is that it is a means for the astral beings (you use the term 7F-creation areas) to convey new ideas. Like injecting new ideas into the collective consciousness. What you have been trying to convey (over and over and over I might add) is that channeling vocabulary is limited to the channeler’s limited understanding or knowledge. I think people are getting caught up when you say they are ‘less’ evolved or ignorant, which is more accurate, but painful to hear for some.
Is it that people don’t understand what ‘limited perspective’ means?
Example: Google Translate… When running German text through Google Translate into English, the translation is limited to the knowledge stored within the program. It cannot translate words outside of it’s data base unless the data is updated with new terms. This makes understanding the English text much more difficult if there are words that are either missing or left in German. This can be an example of the limited perspective of a channeler. In this, the only way to get a clearer understanding of the translation, the English language data base would need to expand its vocabulary to match the ideas presented in the German language. I am not a linguist, but I have learned that language is very limited to convey ideas especially across the different languages.
Example 2: From the perspective of the channeled being, RA. RA is only capable of using words based on the limited knowledge the channeler can handle. I am sure there are biological limitations as well because it is all about the energy. 3D incarnated beings are limited, not because we are lesser beings, but because that is the energetic conditions of the 3D world/reality. We incarnated here to expand our limited perspective (George, report-61). This being said, RA, can only use the understanding (limited data base) of the channeler that is available, just like me using Google Translator. RA cannot use ideas that reside out of the channeler’s perspective or knowledge. Unless the channeler were to grow and expand his/her understanding…
Which brings up a question: If a channeler were to expand its understandings, what would change?
What is channeling? Why do people channel other beings and not their higher self?
Food for thought: When someone contacts his Higher self, it can be through any form/symbol. Not just words (auditory, automatic writing) but through what ever means the incarnated entity is capable of understanding, which seems infinite. I am one who can somewhat remember my dreams, but I have noticed that there are symbolism within my dreams and it is limited to what I can or would be able to understand at that moment in time. Sometimes it can take some ‘time’ for such ideas to come into fruition or to show its purpose. One has to always remember that your soul/higher self, knows you and your limitations and will only give you what you can handle at that moment, as to not overwhelm you. Same with channeling.
Dear Joelle,
Congratulations! I very precise and important contribution to human consciousness, its inherent limitations and how the world view of the observer begins to expand when these limitations are abolished step by step. This is pure Gnosis, of which most light workers have no idea.
Your example with Google translate is spot on, and demonstrates the current situation very precisely. What most people do not realize yet, is that with ascension their awareness and intellectual abilities will augment many times the current level and then they will have completely different eyes and senses to perceive their reality. They believe that they will ascend as they are now and only the outer conditions will change for the better.
The idea of inner evolution cannot be fully comprehended at the mental level as long as most of the light workers stress the right emotional brain and disregard the intellectual achievements of the left brain. It is not a coincidence that it is the left brain portal that is opened in the LBP as to allow the influx of new ideas, which the left brain alone cannot produce, but needs an open channel as to have access to the ideas of the cosmic spirit. LBP is not only the transformation of the physical vessel, but also a profound intellectual and spiritual evolution, which begins with the transformation of the physical brain.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Dear George,
I just finished reading Report 63 and it was pure soul-speak! Who are you really? I cannot comprehend how a mere mortal such as you say you are, could orchestrate the pure magic that is your website and your email responses. I have felt so lost my entire life and then out of nowhere I stumble upon this website by Georgi Stankov and my head begins reeling. There it was in black and white…answers! Beautiful answers! I was like “oh my goodness I wish I would have found this earlier” and then I found out that you had just put the site up and I could not believe the serendipity. It was like you put out an energy call to the PAT and somehow we heard it.
I am becoming so in sync with your site that I cannot tell you how many times I read your words and you answer questions I have before I can type them to you. When I read “this schizophrenic emotional state” I was overwhelmed with how it spoke to my soul! This is how I feel…this is EXACTLY how I feel. I am even synching up with other members of the PAT to a point to where when I read some of their emails I almost feel like I could have written them. When I was reading Tiqvah and Kari’s words I could not believe how strongly I related with them. To use some American slang; Your website, You, and the members of the PAT are “Totally Awesome”! In Infinite Cosmic Gratitude, Beth Oh, and could you please post this for me:
Dear PAT, I Love You!!!! Beth
Dear Beth,
Thank you for these elegiac praise, but let me explain to you how it works. Most of the serendipity and synchronicity you have so strongly felt, and most of the other members also feel, is part of our coordination at the higher levels as souls and hence not my achievement. What I have done here on the ground is that I have consequently observed several basic principles that none of the other esoteric “gurus” comprehend or are able to follow, although they are not new.
1) Full transparency and openness to all sides, ideas, suggestions and emotions. I let the readers determine the course of the discussion and then I follow it by stimulating it further with my contributions, but always with respect to the benefit of all. This is what most other gurus are not able to do, as they are closed in their personality and thus also block, sooner or later, their followers.
2) To completely retrieve my personal likes and dislikes and stick to an objective description of the topics that will serve the group and stimulate their knowledge.
3) Not to expect anything from my readers beyond what they expect from themselves, which is the utmost form of letting go of.
There were times when I wanted to push things my way and it never worked. In the course of this negative experience I learnt that you can not force anybody into a better awareness, unless his soul opens him and that you are powerless as a teacher if you do not have the support of the souls of your pupils. But when the souls open them, they are no longer pupils but sovereign masters. And this is the most rewarding time when you start to communicate with your peers and the information exchange is reciprocal and to the benefit of all. This is what all conventional gurus do not realize, while still clinging to their role, until they reach the point in time when they inevitably fail.
In fact, we are now creating with this website a prototype of the future transpersonal relationships that will be the norm on the ascended earth. Somebody must pave the way now and this is the reason why I repeatedly say that the members of the PAT are the true wayshowers for humanity in the End Times, but not by simply declaring it, as most light workers do, but by living it.
