New Gnosis: The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind – Serial 10

Georgi Stankov, February 7, 2012

Translation from the German language:
by Joelle Torneros and Georgi Stankov

10. Serial: Chapter 9.


IX. The Role of the Chakras in the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap

1. The Body as a Superimposed Wave System

We have seen that the human body is a quantum-physical, electromagnetic wave system that arises from the superposition of the soul segments from the 7F-creationary levels. In this sense, the biological organism is a kind of “moving hardware” that is created and controlled by the software program of the soul. Since the soft­ware program of the soul contains the hardware of the body as a U-subset, the biological organism of the species “man” (and all other living creatures) represents an energetic system of infinite superimposed waves.

In 3D space-time, the biological body is formed as a superposition of the quan­tum solitons of the supra-molecular level of organic substances with the electro­magnetic waves of the cells that manifest themselves as action potentials. The action potentials of the cells in turn add up to organ potentials (e.g. ECG and EEG), etc. The interplay of these overlays from a biochemical point of view has been outlined in detail in Volume III of the General Theory of Biological Regulation. In addition, the human body is subjected to gravitation which is in direct correlation to electromagnetism.

In Volume I and Volume II of physics, I prove that all the fundamental constants of electro­magnetism as the electric and magnetic field constants that appear in all the laws of electromagnetism also determine the magnitude of the speed of light c (equation of Maxwell), which, in its turn, determines the magnitude of the gravitational constant G that is in the core of all Newtonian laws of gravitation in classical mechanics. One can of course consider this dependence in the reverse order since space-time is closed (self-contained). This is the actual unification of gravitation with electromagne­tism by the new theory of the Universal Law, which present-day physics is still unable to achieve – hence its inabi­lity to explain gravitation or to develop new sour­ces of free electromagnetic (photon) energy.

Read alsoThe Mechanism of Gravitation – for the First Time Explained

In Volume II, I also show that the electric and magnetic field constants are in turn average magnitudes of the heavenly bodies: they assess statistically the average radius and the average rotational speed of all celestial bodies in the universe. This is the ultimate proof that space-time is a closed entity, within which its U-subsets, such as gravitation and electromagnetism are interrelated and interdependent levels.

Since gravitation depends on each spot of the universe on the gravitational constant G (Newton’s law of gravitation) and propagates with the finite speed of light c, this fact proves irrevocably that gravitation and electromagnetism are superimposed wave forces of primordial energy, which we can discern mathematically in terms of fun­damental constants but not in reality: energy/space-time is a unity.

Read alsoGnostic Tradition of Western Philosophy -Ebook

We can, for example, temporarily eliminate the earth’s gravitation by using a magnetic force (see magnetic monorail train, Maglev) or increase it, depending on the orientation of the magnetic force. However, we will never be able to eliminate the electromagnetic forces in gravitational masses, because they belong to matter. Conversely, we can­not observe electromagnetic forces without matter, which is subjected to gravitation. Thus, the close interrelationship between gravitation and electromagnetism should be cogent to all laymen. It is still a conundrum, why physicists have failed so far to understand this ample fact and currently favor the blatantly wrong idea that these two funda­mental forces cannot be integrated.

It is important to note at this point that this simple and evident physical fact is deliberately ignored by modern physics. It claims in the standard model that gravitation cannot be integrated with the other three fundamental forces. For this reason, it has not yet been possible to achieve a unification of physics. That this statement is moronic, I have proved beyond any doubt with the discovery of the Universal Law; it can be seen on one page, in the Table below, where all fundamental natural constants of gravitation, electromagnetism and quantum physics are integrated with the Universal Equation. This unification is the greatest achievement of the new theory of the Universal Law and it should be cogent to any physicist only from a cursory glance on this table which is unique and cannot be found in any textbook on physics. However, I have not met a single physicist, among the many I have dealt with since 1997 when I published volume I (including the 10,000 physicists I wrote to in July 2017 announcing my new book ‘Propaedeutics” on the Universal Law), who was able to grasp this quantum leap in physical knowledge.

What really concerns me in this discussion, is not so much to expose the flawed traditional concepts of physics, or the intransigence of the physicists, leading to their profound ignorance as to what Nature really is, but to draw the reader’s attention to the important and previously in the bio-sciences little-noticed fact, namely, that the human body is a superimposed wave system that consists of all known forces of 3D space-time. Of course, this also includes the strong (nuclear) forces and the weak forces of the atoms and molecules of organic matter.

Now, the reader must extend this common and easily understandable presentation and include the energies of the 7F-creationary levels in this model. The superposition of the four fundamental forces of 3D space-time has an upper limit of time or frequency f, which is quantitatively determined by the radiation of black holes. It is at the same time the upper limit of the electromagnetic spectrum and the elementary particles measured as the Compton frequency, which is a known fundamental physical constant (see Table above).

The superposition of the wave forces of Nature does not stop at this point but goes further. It does not end at the experimental limit of discrimination by material instruments, which, as we have already discussed, is determined by Planck’s constant h.

We have also seen that this constant is a fundamental quantity of electromagnetism, of photon space-time: It is the basic action potential of this level. Since all elemen­tary particles of matter are composed of h, as presented in the Table above, this smallest measurable amount of energy proves to be the basic action potential of space-time (see Volume I and II). For this reason, I speak in my books also of h-space-time.

Between this limit of 3D space-time, within which human life is unfolding, and the 7F-creationary realms that have their own elementary action potentials, there is an enor­mous frequency leap, which we can also describe as a time leap or energy leap, for E~f.

As with the harmonic continuum, there are tones and harmonics that occur as octa­ves (frequency ranges) and, although they overlap and are mutually dependent, are separated by frequency intervals from each other. Just as our ears cannot perceive the ultrasonic waves, e.g. of the dolphins, conventional devices are not capable of registering the frequencies of the 7F-creationary realms. To conclude from this that these energy ranges do not exist is the greatest blunder of modern science.

In this sense, the present scientific Gnosis deals with the energetic pheno­mena of the 7F-creationary realms, as they appear in the 3D space-time of the earth. Since these phenomena can be perceived only by the human mind, and the latter exhibits different skills in medium-ship depending on the soul age, they can only be experienced by old souls in the manner described herein.

In this context, the Light Body Process means an evolution of human transcendental cognition, which I also define as “sensory perception”. In the late stages of this process, the intensity of the 7F-creationary energies increases to such an extent that the entity perceives in a direct way, physically and mentally, the interference patterns of these high-frequency energies with the low-frequency energies of the physical body day and night.

