Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, January 19, 2012
Translation from the German language:
by Joelle Torneros and Georgi Stankov
6. Serial: Chapter 5.
V. Incarnation cycle of the soul
1. Energetic Structure of the Soul Realms
All-That-Is, Spirit, is fragmented and can manifest as separate, individual systems with specific functions. The soul is such a system, which participates in Spirit and has an all-encompassing consciousness. I will speak in the course of this discussion of “awareness” when I mean Cosmic Spirit and will use the word “consciousness” for the limited perception of the species “man”.
In reality, the soul does not exist separately, but in a family of over 1000 souls, who are in close energetic contact. So, when I speak of the awareness of the soul, I mean the awareness of the whole soul family, as the human incarnated entity is, through his soul, always in a position to share the accumulated experience and knowledge of his soul family.
In addition, there are other overriding soul associations on the basis of the number “7”. We should not bother to indulge in the complex hierarchical structure of the soul realms, although it can provide us with valuable information about the organization and structure, not only of the soul realms but also of the incarnation history on earth. A good introduction to the topic can be found in V. Hasselmann, F. Schmolke’s “Realms of the Soul” and “The Soul Family”.
These channeled books are popular esoteric taxonomies (categorical systems) of the structure of the soul realms, which refrain from a specific clarification of the energetic relationships and necessities, largely because both the medium (Varda) and the questioner (Frank) have no scientific background and would have been overwhelmed in this regard. They are also not in the LBP and do not understand the concept of energy.
Nevertheless, the didactic approach in these books is much better than in most other esoteric books on the subject. Also warns the source of these books, to take too literally the categorical system it presents and refers repeatedly to the limitations of human language, which allows only sequential descriptions and is not able to reproduce adequately complex, simultaneously occurring energetic interactions and relationships. This objection is of course true also for the present account.
Read also: Language as the Limit of Gnosis
All-That-Is is a simultaneous unity, which is in constant change and stores the memory of this change in itself. This fact explains why life is happening in the “Perpetual Now” . Past, present and future are constructions of the human brain, which operates as an electromagnetic transducer extremely slowly and sequentially.
Out of this, the idea of a causal chain of events arises, which implies the principle of cause and effect. In reality, every cause is at the same time an effect because the energy exchange in All-That-Is occurs simultaneously in both directions. From the limited human point of view, the impression is created as if there were such a causal chain. In reality, it is just a didactic “crutch” for humans in their use of cosmic energy under the limited perception of three-dimensional space-time.
At this point, the cardinal question arises: “Why must the soul, who has an unlimited awareness, force herself into the limited consciousness of the species” man” as to gain experience?” This is, as you see, the central eschatological question concerning the meaning and purpose of human existence. This question can be answered only at the level of the soul because she is the creator of human existence.
I have discussed this question in Volume I in principle. It culminates in the formulation of the last antinomy (logical contradiction) of All-That-Is:
“Being is something. Being is Nothing.”
If everything that exists is energy and represents a unity that perceives itself as such, then the only possible opposite to it would be the state of separation within the unity of All-That-Is because the void (Nothing) does not exist. In this case, the state of separation mimics the nothingness, the void, and creates the illusion of the last antinomy.
Being can only be defined through Non-Being. Since everything is Being, Non-Being must be artificially created as a state of separation from the Source, so that All-That-Is can experience itself in its individuation as a soul from this perspective. This is the ultimate eschatological explanation of the reincarnation cycle of the soul and of human existence from our present perspective. This aspect can be examined under various aspects, such as practiced by some channels (e.g. Walsch in “Conversations with God”).
In order to truly comprehend unity, one needs the state of separation as a reference point. The soul is an inseparable part of All-That-Is and does not know what separation means. It is for example indestructible, immortal, and therefore does not know what transience is from her own experience, but only theoretically. Because the soul is both highly dynamic and creative, she seeks out extreme situations, which she herself creates and then masters.
To achieve the state of separation, the soul must forget who she is and what she can do. The amnesia, which she imposes upon herself during an incarnation in a human body allows this state of separation.