With love and light
Dear Georgi:
I have been reading your Ascension Report 61 (many thanks again, dear friend!!!), and can only agree to the first chapters… I haven’t read to the end yet, but my Inner Self urged me to write this mail, and I need so your reply to this very important question I have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, in advance.
This “Master” Carlos Pichardo Rivera, the man I have written about since my first mails with you, is (still) my teacher and for the theosophical group I attend every Thursday evening from 6 – 8 pm since last year April 28th, when he took me for the first time to an already existing group.
He works basically with the TAROT cards we have to paint with pencils to the exact example he shows us. He said this would re-connect ourselves with our Subconsciousness, where all wisdom exists. The goal is to find the four elements in ourselves. “Sal, Atanor, Mercurio, Azufre” = Salt, Atanor, Mercury, Sulfur (?), names who uncover their real scientific names.
It’s a very secretive teaching, occult “science”, which has much of Hermes Trismegistus, Mdme. Blavatsky, Master Maitreya and Master Kuthumi’s teachings. I have not “discovered” yet these 4 elements in me… have tried it meditating with some of the TAROT sheets, made some suggestions, but was only close but never hit it… Carlos said I have a veil on my subconsciousness which prevents me from discovering them, like a karmic veil. I would have to do much much more inner work to deserve the discovery of at least one or two of these “keys”.
Right now, this group (and me) is one week and one day before the Final Day of level One, as Carlos said. If all of us do not discover all the 4 elements we will go back to starting over with Level One. Or, if only a minority does not discover but the rest does, those who do not get their 4 keys / elements, will have to start all over with another group on Level One, and the others will go further to Level Two.
I don’t know, Georgi, I am at a crossroad now…. Is this “Science” for REAL??? Am I a failure if I don’t want to participate any longer, or do not discover the 4 elements; or should I insist in the next 10 days to get my Subconsciousness to unveil them?
Did you go through this Science/teachings, too? Dont’ tell me anything about the elements, just: Do you know about these elements and have you done the “Obra Grande” = (Big Work) with them?
Is it like dark work? I am really confused today and have been the last weeks. Is that maybe the dark attack I am exposed to since last year? Their teachings have so much good and truthful messages, too. But there has always been a very insisting “inner voice” in me that signalled Carlos and his teachings as not Pure Light.
Please you may ask any other Channel, as well. I need Your Help!
Thanks, and Love & Light from Dorina.
Dear Dorina,
From what you have written, it sounds like a classical esoteric charlatanism. I can only recommend you to stop visiting his courses. Just have faith in you and your soul and the regular lectures of my ascension reports will keep you on track and you do not need anything more. This man is indeed a charlatan. He only confuses you as to have you as a student. For how long? In a couple of weeks or months the whole earth will change profoundly.
With love and light
Dear Georgi:
While I keep on reading the Ascension Report 62, I feel I get hit over the head and into my heart!
“Wherein lies the ‘deeper’ fundamental difference amongst us that makes one adopt a highly refined sense of responsibility to the greater good, while the other continues to plow along self-serving lines, merely talking the talk, but not walking the walk?”
Is it the agile and experienced, high-level detractors? Those who find us (we attract them as many of us still are in search of a “master”), being able to lure us into another path that seems so much in sync with the PAT’s path?
“Compared to the average light worker, the member of the PAT has, at this point in time, already gone through the individual LBP process and finished with it, This process can only truly begin when the left brain portal is opened and the 6th and 7th chakra are also completely activated as to incorporate the energies from the highest realms of the spirit, up to the 12 dimension of the Source, flowing down through the 8th to the 14th chakra of the spiritual body and the monad.”
Carlos is always speaking about the right brain! We should re-activate the right hemisphere of our brains! He really “hammered” us with this. The left hemisphere he discards like something we do and will not need in these times.
Awaiting your reply… With Love & Light: Dorina
This is the classical litmus test for all charlatans – he has obviously never heard or experienced anything similar to LBP. – George
February 23, 2012
Dear George,
Hello! I have only just now read your reply to my letter, as I have not had the opportunity to be back online since the day I sent it to you. I am sooo pleased to see, yet again, how our Sweet Souls perfectly interweave the “timing” of all that we experience, and that when you received my letter is when it could serve you in an uplifting manner!
And I must say that receiving your reply letter has felt like a “warm blanket” to me, as well. Thank you for your kind, supportive and uplifting words to me.
After I sent it to you on the 18th, I went through a HUGE cathartic process all day on the 19th. I see now that the very strong nudge that my Soul was giving me to write to you was the beginning of a new level of getting down to the depths of the “bedrock of LOVE” within me, and She used my connection with you as a way to get me to release more and more of the lingering “dust bunnies” of separation’s lies, still hiding within me!
I see you have put up a new report 62 since the 18th, so I on to taking it in now. Your stamina to keep up with all of the letters and writing amazes me, and further proves to me our true unlimited Natures!
You are the most courageous person I have ever come across in this lifetime, anyway, and you stand up for the unconditional truth like no other I’ve ever seen!!! THANK YOU!!!
Love and warm blessings to you, George,
Dear Robin,
I can confirm the huge wave on February 18th, as I just wrote to Demitra. Please find attached my response to her. Otherwise everything is happening on schedule. Thank you for your appreciation – it is indeed a lot of work keeping the Ascension report ongoing, but it is a necessary lifeline for all members of the PAT.
With love and light
Hello Georgi,
I noticed in your response to Marian in Ascension Report #62 that both you and I were experiencing the exact same unbearable symptoms at the same time that we were exchanging emails with one another between the 17th – 19th. If the dates posted in the newsletter are correct then our respective experiences coincided at exactly the same time. The pressure in my head began on Friday evening with a short break early Saturday morning only to recommence again in earnest (much worse than before) in the afternoon of the 18th. Since Saturday night I feel the exhaustion of one who has been put through the mill and still trying to regain my bearings, though thankfully, the intolerable pressure in my head has dissipated.