From the earthly point of view, the transformation of the 7F-creationary energies in organic and inorganic, physical 3D space-time can be described as follows:

The soul segment that incarnates on earth from the 7F-creationary realms must significantly reduce the incredibly high frequencies of these energies before they can manifest as matter. This is an energetic transformation, similar to the well-known conversion of heat into electricity or mechanical work and vice versa.

From a theological point of view, this energy transformation is interpreted as an “act of creation.” It is a central theme of all religions. In physics, it is presented in cosmo­logical terms as a “big bang” (?).

Read alsoThe “Big Bang” Is Yet to Come in the Empty Brain Cavities of the Cosmologists – Two PAT Opinions

Both religions and science have in this respect, however, committed a funda­mental error in thinking. While they understand this creative act as a single event, which they usually set at the beginning of world history, they deprive themselves of the opportunity to witness the incessant existence of this creation, which takes place in front of our eyes every moment in the Now.

We are dealing here with the classical situation, where a false belief signifi­cantly restricts and deforms human perception of reality.

Currently, Nature – organic and inorganic – is regarded by conventional science as a “self-runner”, which, placed once in motion as an evolution, develops and prospers from that point onward on its own. The mechanism of evolution is interpreted as the self-organisation of matter. This view also includes the materialistic experimental dog­ma according to which, what one cannot measure with external instruments should not exist.

In other words, modern science ignores entirely the continuous creation of matter and “Nature” by the 7F-creationary realms because it denies the existence of this energy conversion and disregards it as an object of study. Hence the cognitive blind­ness of all scientists, which is, however, intended at the present very primitive stage of soul evolution of all representatives of failed human science.

Read alsoThe Fraud of Modern Science

In reality, the existence of 3D space-time, i.e., of the solar universes and all living entities, is a continuous act of Crea­tion – a constant energy conversion from the 7F-creationary realms in 3D space-time which we perceive as matter or nature and vice versa. This continuous exchange of energy follows the law of energy conservation (first law of thermodynamics) because All-That-Is is a unity.

If we apply this knowledge concretely to the organic system “man”, this would mean that both his creation as conception, pregnancy and birth, as well as the ongoing biological regulation that keeps him alive as an organism, is a continuous energy con­ver­sion between the 7F-creationary levels of the soul and the fundamental forces of the organic material body. This also applies to the organisation and coordination of individual human beha­viour and relationships in society, the latter being summa­rized in the esoteric scene with a certain negative connotation as “karma”.

Although the human mind, operating as day consciousness, was designed by the soul as an external reference point of Spirit in order to make certain decisions on the existential and societal level in its own responsibility, in the sense of free will, and at the same time to ponder on “God and the world”, man cannot in reality exist a single moment on his own, that is to say, from his own mind.

Rather, he requires some “unconditional behaviour patterns” that are installed by the soul. They operate apart from the mind, which even needs to be turned off at times so that the human being can survive in novel and unusual situations. Even if humans perceive it differently because they are energetically constrained to do so, the relation­ship of the human mind to the soul is like an infant to the mother: a human being, guided by his rational mind, can only survive if he is carried forward by the life-spending force of his invisible soul.

The idea that man is self-sufficient enough to live from his own mind, a view that is currently culminating in the official denial of the existence of the soul, is the greatest illusion of being human, which, of course, is wanted and supported by the soul at this lower stage of his spiritual evolution. With the onset of the Light Body Pro­cess and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind, this biggest illusion of today’s mankind will finally come to an end.

These phenomena are a central object of study of this scientific Human Gnosis. Their dynamics determines psychologically, mentally and physically the energetic evo­lu­tion of every individual in a profound way and writes his role in the great drama during the paradigm shift that will take place on the historical stage in the course of this year of 2019. For this reason, these processes must be elaborated at this place.

It is important to point out that the current esotericism has failed to adequately des­cri­be these phenomena. Not to mention the religions! For the reasons discussed above, they are also not taken into consideration by science and philosophy.

But before I go into detail, I have to make my reader acquainted with the human chakras and, if he has already heard of them, to whittle down his knowledge. Because there is no other esoteric topic, about which so much nonsense has been written and told as about human chakras. Many schools based on obscure beliefs and various arcane practices have evolved around this theme and only obfuscate the understanding and mislead the people. We therefore begin with the question:

2. What are Chakras?

Chakras are energy centres in and around the human body, which convert the seven basic astral energies (7F-creationary levels) of the incar­nated soul fragment in an efficient, optimized, automated, i.e. sponta­neous way in 3D energy, respectively biological matter of the orga­nism and vice versa. Since the human body operates as an electromagnetic cell system, the chakras represent energetically inter­faces of astral and electromagnetic forces at the same time.

Chakras are U-subsets of the incarnated soul fragment. Their enormous complexity makes a descriptive representation of their energetic mode of action almost impossible. It would also be without relevance for the psychological needs of the incar­nated personality. We also use various electrical devices like the computer without knowing much about their inner structure. For this reason, we will remain in the subsequent discussion of the chakras at the operational level of the psyche and the mind and will let all the far-reaching statements and suppositions that can be encountered on the subject aside. This does not mean that the issue would not be of importance as such. It is only not of relevance at the present stage of the soul evolution of mankind.

It is well known that the human body possesses seven body chakras that correlate with the seven basic energies (7F-creationary levels) of All-That-Is. In addition, there are other chakras within and outside the body, which we will not describe for the moment being, although they play a huge role in the ascension process.

The seven body chakras are grouped along the body axis and can be divided for didactic purposes in three lower and three upper chakras. These two groups are distributed roughly symmetrically around the middle chakra. Typically, they are num­bered from bottom to top (one to seven).

All the chakras correlate to specific internal organs: Their energy flows preferably through these organs.

Each chakra corresponds with one of the seven basic astral energies that manifest themselves physically, that is, these basic energies can be manifested psychologically (emotionally), mentally (rationally, intellectually), or in a mechanic-kinematic way (physically, sexually). In this context, I also speak of “reactions”, because these energies occur for both the participant and the observer always spontaneously as innate “unconditional responses” or hereditary reflexes (instincts). For this reason, it is appropriate to describe the chakras also as “reaction centres“. I will discuss this aspect in more detail below.

The first chakra is the bottom chakra (1), which is associated with the adrenal glands in the kidneys and controls their function. It is also known as the instinctive reaction centre. The astral energy converted by the first chakra guarantees the survival of human beings, by enhancing fast, life-saving responses, which we refer to as “instincts” or “unconditional reflexes”. The “escape reflex” in mortal dan­ger is such an instinctive reaction that is triggered by the rapid, reflex-like secretion of adre­naline from the adrenal glands.