In reality, the situation is much more complicated. The soul knows also during her incarnation who she is because the main soul component always remains in the higher realms and has access to All-That-Is. That which incarnates is only a small part of the soul, a soul fragment as an aspect of this fundamental energetic system of the Whole. This small part is, nonetheless, almighty and powerful enough to create the human body and consciousness (mind, psyche, sensual and somatic perceptions). For instance, the biological regulation of the body runs largely unnoticed by the daily consciousness of the incarnated entity. This finding was already known to Plotin.
From this perspective, it is not difficult for us to imagine that the soul may have several incarnations in different worlds and planets which she simultaneously coordinates. This should however not concern us any further.
Given these considerations, it is evident that the 3D space-time, one also speaks of solar universes, is a school for the soul to gain experience, which the 7F-creationary levels have constructed artificially as to experiment with new extreme conditions of existence.
All-That-Is is creative: Everything it can do is reproduce itself in new variations. As soon as the soul is released from All-That-Is as individuation and begins with her evolution as a sovereign creator being, she makes it through the various stages and returns back to the Unity of the Source, which is constantly evolving and changing. The reincarnation cycle of the soul is thus an integral part of this evolutionary change that renders very often surprising results. This is “the Alpha and Omega,” as they say in esotericism.
The incarnation cycle of the soul on earth is only one part of her various tasks, which according to several sources include the development of new species, the coordination and supervision of incarnated soul sisters, the colonization of new planets in full awareness, being together with other souls in the spirit worlds, and so on.
An incarnation cycle can last for varying lengths, depending on the planet, the development of the civilization there, the tasks to be solved, and so on. The reincarnation cycle of the souls on earth is at present, that is to say, in the last 10,000 years, about 70 to 90 lives, and includes a historical period of 6000 to 8,000 years on average. The period between the incarnations is on average 70 years, but decreased significantly in recent times. Great settlements of newly incarnated souls take place once every 2000 years, with the last major settlement occurring between the years 1000 and 1700 AD. Since then, there has been no new dissemination of souls on earth with respect to the upcoming End Time.
The five ages of the incarnated soul are divided into seven stages, each one of them with 1-3 incarnations of the soul according to the tasks. The cycle of the baby soul consists of about 10-15 lives, the cycle of the child soul – 15-20 lives, the cycle of the young soul – 20-25 lives, the cycle of the adult (mature) soul – 25-30 lives and the cycle of the old soul – 10-15 lives.
In accordance with the great soul settlements, the current soul population on earth exhibits the following distribution: 10 -15% baby souls, 20% child souls, 45% young souls, 20 – 25% adult souls, and less than 4% old souls. This soul distribution has been rapidly changing in the last years towards more adult and old souls (indigo children).
As young souls make up the majority of the world’s population, they gestalt today’s society according to their agnostic beliefs and narrow-minded prejudices. Young souls experience the greatest separation from the soul so that they can conquer the outer world on their own. Being the majority, they impose their non-spiritual values upon the organization of society. The classic type of young soul is at present the young dynamic manager who adapts quickly to the material needs of society and identifies with them, promotes ruthlessly and without any ethical considerations his social ascent, accepts without questioning the principle of competition, detests any social failure, clings stubbornly to rigid, preordained norms and is willing to impose them while ignoring the sanctity of life. His ability to love is still very limited.
The young soul prefers, in spite of many self-imposed taboos, superficial sexual promiscuity and is rarely willing to take responsibility for her actions. The knee-jerk refusal of the young soul to take any responsibility for her deeds is very clearly expressed when politicians and executives are caught by the mass media, “to have made mistakes,” whereby the rules that define such misdemeanors or even crimes, are drawn up by the young souls in the corridors of power themselves and are as irrational and illogical, as the thinking of those souls is.
The young soul will gladly assume the role of the “fallen angel” at the end of her cycle. After striving in many incarnations in a row for success and wealth, she must now also experience social failure, so that she can liberate herself as an adult soul from the external social evaluation of her being and can begin to explore the bearing inner-spiritual dimension of all human existence.