If this kind of symptom synchronicity is the norm when dealing with cc-waves then why do only so very few actually feel the burst of intensity at any given time? Are we, as it were, taking turns? Wouldn’t it make sense for all to shoulder the burden of this strenuous work at the same time so as to make it more tolerable for each individual? Even as I ask this question I sense that the response is probably highly dependent on any given individual’s openness to processing such energies. Right? Otherwise, we would all be processing the cc-waves simultaneously and alleviating the excruciating burden of a select few from having to process them alone. But then again, perhaps many more of the PAT members are processing these energies at the same time than I originally thought. After all, I had no idea you were experiencing the same thing I was, even as we were sharing our dialogue over the the past weekend.
Love & Sincerity,
Dear Demitra,.
you did not know it, as I have had so many episodes like this one in the past that I do not care any more and they seldom disturb my activity. There is a great synchronization in the episodes each individual experiences and this depends on his individual propensity to accommodate these energies and the level of evolution etc. etc. But I knew that on February the 18th, there will be a new huge wave coming from our sun, but actually coming from the central sun of the Galaxy, Alcyone, through our sun, and wanted to check whether it will be true, as I not always get affected when such waves are coming. But this time it was indeed a very powerful wave. Obviously most of the members of the PAT experienced it one way or another and this is a confirmation for the increasing synchronicity prior to the shift as was the case around 11.11.11 and shortly thereafter.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I just read your Report-62, where Medwyn basically forwarded all the common questions of people that believe in Ascension to you so you may paint a picture of “our future” for them. I put “our future” in quotation marks for a very important reason, namely that there is no such thing. I would like to compare it to a big school class asking their teacher where they, as a group, will be after graduation. Of course there are innumerable ways of answering this, which also happens in the countless channelings. The truth, although simple, may not be as straightforward as the posed questions – since everyone will embark on their own personal journey.
One could leave it at that, but I guess few people will be happy with this answer. So let me elaborate a little, for those that are interested in the nuts and bolts kind of thing.
You might never see Earth again, or your pets. People that died might have much more important stuff to do than trying to contact you. Maybe you will not dwell in any kind of building any longer, or have towns for that matter. Enjoy the rain, snow and cold your fortunate to experience now, for it might be your last chance. The same goes for your favorite food… think about it for a moment. No more chocolate, sweets or anything else you loved indulging in so much.
Whats your reaction to these thoughts? Take a moment to ponder about the implications and pay attention to your state of consciousness. You don’t want it to be true? Fear? Fear not, because for you, it won’t. Yet, ask yourself this now: “Who is it, that is afraid of these possibilities?” “I am”, as answer, would be an indicator for identification with the illusion.
There is nothing wrong with that, after all this is what we came here for – chances to learn and grow… no matter what position we might hold now or in the future. There is no end to “change”, in fact its the only thing you can really count on… or did you think an Ascended Master is finished with this development and stays the same for all eternity? *ugh* What horribly boredom, what agony such a thing might become after billions of years of “same old, same old” all day long.
So, what now? “Where will I, personally, be after Ascension?” You still ask yourself. When you are quiet, really quiet and listen -really- listen to your innermost Self you will know – because it tells you every second of every hour of every day. Then again, you wouldn’t still be reading these words if you’d listen to this voice of yours which offers YOUR TRUTH to you – Every. Single. Moment.
Ill give you a choice now, in fact its THE choice. Maybe the most important thing you could realise, if you haven’t yet, until Ascension happens: You create your reality. Literally. As the time between cause and effect shortens it will become ever more obvious, until its instantaneous and then you will be exactly where you aimed to be with your past choices that formed your beliefs which now create your surroundings.
So, here is the choice: Either stop reading and be the master of your own future, or continue and give your power to me so that I tell you. This is it. Choose. For those that decided to stand in their own power, don’t continue reading – this is the end.
With so much Love,
For everyone else, the sheep and curious ones, the naysayers and know-it-alls, and of course you, not fitting into any of these categories, I will offer you this gift as an act of love.
All-That-Is is infinite, therefore everything that could be, is. Right now. Your past, present and future as well as every possible choice of every possible being exists right now. The question is “What do you want to experience?”. Once you know you only have to act like a person that fits into that picture. By acting I mean growing yourself into a being that fits into said surroundings. In this way All-That-Is makes sure that everyone ends up exactly where they belong. And you will get there, right on graduation day – which, as you have guessed, is Ascension. There is no cheating possible. It all depends on how you develop your consciousness where you will end up. Think of it this way: Every single choice you make in every single moment determines who you are, which determines your beliefs, which determine your expectations, which will literally take you to the reality you think to be true as the reset happens and you reap what you sow.
There you go, I repeated myself. You chose the longer path to learn the same truth, but that’s alright, it made additional learning possible. Since I want to decide my own future it follows that I have to grant you the same freedom. If I take it from you, Ill lose it myself. Where does that leave us? No fluffy talk will get you into paradise by only reading about it. And yet, if you ACT on it and change your behaviour to be a more loving version of yourself then its you that makes it happen, whether you know it, attribute it to yourself, or not. You create your reality.
Lieber Andre,
du hast eigentlich meinen Artikel vorweggenommen, den ich morgen publizieren werde, so dass ich jetzt deine Ausführungen nicht zu kommentieren brauche, da sie im Wesentlichen mit meinen Aussagen übereinstimmen. Allerdings gibt es da einige Unterschiede, die ich in der Publikation ausgearbeitet habe. Und es muss so sein, damit es eine weitere Entwicklung geben kann….
(Dear Andre, you have actually anticipated my article, which I will publish tomorrow, so that I need not comment your elaborations now, as they coincide with mine. However, there are some notable differences, which I have worked out in the publication. It must be like this, so that there is a further evolution.)…
Liebe Grüße
February 23, 2012
Hello George,
After reading Kari’s email in Report 63, I felt inspired to write to you again and share my insights on the current state of affairs. I have been in a similar state to what Kari described (blissed out, exhausted, ready to move on, etc.) for quite some time now, as the superficiality of the materialistic 3D world has long taken its toll, and I am no longer able or willing to invest my energy into mundane activities. I have been receiving energetic downloads frequently in both the conscious and dream states, and I can hardly bear to do anything that forces me to go outside of my personal bubble. I try to be social and hangout with friends, but it is intolerable for me to go out to public places and be in the proximity of lower frequency energies.
