State-of-Ascension-Report-44: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-44, December 29, 2011

December 25, 2011

Hi Georgi –

I am a faithful reader of your web site and have learned much from it. I sincerely hope you are correct in what you have put forth for 2012.  But I just wonder… what are the odds that absolutely none of this will occur in 2012? I have long ago given up on “Belief”.  However, I am always “HOPEFUL”.  I have been disappointed since the 70’s – time after time –  that this or that would occur and it never did. I’m sure you can understand how someone could be very dis-illusioned with all kinds of possible scenarios that could occur but never do.

I sincerely hope that you are right about 2012.  But what if we all just end up grinding out our lives until our death occurs at which time we ascend to what ever level we achieve? As nothing is impossible, this is also a probable scenario – wouldn’t you say?

Love and Light


Dear Diane,

Given the fact that you are waiting since the 70s for this scenario and has lived through many unfulfilled promises and disappointments, I fully understand your sceptics. However, at this particular time this attitude is not appropriate.

It is impossible for me to convince you with words as words are always a dilution of cosmic energy. The only reliable information is your own personal energetic condition – it is the best indicator as to how advanced the processes of ascension on earth are.

I personally have to wonder each time, as yesterday and today, as to how my soul manages to still keep me on earth with these inhuman energies that flood throughout my body and fields. I cannot even explain them to others as they are beyond their imagination, not comprehension. There are many of us, members of the PAT, who have similar sensations and I always publish the most relevant accounts in the ascension report. But as I said, words are mere words and not personal experience of these cosmic energies.

Ultimately, you must analyse your own personal energetic situation and decide for yourself how long you will stay on earth. The final date is however fixed, and it is Dec 21, 2012 when 2-3 billion human beings will ascend to the lower second level of the 5th dimension. For you the question will be when you will ascend between January 1 and Dec 21,, 2012 and how high, but definitely beyond the 5th dimension (cosmic ascension). You are the only one to answer this question.

In love and light
December 25, 2011

Dear George

I hope you and your family are keeping well. Today was a cloudy day in London and suburbs. I went for a late walk in the forest with my family and our dog. As the light decreased we looked to the horizon, at the edge of the forest.

The sun was just setting, and as the deep yellow golden light became visible through the breaks in the clouds, the sky around the sun was rich with a visible indigo light. We stood and watched as it gradually disappeared. Awestruck by its beauty, on such a grey day,alone in the forest, we wondered how many others had seen it. Most people were busy with their life in the matrix world of shopping and consumer madness. Some must have seen it (i hope)

The violet light / energy around the sun is growing, I believe it signals the new sun’s birth.

I have had many signs lately to confirm these changes, usually during sleep, but some times when I’m aware they are happening.

Your last post on the winds of change was so real to me, so I will be doing all that I can in creating our world in 5d. It’s the only way if we are to materialise the result in 2012, no time to debate the whys/wherefores anymore, we have to believe in the outcome as you have written. I have not read/seen a more in depth description elsewhere to sway me otherwise. Only more of the same old debates on who’s right or wrong. I don’t feed into or buy the Old World News it’s all shit (sorry).

I only watch Max (Kaiser) and Russian TV (have done since Jan 2011) He’s awesome!

Love and light George

Bernice (still quietly working on )
Dear Bernice,

Your observation of the violet sun colours is indicative of the fact that a new sun of higher dimensions has been born and the spectrum of visible light exhibits a pronounced violet shift to a higher 5d-frequency. This phenomenon is known in physics as  Doppler effect. 

I am the first scientist to have presented a logical explanation of this phenomenon, which is in the core of modern cosmology and the theory of relativity. I use this effect to also explain for the first time in the history of science the mechanism of gravitation, which has been obscured by the PTB who propagated Newton’s flawed concepts of gravitation in classical mechanics. This man happened to be coincidentally your compatriot and the glory of flawed British reptilian science (see volume II).I have gone through some extraordinary highly intensive energy waves in the last days and now I feel somatically, and  not only telepathically, the 5d-earth coming.Last night I had a very vivid and prolonged dream in the lucid dream state throughout the whole night.

I must tell it as it appears to be of great actuality. I dreamt that I have ousted the British Royal family from power, which I personally coach very intensively for the last two years as to contain their insidious deeds, being the chief dark entities on this planet  as I have written on several occasions in the ascension reports. I took over the responsibilities of the Queen as the head of state and was accompanied all the time by a large flock of journalists who watched every step I did as the new power man. I led all of them first to the Royal library, the existence of which they did not know, in the hidden vaults of the Buckingham palace. I showed them all the sources proving the true Reptilian origin of the British Royal family.After that we went to a big conference hall where hundreds of additional journalists were gathered.

I lectured them on the new imminent changes and on the process of ascension. Few of them knew about these events and the energetic implications for humanity. I told them that these events are already taking place and cannot be avoided and that they should do their homework and read about them on my website and prepare for the worst. I was very resolute in my speech.I told them that about half of humanity will ascend and the other part will either die and leave earth in the coming year of 2012 or will stay on a catastrophic planet and experience hell on earth.

All journalists were visibly scared, almost in a state of shock, and I had to repeat my words several times as to help them come out of their paralysis and write down my words. I lectured them for hours and I remember vividly my speech after awakening.When I woke up in the morning I had the glorious feeling that we have won our victory. This feeling stayed during the whole day and convinced me that we are on the cusp of a major breakthrough. I have never had such a feeling in the last several years although I have eagerly waited for it to come as an indication for the end. I had this feeling only once when the communist system collapsed in 1989.