The young soul distinguishes very clearly between friend and foe and can only define herself in relation to her environment, primarily by social success. Progress is defined only as a quantitative increase in material goods. This scale of values is noticeable on both the individual and collective levels: Despite many prophecies of the environmentalists, the steady growth of the gross national product (GNP) is still regarded by all walks of life as a kind of panacea for all social problems, be they unemployment, pensions, or health insurance financing.
As her inner-psychic dimension still remains blocked, the young soul is incapable of self-reflection and of questioning her own doing. For this reason, the young soul lives in a permanent contradiction between her self-esteem and reality. She must constantly fight the distortions caused by this contradiction because her fear-based structure hinders her from perceiving these distortions objectively. As a real Don Quixote, the young soul fights for a lifetime “the windmills of her mind”.
The American society, with its limited worldview, inherent hypocrisy, with its double standards and its reckless, senseless aggression are prime examples of the behavior of the young soul population. Americans certainly see themselves in a much more favorable light. This contradiction between reality and self-image (oxymoron) is the source of most political problems worldwide at present.
Baby souls are found mainly in Third World countries, where they live closely with the family and, because of many diseases, have the guarantee to leave life early on. These souls are the most fearful of all and find it very hard to cope with their incarnation. Their whole attention is devoted to the body and to addressing its needs. They are not able to develop any far-reaching thoughts or ideas and can not imagine exerting any influence on society. Helpless in life, they only feel comfortable and secure in the family, surrounded by many relatives.
The child soul begins slowly to adapt to the difficult conditions of her incarnation on Earth and is ready to start exploring the world. While the baby soul remains still in a state of pantheism, the child soul is inclined to believe in a single authoritarian God.
In contrast, the young soul exhibits a pronounced agnosticism because she is the least susceptible to the inner voice of the higher self and experiences the greatest separation in the whole reincarnation cycle. Consequently, she must vehemently deny the existence of the soul.
It is important to note at this point, in order to prevent moral prejudices, that each incarnated soul is doing exactly what she thinks is right. “Right” is thus a function of the soul age of the incarnated personality. This recognition is a prerequisite for genuine tolerance, which is, unfortunately, rarely reached in the incarnated state.
The cycle of the adult (mature) soul is the longest and most difficult one. It begins with a profound uncertainty and disillusionment of the incarnated personality. The freshly baked adult soul must now learn to deal with her very own fears and to accept responsibility. The attention turns inward to explore the inner spiritual dimensions. Karmic links that have taken place in the cycle of the young soul must be resolved in a responsible manner. The ability to love increases and the preoccupation with individual ethical standards comes to the fore. The personality becomes autonomous from social norms and develops a distinctive individuality. Her point of view of the world increasingly detaches from that of the “mass man (mass society)” (Ortega y Gasset), which reflects the attitude of the young soul.
The mature soul begins to feel a closer bond to the Spirit worlds and tends to experience this union with psychedelic agents directly. She is looking restless for spiritual fulfillment in esoteric schools and gets to know various forms of meditation. She can take life very seriously and to stand in the way.
The old soul, on the contrary, increasingly develops an almost childlike innocence and playfulness, because she is tired of the lengthy searching during the adult soul cycle. She lives on the margins of society unless she takes overall responsibilities for her soul family and chooses a challenging career or performs the function of a spiritual leader. The old soul takes time for introspection and expands her influence through her angst-tempered being mainly in the private area. She lets herself be cared for by young or mature souls and develops no social ambition. She has only a few tasks to accomplish on earth, which she masters with ease and in a playful way because she can draw from the vast treasure of her past experiences.
For this reason, old souls are regarded by the more seriously inclined and precocious young souls as superficial. As the inner psychic dimension is not yet a fixed, irrevocable reality for these immature souls, they misjudge reality and confuse the “ease of life” of an old soul with superficiality. They are in the middle of their cycle of reincarnation and consider the tasks ahead to be very difficult and serious. Especially for the “cosmic humor” of the old soul, with which she handles her problems lightly, young souls have absolutely no understanding.