Also, it is absolutely apparent to me now that things are wrapping up, as my karmic contracts are being resolved left and right, ties to the third dimensional matrix are being severed, and each person is entering their own timeline. Shinzhi Rumi’s latest message resonated highly with me, as he is coming from a place of pure love and no agenda other than to share his experiences. His statement that there is nothing left to do but wait for the shift is accurate, and I encourage everyone to let go of all fear, and allow the aspects of the old matrix to simply fade away.
Lastly, I am glad to report that I am seeing progress in others that have previously been asleep. These people are beginning to come around and question their reality, expressing their desire to live in more favorable conditions. The veil is getting thinner, and the natural evolution of consciousness is accelerating quickly as more truths are being revealed to the masses. As I have mentioned before, our roles as wayshowers are becoming more and more prevalent each day, and I am in full agreement with your prediction that the pole shift will commence in the Spring and the new infrastructure will be implemented in the following months.
With love and light,
Dear Skyler,
Thank you very much for your account and validation of the current energetic state-of-the-art. The more this becomes evident and the more synchronicity there is in the perceptions of the members of the PAT, the more likely it is that soon the long anticipated changes will begin to unfold. When the energetic momentum reaches a threshold, the dam is broken and the flood cannot be stopped.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Hello George,
Wanted to ask you about drinking distilled water, is it truthfully as good as I have read or is this more bs. I have never been a water person so I am trying lately to get I guess more of it, but I definitely do not drink any such tap or otherwise so I would love to know your thoughts….
Dear Bonnie,
I would drink distilled water if I suspect that the quality of the water is not good. I personally do not use distilled water as I am content with the quality of the water where I live. But what is important is that one has to drink a lot of water or other liquids such as tea, as from now on we will need a lot of water to transmit the huge energy downloads that are entering our bodies. Water is good especially for the nervous system, also eating all kinds of nuts, chestnuts, peanuts, as they help the neurons to regenerate. This is what I do.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Greetings from sunny Pretoria:
Dear George,
I find myself at a stage where words are no longer a medium I find comfortable with or adequate to express myself. I often want to reply to the wonderful comments of your readers, but I am at a loss for words. I am filled with feelings of resonance, understanding, love and inner knowing but lack the words to try an articulate that on paper.
Today, however I feel compelled to make the effort. Like so many of us I too travel this tedious road in solitude and mostly living in my head. A lot of the time wondering if this is all real. I look around wondering am I the only one suffering from LBP and maybe I am just going crazy.
Reading the comments and the open discussions keeps me going and centered and it helps to not to get sucked into the illusion of chaos and misinformation out there. I just want to say thank you. Firstly, to you George and Chris for your tremendous efforts in bringing this information to us on a regular basis and then secondly to the readers for the discussions, questions, and sharing what they feel.
I also find myself in a state of limbo. I have a permanent job as a personal assistant but I am also a qualified Life Coach. Come 18h00 I coach clients. I will be 56 years this April and the plan was to apply for early retirement so that I could pursue the job that I love, life coaching. Yet, I am somehow lagging in my efforts to do that as I know that soon it will all be irrelevant. With the ongoing LBP it is also as if I cannot make rational decisions right now. I even question the relevance of my coaching at times. Some days are better than others and when I look back I wonder how I get through my days doing two jobs while dealing with LBP. What keeps me going is the light on the horizon because I know that very soon this will all end.
I have a question today regarding LBP. Since last year I started having spells where I have difficulty seeing. I am short sighted and wear spectacles for driving, etc. I know that there is nothing wrong with my eyes because I had it tested not so long ago. This has become a daily occurrence. I experience this more in the mornings when I have difficulty focusing my eyes. Although I normally experience the higher frequencies in my left ear with occasional popping sounds a new thing has been ear ache. It first started in the left ear but now I have it in both. This is not related to any flue, cold, sinus as I am not suffering from any. Although I have had a running nose for almost two years now. Am I right in diagnosing this as LBP?
Warmest regards
Dear Mara,
Thank you very much for your first email and for your appreciation of our work. Although words are a dilution of our true experience, we are still dependent on them as long as we cannot fully use our telepathic abilities.
The symptoms you describe are clearly LBP related. What you describe as “occasional popping sounds” others as “high pitched sounds”, in addition to the perennial hum in the ears, are most of the time excarnated entities that enter your energetic field for whatever reasons. They used to come to me very often in the last months and I started to expel them from my field by demanding in a very loud and firm voice to leave my field as soon as I hear these sounds. They must leave as they are obliged to follow your free will. But as long as you do not say anything they misuse your tolerance. This intervention causes often the ear ache you speak about and I had also similar ear pains, before I started expelling them. All other LBP symptoms are inevitable and there is no real remedy, but just to surrender.
It is quite normal to feel unable to meet “rational” decisions at this time, as this kind of decisions are part of the old matrix that is now irreversibly collapsing. As these decisions are part of the human ego, which loves to have control over the events, otherwise it fears to lose its right of existence, it may continue to demand his authority over your life. The ego works with fears. hence one must be consequent and not succumb to the fear based urges of the ego to do anything. Be sure that when you must do something as to survive the few remaining months on this planet, your soul will present you the choice in such an irrevocable manner that there will be no danger that you will miss the occasion.
I have always said that we live in a society, where the being (of the soul) is replaced by the doing of the ego in the name of survival. What if we realize that we are immortal and need not do anything to survive, not even love the others, but only love oneself? This is the ultimate death of the ego. Most of the current “love ideology” of the New Age movement is fear-based camouflage of their unanalysed egos driving them to pretend to work hard to experience unconditional love to prove that they are en-light-ened workers.