As the name of this particular reflex suggests, it cannot be solely triggered by the first chakra. It also needs the participation of the motion reaction centre, which accomplishes physically this escape movement of the body (see below). This example illustrates the fundamental fact that all chakras cooperate with each other in order to exert their action. As in an orchestra, there is always one particular chakra that plays the “first fiddle” within a specific body reaction and thus dominates the concerted action of the other participating chakras.

The action of the chakras can be only comprehended when the role of the mind is fully considered. We have already learned that the human mind only functions as memory, that is to say, it reacts only to stimuli that come from the past and must be first stored in a special electromagnetic memory organ within the mental body. The functioning of the mind is thus sequential and rather slow. In addition, the mind needs a certain amount of time to process the incoming information before it can make a decision and put it into physical action with the help of the body.

In life-threatening conditions, the mind is thus of no value or it may even hamper the escape reaction. For this reason, it is more or less switched off by the quickness of the instinctive reaction on the one hand and by the intensity of the transmitted energy by the two lower chakras on the other. Such reactions are referred to in bio-science as “hereditary instincts” or “unconditional reactions” and this presentation contains some grains of truth. We have here standardized reactions of the soul, which are transmitted by the chakras in a direct manner by short-circuiting the mind and eliminating its impact on human behaviour. Such reactions may appear as life-saving instincts or irrational acts, as we shall discuss this topic in conjunction with karma.

The human mind has a very limited scope of perception. Much important information runs below the threshold of the daily human consciousness and cannot be regis­tered in a rational manner. Significant vibrations, which are emitted by individuals or groups of people, are perceived by the human Spirit as part of the Higher Self below the conceptual threshold of the rational mind and lead, still under this threshold, to subsequent standardized reactions, which are directly triggered by the chakras.

If an innocent outsider enters for example the conference room of a company, where the participants discuss lay-offs, cutbacks and restructuring that involve the fate of these people, he will immediately, even before his mind captures the situation, perceive the low-frequency vibrations of fear and aggressiveness of those present and will immediately respond defensively, without being affected by the measures discussed. The same applies to natural disasters and hazards of life. In such cases, the person benefits from the direct, spontaneous recognition of the soul, which provides him with vital information, which is transmitted by the first chakra as instinctive reflexes. He will then be “on guard”, even though he may not know whence this cautionary information comes from.

Were such instincts essential for the survival of the primitive man in a hostile environment, they are now of little help as uncontrolled instincts in a developed, sedentary society, where the living conditions pose other demands on the individual. In an evolved community, in which the ability to cooperate and to solve conflicts is in the foreground, such response patterns, coming from the first chakra, would rather prove to be a great disadvantage.

For this reason, the reaction pattern of the incarnated personality changes during the historical development of mankind. More precisely: According to demand, the soul may emphasize different chakras and forge the emergence of new patterns of reaction in the incarnated population. An essential part of the so-called biological evolution from primitive man to social, ethical being has taken place in this way. This finding is also important for an understanding of the Light Body Process, where the seven human chakras are fundamentally restructured (see below).

The reader can expand this discussion and consider the function of the other chakras and the preordained soul matrix of the incarnated personality and he will automatically come to the conclusion that there are infinite individual psychological variations that determine the character and behaviour of every person. The expression of the chakras as a specific response pattern depends not only on the particular conditions, under which the soul incarnates but also on the individual and collective soul age of the actual incarnated population.

The discussion of this topic offers unexpected views, it explains, for instance, the rise and decline of matriarchy and the current overemphasis on male aggression in political and economic life, which is now being dismantled in the wake of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind. Various karmic dramas will be closely related to these dramatic energetic processes.

(Note: This prophetic discussion from 2000 was confirmed this month of July 2019 when massive energies and codes from the Source were sent to earth to open the heart chakras of most humans so that they begin to perceive the truth about themselves unequivocally and prepare for the LBP and their ascension in the distant future. This will also change the function of the mind that has been extensively manipulated by the dark forces in the past and mired in false illusions. From now on, the mind will only register the truth coming from the heart chakra as “heart-mind” (see below), but will not be able to make decisions at his whim, as was the case in the past that led to all catastrophes, wars, genocides and all other bad things that humanity has experienced throughout its history. It is not an exaggeration to say that the human mind is the perpetrator of all evil on earth, just as it is also the creator of all material progress of humanity, even though all progressive ideas come first as intuition and inspiration from the soul.

The activation of the heart chakras of humans is now happening in an alchemical reaction through my heart chakra that was ignited by and aligned with the divine heart chakra of the Source on July 1st, 2019 through the world heart chakra power centre of the threefold flame (blue, yellow and pink)which we anchored in Diano Marina in June 2019. This happened in a most dramatic moment that I may present to the general public at a later date when the collective understanding has evolved enough to grasp the importance of this crucial energetic event. The opening of the heart chakras of most humans will be accomplished when they go through the Lion’s Gate portal on August 8th, 2019, 8/8 portal and the results will be seen soon thereafter at the societal level as described in the ascension scenario, which I have outlined in this and many other books and articles.

This is the penultimate proof that all evolution of mankind is occurring under the influence of higher dimensional energies and through a thorough modification of the human chakras that transform these energies into the human entity and determine him as an energetic system. The ultimate proof will be my ascension and appearance as an ascended master in front of humanity.)

From this introduction, we recognize that the chakras are not abstract esoteric entities but that they are linked very closely with the personality and the behaviour of a particular historical epoch. Without their involvement, the karma game on earth could not be properly understood. For this reason, I shall introduce the other six chakras and their patterns of response in a concise manner.

The second lower chakra, also called sacral or sexual chakra, determines decisively the sexual behaviour of humans and is closely related to the gonads. The sexual behaviour encompasses a wider range of activities than the mere inter­course. The sexual centre, like the rest of the lower chakras, has to do with movement and physical action in the first place.

The lower three chakras mediate the vital forces that promote the expansion drive of the individual in society and in the physical space. This urge for activity is the outstan­ding characteristic of the young soul and for this reason, the lower three chakras are dominant in today’s population of incarnated souls. They not only determine individual and collective behaviour but also influence significantly the social norms and forms under which human life unfolds. The esoteric statement that humanity today is driven by the lower three chakras is in this sense correct, though a too simplified statement.