In love and light
December 26, 2011

Dear Clan/PAT,
I found this message very enlightening/compelling and in particular that the lost symptoms are now resurfacing.
In The Light.
Thank you very much for this link – it is a good one, though not much substance as usually, but I will take it in the next report.
December 26, 2011
Dear Dr. Stankov,
thank you very much for your reply. As I feel you as an universe brother I feel free to call you just simply GEORG, I hope it will be appropriate to you, if not please let me know.Thank you very much for your prompt response. In the meantime, i have read your article “Winds of change” and found many answers in it.According to your suggestion, I approached the main editor of magazine “The Light”. He is delighted to issue both your articles (answer to me and “Winds…”).
I will inform you about next steps.I feel free to ask you one more question related to optimal behavior when ascension times come. We (me and my wife Iva; who already wrote you and sends regards) are working on consciousness development with the help of Knowledge Book. This is also missionary work, not only for our development, but also for all our brothers on Earth.Besides this spiritual preparation for ascension (keeping love in our hearts and detaching from human experiences…)  are there any other preparations you should recommend us? E.g. some people are mentioning that pole shift could induct electricity collapse, lack of water… Should we be prepared for some kind of surviving conditions (do we need water and food supply, woods for heating…).
With love from Croatia
Dear Mladen,
Thank you very much for your effort to forward my latest article and my answer to you to the magazine “The Light” and I am happy to hear that they have been accepted for publication. Many greetings also to your wife.Now to your questions. I do not think that you need or must do anything more than you are already doing. The most important thing in these days is to keep a clear mind and to try to be as much centered as possible because in this way one is the most powerful antennae for higher frequency loving energies that are transmitted the world over and affect many human beings, who are now on the verge of awakening.
Less doing in the 3d-world, but relaxing and expanding the personal fields is the key to success. What will come, will come without our active efforts. I would not even recommend you to go and preach to the people about what will come next year and try to awaken them, unless there is a clear demand on their part as it will have none or very poor results and will only deplete your spiritual energy. The real awakening comes from within, from each individual soul, and only when this condition is fulfilled, can one serve as a teacher to the others after he has been asked to do so.
And I bet that we will be asked very soon by the sleeping majority when they are in deep trouble.I personally support the view that it is not necessary to store food or other goods for eventual catastrophes associated with  the magnetic pole shift as this attitude will only document that one is expecting catastrophes and calamities in his personal life. It is one thing to talk about possible global changes, as I do in my articles, but quite a different thing to feel personally affected. I have repeatedly made the experience in the last 15 years that as soon as I stop thinking about a real or possible calamity, it always disappears from my personal life as it is no longer part of my psycho-emotional matrix.
In this case one has to have full faith in his higher self which is the actual manager of this show on earth. This attitude works fabulously.After all, it is up to you to decide what you should experience individually. You can store some provisions but still hope for the best. You should not charge a negative scenario with your thoughts. It is less important what you practically do, but what you think. Besides, I personally believe that former Yugoslavia will not be affected much by the coming earth’s changes as it has already suffered a lot during the five wars associated with its disintegration – and even Heaven works according to the principle: Enough is enough!I hope to have basically answered your questions. But the way, is the magazine “The Light”  issued in English or Croatian language?
In love and light
December 26, 2011
I think I have a handle on your feelings regarding this more mundane pursuit of facts as shown in the below link vs. a much more spiritual endeavor as you are doing. I would just say that in the infinite possibilities of Source’s infinite universes, that perhaps everyone is doing what and where they can at their current level of development on behalf of the common good.I just received this and wanted to pass it on for your consideration regarding your most recent comments on Fulford.  I have yet to check out the stated facts and report to you any inconsistencies. However, prima facie it may support your cynicism.
Should it all check out, Dave Wilcock should be apprised, as well, in good faith.See comment #11.
In general, I would be interested in your regard for the quality of the information on this site, most particularly the much greater detailed info brought out in the Comments section, again regarding the details of the Cabal’s machinations.  Yes, I know it’s a long read.  But you all have much to say!
Dear Richard,
This is indeed a very interesting reading and the source has obviously a lot of information. The facts which I know were credibly presented which is a clear sign that this source(s) is clean and reliable. There are many new facts that I cannot evaluate now as I do not have the background, but they fit into the general picture.I will have to follow this source more closely the next days before I make a final statement, but it is a very good tip. Thank you.
In love and light
As the say in your part of the world “gern geschehen!”  Sifting through all the huge amount of info is a large task. Anything we all can do to help each other is good work.
In this vein, I just worked my way through Reports 42, 43, Winds of change, and now starting Announcement.
Regarding #42, I wished I had more experience one way or another to offer on the Kundalini vs. LBP position.  Most likely I’m far too “locked up” in 3d density, as I have yet to experience either. Intellectually, I could offer an argument both ways, something like everything is possible in a universe full of infinite possibilities again.  Unfortunately, this is a dead end for me at this point having no experience in either realms.
I would like to address something I can speak to, namely your comments on Rayelan. She certainly sounds like quite the warrior.  However, her story typifies what I’ve found in general to be such a recurring and vexing theme. I agree with you about the inconsistencies. You are probably more objective and kind in your comments than I would be. Perhaps this is so since I spent quite a bit of time going through her website and all related links. My problem is exactly what you outlined in describing Kurt Waldheim’s past.  Rayelan essentially paints him and the Knights Templar in a far more benevolent light than history does.
In addition to what you already read in her bio site, here is an expanded version from her RMN site:
So far my experience has been when there are these many twists and turns in too much of a complicated story line, it’s probably contrived for disinformation purposes. In this context, do you feel she was mind controlled, as well as her tone seems well-meaning enough?  Another very interesting point is the inclusion on her site information against Neil Keenan. This is potentially a nice move to deflect doubt about her site’s validity.
This leads me to the next topic regarding a portion of the issues with Fulford.  I’m working my way through the confirming of the Keenan link in the below White Hats report. The picture appears to emerge that Keenan is a double agent for the dark side against the good side. In addition to those links in RMN, here are more pulled from that site:
And another collaborating source:
Again, there are quite valuable nuggets of information about what is operating behind the scenes, written often enough by Keenan himself.  What better way to win trust than provide credible information to “get through the door?”Here is one that predates all the above written Mar ’11 commenting on Keenan:
Dear Richard,