The very word “worker” exposes the spiritual fraud of the collective New-Age-Ego, believing that one must work hard to become “enlightened being”. Most of the fraudulent spiritual programmes they offer for money are based on this doing-fear, as we discussed it recently in conjunction with this charlatan woman Lauren Gorgo. How about the opposite? – “being enlightened” from the very beginning, without manipulating (working) with your fears on you to become “enlightened being”. This general observation has, of course, nothing to do with you, it was just inspired by your email.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Dear George,
I am Aegil Santos from the Philippines, but now staying in Malaysia with my family. I am 20 years old and doing a college degree.
I have enjoyed your site since I started reading your article about Steve Beckow, “On Lightworker’s confusion in the end times prior to ascension”. Beckow’s article “A dire warning” made me curious about your website, as all I wanted to do was satisfy my curiosity for spiritual topics, despite some resistance and shock that Beckow could be wrong. After making up my mind with several articles from your site, I was hooked because I found that some articles from Beckow’s site confused me. I was also wondering if he could condense all the information in his site, because a lot of conflicting information is there.
After enjoying your book “The cosmic laws of creation and destruction”. I found that it is no match to Wilcock’s articles, which lack coherence. It seems all along I am hungry for a dialectic explanation of esoteric information. I just love it when all information seem interconnected, and a dialectic and didactic approach is used. I have read most of your articles and the first 60 pages of Volume 2 of Tetralogy of science. I enjoyed the English translation of the Evolutionary leap of humanity.
Sorry for writing very late to you, when I have a question, the next day I usually find the answer in a state of ascension report. I am also an introvert, so sorry if my email seems written poorly. I have never written an essay for a long time. Sometimes I am shy to see my own writing.
I normally keep what I have learnt to myself, because I believe my family members and other people, I immediately see around me, will treat it like “it came from Mars”. So far my mother and a cousin has (not) been open to what I’ve learnt. They simply like to stay in their old paradigm. I understand at least 80% percent of what you’ve written at your website. One of the best websites I have been to, according to my taste. My A-level studies in physics have helped me understand your site.
I don’t feel attached to any earthly thing at the moment, but at the moment I am addicted to this site. I believe this site is what my soul has always wanted.
I feel I have more to write to you, but this is all I can think of now. What do you think of Southeast Asia regarding Ascension?
I was prompted to write this because I share many things with Tiqvah from report 63. So happy to share the views. PAT family all these months even if I doubt I am PAT member. PAT member or not, my soul just seeks the truth.
So far I have no LBP symptoms and don’t know where my personal portal is, but I believe my portal is in my body. I am wondering, I resonate fully with your site but I have no LBP symptoms. I had some kind of bronchitis in 2006 but I don’t know whether it is a LBP symptom.
love, Aegil
Dear Aegil,
Thank you very much for your first email and for finding the courage and the mood to write to me. I am very happy to hear about your appreciation of my website and that you have been so diligent in studying my articles and scientific books, especially as you have obviously some physical background, which will be helpful for your comprehension of my scientific arguments.
Your interest in my work is highly valued and is much more than my daughters, who are at your age, have ever shown, and I am, of course, very happy about this fact.
It is not necessary for you to go through all the tortures of the LBP to be in the process as the old indigo generation as myself have had most of the time, as you are crystalline children and have come on earth with an advanced light body, so that you can go through the different stages of transformation of the LBP without much clinical symptoms and complaints. I also observe this trend in my daughters, who are also crystalline children, although they, for the moment, reject my ideas.
I have discussed this issue in some of my previous writings. The fact that you are interested in the topics, we discuss on this website, is a clear sign that you are on the right track and progress according to your soul plan. In fact you are the most lucky generation, as you can witness all these apocalyptic changes at the height of your biological age and with a minimum of physical complaints. Part of this is due to the fact that we, the older generation, have cleared much of the darkness and dross on this planet, so that you could come with an advanced light body and continue the job, we have started after WW2.
I think that from now on it will be irrelevant, where one lives and in what culture, as the future timelines will affect all humans individually, so that the geographic region will have no impact on the personal destiny when the split of the two timelines will come this spring.
One last question – what is your gender, I can’t guess it from your name?
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Hi, GS,
I have a nagging question about the portals. First let me say that I have been reading the website content since Oct 2011 and I have yet to “see” a portal, even in my dreams, and I have no idea if I ever created one. I haven’t worried about it because I believe that if my energy frequencies are where they should be that I will “be in the right place at the right time” and I will ascend one way or another. The only thing I have ever seen out of the ordinary was in Oct. 2011 when my heart chakra was opening fully. I awakened one night and while completely awake clearly saw a black box on the corner of my dresser. It appeared to be an active electronics box, possibly a radio transmitter. It had switches on it and also yellow lights, some solid, some blinking. (I used to work in a vehicle engineering department and my initial thought was that it might be a “breakout box,” even though I am only vaguely familiar with that type of device.) And then it was gone and I have not seen it since.
But here’s my question: What IS a portal? I have a hard time thinking of physically “crawling through” a doorway or some other kind of entryway to ascend to a higher frequency level. I have always thought of it as just state’s consciousness. But maybe that is wrong. I would really appreciate a remedial lesson on the properties of a portal, even if it is something I should already have understood.
My other nagging question is related to your statement that the PAT members have already ascended Nov. 22, 2011, and that with the final split of Earth A and Earth B we will be Ascended Masters. George, I just don’t FEEL like an Ascended Master, whatever it is that is supposed to feel like. I just feel like a normal person, albeit a very changed person from who I was when I first visited your website. In fact, my decision to remain with the PAT after the confusion and disappointment of the 11/11/11 stargate energy was due to my tremendous spiritual growth since I connected with your website. So I know I’m making great progress—I just guess I do not have the confidence yet to “feel sure of my energetic status.” I was raised in a large, devout Catholic family and attended Catholic schools for 12 years, and both at school and at home humility was extolled as a virtue; though I have been scraping the Catholic Church off of me for over 30 years, maybe I am still under that negative influence. But in any case I would also appreciate a remedial lesson on “what exactly is an ascended master?”
Sorry if these questions seem mundane, George, but you said this is a time for unconditional truth and I am happy to “wear the dunce cap” in order to get answers to these questions.