Before I go into the lower third chakra, I ought to discuss at this place the common energetic characteristics of the chakras. Basically, the chakras represent complex harmonic frequency patterns of the seven astral energies, whereas in each chakra there is a basic energy that prevails. Overall, the chakras differ from each other not only qualitatively in terms of their specific energy pattern but also quantitatively in terms of their frequency level.

Viewed from the bottom up, that is to say, with increasing numbers, the frequency level (the vibration rate) of the chakras also increases. In the energetic sense, they therefore build a hierarchical structure. The knowledge that the frequency rate of the chakras is growing from bottom to top, that is to say, from the coccyx to the crown, is very important both for the psyche as well as for the mind.

It is a basic rule in All-That-Is that the higher frequencies dominate over the lower ones and modulate them. Depending on the local intensity, it may happen that lower frequencies can dominate over higher frequencies, as has been the case on this toxic planet for a long time. The Evolutionary Leap of mankind is the reversal of this situation. Constructive and destructive interference can thus occur in both directions. In the hierarchical structure of All-That-Is, the higher frequency dimensions clearly dominate: They are the leaders and gestalt the low-frequency ranges. Local devia­tions, as we observe them on earth, are intentional exceptions to this rule and are only possible through the massive application of high-frequency energies to seal this reverse condition from the rest of All-That-Is. This explains the separation of Earth and humanity from the Source which is now being reversed in the End Time.

We have discussed this issue in detail in the context of fear and love. Fear represents a deliberate low-energy pattern that acts as a barrier, blocking the higher-frequency vibrations of love emitted by the soul so that they cannot enter the human body. The human mind cannot receive sufficient vibrations of love and it must now create them in an independent manner. This is the fundamental challenge of the reincarnation cycle on earth – to develop the human mind into a responsible sovereign creator of love conditions (conditions of constructive interference). In this effort, emo­tions are just means to this end.

With increasing soul age, the capacity for love also steadily augments, and the angst barrier is reduced in the same range. Fear has the function of a litmus test for the opening of the mind and the heart (psyche) for the higher frequencies of the soul. At the end of a cycle, the last incarnated personality merges completely with the soul and the oversoul and experiences the maximum possible ecstasy, which is equivalent to a total con­structive interference with the corresponding basic energies of the soul family and All-That-Is, respectively the Source.

Just as fear can be overcome by love, the upper chakras can modulate and refine the response patterns of the lower chakras. A total suppression of the lower instincts, like some esoteric and religious purists recommend from a dualistic anthropocen­tric point of view, is neither possible nor desirable. Reasonable control of all ener­gies that flow through the chakras, with or without knowledge of their mode of action, is a major goal in the reincarnation cycle of the soul.

The third chakra, also called the solar plexus chakra, is closely related to the upper abdomen, stomach, liver, gallbladder and pancreas and is responsible for motion. It is also known as the motor centre. As with the other two lower chakras, the term “motion” includes more than the mere physical motion/movement of the individual. The motor activity can manifest both as a sporting quality as well as mental agility. This largely depends on the centering of the personality in the individual chakras, as I will explain below.

When this chakra is closed, for example, the person feels an impotent rage or hopeless fear that temporarily puts him in an energetic state, in which he is not able to perform any movement or feel any other emotion. His ability to think is fully paralysed. This rigidity is a product of the blockade of the life-spending energy of the soul, which flows through the third chakra of the solar plexus.

When this motor centre is activated, then the accumulated blocked energy such as rage can unload in an irrational act. With such energetic blockages and discharges, which are precisely initiated and controlled by the soul (and by the many dark entities that had taken possession of humans for eons of time but have now been eliminated in July in the course of the opening of the hearts chakras of most humans), one can explain the various deviant behaviour patterns among humans – from unexplained mass murders of a crazed gunman to collective atrocities and genocides on mankind.

Such actions are part of the karma game, which is ongoing and provides a wealth of experience for the incarnated souls. Superficially, such acts are attributed to the personality and her free will. This finding may be painful for many readers because it does away with the delusion of independence and the absolute discretion of the indivi­dual person.

Man, mainly in the West, has a split attitude toward dependence. On the one hand, the Western human being insists on his independence, on the other hand, he goes volun­ta­rily into a variety of dependencies, which the modern capitalist society lays as traps on his social way. The problem of dependence is purely psychological and is rooted in the current limited view of what is an individual or an incarnated personality. When the multidimensionality of the soul is included in this worldview, then the problem is resolved by itself. This attitude is crucial for the initiation of the Light Body Process (see below).

The lower three chakras mediate energies that lead to actions. They encourage active behaviour. This behaviour is in many ways without reflection because it takes place during the simultaneous elimination of rational thinking (5th chakra) and destructive because it occurs in a state of inability to love (blockade of the 4th heart chakra, see below).

In the Freudian psychoanalysis, one speaks in this context of “instinctive behaviour” (triebhaftes Benehmen). This moralistic approach fails to appreciate the role of the life-sustaining function of the reaction patterns that are mediated by the lower three chakras but it illuminates at the same time the prevailing brutal habits of mankind in the last two to three thousand years.

The effect of the three lower chakras can only be fully appreciated when we realize that they are energetically separated from the three upper chakras by the fourth chakra, also called the heart chakra. For this reason, they may, under certain circumstances, “go crazy” without being receptive to a correction from above. We encoun­ter here a clearly faulty design of the human organism, which is consciously willed by the soul in this way so that she can make certain experiences under carefully selected, extremely difficult energetic conditions. The lower three chakras vibrate often at the frequency level of angst, which they convey through their reaction patterns. They are then inaccessible to the higher frequencies of love.

The fourth heart chakra binds preferably to the thymus. Through this chakra, human emotions and the psyche are largely manifested and regulated. For this reason, we also speak of the emotional centre. The fourth chakra is largely closed in child and young souls so that their emotionality is not particularly developed. Child and young souls love and know nothing of love, they have angst all the time and know nothing of their fears. This is due to the fact that the soul wants to promote at this soul age the expression of the lower three chakras and for this reason, she does not want to instigate her fears particularly, as the perception of angst and fear is a preferred incarnation task at the mature and old soul age (see my note above).

The close relationship between the effectiveness of a chakra and the functionality of the corresponding organs is demonstrated exemplary by the thymus. We will meet again this close relationship with the pituitary and pineal gland. The unimpeded flow of energy through an astral chakra promotes the growth of the corresponding organ.