You are doing a real scientific research on all clandestine dark activities worldwide. I am afraid, but I cannot follow you as I am not as diligent in reading all this information as you do. I honestly do not even intend to do it and I will tell you why.When I was a boy, I heard a lot of stories about the clandestine liberating, revolutionary Macedonian organisation which first evolved in the 19th century and then turned into a semi-terrorist organisation in the early 20s of the 20th century.
This organisation was the first truly organized terrorist organisation in Europe and all other organisations such as PLO or IRA are late copies of it. They did some spectacular terrorist attacks on Turkish ships at the Bosporus and at Ottoman banks in Istanbul to hit the Ottoman Empire and liberate Macedonia from its yoch (oppression). It is a very complicated European history and my family, my predecessors, my grandmother in particular, were actively involved in this organisation at top positions.
I read and studied all written sources and had to hear all kinds of stories who is a true friend of the organisation and who is an agent or a double-agent. The mentality of these people, including that of my grandmother, my chief source, was of separation, mistrust and irrational causal explanations. And it were always the other ones to be blamed for any failure. I was biased at the beginning, but at some point in time I realized that this secretive and separating mentality is a dead end and stopped being interested in such convoluted politically motivated criminal acts and other machinations, which are so typical for the current human condition at all levels.
This clear-cut attitude helped me survive during my dissident activities in communist Bulgaria in the early 70s when such people like me were severely persecuted by the red authorities. Therefore, I know from practical experience much more than many other people how such dark machinations work behind the veil and how people are seduced to do certain things, but this is not my life and theatre of action.
Since then I can only throw a quick glimpse on some of the most prominent dark stories just to be informed in a general manner, but I do not render them any importance, as such machinations have absolutely no long-lasting value.I prefer to sustain a policy of clear spiritual transparency on this website and never enter in detailed discussions on “black and white hats” and this kind of separating mentality beyond a casual glimpse as to just say: Aha, one more conspiracy story of little value.”
The real change will come from Heaven and none of these protagonists, you read so much about, will play soon any role at all. Why bother reading about them? But I know that these conspiracy stories are very seductive to the human mind. I know this from my early youth and I warn you to be very careful not to get addicted to them.In love and light
I appreciate your position. For those of us who can’t yet operate at the level of your development, we try to contribute and serve where and when we can.  In trying to make sense of the evolving turmoil in 2011, I researched many avenues. I first became aware of you this past summer, June/July, through your online treatises:The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction:
Why and How the World Economic Order will collapse in 2011
Part I and Part II (Commentaries)
You may not have intended them to be of the flavor you described in your below response email.  However, that is the message that for me came through loud and clear.I’m really not interested in conspiracies, per se, but am interested in the science behind it that you clearly enunciated in your works. Your focus was at the much higher level of the Orion/Reptilians with foray extensions into their minion nets. In that spirit, I further researched and found more information to offer.
In the ensuing months I have tons more with which I didn’t want to burden you, to include the MK Ultra, Remote Viewing, Casbolt/Prince, Eisenhower, Bielek/Philly Experiment/Montauk cross-referencing of Mars/Moon/etc bases, along with the underground ones we discussed that were recently destroyed. I would suggest my research began from the opposite pole than yours, namely from the minions upward. This line of inquiry is but only one of many in trying to parse and dissect our reality and gain an understanding for integration.
 As you indicated, too many in the USA are “halb wach” or “doofer als die Polizei erlaubt” (more stupid than the police allows). I understand your points and would hasten to say they are probably more applicable to other ominous lines of inquiry, as black and white magic in Aleister Crowley’s pursuits, the various Enochian works, and the Cabala z.B. You have previously mentioned your concerns with channeling. I agree and have long since initiated “Finger weg” from all these research lines and maintain only a passive monitoring of such information. There are far more research potentials available in this infinite universe full of infinite possibilities.
Until more awakening occurs for me beyond the occasional crown tingling or mild pain, pulse tingling in various limbs, predominately left forearm/ rist/hand, palpitations/skipped beats, but constant tinnitus-like ringing in ears (L>>R), I may have to be content with these humble attempts.Here is interesting potential support for crystalline bodies, rooted in von Baer’s law. It suggests in that concept of the most general and basic characteristics produced at the earliest embryonic development that there is at least one most needed function for ascension in the currently described “junk DNA.
If the hypothesis is true, it would provide the science along the causality, a priori, lines of Kant. Clearly, there has to be some physical correlate to occur on this plane of existence for a higher plane’s functions to produce an effect, much like the throat chakra’s energetic action via the parathyroid and thyroid glands.  Whether this happens over time, or in a twinkling of an eye “spielt keine Rolle” (does not matter at all). I think that would depend on the development of that particular person at that time. But, occur it must or otherwise it’s all just so much “Zauberei” (magic).
Here’s another site to further suggest the activation of “junk DNA”. I’m not necessarily embracing the entire content, only the expression of the two new genes in the genome
Kind regards,
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your comprehensive response. I did not say you should not continue with your research activities as I am fairly aware of the importance of such information once the spiritual “Wende” (U-turn) will come and the people ought to be confronted with their hidden past and present reality in more detail. I simply tried to offer a much broader approach, knowing that these revelations will be soon irrelevant in the 5th dimension.
The question with the “junk DNA” is very convoluted and full of semantic misunderstanding. I may address this issue in the future, but I doubt if it will be comprehended by my readers.The “junk DNA” stays for the current redundancy of the biological double helix. But it also symbolizes the potential to enlarge the scope of human DNA 12 times and more, by transforming the current biological, biochemical  3d-DNA to a multidimensional system of stored information.
This is referred to in the esoteric literature as the new “twelve strands of the DNA of the crystalline body” that are supposed to be built in the course of the LBP.All these presentations are based on fundamental misunderstanding and lack of knowledge of modern genetics by all light workers. If you read in my volume III, I address this issue in detail and make some fundamental discoveries in the functioning of the genetic code, which you cannot find in any textbook or scientific publication, be it in the magazines “Science” or “Nature”.
Based on these new insights, you can start interpreting some esoteric comments. But, as I said, it is a very complicated field, which most of the bio-scientists fail to grasp according to my personal experience in discussion with them, and it is absolute impossible for light workers to address it, as it is beyond their scope of comprehension.Forget Haeckel and Carl Line or Darwin. This is all pseudo-scientific crap and if it still exists in the literature, it is part of the confusion program of the Orion system in science.
In love and light
December 26, 2011
Dear George,
Thank you for checking in with me. I appreciate your concern. I am doing well, excited at the prospects for the coming year, March especially.