As the old soul meets very few friends from earlier incarnations on earth – most of them have finished their reincarnation cycle – and has little or nothing in common with the younger souls, she lives in spiritual and social loneliness, which is imbued with the insatiable yearning for union with the soul family in the higher dimensions.
Her main task lies in surmounting the tension between the demands of physicality and the progressive dissolution of the energetic boundaries of the earthly personality and in learning how to bridge these divergent tendencies. It is cogent that this problem has very little to do with the demands of present-day society. Many outsiders and losers that are regarded by young souls with collective contempt are, in fact, old souls.
This brief summary of the current soul population on the earth and their psycho-mental characteristics is very important and instructive insofar as it illuminates the energetic background for the upcoming Evolutionary Leap of mankind. In the last 2000 years, since the appearance of Jesus Christ, the energies of the immature souls outweighed, which are also the energy of the Healer (1) – Jesus Christ himself was a healer; this is also the energy of the baby soul.
At the time of Christ, baby and child souls (energy of the Artist (2)) were in the majority. With his appearance, Jesus reached to the child souls and initiated their rapid energetic conversion into the cycle of the young soul, which correlates with the energy of the Warrior (3). The Christian epoch is thus the space-time manifestation of the cycle of the young soul at the societal level; the majority of the incarnated personalities on earth is still in this cycle.
The child souls at the turn of the Pisces epoch confused the laws of the Old Testament with God’s law. In their willingness to submit to any authority in the name of God and to enforce the rigid social norms of this savage era, they showed absolutely no mercy. This was also true for the majority of the population in the former Roman Empire, and if one thinks about it, this is still true for the majority of today’s world population.
Jesus symbolized with his crucifixion the primacy of grace over the enforcement of brutal laws. He knew that the young souls, whom he had just transformed with his appearance, would have a very long, grueling journey of incarnation ahead of them. In order to sweeten the bitter cup of the many karmic entanglements that were waiting for them in the coming epoch of Christianity, he wanted to make these young souls familiar with the healing power of grace. In the Christian era that followed, the people however did not apply the principle of grace or lived up to it. Hence the mission of Jesus could not be considered a success (I am arguing here from the conventional perspective. As discussed on numerous occasions by myself, Jesus did not exist, but was a split personality of Apollonius of Tyana who lived at that time and was a renowned teacher and healer in the Roman empire.)
The Christian Fraud; Message from Apollonius of Tyana
Damis (Timotheus) Speaks about Apollonius of Tyana, the Anointed Christ
Who Is Jesus, Who Is Sananda, Apollonius of Tyana, Christ and Sanat Kumara? A Gnostic Disquisition
The young souls that were converted by Jesus took his teaching and transformed it into an organized religion according to their needs. Thus the power of love (1) was associated with the energy of the Warrior (3). The energy of the baby souls (1) was transformed into the energy of the Artist (2). The history of mankind in the last 2000 years can be analyzed and comprehended for the first time under this astral-energetic point of view in its deep-psychological, better said, spiritual dimension. One can sum it up with a few words:
“Hosanna, crucify him!”
It was not until the Renaissance that the artistic component of the child soul, which required about 1500 years to unfold in this cycle, could come to fruition.
This new way of looking at human history from the standpoint of the soul as the creator offers us unexpected insights and advances our understanding of the energetic background of the current Evolutionary Leap of mankind that has been running since 1997 (beginning of the Aquarius Age) at full speed and is heading to a climax in the years to come.
Approximately every 2000 years, there is a quantum leap in the soul population on earth, which, according to its nature, is a collective energy conversion of all incarnated human beings. In the current Evolutionary Leap, the majority of young souls (45%) will enter within the current incarnation the cycle of the adult soul, so that the energy of the Warrior (3) will be converted into the energy of the Scholar (4), which represents the principle of assimilation and balance. This enormous energy transformation will be initiated by a paradigm shift and total collective insecurity of the prevailing young soul population, which is typical for the transition phase into the cycle of the adult soul.