The thymus is in newborns disproportionately large and powerful and later on undergoes a marked involution, such that it is barely detectable in the elderly. In the first years of life, man enjoys a largely open contact with his soul. In this phase, the astral energies of the soul flow freely through the chakras in the child’s body. This explains the unwavering optimism of the children who display with effortless ease their spiritual integrity, whereas the grown-ups always grieve and worry about something (anxiety patterns, footnote 1).

The corresponding organs are well-developed and functional in the presence of an open chakra. The thymus is, for instance, quite pronounced in many birds, which leads to the assumption that these birds are closely linked to the astral realms that enable them difficult migrations. This aspect has been thoroughly misunderstood by the bio-sciences. Their explanation as to why humans have an underdeveloped thymus gland, while it is highly developed in lower animals, is so confused and moronic that it should be cogent to everybody that scientists have no clue about human chakras and their role in the regulation of the human organism. Thus, we come to the conclusion that, depending on the level of evolution of the incarnated soul, human organs may experience a different manifestation.

As part of the Light Body Process, the heart chakra begins to open and to build a unified chakra, by incorporating the lower three chakras and bringing them into resonance with the three upper chakras. In such people, who are in an advanced stage of the process, the thymus begins to increase its volume (hypertrophy). This is also true, as I shall show below, for the pituitary and pineal glands (see my note above).

People, who are about to develop a unified chakra, go through various symptoms that may mimic a heart attack. These symptoms are caused by the expansion of the heart chakra, which also brings a change in the neurological heart regulation with it. When the heart chakra is fully open, one feels due to the strong emanation of love energies from this centre a constant heat and burning sensation in the chest area, which can be accompanied, depending on the intensity of the Light Body Process, by shortness of breath (asphyxia) and heart palpitations.

(This was the case with many members of the PAT after opening the Stargate 11.11.11, when I activated their heart chakra on November 22nd, 2011 as reported at that time. Asphyxia, dry mouth due to excessive release of adrenaline in a state of enhanced anxiety, heart palpitations and asthma-like difficulties in breathing are now very common symptoms among many humans who have begun with the opening of their 4th heart chakra under our guidance through the world heart chakra centre in Diano Marina, which we built in June 2019 (see the note above). As they have no idea what is happening with them energetically, this will become an overwhelming medical problem very soon as the doctors also have no clue and will only come up with fake diagnoses that will worsen the clinical condition of the patients. That is why I am hopeful that the healing centre in Diano Marina, which is ready now, will very soon manifest so that we can take over the healing of humanity from the old failed medical health care system with the help of new higher dimensional techniques in full acceptance of the existence of the soul.)

These symptoms are completely harmless. I strongly warn against consultation by doctors who know nothing about these astral processes and are inclined to interpret these symptoms in terms of heart disease. In this way, they reinforce the fear structure of the affected person, thus preventing his energetic transformation in the course of the Light Body Process. Many frightened people may die prematurely in this way.

The three upper chakras are the higher frequency chakras of the body, which con­nect to Spirit of the soul (Higher Self). However, this can happen only in advanced soul age. In young souls, these chakras, especially the 6th and 7th chakras, are still closed.

The fifth chakra, also called the throat chakra, connects to the thyroid gland and transmits energies that mainly act on the rational mind, of which humans are so proud nowadays. For this reason, this chakra is also known as the intellectual centre. Based on this chakra, I will explain how an impediment of the energy flow caused by false beliefs leads to chakra-specific diseases.

Persons, in whom the 5th chakra is dominant (see centering of chakras below) pay great attention to logic and reason. This chakra governs the perception and the deli­vering of information, including such of abstract nature, the processing of images and the structuring, and clarification of the received knowledge. These tasks are handled mainly by the left brain hemisphere before they are integrated into the body. In order to cope with these tasks, the right brain hemisphere, which is mainly dedicated to the processing of emotions, must be excluded from this intellectual process.

In the case of persons, who are not yet in the Light Body Process, that is to say, mainly young souls, the two halves of their brain are largely separated from each other: it is very difficult for these persons to synchronize them. Such people cannot integrate emotion and intellect: They tend to set the priority of abstract, rational thinking before their feelings.

Human rational thinking is, however, very limited: it quickly reaches the bounda­ry of logical analysis, as it is currently practiced by intellectually dominated indivi­duals. The new Axiomatics of the Universal Law is of course exempted from this finding as this disquisition reveals. It includes the dynamics of emotions within human thinking and perception and easily explains their interrelationships.

The limits of conventional logical analysis are set in reality by human fears and are thus invisibly tainted by negative human emotions, even if this is negated by most scientists and other related humans. The experience of an intellectually centered person to reach very quickly the limits of logical knowledge overwhelms him with such great fear and makes him so anxiously unsettled, that he willingly gives up his true logic under the whispers of his high-looming fears and rather entren­ches with passion behind pseudo-intellectual barricades and arguments, as this can be seen not only among scientists but also among most New Age representatives.

Why any person, who employs the tools of traditional logic, must very quickly and inevitably reach the limits of human knowledge, lies in the fact that these logical tools are in reality a hodgepodge of traditional beliefs, as I have explained in earlier chapters: All categorical systems, which man has developed and amassed through­out history, and are currently being viewed as products of human logic and rational thinking, contain N-sets, that is to say, categories of thought, which exclude them­selves as an element and are, in the strict sense of the Logos, the Universal Law, not consistently logical. They must all be discarded as false images of reality.

This would mean that everything that such persons consider to be logical and important must be abandoned once and for all. Such a decision requires a lot of courage and honesty and these properties are in today’s society as rare as diamonds.

The current categorical systems pertaining to science and everyday thinking, which preposterously decorate themselves with the title of being “logical” and “rational”, contain actually many inherent contradictions, to which any intellectual thinker must inevitably come, but out of fear to give up what he has already learned and thought, he rather prefers to rigorously negate the disturbing existence of such contradictions.

This is the avenge of the separation of intellectuality from emotionality. Because our feelings, when correctly interpreted, make us aware in an infallible manner, whether what we think is right or wrong. The right thinking always generates an intra-psychic harmony, which is perceived by the mind as a pleasant sensation (This is what is happening now with the heart chakra that assumes the function of a heart-mind, while the mind is being reduced to a mere observer and a registration tool of this heart generated truth and wisdom, which actually comes from the soul and the Source; see also previous notes on this subject above.)

The intellectually centered person frequently arrives in everyday life at the limit of his knowledge, because he ignores and discards all the information and experience coming from his feelings that cause him anxiety and discomfort. He simply cannot center in his psyche. It is, therefore, no coincidence that emotionality is largely frowned upon, especially in academic circles.