I have begun many times to respond to your emails, but words fall far too short – besides, what can I convey in words that you do not already know. Words cause far too much confusion and division anyway.
As I expressed to you in a previous email, post-11.11.11, I am deeply involved in waking up anyone that I can. I know my role here is to provide stability and understanding during the tumultuous changes we face. I am observing people beginning to awaken and it is wonderful, it is what I have been waiting for over many years and it is finally upon us.
I spent 12.21 in a 3d “meeting of the minds,” with several from very disparate fields and social circles. We spent many hours connecting dots and discussing truth. While reluctant to look at the ugly truth of the Power Elite, people are realizing that it is becoming necessary. The tidal wave of awakening is building, and I will continue to do my part to connect those around me, in order for as many as possible to survive the shift with as little disruption and confusion as possible. I know this is a tall order, but it has always been my mission.
Thanks for continuing to share your understanding via your website.
Love and Light,
Dear Ben,
Thank you very much for your account on the recent situation. I fully agree with you that words are increasingly becoming like empty shells and cannot convey the real energetic conditions that transform humanity in an ever growing and visible manner. I also see March as pivotal in the coming changes next year, simply because it is the last possible date to start with the transformation of mankind if a large portion of it should ascend by the end of 2012.
Although I have been wrong on several occasions in the past by making optimistic forecasts on events which were then postponed, this time there is no option for further delays as the higher realms have made use of all possible delays to create a favourable energetic condition for the final countdown. The two additional portals 12.12. and 21.12, which I personally experienced to be more powerful than the stargate 11.11.11,  have also contributed to this changing situation on behalf of the forces of light.
In January the collapse of the financial system will commence and will deepen in February. As the system is extremely fragile and can collapse any time soon, this collapse must be dominated / accompanied  by huge and powerful events on behalf of awakening the masses and moving them to higher dimensions. This is simple logic applied to the current situation.
Therefore, the financial collapse will be the pacemaker for all subsequent events. In the past, the forces of light have deliberately prevented this financial crash which is actually there since 2008 as not to give the dark ones an opportunity to misuse this crash and establish the New World Order. Now this plan is off the table and only a neat split of the two timelines is a possible solution.We will see it very soon. Nice to hear once again from you.
In love and light
December 26, 2011
Hi George,
It’s me again. I recently had my etheric inhibitor crystal removed and I had been able to absorb much more light for my LBP process. Please read more about it here.
My friend, KA, has kindly offered to provide the etheric inhibitor crystal removal service at her forum( a donation basis however they will need to register at her forum first. Its OK for you to choose not to include her link. but please assist to get this message across to every readers on your website that they need to get their etheric inhibitor crystal removed in order to realize their full potentials.
Dear Bryon,
I am fighting all the time against all kinds of esoteric charlatanism and I hope that you do not expect me to support this particular type of cheap spiritual fraud. If you read all my articles and books, you will find all the arguments and proofs against this fraudulent practice, so I need not comment on this issue anymore.
In love and light
Dear George,
Thank you for your prompt reply. I urge you to seek answer from your higher self before dismissing this as a fraud. Thank you.
Dear Bryon,
In love and light
December 27-28, 2011
Dear Georgi,
Witnessing the deepening dialog and clarification of the LBP during recent posts, a question arises that hopefully you might be able to elaborate on. You indicated:”When the chakras are closed, as is the case in more than 90% of the current human population, they harbour numerous debris and crystals in their cone fields, which impede their rotational kinetics. These astral debris and crystals represent the actual blockages and past dross of the incarnated human entity, which he has to cleanse during the LBP.”
Could you expand upon what you mean by debris and crystals?  Are you referring to repressed emotional baggage people typically refuse to acknowledge (hence; repress) and take responsibility to heal?  Is there a proactive approach one can take to deal with their debris and crystals, thus minimizing their LBP symptoms and augment their preparation?Thank you for taking the time to detail the specifics of this discussion. Beyond your frustration (and thus appreciated patience), there is a sense this dialog will help many
.Love to you,
Dear Shravaka,
This is a very good question. When I use the words “debris” and “crystals”, being present in the energetic fields of human chakras, I am using a simple metaphor to describe energetic phenomena that cannot be easily described in 3d-language. You are absolutely right to suspect under these terms emotional, mental and physical blockages that actually exist as very low frequency, dense, fear-based patterns and other damages that have been collected throughout numerous incarnations and are stored by the soul upon incarnation in the energetic fields of the human entity.
These low frequency patterns can be roughly regarded as “debris” and “crystals”, but not in the sense of geological crystals. These low frequency patterns are superimposed wave systems that simply impede the rotational kinetics of the chakras and the four human bodies – physical, emotional, mental and ethereal. In the course of the LBP, these blockages must be removed first as to allow for much more energy with higher frequency to flow through the human fields.
These energies enter the body through the seven body chakras before a unified chakra is built.At this point the main portal of energy inflow becomes the left brain portal – it is from now on even more important than the heart portal, about which so much has been said these days in numerous channelled messages. The reason for this is that there are only several thousand human entities on earth who have fully opened their left brain portal and they normally do not depend on these second hand channelled information, as they are the most evolved human entities on earth.After the opening of the three portals, 11.11.11, 12.12. and 21.12, many more star seeds are starting to open their left brain portal and to experience numerous severe clinical symptoms, which I have described in my previous articles on the LBP.
This stage of the LBP is not nice, to say the least, and any “sugar coating” is misinformation and outrageous fraud.This is the physical description. The elimination of these blockages is an ongoing, highly tedious and iterative process. There is nothing elevating in it, but pure determination of the entity to withstand all tortures of the LBP as to progress. The energies that now reign in the human body of the incarnated entity are highly disharmonious as they are of much higher frequencies than those of the four human fields and when they enter these, they cause huge energy gradients and imbalances that are perceived as negative feelings, depression, aggression, conflicting feelings etc. while changing their spectrum very quickly, so that they are very exhausting for the entity. The same holds true for all mental ideas and thoughts associated with these conflicting and polarizing feelings and thoughts.
This is the time when the LBP really becomes a serious affair. Before that it is only sweet fluffy stuff as one can read in numerous channelled messages. But as the harbingers of bad news are normally killed in the current debased society in the hope to also eliminate the bad news, my previous truthful elaborations on the last most intensive phase of the LBP have been either neglected or repudiated by some readers like Ute, who have not entered really this final stage of the LBP, where  the wheat is separated from the chuff.Ultimately, words cannot relay the real physical tortures during the end phase of the LBP – one must experience them personally. Of course only very few star seeds are ready and courageous enough to go through these tortures to the bitter end.
But these entities will be the new transliminal souls that will operate from the Source (12th dimension) and will be able to travel through all dimensions.Most star seeds will ascend to the 6th or 7th dimensions at best, which is still a tremendous achievement, while the 2-3 billion people will only go collectively to the lower second level of the 5th dimension, where the blueprint of the New Earth is ready and waiting for them.
In love and light
Dear Georgi,
Thank you for the wonderful detailed insights…  However, there is still a question here hopefully you might be able to address. Is there anything one can do ‘proactively’ to resolve personal debris and crystals, and thus augment there LBP and ascension intentions?  Must we be victims, or can we take action?Please allow me to share a possible scenario…  You and/or our PAT members may be aware of programs like Est,
The Forum, Miracle of Love, etc. which focus on helping people to dig deep within their emotional, mental, and physical bodies to find an array of hidden or repressed negative emotional or wounded parts of self resulting from early childhood or previous life experiences. These retreats can get really ugly, scary, and humiliating as all kinds of dark crap will surface personally and with other participants that finally (and safely) find a voice and other means (journal) of expression.
The intent at this point is to engage in a “cathartic” practice with an objective to cleanse the negative energetics as much as possible. The result can be very much as you describe with the LBP.Although attending one of these programs does not necessarily result in enlightenment (although they may claim so), they certainly seem to provide a basis for moving in that direction if this is the path chosen. As we all know, there are many layers to the onion, and no one program will produce a Mother Mary or Jesus.
However, the fundamentals with engaging in a “catharsis” type of practice when another debris/crystal layer presents itself, may be beneficial.  And may help offset some of the nasty LBP side affects.Does this resonate for you, or do you have insights on another strategy that may help?
In Gratitude & Love,
Dear Shravaka,
I have only yesterday rejected an offer by somebody who propagated a dubious esoteric practice to eliminate crystals in the human fields (see above). This is all part of the esoteric charlatanism that has widely spread in the light workers’ community.
All these proposals are based on the tacit assumption that the individual is not a sovereign master being and needs external help to progress.This is the opposite of spiritual Empowerment and defies all basic esoteric truths and experience. Therefore, I rigorously reject all such practices. As you know, I have never advocated such intervention methods of esoteric impostors or other gurus on the human personality, no matter how they name them and what they particularly do, and I have never made them part of my comments and articles on spiritual issues on this website.
My basic principle and advice to my readers have always been to listen to the inner voice of their higher self as to achieve full sovereignty. Only in this way can they become true masters.I have always taken care not to intervene in this intimate dialogue between the entity and his soul or even to substitute the higher self of other people as a spiritual authority,  because I know that this intervention will be only a manifestation of my ego as a teacher.