The new dominant energy of the Scholar (4), which classifies and assimilates all previous experience and existing knowledge, merges with the energy of love (1), as embodied by Jesus Christ, and establishes a new energetic composition on earth, which will produce completely new social forms of life.
As part of this process, the adult souls will enter the cycle of the old soul. For the first time in modern history of mankind about ¼ of the incarnated souls on earth will be old. They will exert a tremendous spiritual impact on society, which they could not previously reach due to their small numbers. Soon human civilization will leave its spiritually very primitive stage of historical development and will create new social forms based on spiritual principles.
These principles are self-evident. They are: the principle of love (energy (1) and the principle of assimilation and balance (energy (4)), that is to say, the principle of spiritual intellectuality. The collective psyche and the collective spirit (mind) will be heaved to a higher level of evolution and will merge into a new enhanced cosmic awareness.
Each evolution leads to a harmonious blend of the seven basic energies of All-That-Is (see also causal worlds below). This view touches upon many aspects of the present and opens up countless discussion points that can not be considered here.
2. The Simultaneity of all Incarnations
Finally, we should discuss a very difficult cognitive aspect of the reincarnation cycle that goes beyond our present conception of space and time. This is so far very important because it allows a dissolution of the boundaries of human consciousness and brings it closer to higher spiritual awareness. This new knowledge will be of paramount importance for the subsequent introduction to the Light Body Process. It is about the simultaneity of all incarnations of a soul.
From a human perspective, the soul incarnates on earth, lives a while in a body, then she leaves the body through the death experience and remains in the astral worlds until she decides to incarnate again. On the other hand, we hear that space and time play no role in the higher realms – what remains is only the memory of these dimensions, but they have no validity there. The higher realms are pure energy. In the spirit worlds, everything happens simultaneously.
From an anthropocentric point of view, it may be obvious to us, if we consider the incarnation of a soul as events that occur sequentially (successively). From the perspective of the soul, however, all incarnations run simultaneously.
The average intelligent person will refuse to accept this view because he can not imagine as to how he could possibly exist simultaneously in past and future lives. The crux of this trivial view is that the actual personality (incarnation) does not have any previous incarnations:
Only the soul has past and future incarnations.
This division is of course made from the perspective of the currently incarnated personality. From the perspective of the soul, all her incarnations exist simultaneously. The current incarnated personality can step closer to the experience of the soul – this is accomplished through the Evolutionary Leap of mankind – and then she can participate in the life of other incarnations, that is to say, she will perceive them directly and vice versa. Each incarnation is a piece in the fabric of the soul and leads an independent existence in the astral worlds.
Now that we have clarified that the current incarnation as earthly personality is not identical with the previous incarnations of the soul – they are also distinct personalities – we need to clarify how all incarnations exist simultaneously.
We have already clarified that conventional time and space are one and the same. From our limited human perspective, due to the retarded sequential operation of our brain, we perceive all incarnations as if they are running consecutively in the conventional time (t): The individual incarnations are thus separated by time intervals. In this case, we are equally entitled to say that the incarnations of a soul are spatially separated because we have proved that conventional time and space are synonyms.
If we now work with the idea that the incarnations of a soul are spatially separated, then we can easily imagine how they can exist simultaneously. Let us assume that there would be several earths in different star systems in the universe, which are far apart and would be populated by the incarnations of a soul at the same time. This simultaneity could be perceived only from the perspective of the soul because she exists in this simultaneity. She could instantly perceive and reach all her incarnations.
The various incarnations, however, are dependent on the communication with light signals, which propagate with the finite speed of light c. From the 3D view of the individual incarnations, the speed of light proves to be the only criterion for simultaneity. In order to guarantee this simultaneity some incarnations must have already died on some planets, while others must have not yet been born, so that they can be reached by the light beam during the same period of their lives.
From the perspective of the soul, these incarnations occur in a successive manner, although this is irrelevant because, in the astral worlds, there is no past and future but only the Eternal Now. The other way around: any information from the 3D universe, in which we live, is information from the past, even if we perceive it only in the future.