Such people often suffer from diseases, which are symptomatic of such behaviour. Insufficient emotionality leads faster to disease than insufficient reasoning, because emotions directly affect the body. They have diseases of the ears and the organs of speech, complain about tension in the neck muscles, blurred vision, headaches, brain tumors, or develop other degenerative diseases of the CNS, as was the case with Stephen Hawking, whose neurological disability was blatantly misused by the dark cabal to promote fake scientific ideas that suited their heinous plan to install the NWO.

Read hereOn Hawking and All Representatives of Modern Fake Science

These diseases are often the result of an over-emphasis on mental energy and the conviction that the mind is capable of solving sufficiently well all the problems of life and can render easily digestible explanations for all the secrets of nature, including the above-mentioned diseases. Such flawed beliefs have only the function of lulling the fears of the intellectually centered person by pretending to give him a rational resolution to his urgent problems (footnote 2). Since the proportion of intellectually centered personalities in the current population is quite high – this is already cogent from the fact that in the whole history of mankind, there have never been so many scientists as today – the above-described circumstances and human behaviour acquire collective pathological traits.

The sixth chakra, also known as the forehead chakra, acts primarily on the pituitary gland. This gland controls the hormone regulation of the body (the pituitary gland – hypothalamus-axis). The 6th chakra connects the human spirit with the soul. For this reason, it is also called spiritual centre. When this chakra is open, there is a pronounced expansion and transcendence of the human mind: The spiritual energy principle of human existence “is revealed in the flesh.” This chakra promotes medium-ship, the ability to establish telepathic contact with other incarnated people and with disembodied souls in the astral realms. Most inspirations of a creative and scientific nature are mediated through the forehead chakra. This chakra can be activated only in advanced soul age.

The same applies to the last seventh chakra, the crown chakra, which binds to the pineal gland. It allows the maximum possible dissolution of boundaries in the incar­nated state and the feeling of Oneness with the inseparability of All-That-Is. For this reason, it is also called the ecstatic centre. This chakra is also closed in most people and opens only in very old souls (star seeds).

It can, however, be activated with psychedelic substances, such as DMT (dimethyl-tryptamine), which is naturally produced by the pineal gland and is released when this gland is activated. Vice versa, DMT can open the crown chakra to the transcendental experience of the astral realms, which is now being clumsily described as a “psychedelic” experience by fake science in order to hide the true nature of such experiences.

Read hereThe Appropriate Use of DMT, Psilocin, Mescalin, Ecstasy in the Preparation for Ascension

As part of the Light Body Process, these two upper chakras are reactivated, so that the pituitary and pineal glands begin to grow. This increase can be detected in late stages with the help of computer tomography (CT). This finding is empirical proof for the correctness of the new Gnosis of the Universal Law, even though its universal validity is so obvious that it requires no special evidence: Being is its proof.

Before a soul incarnates on earth, she makes the basic decisions on the soul mat­rix of the incarnated personality. This includes the centering of the soul in two reaction centres, that is to say, the soul chooses before each incarnation to emphasize two particular body chakras. The soul energy flows then preferably through these two chakras. Their response patterns have a lasting effect on the human personality because they reveal themselves as innate characteristics. They largely determine the attitude of the individual towards life and in dealing with the environment, that is to say, they determine, by and large, his survival strategy.

For obvious reasons, the two upper chakras, the 6th and 7th chakra, are excluded from this centering (alignment with the soul). They can be only temporarily opened in a state of enlightenment (ecstasy, epiphany). This exclusion of the forehead and crown chakra is not an irreversible deprivation of the incarnated personality by the soul but is only related to the current soul age of mankind.

The centering of only two chakras and the blockage of the 6th and 7th chakras is an expression of the faulty energetic design of the incarnated personality that I have discussed above. Ideally, all the chakras should be free of any blockages and open to the higher frequency astral energies. Only through the formation of a united chakra during the Light Body Process can this design flaw be overcome by the soul (see below). This process builds the basis of the Evolutionary Leap of the species “man”.

The majority of the incarnated souls are currently baby, child and young souls. At this age, the soul is expressed mainly through the three lower chakras, which also emphasize the instinctive nature of humans. For the same reason, the heart chakra is largely closed in this soul population. This chakra is also known as the chakra of grace because it gives the feeling of love and grace (compassion). Unconditional love always leads to grace, compassion and forgiveness.

Feelings are sensual perceptions: they are perceived not only mentally as emotions, but also physically (somatically) as well-being or discomfort. Their intensity can be strong and determines human behaviour.

The three lower chakras of survival instinct (1), sexuality (2), and motion (3), whereby the latter reaction pattern manifests at present mainly as manipulative power-driven behaviour, determine decisively the individual and collective conduct in present-day society, which is dominated by obnoxious norms and behavioral standards.

(Note: Watch Trump as a classical example of this young soul mentality, which he, himself, being a mature soul, has brilliantly adopted from the young souls and uses in a brilliant, very creative, playful-manipulative manner in order to achieve his goals, which both satisfy his narcissism and his half-developed ethics and morality of a ripe soul that drive his motivation to become a politician. Nonetheless, this represents great spiritual progress compared to the behaviour of the present-day young obnoxious souls as paradigmatically represented by his political opponents and stooges of the deep state and explains his ongoing success against all heinous adversities he encounters in the swamp of Washington D.C. and elsewhere in the Empire of Evil that he wants to reform with old-fashioned political and economic means to no avail. This will determine his ultimate failure when our ascension happens in the course of this year, but his historical importance should not be, therefore, underestimated, as there are very few courageous souls in this multiverse, who are willing to expose themselves to so much personal toxicity as he receives currently from the unhinged democrats, who are fully decompensating under the barrage of the powerful ascension energies coming from the Source and being distributed by us to the rest of humanity.).

The current karma that was exclusively introduced by the souls for the sake of accumulating physical experience is based on the dominance of the three lower chakras and the simultaneous exclusion of the propensity of love (closed 4th heart chakra), the lack of logic and truthfulness of the mind (insufficient 5th throat chakra) and in a state of almost complete blockade of the spiritual (6) and ecstatic centres (7).

Under these limiting energetic conditions it is not at all difficult for the soul to maneuver her incarnation in all sorts of entanglements that would be unthinkable in the activation of the three upper chakras. These aberrations in human behaviour include: murder, torture, betrayal, love withdrawal, acts of ruthlessness, brutality and irresponsibility, in other words, all kinds of debased demeanour that one can exces­sively watch on TV and in Hollywood films.