It will be the total rejection of all my gnostic knowledge on the perfect regulation of the incarnated entity by his soul.There is absolutely nothing that an individual can reveal with the help of other people that he cannot also reveal by himself in an intimate dialogue with his soul. But there are numerous treacherous pitfalls in such a collective cleansing under the guidance of a self proclaimed “expert” or a guru, in which the individual can easily get trapped and thus hinder his spiritual evolution. It is this collective encapsulation of the individual in false collective beliefs and prejudices that hold him back on earth and delay his ascension.
The idea that an external expert should know better about the inner problems of another person is similar to the preposterous assumption of current medical doctors who treat their patients from the self-proclaimed status of experts on the human body, while they in fact do not have any idea how a single human cell is regulated and function. And not to speak of a whole human body with 10 high 14 cells.
All current manifestations of human expertise on earth are based on fraud – they are fraud. Be they medical science, present-day physics, economics, politics, trivial concepts, etc. The most preposterous fraud happens deplorably in the esoteric vanity fair, where numerous charlatans and self proclaimed gurus are fishing for insecure victims, who stay under the mental ego pressure to progress spiritually at any price, but have no faith in their own personal abilities.
This is the perversion of the heavenly design, as these light workers and star seeds have come on this planet to eliminate exactly these mental blindness and confusion. Instead they have become victims of them. This is by the way the reason why the light quotient on this planet could not be reached this fall and the full ascension at the stargate 11.11.11 had to be postponed.I hope that with this disquisition I have convinced you that you, being a member of the PAT, do not need any additional experts to progress in your LBP, but only to have full faith in your soul and to just follow our enlightened discussion on this website. But of course you are free to explore different paths. This is your natural right, but please do it with discernment and systematic critical analysis. The basic explorative instruments for this methodological approach to alternative esoteric paths, you can borrow from my publications on this website.
Just think for a moment: If all these esoteric charlatans’ programs with dubious names such as “Miracle of Love” etc. are so advanced to help you, why are their members not part of the PAT, which is the community of the most  evolved souls on this planet and in this galaxy? Have you made so far the effort to analyse these people with respect to their progress in the LBP to find out if they are sufficiently advanced as to teach other people like you?
Why don’t you make a simple catalogue, based on the information I have given in my three articles on the LBP -such as full opening of the heart chakra and the left brain portal based on specific clinical symptoms and apply this questionnaire to these people, who offer you such programs, to find out first how evolved they are? You will be surprised how easily you will discovery that you have to do with impostors who are light years behind you in their spiritual evolution and that their fake pretension to help you and  their guru-wise appearance at first glance are nothing else but a cheap fraud, as can be seen all over this Orion dominated planet.
Come on Shravaka, you do not need these people, and you even do not need my advice on this issue. You know it as good as myself or any other member of the PAT. Why don’t you ask yourself why nobody from the PAT favours such groups and methods, Because most of them are sovereign masters and this path you suggest  is no alternative for them.
Next time when you meditate and enter a dialogue with your higher self try to find out why you need an external support for your progression in the LBP and you will discover some sides in your personality that will reveal your lack of confidence in your personal abilities and that of your soul.
As soon as you have revealed this deficiency, you have automatically surmounted it, and this is how the LBP operates – it is a lonely dance.Or as they say: “It takes two to tango – you and your soul” You do not need a third person to meddle in between and hinder the harmony of your dance steps.
In love and light
December 27, 2011
Dear Georgi,
Your last article on the LBP is wonderful! It could not have been explained any better! It is not an easy road physically, it is really in a way “cosmic torture”! I am glad you have addressed this, maybe some will rethink their position and where they want to go with ascension!
Dear Wilfred,
Thank you very much for this confirmation. This was precisely my intention and I have already received some responses that help me continue on this bumpy road of enlightenment.
In love and light
December 27, 2011
Aloha Georgi,
I am in a process here on Maui (wrote you once before)… thought I was going to experience ascension on 11.11.11, but as you concurred, it has been delayed. I am experiencing frequent shortness of breath and also almost a constant ringing in both ears – for months now. And I have had a virus surface, mixed emotions, regrets, old hopes re-ignite, only to go away after contemplation. I suspect my 4th chakra is opening more and more. I may try sleeping under the stars here at a beautiful remote point on the island and I will be swimming with Humpback Whales soon. Does setting the intention ‘to allow’ new energies to fill me and let my ‘soul be my guide’ – is that all one needs/can do at these times? Physical fatigue is a concern for me at this time and I could use some encouragement.
Love, Truth and Timeless Travel, margi
Dear Margi,
your symptoms and experience with the LBP are shared by many other members of the PAT. You can also read my latest article on these energies in my “Update on the LBP” published today. You are now opening both your 4th heart chakra and your left brain portal. The associated symptoms with these process as you describe them will continue and your physical fatigue will be your normal living condition from now on until ascension, unless you make the unwise decision to stop your LBP consciously, which will not happen, but you may experience more severe symptoms and events in addition.
You cannot do anything more, but just surrender to these powerful energies with all their consequences for body, psyche and mind and allow the soul to manage your LBP. This is what I and all experienced star seeds, who are rather advanced in their LBP, practice. The real hard times of massive transformation to light beings for star seeds and all human beings lie ahead, as I write repeatedly in my ascension reports, but few readers really believe me.
In love and light
December 28, 2011
Dear George
I met with an aspect of you in the dream state early this morning and cannot remember exactly what we achieved, except that it was a good outcome.  However I am led to explain some methods which are helpful to me in relieving some of the LBP pain we are experiencing at the moment.
This pain, since 11.11.11 has a different frequency from previous pain. I am using Solfeggio tones which are very helpful in relaxing the hemispheres of the brain and induce a calmness and peace and relaxation which is a huge relief. I downloaded these free ones:
and put them onto a cd.  The Fourth collection of the nine tones is my favourite. You need to use headphones to get the right effect.I have also found that now I cannot assimilate sugar in any form. This especially is the case with alcohol, which I have not been able to take for at least 5 years – I previously thoroughly enjoyed my red wines and my summer gin and tonics.
 My homeopath explained about methyl which is produced somehow when sugar is not assimilated and produces a fog in the brain. (You will understand the chemistry of this – something called Krebb’s Cycle comes to mind as I write this )  My conclusion is that the frequency of this methyl/sugar is no longer compatible to our physical composition. We have obviously taken quantum leaps through our LBP to the point where our cells are rapidly mutating.
 I am getting the thought that it has to do with the mitochondria.My homeopath is in tune with the current vibrations and told me that I need only 25g of sugar daily now – this is equivalent to 2 apples.  So I use liquid Stevia to sweeten my drinks and over the last few months the brain fog has lifted and my headaches are lessening appreciably.Also good quality high-altitude Lavender essential oil applied to pulse points works wonders. Hopefully this will shed some light – but I may be totally off the mark – over to you – I will be interested to hear your assessment.
In love and light
Dear Callista,
Thank you for this information. I confirm that alcohol is less and less compatible with the LBP, but the sugar diet has no universal validity. I am very cautious to make any dietary recommendations whatsoever as each organism is different and there are no general rules with respect to the individual LBP.I personally need a lot of sugar and if I do not take it regularly I get huge problems with hypoglycemia due to my accelerated metabolism, which leads in its turn to deterioration of my clinical symptoms during the LBP.  The only dietary rule during the LBP is that there are no rules at all. Everybody has to find out what is good or bad for his organism.
In love and light
December 28, 2011
Hey Georgi,
Good work on the energies of the LBP. I fully resonated with most of it. My days of getting fixated on each detail are over. I now process things more in a general fashion and your article rings of truth on the whole. I agree with you that it is frustrating that most people do not organize their knowledge in an organized fashion.
It used to drive me insane because I would collect data from all kinds of sources and I could see the perfection and congruence within the information, but when I would have discussions about these things with others, they seemed to isolate some of the information and then become adamant about something that did not make sense within the entirety of things… that’s the best way I can describe it. Hopefully you can understand what I am trying to convey, using these limited words….
Love, Kari
December 28, 2011
Dearest Georgi,
I just want to say “I love you, man!” I don’t know any other individual currently on this planet who is willing to put his butt on the line, time and time again, to say EXACTLY what he believes, without DOUBT, and then back it up with his own scientific PROOF!You are my hero–not because I think you are better than me, or that you know more than me, but because you MIRROR me –  otherwise why would I resonate so deeply with the information that you have provided for us, through not only your PAT forum, but most importantly through your books?–which, by the way I HAVE read, that is, those that are in English!I have to admit,
I’m no scientist, and I have very little understanding of physics, but what I do have is an extraordinary intuition which tells me for CERTAIN that the “energy” you put behind what your words rings sincere and true.That being said, I’d like to encourage all of the PAT to remember that while each of us have our own experiences, and while those experiences are valid and true according to our own philosophies, it’s time to open ourselves up to a higher source of information than we’ve ever been allowed to have full access to before…our SOULS.
Georgi, thank you for giving us a glimpse into our souls! I look forward to living as a human being experiencing my FULLEST potential on our beautiful New Earth, and I have you to thank for giving me the “image in the mirror” to do so!Much love and gratitude to you for being all that you are, so that I may be as well.
Dear Dorie,
Thank you for this very powerful confirmation and apprehension of my work. I fully agree with you that we should listen more carefully to our souls and make them our only teacher. This is by the way the main topic of my next report and this is another proof for the synchronicity and serendipity in the current End Times.
In love and light
December 27, 2011
Dear Georgi,