Thank you so much,
Dear Julie,
The question with the portals has been extensively discussed in the past and I have always supported the view that this is just a word and one should not put too much importance in it. Unfortunately the people were so fascinated by this idea that they wanted to see the portals with their own eyes as the doubtful Thomas as to believe it. The only real thing is the LBP and the augmentation of the personal frequencies, and this is what all of you are going through, by opening your heart chakra, the left brain portal etc. This is the hard daily job that one does.
When the time comes, which does not depend on us, we will simply leave earth in the dream state. You will not even notice it when it happens but only feel that you no longer feel the gravitation and then there are numerous entities that will help you arrive safe home. There is nothing you can do or know more than that. By the way, you do this every night when you leave your body in bed and travel in your astral body. It is the same with ascension, only this time you take your physical body as crystalline body with you. But it is still the same procedure.
“Ascended master” does not mean anything beyond the fact that those that come from higher dimensions will return to these higher dimensions and will not need to ascend to the New Earth at the lower 5th dimension. This term is perverted in the current esoteric literature through the numerous idiotic channelings, and I only use it as it has gained such a popularity. The more normal you feel, the better it is for you now and the higher you will ascend, because the level of ascension depends on the ability to accommodate both, the highest frequencies and the lowest 3d-frequencies, which make you feel normal. It is the width of the spectrum that counts ultimately.
With love and light
Dear George,
Out of the blue, suddenly 2 of my extended family members are asking me to meet with them to tell them what I know of the splitting of the earth timelines and ascension of Gaia. I had already forwarded a link to your website to one of the people, but it had been ignored. And now suddenly it is urgent that they want me to meet with them on Feb. 24. I am traveling to meet with them and will take my laptop so I can pull up your website and introduce them personally to it, then they can jump in if that is what they decide is right for them. One of these people is fairly new to esoteric teaching and the other is very seasoned but had turned away in disgust a few years ago. But something is stirring now in each of them. People are waking up.
Thanks, Julie
Dear Julie,
This is a very good and reassuring sign that the energies are beginning to exert their effect and our pioneer work is beginning to bear fruits. When the inner impulse starts to work in the people, they will flock to us for further advises as all of them want to survive and advance. It is the survival instinct that will lead them to us in the first place and this must be considered as this instinct must be deleted first, before they truly open. So there is a bias that one has to consider when communicating with these people and it may happen that the first discussion may not be so rewarding and that they may need a second chance.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
I was just reading your response to Julie regarding ascension and I have a question. We will ascend in our sleep (dream state), will we be living both in 3d and 5d at the same time? Or totally gone, body and soul from 3d? If we are totally gone, what about our family and pets, will we be able to explain, will they travel with us, or will they be here until December? Won’t that be frightening for them to wake up and find us missing?
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
It depends on the soul plan. If it is in your soul plan to return to this 3d-earth, you will not be gone as you can show anytime you wish. In this case you will live in all dimensions – beyond the 5th, in the 5th, if you wish, and below up to the 3rd dimension of current earth, as Jesus once did. He is the last one we have heard of being able to do this, but we cannot prove it.
If it is planned that you will stay in the higher realms after ascension, then your family may miss you, no doubt about this. But, by then, they will know what has happened to you as there will be a lot of information after the change that will accompany our ascension, and they will not be scared at all, as they will know what is exactly ongoing on earth. You should try to imagine this new situation in all its future facets and you will see that it is all perfectly arranged.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Dear Georgi,
I am being asked, what will happen to the 3-dimensional world we now exist in after ascending? Obviously, you have higher self knowing that your website will “go on”. However, for the PAT, will the material/physical stuff disappear? Without our focus on it, would it not be manifesting? (Like our houses, furniture, books, papers etc.)
Somewhere I have read that moving to 5th dimension would result in 3rd dimension “rolling up” beneath us like a window shade. I imagined that possibly happening, looking down, wondering, “Now, where did all that go?” Please comment as you find the time. I so appreciate you, your work and the ongoing connection with the “team”.
With love, Ann Marie
Dear Ann Marie,
This 3d-earth will remain where it is now and will become a catastrophic earth as we have extensively discussed it in the past. The new ascending Gaia will merge with its 5d-blueprint which already exists and replicates much of what currently exists on earth, but at a much perfect level, including humans, pets, animals, vegetation etc. However, all these elements of Nature will be completely new on the 5th earth and much more rich in forms and variety than currently on earth.
By the way, I will publish tomorrow my article “Life after Ascension”, where I also address this issue. Please read it carefully, as it will answer many of your questions.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Hello Georgi,
I have been reading the Garabandal apparitions and I was wanting your views on a couple of things that was said. One is that we will be warned 8 days in advance of The Miracle happening and also it would be at 8:30 p.m. on a Thursday! and… “it will be less painful for innocent babies to die a natural death than for those babies to die of this punishment.” I cannot bring myself to see innocent babies suffering and dying over adult sins. I don’t understand that to be right. Is this how it is going to end here? Thank you for your time.
Dear Debbie,
I have never heard of the Garabandal apparitions and I have no idea what they are talking about, but it does not seem to be an appropriate literature for young ladies (joke).
With love and light
I am sorry, I guess I thought you knew about this. Here is the story which they say is true.
The Beginning
Garabandal is a small village in northern Spain, in the Santander province, near the Picos de Europa mountains, a rugged and beautiful setting. Its full name is San Sebastian of Garabandal. It is located 600 meters above sea level, some 57 miles from the capital of the province. To get there one must climb steep, poor roads. No more than 300 people live in Garabandal. The town is impressively quiet. There is no doctor in the town and no resident pastor at the parish church. The pastor from Cosio, the next town down the road, used to celebrate Mass there on Sunday.
In the evening of June 18, 1961, four girls were playing on the outskirts of the town – Conchita Gonzalez, Maria Dolores (Mari-loli) Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez and Maria Cruz Gonzalez (not related despite having the same name.) Maria Cruz was eleven, the others twelve, and all were from poor families.