Most karmic entanglements are linked to the cycle of the young soul and resolved in a responsible manner in the cycle of the mature and old soul, for karmic bonds can be resolved only by the ability to love, which is reached only in the late soul age. When karmic deeds are committed, the incarnated entity is usually manipulated by the soul through the three lower chakras, because there are agreements in the astral realms that must be adhered to. In such cases, free will is repealed. Such involvement can take place only in the karmic condition of lovelessness.

For this reason, in the last two to three thousand years, the three lower chakras were primarily emphasized, with the help of which appropriate karmic response patterns can be triggered. It is no coincidence that the known human history is an unbroken chain of wars and violence, while the principle of grace that was exemp­lified by Jesus was only theoretically known, but not practically lived.

3. Energetic Aspects of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of Mankind

Based on this discussion on the effects of the chakras and their importance in shaping the individual psyche and personality, I will illuminate at the end relevant aspects of the Light Body Process and the Evolutionary Leap of mankind.

The first process represents an increase in the frequencies of the physical body to match the frequencies of the astral body, which allows a transition of the physical carbon-based body into a crystalline light body and vice versa. At the same time, the personality acquires the energetic and intellectual abilities of the soul and becomes a multidimensional personality that can exist in many realities at the same time. These abilities include: telepathy, teleportation, bilocation, teleki­nesis, spontaneous recognition, universal awareness, for example, of new higher dimensional techno­logies that will be introduced on the earth, total recall of all past incarnations, immediate creation, etc.

This sounds very simple and wonderful but it is really much more complicated and difficult than the innocent reader suspects at first glance. The process is, especially in mental, psychological and physical terms, extremely stressful and challenging. During the Light Body Process, the person involved experiences purgatory on earth. Why? I already anticipated the answer to this question in part in my previous discussion. I will summarize it here again.

The human being and his personality are not a fixed, predetermined magnitude, but an energy system that is in constant change. The current psychological and mental structure of man is a product of his historical evolution and the selection of his soul matrix in the astral worlds. Both psyche and mind have developed slowly over several millennia until they have reached the present level. And now they have to evolve in a few years so radically in order to achieve the perfect awareness of the soul, at least in some areas, before man can ascend in his light body.

This Evolutionary Leap takes place under the condition of severe amnesia and the restrictions of physicality. The Light Body Process is thus a powerful, time-compressed program that only old souls can handle at the end of their incarnation cycle. They must experience how their old behaviour patterns, which they have acquired in their long cycle of incarnations, including the last incarnation, are coming up. These behaviour patterns dominate the actual personality for a short period of time and must be overcome with the help of the will and a loving psyche. These are low-frequency, destructive, fear-based patterns, which can take different gestalt, depending on the individual. By being recognized as energetic epi-phenomena that do not belong to the essence of the personality, they are eliminated (cleansed) by the human Spirit in constructive interference with the psyche by harmonizing all human emotions.

In practice, the mind rationally deals with these fear patterns and recognizes their illusory nature. This inner dynamics is certainly not easy because the patterns are laden with very strong deep-seated fears and the temptation of the mind to succumb to their internal pressure is often unbearable.

The personality does not have to do anything at all. During this time she must try to be her soul – for the soul is Being and not doing – and in a society based on doing, the biggest challenge of all is the conscious Non-Doing. Instead, she must think and re-think a lot about herself and All-That-Is. In this way, the incarnated personality frees herself from all socially, family and historically grafted opinions, beliefs and beha­viour patterns that have imbued her character. She is thus cleansed.

Specifically, this process is felt as if one goes through purgatory and renews himself like the famous phoenix in ancient Egyptian mythology, which arises from the ashes. It is the proverbial Resurrection, which all Christian theologians so profoundly misunderstand. However, this is not a solitary act, as there are numerous energy waves, which occur over many years, each time increasing in intensity and representing a unique hurdle for the person.

At the end of the Light Body process, the person develops an unconditional love for nature and all living creatures that he has never known before. At the same time, he dissolves all ties with the material world that have put shackles on him. From an entangled personality, he now becomes a loving observer, who is able to express a dispassionate understanding of even the most deviant behaviour observed on this toxic planet.

This distanced comprehension should not be confused in any way with the Buddhist, Stoic indifference towards all ills of this world. Rather, one must imagine the Light Body Process as if one weaves his psyche and his mind anew by ultimately shoveling the inner spiritual core of his personality from the dung of worldly experience.

However, the person experiences at the beginning of the process a firework of unpleasant events that put him into a state of total helplessness. From this, he learns to surrender the free will of his ego completely to the soul and to voluntarily go into the care of the soul and Universal Spirit. From this point onward, the soul deter­mines the fate of the earthly personality.

This severing of the umbilical cord to the last illusion regarding the self-sufficiency of human existence is very painful and requires the surmounting of existential fears, about which a young soul has no clue. At the same time, the person in the Light Body Process must allow his soul to transform his physical vessel, he must willingly affirm it and stoically endure and actively support it during the long period of this exhausting process.

The transformation of the physical body is massive and unimaginably exhaustive, not least, because in today’s society, one has not yet developed a concept of this process, and the person in the Light Body Process has to endure the lack of understanding and consideration by the environment. Rather, he is exposed to the many irrational acts of hostility and aggression by the young souls, which he must endure in addition to the physical and mental tortures of the Light Body Process. The thought of death is a constant companion at this time. The biochemical and energetic aspects of this transformation cannot be discussed here.

Externally, the Light Body process takes the form of a serious chronic disease that occurs in waves. This total physical and mental exhaustion is accompanied by many symptoms that are known from various degenerative diseases of the CNS and muscle-skeletal apparatus.

Read hereHow to Interpret Correctly the Clinical Symptoms of Your Light Body Process

Since the organism is rejuvenated in the course of the Light Body Process in order to achieve immortality at the end, the outer appearance of the person is in blatant contradiction to the subjective persistent feeling of psycho-mental depression and to the objectively reduced efficiency of the body (an oxymoron).

The mind is largely eliminated in this process; it must watch helplessly how the body is controlled by higher forces and still boldly affirm and promote this painful process. In the later stages, when the mind is able to cope better with it, it can give valuable clues to the soul. If the intensity of the waves of light body transformation is too strong or too long a period, then one can ask for a break and the soul will give it to him whenever possible (However, this does not occur very often, as the soul has her own agenda how to proceed with the Light Body Process.).

The light body process is, as the reader can already surmise from this short expose, the greatest and most daring challenge, which an embodied soul can currently under­take on earth. One must endure with every cell of his body, with every thought of his mind and with every feeling of his psyche the mighty power of the faulty collec­tive beliefs and behaviour patterns in order to realize the grandest vision of himself on earth – achieve a cosmic ascension and become a transliminal soul.