Indeed what an uplifting thought that is to realize that it’s our last Christmas in 3d-Earth. I managed to stay in very high frequency during this past week due to the fact that the energy was very strong on both days of December 21 and 22, it was nothing compared to what came in on December 24th. The energies flowing in were so intense that I have reached an apex never achieved before throughout my entire LBP. It was even stronger that what came in on the 11-11-11.

I realize our paths are closely intertwined. I had not visited your web site for a little while and an inner voice urged me to go and have a look at your most recent report as I sensed it contained important information. Indeed my intuition was right as where you mention that we should now detach from all 3d reality and focus on what contribution we envisage as ascended masters for the betterment of living conditions for humanity. My Higher self foresees a useful contribution in teaching humanity in preparation and transition for Ascension to the 5th Dimension. Although the Light beings from Higher Realm have always cautioned us to be humble and not envisage any role in the coming events.
In your Report # 43 I fully resonate with Wilfred’s message especially where he mentions in his last sentence: “Let God take care of the details be the master of this new energy, give the steering wheel to Christ Consciousness!” as this is what we have been thought from the Light Entities of the Higher Realm. That is precisely the key words and I would add: Let the Light guide our spirit throughout the Ascension process.
There is one thing that puzzles me though in these sentences: “The people should be told what they should expect during their LBP which will accelerate in 2012, and most of the experiences will not be nice, in fact, they will be rather nasty. That is why many of them reject a truthful information as is the case with Ute and several more readers who have written to me today.
My question is
: “What should we know and refuse to face?
Please enlighten me with a truthful answer. Perhaps many of your readers may find this information of highly interest to them. I personally came to the belief that the LBP reaches its apex when One enters the heart and realizes that we are part “of All that Is” that everything is within us and so is the Universe and then One experiences that Infinite Love is filled with eternal Joy thus returning to One’s original essence as Light beings.
When the tremendous energies flooded my entire body on December 24th I experienced both discomfort in reaction from my physical body but yet so blissful for the ethereal body. I felt as though Heaven’s gates had opened and poured within me its magical ethereal essence of Infinite Love and Pure White Light which stem directly from the Source of All that Is.
In Love, Light and Joy!
Dear Jocelyne,
I will publish tomorrow an update on the LBP, where I will discuss this issue with the polarizing energies during the LBP. Besides, I have dealt with this issue at some length in my article “The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization” which I suppose you have read in the meantime.
I confirm the peak on Dec 24, but it was not nice for me as the energies were too heavy and polarizing. Second, you are not correct to assume that the real LBP energies come from the heart chakra and are harmonious. The real energies come from the left brain portal and make use of the heart chakra in a second manner and most of them are rather unpleasant. It only depends on the initial energetic conditions of the individual as to how he responds to them.
The bigger the blockages, the more nasty the waves will be for those individuals. This is the reason why there are so few star seeds on the ground that have fully opened for these energies. They are only several thousand to my estimation.
In love and light
Dear Georgi,
I might have expressed myself unclearly but I never assumed that the energies came through the heart chakra. They must first enter the body through the coronal chakra. But that takes a while and circuits must be unblocked to allow the tremendous amount of Light pouring in to make its way to the heart chakra before One starts feeling harmony along this process. The apex of course being to function through the heart chakra where our eternal essence originates and One begins to acquire internal knowledge. I do agree that it depends on One’s initial energetic conditions and how he responds to them. Not every Light Being responds exactly in the same manner. And I also agree that we must all surrender our ego/mind to the soul. I will not go any deeper into this as you have a more scientific approach on the matter.
All I could add is that many thousands of entities on Earth that have undergone the LBP have reached this apex according to what I read from the messages provided from the Higher Realm. This brings us to St. John’s sentence: “Many will be called, very few will be chosen”…
In Love, Light and Joy!
Dear Jocelyne,
It is obvious that you interpret the LBP in the same way as do in my last article on the LBP which I have just published, so that I will not comment on this issue anymore…
Soon there will be a big problem in the light workers’ community when many will realize that “many have been called, but few selected”. I already experience this frustration when some non-regular readers of this website attack me on my statements that the members of the PAT are the most evolved human beings and will be the first to ascend. But it is necessary to present the situation as clearly as possible as to avoid any misunderstanding. There is too much confusion currently in the light workers’ vanity fair.
In love and light