Suddenly they heard a loud noise, like thunder, and saw before them the bright figure of the Archangel Michael. On the following days the Archangel appeared to them again in the same place. He announced that on July 2 they would see Our Lady. This was the beginning of the Garabandal events.
Our Lady of Carmel
The news spread quickly through the region. July 2 was a Sunday and the town was crowded. There were people from all social levels and very many from out of town, among them several physicians and priests. At six in the evening the girls went to the place where the Angel had appeared, and to the surprise of the crowd they entered into ecstasy. Our Lady appeared to them accompanied by two angels, one being St. Michael. The girls described the vision as follows:
“She is dressed in a white robe with a blue mantle and a crown of golden stars. Her hands are slender. There is a brown scapular on her right arm, except when she carried the Child Jesus in her arms. Her hair, deep nut-brown, is parted in the center. Her face is long, with a fine nose. Her mouth is very pretty with lips a bit thin. She looks like a girl of eighteen. She is rather tall. There is no voice like hers. No woman is just like her, either in the voice or the face or anything else. ” Our Lady Manifested herself as Our Lady of Carmel.”
At times the wind rustled her long hair which reached down to her waist. The girls spoke with the Virgin with the utmost naturalness. “We were telling her,” they said, “about our tasks, how we were going to the meadows…” and “She smiled at the little things we told her.” Our Lady showed them how to treat her: “Like children who speak with their mother and tell her everything…Children who rejoice to see her when they have not seen her for a while.”….
Dear Debbie,
I am sorry, I had a real black-out when I said that I have not heard anything about the Garabandal apparitions. I had simply totally forgotten it. In fact, I knew an elderly German lady, who lived later in Garabandal and knew personally Conchitta, and her girl-friends. One of them now lives, or lived, in the USA and my friend was involved in the story around these apparitions in one or another way and has told me a lot about it. She was also a star seed.
The only thing I know for certain is that these apparitions had a great impact on the cardinals and bishops in the second Vatican council summoned surprisingly in 1961 by Papa Giovanni, Il buono Papa (The good Pope), who was later killed for this initiative, while the council was still in place. The aim of the council was, as you may know, the renewal of the Church and the Christian religion, but as Giovanni (also known as Roncalli) died prematurely (he was most probably poisoned), this could not happen and the following popes, in the first place the current pope Ratzinger, offset most of the reforms of the Second council with their decrees.
To make a long story short, I am also indirectly associated with Roncalli when he was Nuntio of Vatican in Bulgaria and regularly visited the Uniad-church (An Orthodox church that accepts the pope as Primus), which was just around the corner where I lived, and I had old friends, who knew him very well before he became a pope. He was Nuntio in Bulgaria before WW2 and later became Nuntio (Vatican Ambassador) in Constantinople, Paris and then became Patriarch of Venice, before he was surprisingly elected as an interim Pope, as the real favourites for this position could not reach an agreement and thought they could manipulate him at their discretion. But he was very clever and announced the Second Vatican council in 1961 to their surprise. In order to get some help from Heaven these apparitions in Garabandal were staged to counter-balance the Fatima apparitions before WW1 which were usurped by the Vatican (see Ratzinger’s interpretation of the third Fatima prophecy of 2000 and the discussions around it in Internet), and helped Giovanni push through his reforms of the church. I am really surprised, how I have totally forgotten all this, when you first wrote to me.
I personally do not pay much attention to these announcements. I was personally involved in the Fatima apparition and the third Fatima prophecy and nothing happened as the plan was, as usually on this planet, again postponed in 2010. Since then, I think that these plans to offset the Church, whatever they might have been in the higher realms, were cancelled for ever, due to the fact that humanity is still in a great slumber and now the ultimate plan in action is the splitting of the two timelines this spring.
Of course, I may be wrong in this respect, but I personally no longer care about these apparitions after the Fatima plan, where I was supposed to appear as an ascended master on October 13, 2010, was cancelled around July 2010 when the second harmonic convergence took place (the first one was in 1987) and it was concluded that the light quotient has not been reached on earth. I have mentioned this issue in some of my previous articles.
With love and light
February 23, 2012
Thank you for your thorough response; let’s see if I can offer one in exchange.
You are most welcome for attributing longevity you feel you have not earned however I must assure you, I first was contacted by your information on examiner (misidentified as exopolitics I apologize) prior to May 2011. I remember the end of 2010 very well as I found myself deeply in the rabbit hole of my Self. I would suggest it is possible I did get that ebook at the end of 2010 as 2011 I can walk through that time period very easily within Mind. I can not explain it completely in terms you would appreciate but a timeline shift is the only reasonable explanation to my original statements. I have experience with this just in December.
A supplement product I take, the only liquid one I have ever taken, changed flavors on me and the lady who sold it to me thinks I am a little off. Let me explain. I have only ever had one liquid supplement product, carnatine and I bought my first bottle in August 2011 in cherry and it tasted awesome! In December I needed more as I ran out in October but decided to wait until the New Year to restock. When I went to the store, the exact same location/name, from the same counter lady (super nice) informed me they only carried now TWO flavors (it was only cherry in August), Lemon and Watermelon, BOTH of which tasted NOTHING like cherry.
As you may know smell and slightly taste is wired through the right hemisphere so I DISTINCTLY remember cherry liquid taste that was so good! I threw the bottle away though so I do not have true evidence. In fact perhaps THAT is what caused the shift, but the SAME counter lady claims of course, it’s always been two flavors. I know SOMETHING shifted for sure based on this. I am 28…sound mind, so only a few have been privy to this info and even my close associates are blown away by the level of detail regarding cherry and why/how I KNOW it was cherry yet now it magically shifted to lemon and watermelon. By the way I got lemon, and it has a VERY unique flavor I do like but it’s not cherry; oh and they ONLY carry ONE liquid carnatine and it’s a house brand.
We are time walkers and I am certain at the end of 2010 I received your information, but at this point we’ll say I can not disprove the null hypothesis being your assessment :) This morning I received information from HS I am on 169 octave but I agree it makes no difference, its illusory and moot.