I will illustrate this fact with another example: A star (Nova) exploded five million years ago. When it is three million light years away from us as an observer on Earth (Note that in this case the unit of time “year” is used unconsciously for conventional time and distance as “light year” at the same time), we will see the Nova now and we would have seen it in the past. If it had been six million light years away from the earth, then we would see it only after a million years in the future. The simultaneity of the soul world and the sequential passage of time can be demonstrated with Galileo’s gravitation experiment presented at the German Museum of Technology in Munich in 1996 which I have discussed in this inspiring essay as part of my popular book on the physical theory of the Universal Law “Propaedeutics“:
Galilei’s Famous Experiment of Gravitation Assesses the Universal Law with the Pythagorean Theorem
To deepen our understanding of the simultaneity of all incarnations of a soul, we will fall back to our example with the metropolitan trains on a railway line. The trains we can imagine then as the individual incarnations (lives) and the railway line with its environment as the earth. The travelers are the incarnated souls, who are spatially and temporally separated from each other. From their perspective, their journey (life) in the train runs as a unique event.
Within a train, the travelers can have discussions with other friends, who accompany them for the duration of their journey; they can spend their time in social games, get acquainted with other passengers, be hostile or friendly to them, admire nature, gain experience, make new discoveries, move in the train, and reach the goal by the way.
At the end station, they leave the train (the current incarnation) as individual souls and stay there. They will find other guests, who have dropped out from the previous trains, and if they wait a while, they will meet new guests who will drop out from the coming trains. At this moment their consciousness expands and they realize that they are all soul brothers and sisters of a single soul.
This soul we can also call “soul family” or “soul monad” because for our educational purpose, it does not matter whether we talk about a soul with many incarnations or a soul community, which forms a bigger entity and has many more incarnations.
As long as one sat on the train, he knew nothing about it. Once he has been united at the last station with his soul, he gets a multidimensional awareness and recognizes all travelers as being One. From the perspective of the soul, who arranges the trains and fills them with guests, coordinates their journey and perceives them from a bird’s eye view spatially and temporally as separate events belonging to the Simultaneous Whole – the railway line – this insight was there from the very beginning. For the disembarking passengers, it was an “eureka moment” at the end of the trip.
After uniting all the guests at the last station, they can choose to ride a new train line and make new reservations and divisions in the train, so that each guest can collect new experiences and not get bored. While the new trains are arranged, they may engage in other pleasant activities, for example, they may sit on the lawn next to the station and have a picnic or prefer to have a walk in the surrounding forest. They are in no hurry because they know that they are immortal and can make infinitely such finite trips.
Something like that can be thought of as the reincarnation cycle of the soul on Earth and in the astral realms, whereas the pauses between the trips are often more important than the journey itself. Incarnation means separation from All-That-Is, and separation is a result of limited perception. Termination of the incarnation understood as death, means union with All-That-Is, that is to say, with the soul family: it is a transcendence of human consciousness.
We will see below that death is only one possible outcome of an incarnation, which makes the game of separation credible from a human perspective. Once the playing of the game of separation is finished, the camouflage of “death” is no longer necessary.
The other alternative to terminate an incarnation is Ascension:
the transformation of the physical body in the course of the Light Body Process to the pure energy of the 7F-creationary realms.
The personality that has unfolded in this body unites first with her soul and with all the other incarnations of the soul, then with the other souls (about 1000) of the soul family and their incarnations, until it becomes finally a multidimensional personality. Further mergers with higher spiritual instances from the causal worlds are possible (see transliminal soul below).
As soon as an incarnated personality of a soul has transformed her body and taken it away with her in the astral realms, she unites with her soul and the soul family. She can now materialize again and again on earth in the human gestalt, he once was, or choose a new one. This person will then have complete knowledge of his soul family, for the amnesia, which is imposed on the incarnated soul at birth, is now repealed. From now on she is a multidimensional personality and enjoys the spiritual and energetic possibilities that have been previously attributed only to Gods.