December 28, 2011

Dear George
I have just been going through the Update on the Energies of the LBP and firstly, let me say that I am relieved to see that you are also still having pain in the third chakra area. Whenever there is an influx of energy, I am rendered incapacitated with extreme pain in the area of gall bladder, pancreas, stomach and liver – I know that all these organs are functioning perfectly so it is not a dis-ease in the accepted sense, but an un-ease while transmuting lower vibrational instincts. (I say here confidentially, George, that I believe that you and I and maybe a few others, are actually transmuting these energies for the PAT who have not attained the required level – but I may be entirely incorrect here.)
These energies were particularly evident on 11.11.11, 12.12.11 and from 21.12.11 to 26.12.11 – this last period extended because of the opportunity to increase Love inflow during the Christmas psychological window, where many opened their heart chakras which otherwise would have remained closed. Also the New Moon energies of 25.12.11 enabled new beginnings.  By the way I would like to hear about your breathing technique to alleviate this pain in the third chakra.I have for the past 5 years believed that the third chakra (solar plexus) is the ‘bridge’ between the upper and lower energy centres and, as such, is therefore the place where unwanted energies are released so that the finer vibrations can be integrated with the upper chakras.
In the times when I have done energy work on others, I have seen this bridge energetically, and I have seen symbols fly off it and disintegrate. This ‘bridge’ takes us from the 3D programme of Harmony through Conflict and enables us to commence our dwelling within one-ness and multidimensionality.
In my experience over the past few days, the third chakra (having released the necessary dross) then melds with the fourth and fifth chakras to form a triad.  This triad now sits in my field like a golden shield, and I tune it using Solfeggio tones. I am not sure whether this will forever reduce the pain that I have experienced in this chakra – I suspect that I am transmuting energies on numerous levels through this chakra so this may continue. It is, of course also the chakra through which we relate to others, and so it is understandably angst-ridden during our process of Harmony through Conflict.
The function of this shield, is I believe, among other things, to enable more Light to be held in my energy field, and therefore more Light to be beamed out to Humanity.  Or maybe there is another function – I don’t know. I am getting the thought that it is a link to higher realms like a golden plug or contact point –  hard to explain – as though it is there to be utilised at a later date – it has functions here and now but also for later.Now to the kundalini. Your explanation cannot be any clearer. I was especially interested in your explanation of sexual energy as creative energy and your example of Schrodinger.
I have always been fascinated with the life of Carl Jung and the role of Toni Wolff as his mistress. She was clearly the Muse who stimulated his ground-breaking work. I am reminded of the picture of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, standing back-to-back; she is bringing Wisdom down through the vessel on her head and he is sending it out to the world through his outstretched hands.Your comments are welcomed as usual.
in love and light
Dear Callista,
I doubt that we still transmute personal dark patterns through our 3rd chakra, but that this chakra and its organs are simply knocked down each time when a huge powerful wave enters our bodies from the left brain portal. I feel it physically. The 3rd chakra is responsible for our “vis vitalis”, as I call it – for our vital energies as incarnated human entities with all negative aspects.
It is the driving dynamo of human lives in the 3d-reality.Of course this dynamo is not designed to work in harmony with the high frequency waves that flood from the 8th to 14th chakra through the left brain portal and it “goes down on the knees”, as the Germans say, each time when this chakra and its organs are flooded with such powerful energies.My breathing technique is very simple – I breath quickly and flat with the diaphragm, while concentrating that the air flow enters the right upper region of the belly, where liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas are to be found. I fill them with air and prana and this quick breathing relieves the pains and burning very quickly.I am convinced that our work on the PAT and this website as an external platform has the primary goal to accelerate the LBP of the PAT members by attuning to each other telepathically and this is the main reason why I am still doing this editorial work.
It is only the facade behind which the acceleration of the LBP is achieved, so that most of the members of the PAT will be able to ascend very high as never experienced before.But this collective effort is also amplified and projected onto all light workers and the rest of humanity and increases rapidly the light quotient on earth. it is a combined effort of our collective will that will ultimately render the desired result – the split of the two timelines and ascension of part of humanity to a higher dimension when the magnetic pole shift will come.
There is always a purpose behind each humble human action on this planet.That is why I take great care that the purity of the information on this website is save-guarded and that especially in terms of the LBP there are no flawed ideas that can only lead to confusion and hinder the progression of this process. The purity of the mind of the members of the PAT is the only catalyst for the acceleration of the LBP and Ascension, and we are the scouts of this collective human track on the way to higher dimensions.
In love and light
December 28, 2011
Hello Georgi,
Sometime ago I read in Ashayana Deane’s Voyager II 2nd ed. chapter 9 about the Time Shift, where she explains how ascension of Earth happens on a physical plan i.e. the pulsation rate of particles is accelerated and shifted to a different angular rotation by 22.5°. Can you give your opinion?(Book written in 2001).Thanks for your website, I found last October and made me cry, feeling at last at home!
Warm greetings,
Yoa in New-Caledonia
Dear Yoa,
Thank you for your email. I am happy to hear that my messages have reached that far to New Caledonia. It is true that the pulsation rate = frequency of the elementary particles is accelerated during the ascension process. This pulsation rate is known in physics as Compton frequency and I am the first scientist to have explained them with the help of the Universal Law and to have derived them from the universal equation (see table on the front page, bottom).
It is also logical that the orientation of their angular rotation must be also changed as to account for the elimination of magnetism of 3d-matter.  However, I cannot confirm that this angular shift of 22.5° is correct as I simply do not know it yet. But it sounds probable to me. We can observe a similar angular momentum in the building of the water molecule, which is basic to current 3d-space-time.
In love and light
PS. Dear Yoa, your address denies the delivery of my email.