Regarding Report #63 – I enjoyed this one very much. You touch on law of One and Ra. Paula waxed eloquently about Ra and as I type “Ra” my body is SURGING with energy. You see, Ra was the only channel that immediately registered off the charts on my intuitive scale (that has no numbers by the way). I devoured the law of One, all nearly 1000 pages in a week and desperately searched for more which did come but never even came close to resonating on the same level as Ra! I’m sure you understand the lack of precise language is simply due to the instrument (Carla) being untrained with the necessary jargon to translate Ra’s energy into proper terminology. Of this, I am certain you can appreciate the use of esoteric terms Carla is familiar with and I resonated with.
Regarding the original questions 7 creative energies vs 12 dimensions or vice verse, that is the point, vicea verse. I’m sure you’ve seen a hypercube. This is exactly this point. They are interchangeable at the end of the day, so this need for “monkey mind” to nail a label is as meaningless as my question to measure you vibration using the electromagnetic spectrum. It is simply a multi-dimensional fractal so standing on one side or the other is just a chosen limit really. If Paula is open to it, please exchange my email with her so we may communicate as I know we will find much comfort and new perspectives as this drama unfolds.
You are the clearest source of information as a whole for anyone with a grasp of the esoteric and even mild scientific understanding of ascension. I happen to find Beckow shortly after law of One and still check it to this day to see what Esoteric Vanity Fair is being pimped. When Beckow closed the comments down last summer, I knew instantly he was trying to steer an agenda. I actually began sending him emails probably before you directly communicated urging him to talk about your work. He would only link to the original examiner article and comments were closed so no one could discuss it! When I reached out to him via email he wouldn’t really get into it with me, just, I don’t have time. I sense the intent of his site to maintain a stasis within the community for as long as possible, period. If you read between the lines anyway, you can clearly see his site is a setup to take down the human elite and replace them with the 4th dimensional elite who really sit behind our human elite anyway. I sensed through our communication he is serving the “dark” agenda to steer anyone lacking discernment into a self chosen holding pen of sorts.
I applaud your sincere efforts to reach out to him and clarify your information but as they say, you can not make the horse drink the water you have led it too. Free will is a tickle isn’t it? For all those people who have written you talking about your giant EGO, let me clarify how I see it. If we remove EGO entirely as a starting point, we are still left with a negative/positive, feminine/masculine which might stretch to your space/time being the only two dimensions. Your responses tend to come from the masculine side of this EGO notwithstanding. That is all. For instance I do not see the planet as toxic even from a HS point of view as this is completely chosen by you. Calling it toxic FEELS like a slap to your HS if anything else for being here but again we chose to be here and do whatever was needed. If it were not for this toxicity, then stasis would prevail to an even greater degree and we wouldn’t have the benefit of SO many lessons in such a SHORT period of time. It is a pressure cooker and I am well on my way to becoming the DIAMOND this environment is known for producing!!!!
Your new GNOSIS English translations (THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!), I have only skimmed a bit since I have read all your other English texts. Is there a way to provide SOME kind of table of contents for what is being touched on each chapter? You touched on a specific section I am interested in and where it is, so I will go find it, but a table of contents perhaps would suffice.
Let me close with a few fun things that have happened. I am in dream time training of SOME sort; I wake up and fully know I was literally in a class room setting learning and teaching. I wake up 2 hours before my normal time and am fully conscious and falling back into body at the moment of awakening more and more. Last week I was walking down my steps (three floors total with basement) and by the time I hit the bottom, I wasn’t in my body anymore, I was separated from it playing with my body’s arms like they were on marionette strings and from the third eye, I could see the light “strings” emanating down into them from my actual arms, made of light of course :)
I am having much fun, but I know the real fun is only beginning. I no longer really count on time and the timetable you’ve laid out or anyone has laid out since time is also an illusion so I have no inclination to believe in anything anyone else says regarding a day of rapture or harvesting or any of that. I do not disagree, I just do not agree as you believe it to be. Thankfully this provides us much to discuss. I look forward to our next exchange.
Adonai! Patrick
Dear Patrick,
your information on “time walking”, I also call it “timeline jumping”, is extremely interesting and I have long waited for the appearance of such phenomena. It is definitely so that in another timeline I ascended on October 13, 2010 in association with the Fatima 3rd prophecy. This timeline has to do with the collapse of the Catholic Church, where I, myself, am playing a central role in this religious drama. This timeline was announced years ago by my HS and I have written about it in my last book “Thoughts”, which Joelle has just translated with Google translate in English, but needs to be edited by myself. This timeline is as real for me as this timeline, which I now live. This is just as a confirmation of what you have told me with your diverging timelines of experience.
Of course, we can always change our past from the present, just as we can influence our future with every action in the Now. I have changed myself very effectively many aspects of my past, which I disliked, with more favourable pathways by pure mental imagination, and these new alternatives build now the main historic timeline of my destiny as registered in my mental and emotional memory, so that the old negative aspects no longer bother me anymore. This is a highly complex and extremely exciting topic, which I have not yet started to discuss as the time was not yet ripe.
Your information on Beckow compliments mine and there is no need to elaborate it any further.
When I talk about the toxicity of this planet, I follow a strict pedagogical goal, namely, to make the members of the PAT aware of the great efforts they have accomplished in cleansing this planet, as this fact and piece of information will otherwise go under in the current confusion. You can only realize as an incarnated soul what you have achieved here on the ground, and be proud of it, if you know from what deep level of darkness you have ascended so high.
This is simple metrics, just as you were interested in the quantification of the progress of your LBP. There is nothing bad about this – it only serves as an orientation. As long as one does begin to excessively interpret it and put wrong meaning in such indications, this approach is legitimate and serves the better understanding.
I will skip the topic with the ego as it becomes boring these days.
It is a good idea – I will insert a content of the chapters that have been published so far in the introduction (serial-1), so that one can better navigate, although you can also choose the category “New Gnosis: Evolutionary Leap of Mankind”, column links, and have all serials listed one after the other.
With love and light