He cannot hope for any help from society or family, for no man, who himself is not in the Light Body Process, can understand and empathize with what he is going through. The current society has no experience with such processes and what people do not know, they also do not accept. The rejection, which a person in the LBP experiences from his environment, can be extreme indeed, all the more as the people are not aware of their rejection consciously – they simply reject his formidable higher frequency fields that make them feel uncomfortable in their deep-seated, unprocessed fears, which are exposed as soon as they come in contact with the energies of the person in the LBP. In his light body transformation marathon, the enlightened man builds a solitary pair with his soul and must encapsulate himself from society and family, at least temporarily. This behaviour is often misunderstood, and the exhaus­ted person faces multiple fear-laden prejudices from the immediate surroundings, which he cannot refute at this stage.

At the end of the Light Body Process, the frequencies and the energy intensity augment to such an extent that the power of the aura that such a person radiates is unbearable for others. In particular, young and immature souls, but also mature, non-centered souls, feel very uncomfortable in the presence of a person standing at the end of the process. They do not know what to do with him because their low-frequency fields no longer correlate with his high-frequency unified energy field.

The united, cleansed chakra of a person at the end of his transformation does not allow any interactions with the blocked lower chakras of ordinary people who vibrate with the frequencies of fear. Since all human relationships come about through such astral interference, most people unconsciously feel that they cannot handle such a person. They develop, depending on the individual and situation, strong aggression, rejection or anger against him, or simply sense fear and discomfort. As they do not comprehend that they are the actual source of these negative feelings, they may react extremely irrationally and blame him by projecting their aggression onto him. The high energy of a person at the end of the Light Body Process reinforces the disharmony in immature souls, and since they are not in a position to recognize the cause in themselves, they tend too quickly to demonize such a light gestalt.

One must learn to live with this human rejection for the rest of his life as the LBP does not end, but constantly increases in frequency so that the energetic incompatibility with other human beings also grows. This was also the fate of Jesus, as this is vividly depicted in the Bible. Since the individual in LBP is in very close contact with his soul, it usually does not bother him to be left on his own. In addition, his mind is more open to other parallel realities, so that he is barely susceptible to everyday stimuli. Since he is no longer truly involved in earthly life, he can look down upon the bustle around him with calmness and detached comprehension.

Nevertheless, the person in the Light Body Process must still linger for a while on earth and he cannot avoid switching on and off into the general atmosphere of fear in everyday life. This process is then perceived as particularly painful: One feels the insatiable longing to leave this world full of disgust and interpersonal atrocities as soon as possible (footnote 3).

At least this is the current situation at this moment (2001). In the foreseeable future, the public attitude towards such persons must definitely change. The people will have to learn to deal with such evolved human beings with more understanding than is the case today: People will soon realize that they will be dependent on each ascended master to survive.

(Note: I wrote these lines 2 years after I entered the final most intense phase of the LBP in 1999 and one year after I first ascended to 5D in July 2000. Now I urge the reader to imagine the scope of my suffering in the following almost two decades, while my frequencies were constantly rising, so that a higher version of myself could ascend on January 12th, 2019 to the 9th dimension, which is now potentially opened to me as well, although I dwell most of the time in the 7th dimension. This has never been achieved before by an individual soul that is still incarnated in 3D in the entire multiverse and I remember the jubilant celebration which the souls in 9D organized for me – it stirred me to tears as I ascended in full consciousness. This ascension was then confirmed by the Elohim in a message. We are talking here about energetic experiences and modalities, for which human language does not have any proper words and concepts, and humanity as a whole has no clue. This highlights the impending total collective confusion when I will ascend and show up.).

These old souls, who have given their consent to go through with the Light Body Process, embody the heroic myth of All-That-Is, whose true scope and importance they will discover in full only after their cosmic ascension. At the moment of Ascen­sion, they will enter a state of incredible serenity, full contentment and blissful fulfill­ment that will compensate for all the hardships of their long and tedious reincarna­tion cycle and can only be described as ecstasy. I know what I am talking about as I experienced it consciously as a higher version of myself when I ascended to 9D.

The individuals (such as the members of the PAT), who will successfully complete this process, will be an example for the rest of humanity that is still in the middle or the last third of their reincarnation cycle. They will embody what is in principle possible for all incarnated souls and can be achieved at the end of the cycle of reincarnation.

When this shift in awareness occurs, the earth will be energetically completely renewed. Many processes that previously required centuries to come to fruition, will be realized much faster now. Also, the karma of the past will change fundamentally. Humanity will no longer be the same species.

Instead of today’s materialistic principles, spiritual principles will be adopted. The horizontal human consciousness will expand its knowledge in the vertical astral dimension and will throw overboard today’s limited ideas. However, life on earth will continue to provide some challenges of physicality for the majority of the incarnated souls. This time they will though enjoy a much wider range of opportunities and resources to create their earthly existence more comfortably and spiritually than is the case today.

The ascended multidimensional personalities (such as the members of the PAT) will establish the connection to the higher astral dimensions and other planets and realities that are inhabited by incarnated souls. The terrestrial civilization will evolve as a result of the Evolutionary Leap and the Light Body Process to a transgalactic civilisation of loving souls. This will take some time. This vision, which some readers will experience still in this incarnation, will be so magnificent that it can hardly be put into words. So I will stop at this place.


1.  Even Jesus refers to the lower amnesia of the children who have largely unimpeded access to their souls and the Spirit worlds, as he blesses the children (Mark,10,14-15): Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it. Like most statements in the Bible, this one is also not properly understood by the Church, theologians and all Christians.

2.  In this context, I recommend the reader to watch or listen to any health program on tele­vision or radio, and he will come to the same conclusion. Such programs are paramount examples of how the media operate with the subliminal fears of diseases among all people and how they address these fears with scientifically flawed concepts. This is the stuff, with which most traditional beliefs are woven. Such medical programs have a potentiating effect through the mass media. They amplify and spread in this way the collective patterns of fear, and their striking effect on the psyche of the viewers and listeners should not be under­estimated in any way; read also: Thoughts – Part I.

3.  This psychological aspect is very convincingly expressed in the Bible, when Jesus, completely disgusted by his followers while performing one of his healing miracles, cries in exasperation to God: “Oh, you, unfaithful folks! How long shall I dwell among you? How long shall I put up with you?” (Mark, 9,19-24).


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