December 28, 2011

Dear George,
Thank you for your post.  If I am understanding you correctly, each person’s LBP is somewhat unique to the individual. In that, we may have similar physical symptoms but those symptoms relate to the particular areas we need to release and clear prior to ascension?  But the opening of the chakras is fundamentally the same process in all of us?
“…the incessant building of energy gradients in the mental, emotional and physical body which are perceived by the incarnated entity as psycho-mental disharmonies or imbalances, for instance, as conflicting ideas and antagonistic feelings.”
In addition to physical symptoms, you also mentioned psycho-mental disharmony and imbalance. Are these disharmonies  blockages in our chakras?  Can these imbalances/blocks be the result of conflicts within oneself for example: 3D indoctrination vs what rings true in your heart? As a child I was constantly asking my parents if I was adopted. By the time I was seven, I could  sense that the people who were raising me had an entirely different belief system than I had. Is the struggle to believe in oneself and your own HS part of the LBP?
Love & Light,
Dear Sheryl,
you are right – the experience of the LBP is personal and unique, but the underlying energetic processes are the same in each person. This includes the opening of the 4th heart chakra and the building of an unified chakra as well as the opening of the left brain portal in the final most intensive phase of the LBP. The clinical symptoms are also common in most entities, and they may only differ with respect to their chronology, in which the individual soul makes the cleansing.
There are individual blockages in the mental, emotional and physical bodies, many of them from previous incarnations, which make the process so unique when they have to be cleansed.In addition we, all star seeds, have taken the responsibility to incorporate all wrong dark patterns from our parents, school and surroundings and make them part of our personality during our youth when our psyche and mind are very malleable to these external influences.
When we begin to awaken and start with the LBP and ascension, that is to say, when we begin to return back to the source from where we have come, we also begin to delete these wrong energy patterns step by step in our fields. In this way we create energy trails in the astral atmosphere of earth and humanity for others to follow at the soul level.In this manner all star seeds are huge generators of light by “devouring” all negative dark patterns and aspects of humanity and eliminating them first in their personal fields and then by amplifying and projecting this cleansing process onto the collective astral atmosphere of society.
This is the chief energetic mechanism how the few awakened star seeds eliminate the whole darkness on this planet and increase the light quotient. This is a huge sacrifice on behalf of humanity. This aspect will become more and more evident in the coming days in 2012.
In love and light
Got it. No wonder why we are always so exhausted! Thank you. Sheryl
Welcome to the “Exhaustion club”. George
LOL – George you crack me up! Love * Light, Sheryl
December 28, 2011

Dear Dr. Georgi,
Thank you for your clear and succinct “disquisition” on the concepts of kundalini vs. the LBP. The best example I can offer to support your theory is through a person I met 3.5 years ago. This man had an extremely open 2nd chakra, although it was completely closed right along with every other chakra he possessed (if you get my drift), and not so much as a pinhole in the 4th chakra. Anything above that (including the left brain portal) does not need to be mentioned, as it all falls under the category of “huge retard”.
Thus, I can state unequivocally that this person and his kundalini rising wouldn’t know a LBP if it landed on his head! Technically, my 4th heart chakra is a bit concerned about him in the upcoming days/months/year.In regards to the tortuous nature of the clinical symptoms of the LBP, I hear you. For several months, I have experienced unusual pains, palpitations, persistent aches, and varying degrees of emotions at the drop of a hat for no apparent reason. My patience level is truly compromised. I understand what you are saying in regards to the esoteric vanity fair of the New(Old) Agers vs. the scientific truth of the ascension process. Although I consider myself to be very sentient, concerned, and love-filled, personally, I am not experiencing any lovey dovey, fluffy, fru fru, flower-hat wearing symptoms… but rather,
I am reminded of Bill Bixby and his transformation to the Incredible Hulk from 1980’s television fame! And when those around me point out their opinion, upon this observation, I am then reminded of Cher in her movie role in Moonstruck, when she slaps the kid and says “SNAP OUT OF IT!”Now for my questions…How does one focus on the advancement of the LBP? I fail miserably at meditation, most likely because I cannot shut off my mind. Is there an easy way to change this? My 3D persona still has to raise a child, eat, and not lose my house, so balancing all this is a real challenge. Also, I am aware that diet plays an important role in the LBP, but good clean food is expensive! I do my best staying away from junk food, processed, fried, red meats, etc. Can you share your thoughts and ideas on how this comes into play now during this process, while also juggling the reality of the day!I appreciate your intellect and verbiage. I am one of those people that can read and understand the “foreign language” more quickly than I can speak it or write it, yet I have also seen myself as the racehorse that comes from behind and gains quite quickly to the front of the line! It all makes me giddy, too. Giddy up!
Dear Tina,
Thank you for your confirmation of the various difficulties associated with the LBP. I have the impression that our experiences are surprisingly synchronistical these days and this is a clear sign that we are heading to a culmination point. Your observation on your sexually centered (2nd chakra) male acquaintance sounds very familiar to me and can extend the list with some of my former friends during my youth.”How does one focus on the advancement of the LBP?”
I have already discussed this issue with Shravaka (see above in the report) and some other readers. You should not worry so much if you are not in a position to meditate easily. I had also my problems when I tried to do it deliberately some 15 years ago. If you are mentally and physically centered, that is to say, if your predominant chakras are the 3rd and the 5th chakra (please read my articles on LBP where I explain that each incarnated human entity has two dominant chakras through which he expresses himself in the 3d-space-time), as they go often hand in hand, you may need physical movement to start meditating.
I am sure that if you start doing a monotonous physical work or walking quickly for some time, you will automatically enter your meditative state. This is what many “primitive” tribes achieve with their ritual dances. They open their chakras through repeated movements and monotonous rhythm. Otherwise there is nothing you can do, but surrender to your soul and let her manage your LBP.Diet during the LBP: There is no such thing as LBP-diet as I have discussed this issue already with Callista today (see above in the report).
But let me give you some cooking tips as I cook myself quite good. You should use all kinds of basic fresh food, which need not be necessary “bio”, including potatoes, fresh salad, rice, etc. I also make my own bread and it does not take me much more time than going to the bakery and buying fresh bread and it is much cheaper and tastes better.For instance, I make my own “pasta a mono”, all kinds of spaghetti manually. I use a very simple and cheap Italian pasta machine and thus I cover a  vast portion of my menu as I prepare my pasta with at least 20 different sauces.
It takes some time, but when one gets used to it one always has fresh pasta and it tastes more delicious than in any Italian restaurant.You need not use expensive food and basic materials. The trick behind this kind of kitchen is that you prepare your dishes with your hands and thus charge them with your loving energy and they always taste much better, are much more delicious, and better to digest than any ready-made food. You should take care that you balance your menu with fresh vegetables and salad, basic carbohydrates, such as potatoes and rice, and some meet. You should only take care that you get bio-meat as it is in meat that they (the food companies) put their most toxic additives. For instance,
I have at least 10 different basic receipts to prepare potatoes and they always taste delicious and somewhat different and my family loves them.I have made the experience that one can cook cheaply, but the dishes will be still excellent and taste delicious. Since I have started cooking at home, I never go to a restaurant as I am always disappointed with their kitchen and even my family has come to the same conclusion.
Bottom line: You can cook adequate and cheap meals for your LBP as long as you are ready to invest some personal time and effort in your kitchen, preparing the dishes by yourself thus infusing them with your loving energies. This aspect will become more and more important in the coming days when the process of immediate creation will start to play a major role in our daily affairs shortly before ascension.However, this website is not intended to be a cooking forum and therefore I will stop here.
In love  and light
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