The externalization of the soul’s potential and its transmission onto mythological characters, who were called “Gods”, was a psychological magic trick from the fear trove of the young and child soul. While the consciousness of such unripe incarnations increasingly emancipated itself from the soul, it denied her existence and omnipotence as internal knowledge and attributed her creative potential to external sources. In this way, it was only intended to legitimize the emancipation of the ego from the soul. The creation of gods was thus the result of the fears of immature souls, who preferred to subordinate themselves to external gods and the laws that they created in the names of these gods, rather than to listen to the inner voice of their truth. More on that later.
Another useful model for the simultaneity of all incarnations of a soul would be the following: Any incarnation or event on the earth is first created in the 7F-creationary realms before it appears on earth. The original (the blueprint) is already present before it materializes on the earth as a physical copy. This also applies to the upcoming Evolutionary Leap: It is already in place before we see it on the earth.
Each incarnated soul is a sovereign creator in the 7F-creationary realms and she gestalts in a simultaneous manner incessantly the past, present and future destiny of her incarnated personality. Most encounters and events on Earth are discussed and arranged in the dream state during sleep when the astral body dwells in the astral realms.
The correct selection of events that materialize on the ground follows a simultaneous probability model, the complexity of which is beyond the comprehension of the human mind. We can say that much: the model represents a huge optimization task, it works like a multi-factorial analysis, in which the scope of free will in an incarnated state is a central variable. The model simultaneously generates numerous alternatives, which are constantly altered and updated in a recursive way with respect to the continuously incoming data from Earth.
In essence, we are dealing with two groups of decisions: 1) significant decisions of the soul, which are much rarer and always come true, and 2) free will decisions of the human ego, which are much more common and are not always realized. Unrealized thoughts form in this model parallel probability worlds, parallel timelines, or better frequency lines, which can then be implemented elsewhere. In this sense, the astral realms operate like a giant computer system – a kind of direct, interactive Internet.
The reality that we experience on earth is therefore a portion of a much larger reality that occurs with a time delay in the material 3D world. The soul designs all her incarnations simultaneously in the everlasting Now of the astral realms and lets them appear on earth one by one. The “deceased” individuals, who no longer dwell on the earth, exist and continue to develop as parts of the soul in the astral realms.
Past disembodied incarnation personalities may learn from the current incarnation, to which they maintain over the soul an unimpeded energetic contact and make certain decisions in the “past” now in a different way. Each solution is stored in the parallel probability worlds as a case study. This aspect will be discussed in detail in relation to the term “multidimensional personality”.
One can imagine the sum of all incarnations of the soul as the chapters of a book, which the author is typing one after the other on the PC and then stores them. He can now do editing work at any time on preceding chapters in order to make them conform with the current chapter and also change the design and content of the outstanding chapters, which he may have also stored on his PC as raw drafts or sketches. Because the author knows in advance how his novel will end. Any correction takes place in the Now, while the old versions can be saved or deleted.
This procedure is similar to that of the soul – her reincarnation cycle is like an adventure novel, which she designs for herself chapter by chapter, incarnation by incarnation; she writes, rewrites, refines and redesigns until the end result, which is known in advance, coalesces with the book content, pardon, with the life content and vice versa.
The ultimate goal of the soul is the end of her cycle of reincarnation and the transition into the causal worlds as a new entity. This consists of the union of the entire soul family of more than 1000 souls with the experience of 80,000-100,000 earthly lives in a historical time span of about 10,000 years.
The incarnation cycle is individuation and unification at the same time, where no bits of information (information is the same as energy, see conservation of energy) are lost. It represents a closed loop and ends where it began: the soul fragments from All-That-Is to gain experience by herself and gradually merges again with the Whole.
The ultimate goal is predetermined, only the path is individual. In this sense, the journey is the goal. Evolution, including that on earth, is not a goal, but only a learning tool. The soul is perfect and needs no evolution: it only thirsts for experience.
Watch also these four videos on the energetic and psycho-mental features of the different soul ages as described in this chapter: