State-of-Ascension-Report-43: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-43, December 25, 2011

December 21, 2011

Dear Dr. Stankov,

It is a pleasure for us in Croatia to be able to read your articles in magazine „The Light“. They are somehow guidance for us during these turbulent and important times.

In one of your last articles, you were commenting global economic breakdown, which should happen till Christmas or end of the year. Could you please be so kind to share with us some recent insights and your view?

Best regards from your admirers from Croatia,

Dear Mladen,

Thank you very much for your email and I am glad to hear that my articles are read and appreciated in Croatia. You raise a very important question which  I have discussed in previous reports and articles.

It is true that I was somewhat too optimistic with respect to the occurrence of the financial and economic crash in the past. However, we had to endure several major delays from the higher realms for good reasons. The most important one was associated with the postponement of the magnetic pole shift at 11.11.11 due to the fact that the light quotient on earth was not reached as most of the people are still in a deep slumber. Today, I am publishing a new article titled “The Winds of Change” where I address this issue once again.

The financial collapse actually took place in 2008 and since then the financial cabal are operating on global fraud by printing money out of thin air and impoverishing the masses through Draconian austerity programmes, as is the case in Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, GB, but also in the USA and other economically somewhat more “stable” countries as Germany and France. This trend will stipulate in early 2012.

If the collapse has not happened earlier, this is entirely due to the clandestine coordination of the forces of light, whose intention is to prevent this crash at any price under the conditions of the dark ones. Their aim is namely to default the Western national states and to substitute them with the New World Order.

Although the national states are entirely under the control of the Orion/Reptilian system through their corrupt puppets of politicians and reptilian shape-shifters, the national state is still a citadel for some basic civil rights of the people, which could be easily wiped out when the states are abolished and substituted with an anonymous New World Order.

The forces of light were confronted with a very complicated optimization exercise during the current End Times. On the one hand, both the national states and the old economic order must collapse at some point in time before humanity can start preparing for mass ascension in Dec 2012.

On the other hand, humanity is still in huge retard with its awakening and revolting against the ruling cabal. If this crash would have come earlier. say, in 2011, this would have only triggered high the basic survival fears of the masses and the crash would have been exploited by the dark ones to promote their agenda of the New World Order. When you have scared, fearful masses you can manipulate them very easily as this has always been the case in the past.

For that reason it was decided in the higher realms that there will be first a powerful infusion of loving energies by opening the stargate 11.11.11 and two further portals 12.12 and 21.12 (winter solstice) today which are as magnificent as the stargate 11.11.11. These energies will be sufficient to raise the basic vibrations of the masses, so that they can begin to experience more loving emotional and mental patterns and to disentangle themselves from the prevailing dark Orion patterns that have reigned on this planet and society for eons of time. This threshold will be reached very soon after January 1, 2012 when humanity will have a clean start.

Only then will the forces of light allow for the crash to occur. In fact, it s already there, but has not yet manifested in this 3d-reality as it displays a big inertia and the events occur with a certain time-lag. In my latest article which will appear today “The Winds of Change” I present a probable scenario how the coming events will unfold in 2012. I hope that it will be published in the magazine “The Light” soon.

The advantage of  a late financial crash – most probably in association with the pending magnetic pole shift – is that it will not affect that much the portion of humanity which is bound to ascend at the end of 2012. They will move immediately to the new ascending timeline, where new, just and transparent numerical systems of payments will be introduced very soon, together with new advanced technologies from the higher realms. This will happen in the second half of 2012. The financial crash will begin by the end of  January and will painfully unfold until the magnetic pole reversal will occur. I personally expect this event in early spring.

The remaining fraction of humanity, which will stay on the catastrophic 3d-earth, will be badly hit by the financial and economic collapse. The latter will be additionally aggravated by the material mayhem from the magnetic pole reversal that will lead to huge continental mass movements and a possible collapse of the electric grid and other infrastructures. The electric grid in particular may no longer function in the new energetic atmosphere of the earth after the shift. Please read my latest article of today for more information.

Essentially, it should be said that both, the world revolution and the financial collapse, were postponed by the forces of light, which actually control the events on earth from the higher realms, including the heinous actions of the PTB, because humanity is in huge retard with its awakening and has not lived up to the expectations.This holds true to an even greater extent for many light workers and star seeds who are still sleeping and will have very soon a very nasty awakening.

Purely for this reason both events, the financial and economic collapse and the shift of Gaia to the higher dimensions in the course of the magnetic pole reversal, were postponed to the last possible moment. They will now take place together in the first half of 2012, but will not affect that much the ascending portion of humanity. The two events will not be cancelled for the ascending candidates, but when they will happen half of the spectators and participants will have left the theatre of action.

This is my succinct version concerning the inner dynamics and logic behind the upcoming apocalyptic events. The time for further delays has irreversibly ended and any forecast of future events is now much more easy to make.

You may try to publish this answer in the journal “The Light” as an open letter. I will highly appreciate it.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I received this message at 9 this morning before reading your report 42, currently I am reading your Report 42.

There is a real urgency for the light workers who have not entered the full LBP to start walking in this direction. The current energies are going to be intense and is going to pull the rug from under their feet. The ego/mind cannot be sustained any more, one must release to the soul! This is how I see it.

Please calibrate for authenticity!


The cushion of illusion:

This being sees that the direct path to truth has been sugar coated and buffered with all types of methods and processes. Preventing the true emerging of the ONE source from surfacing in its true presence and expressions on this planet. Slowing down the change that must occur for the home journey to take place (ascension).

The dark has played the game in such a way that even their truth has been promoted and advanced to the extend that is seen as the correct path to be walked and taken! Cushioning the truth of all that is into a path that curled and filled full of hurdles and obstacles.

Preventing the inner seeing to take place from the being and accepting the fact that is part of the one source/being that it is and is only an experience playing out on this planet. Ignorance in the accepting of this fact will only extend the suffering of the being, not accepting the inner guidance in the realization of this truth. The ego/mind would rather take the other route/path to get to its end destination every time.

The suffering continues as long as the ego/mind utilizes this illusion cushion to extend its path of drama in its state of non acceptance of what is and what must come about in the current energy changes.

Accepting the fact that the new way must be endorsed and lived in such a way that the cushion is taken apart and neglected in the whole, shattering the current 3d illusion to make way for the new. As the dark claws back on its way down the abyss of destruction, no energy must be given to it in any way. Ignore its shouts for help and saving and let the new come to be !

Be the peace, be the unconditional love, be the joy, be the moment of change and let the ONE source express itself on the planet.

Let God take care of the details be the master of this new energy, give the steering wheel to Christ Consciousness!

Dear Wilfred,

Very good! It fully resonates with me. The basic idea that spiritual evolution and LBP can be “sugar-coated” as you say is the greatest illusion of the New Age movement. The LBP is accomplished by creating pronounced polarities in the emotional mental and physical bodies and these operative disharmonies of the soul are felt as conflicting ideas, feelings and discomfort (see also my article “The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization”).

The incarnated entity has to bear these physical symptoms and inconveniences and still follow the path of ascension. This part of the process is the most difficult to convey to light workers. I will publish your message  in the next report.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear Sir,

The end of the year is near and here I am in front of your soul saying: Thank you for staying with us a little bit more! The teacher that I wanted to have! I am reading all your posts.

Thank you for letting me know about the LBP symptoms. I recognized me in some of them. I confirm my temporary arrhythmia (more like a sudden tachycardia), a cyclic burning sensation on top of my head, now more accentuated, just to mention the most intense and constant ones. All sensations started long time ago but now the burning sensation is really accentuated. Even now when I write to you! Also waves of energy in all my body (the feeling is that I am lifted up literally!)) but this is not happening all the time.

This summer was deeply exhausting for me on the physical level. I was,to a certain extend,a little bit worried. It was more intense then ever. I also feel the same regarding the opening of the left brain hemisphere. As far as I know you are the only soul who said this clear crystal.

It might look a little bit strange, but I do not ware a hand watch since June. It’s like am living somehow in “two worlds” (a way of speaking) for some time. Even my colleagues observed this.

I am sorry that the Gnosis is only in German. I wished to red that book too. I am really and deeply happy that I’ve discovered your thoughts almost from the very beginning – the web side regarding Ascension.

Before finding your site I was reading again “The new Earth” written by Omraam Aivenhov (who’s book I discovered in 1996 in my natal country (Romania). I am speaking French too).

I understood that this was not by chance!

With all my Light from inside and deeply honoured that I’ve met You

anamaria – ready for Ascension
Dear Anamaria,

Thank you very much for your very kind and warm letter. I am deeply moved. I am also happy to hear that my medical presentation of the symptoms of the LBP is appreciated and validated by you, which is even more important as you are a physician yourself and have a clinical expertise.

As you may have read in the last two reports, we had a heated debate about the role of kundalini and the energies coming from the higher chakras through the left brain portal, which, as you correctly observed, was introduced for the first time as a concept by myself in my book “The Evolution Leap of Mankind” in 2001.

As very few light workers have truly opened their left brain portal, which is a prerequisite for the final decisive stages of the LBP in preparation for cosmic ascension (beyond the 5th dimension), many people like Ute have no experience with this phenomenon and therefore have no understanding for it. They instead stress insignificant descriptions from old sources, which they exaggerate and pretend to have experienced themselves as is the case with the alleged sexual energy of kundalini,

When your left brain portal will be fully opened, you will begin to discern the different qualities of the energies according to their frequency, intensity, topology, (predominant organs and chakras of action), and the accompanying clinical symptoms. This is a completely different and much more detailed perception than to talk about kundalini which has never been part of the real LBP, but only a reduced sexual experience of astral energies by incarnated entities with still closed chakras.

We are now entering the End Time, where the wheat is separated from the chuff and many light workers who have pretended to be evolved and to have progressed more than others in their LBP, will make a very sober experience, namely that they have to start from the farthest end on the ascension queue.

Anyway I wlsh you peaceful holidays and we all should be eager to see what will happen next year.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear Giorgio,I think that indeed Kundalini is just the sexual energy that lies at the base of the spine, and sometimes rises up. When you feel it you can express it in many ways. Some new agers think it’s the top of the top in spirituality, but it’s just sexual energy. Of course, if you are a loving person you are able to rise it till the heart, and express creativity with love. But I agree with you, the spiritual energy comes from Heaven.I know another concept, called the KA or pranic tube, that is the base of the light body. In my experience, you visualize a straight tube of light connecting you with your higher self, through all your chakras and goes deep in the earth, Gaia. Then you breath once from the heart and once from Heaven and with every breath you see and feel this tube of light brighter and stronger, connecting Heaven and earth through you. I always use it and it is powerful, and it has nothing to do with this old fashion Kundalini.

Un Abbraccio, Alberto

Dear Alberto,

The KA tube is essential for the energy flow in the LBP and I also use this breathing technique you have mentioned from time to time. When the left brain portal is fully opened, the energy flows through the KA tube and along the neuronal pathways in the extremities, as I have explained in my two articles on LBP.  But there is also another axiatonal network, placed superficially upon the skin, which is closely connected with the KA tube and sometimes the energies flow predominantly through the axiatonal network. But normally both pathways are used.  Kundalini has no place in these energetic processes that determine the progress of the LBP in the advanced stages.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear George,

Hello this is Bonnie, Again great things to read about being discussed on our site here, thanks to you, Holy Molly, I don’t know where to begin with my thoughts on some of the topics, but here it goes,

About the energies that are developing us further, all I can say is that if you are really going through them you don’t have either time, mentality or care of to go to so much trouble to be trying to name them, Myself personally, I have felt so many surges and tingles, as far as my mind goes these days, I have none anymore especially for this world, If I meditate it is, like I said before, I can feel myself just wanting to lift off and be gone (wow, that I love and can not wait).

I have recently been going through crazy headache for days and I am not one to ever have headaches ever, I will feel all kinds of tingles and fingers like all over my head and then possibly get a pounding headache, and just to reiterate my unbelievable feelings also of joy and insane giggly happiness that seem to be all over me anytime of the day, just ready for me to jump into and enjoy, It’s a constant now and I know for a fact I did not feel this before the 11/11 date. Sure I had days of good energy, but nothing like what I know, I feel now and it really just keeps getting better and better, Also I feel so strong and free like nothing I have ever felt, like nothing can touch me or stop me because I am going home. I absolutely love every minute of it, I feel very powerful like I can’t explain…

In Love and Light to you,
December 21, 2011

Here is the link to Meredith’s latest:

love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,

Thank you. I read this message yesterday and found it to be a good presentation of the current situation. It confirms our assessment essentially. It also confirms that due to the fact that we have stayed on earth longer than planned, we now augment the light quotient on the ground to a greater extent than initially planned, so that the split of the two timelines when the threshold is reached will be greater than planned and we will enter the 5th dimension. This is the scenario which I have been favouring in the last weeks as expressed in my discussion with Brewster,

The last weeks were very strenuous, as there was one nasty wave after the other since Dec 8. Today I feel much better and get some clear impulses from the New Earth, which is steadily entering our reality. There were also some moves in my private life that indicate a new positioning before the big events break through.

What we all should not forget is that everything that happens on earth is largely due to our energetic contribution to the opening of our portals and thus the stargate 11.11.11. The last two portals in a row, 12.12. and 21.12 (I enter these portals always 3-4 days earlier and when they arrive the energy surge is already over) were at least as powerful as 11.11.11.

I have the impression that they (the higher realms) want a clear start in 2012. The shift is inevitable with these huge energy build-up and from a practical point of view the magnetic pole reversal and the shift of Gaia to the 4thd and 5th dimensions can’t be later than early spring as to have enough time to let other vital events unfold that will change the society and the collective mentality before mass ascension in Dec 2012 can take place. We have a very tight schedule to the End of the End Times (Dec 2012), and from now on it is very easy to make prognosis.

In love and light
Dear George

I agree entirely with your assessment. I am feeling the effects of the energies of the 21.12.11 today. Whenever there is a huge influx, I am breathless and tight in the solar plexus and sometimes my second heartbeat starts. Our energetic contributions are paying off but are ongoing. I am in the midst of expanding my portal – I was led to do this on the Solstice and part of it is done so that the whole town is included. Tomorrow I  will take the portal even further out so that it will be about 50 kilometres in diameter in this paradigm. When I view this energetically, it is a huge structure which is drawing energy into it at a great rate – both from Alcyone via our Sun, and also from the inner Sun of Inner Earth.

I am confident that the broadcast spread is covering most of Australia and to the east Craig will be looking after the rest. I also feel it is reaching west to South Africa, where Eugene thinks he’s not doing very much. I know that this present work I am doing had to be completed before 1 Jan 2012, so you are correct in your assessment of the higher realms wanting a clear start for 2012.  I feel everything is ramping up – I am also opening more vortexes in special areas around the countryside. I have no idea why – but I think it’s unlocking something that has previously been put in place to help us at this time. Tony tells me that there is a fully-crewed spacecraft in the mountain which is waiting for the divine moment to activate and this work I am doing will set things in motion – nothing will surprise me any more – I am ready for anything.

I trust all is well for you and that your family is feeling better.  Many are experiencing the  relinquishment of unwanted energies and it is a tough time for relationships.

love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,

Thank you for your validation of the current energetic situation. it is remarkable that you now estimate your portal to be with a diameter of about 50 km. I wrote about mine being as large as yours about two months ago as I saw it at that time. This confirms my intuitive vision that we are now creating the New Earth on the ground as huge clusters that will merge during the shift and will heave Gaia to the 4th and 5th dimensions. This is probably the main reason why I am so reluctant to travel and leave my home. I have the idea that I must stay here to basically support this huge portal on the spot…

In love and light
Dear George

I managed to complete the work I had to do and now there are two triangles, a small one inside a larger one. The larger one has arms of 50 km long – I didn’t know it would work out that way, but I measured it on the map. I just had to choose certain points where there are vortexes and place some citrine at each corner of the triangles.  If the small triangle turns slightly it looks like the shape of a tetrahedron – so it resembles a merkaba.  I could not have done this work if it had been freezing cold – you are best to stay inside and keep the energies going from there.  I think my work had something to do with employing the Aboriginal energy systems with this Ascension system – maybe connecting them to the same grid – I don’t really know. But it is done now and I feel happy with it.

The etheric size is huge and stretches from Eugene in South Africa to Craig in Cairns and probably further. I think it is primed to bring in more energy to awaken the sleepers.

in love and light
Dear Callista,

Your portal, as all portals, must be integrated in the previous matrix, no doubt about it.

Several years ago I had a very strong urge from my higher self to analyse the prehistoric past of my region, beginning some 2-3000 years BC. Nobody knows anything about this culture, but you can find some very prominent hills (burial tumuli) in the forests around where we live. My wife was also very interested in these prehistoric hills and we visited many of them. She knew some of them from her riding trips.

The archaeologists from Munich pay no attention to these hills and there is very little written about them. They prefer to dig at remote places in Turkey and the Near East than explore their neighbourhood.

At that time, I had a very strong feeling that I connected with the past incarnations in this area in preparation of my portal. This is just to confirm your bondage with the Aboriginal energy in Australia.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I and my soul mate Eva read the exchange with Ute on report-42.  Eva sent me a comment about it that I attach here (Italian, sorry). Maybe it can be of interest to you:

“Ute parla di kundalini e Stankov dice che gli ultimi frequentatori del sito parlano spesso di kundalini. A me non suona bene e potresti intervenire nella discussione. Io credo che i membri della PAT e quelli che hanno creato i loro portali siano piu’ avanti rispetto a cio’. Infatti il risveglio, la creazione del portale e il compito di risvegliare gli altri, passa attraverso un ” sentire” di livello molto piu elevato, anche difficile da spiegare a parole. Tutto sta nel nostro potere creativo, che e’ cosi potente da generare l’ascensione. Ogni essere umano dovrebbe quindi concentrarsi e prendere consapevolezza di questa grande capacita’/energia e illuminare chi ci sta vicino. Quando hai preso consapevolezza di tutto questo e del fatto che siamo tutti Uno, non hai piu bisogno di faticose “pratiche ” energetiche. Riesci a “sentire” e a capire che sei gia’ asceso e ritornato per risvegliare ed attendere il momento giusto.”

love & light
Dear Paolo,

your soul mate Eva is right when she says that there is no need to discuss these energies in detail as they all relate to the Whole. This is correct.

But on the other hand precisely the wrong expectations of many light workers with respect to the LBP as being “sugar coated”  – now I am quoting a channeled message from Wilfred from South Africa, which I have just received and will publish in the next report (see above) – are very dangerous. The people should be told what they should expect during their LBP which will accelerate in 2012, and most of the experiences will not be nice, in fact, they will be rather nasty.

That is why many of them reject a truthful information as is the case with Ute and several more readers who have written to me today. But this is a normal reaction to the upcoming great challenges that many star seeds feel subconsciously that they have still to go through and hate to accept. This is a very difficult period now.

In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear George,

After reading your last report I am still confused. I don’t feel like an Ascended Master, Elohim or a leader of mankind.

I have had no kundalini rising and I don’t care what number/level I am. I do know, that I am different  and more aware than 99% of the people I come in contact with. I do know I am tired, homesick and I want to go home. I do feel like I’m on a speeding train and I’m not sure where my next stop will be. I hope it is ascension. Is there some kind of secret training ground for the above that I am unaware of – did I miss the class?

Love and Light,
Dear Sheryl,

not at all. Please stay relaxed and keep the balance. All these discussions are of academic nature more or less and they are not intended to create an hierarchical scale of ascension candidates. The whole discussion evolved around some questions raised by some readers.

All the readers of this website are the spearhead of humanity and will ascend before the 2-3 billion human beings, which will ascend in Dec 2012, but have not yet even heard the word “ascension”. Therefore, I would advise you to “keep the church in the village” and “not  to carry the church around the village” as two German saying say precisely with respect to this situation.

In love and light
Thank you George, l will do my best to keep my church in the village. And l also want to thank you for your patient, frank and practical advise; it is a blessing to have you in our corner at this auspicious time.

Love & Light,
December 21, 2011

Dear George,

I miss my latest response to your last email in your update. This creates an imbalance. I wonder why it is missing. That way you give yourself all the merits. So it is not balanced at all, rather you try to ridicule me thereby. What is your agenda?

By the way: the belief that Kundalini has to do with orgasm is a wrong understanding, based on the perception that this energy would not rise. If you suppress it at the lower chakras it might appear as such. But it is about allowing this energy to rise and then it transforms your being. Perhaps exactly this has not be done by those who see kundalini only as an orgastic mechanism. As I described already, it leads you far beyond any orgastic experience which is based on sexuality merely.

Dear Ute,

there is a very simple explanation. I had finalized my report-42 and had sent it to my webmaster to publish it when I received your email. I can of course publish it in the next report if you translate it in English.

December 21, 2011

Fabrizio is a very bright Italian teenager and a star seed with a huge spiritual potential. He is regularly contributing to our discussions.

Hi George,

I don’t want to bother you with boring stuff these days. Anyway, if you feel like passing an eye on this article, I’d be glad. I think the author is not always right, in fact I think he gets off road very often and doesn’t get the real point, but I think that he is right on these two aspects:

1) Once a consciousness becomes individual and detaches from the collective matrix, he can start “programming” it using the code needed by the reality she lives in.

2) A soul, he uses the term observer, lives at the same time in past, present and future and sends information through time, those information could be observed as intuitions.

I agree with that point but I also think that it is not complete because I think we get also intuitions through other means.

Sorry if I ask questions about external things from people who is still confused, I think it is a mean I have to get more centered and really individual, not selfish. You could have written about this in your German books of Gnosis, but I can’t understand German so well. I’d like also to read your first book on the Universal Law, but it is impossible for me at the time reading scientific German. I tried to read the second book, I can understand something here and there, but I would prefer not to jump forward before the “understanding” (or the light version of understanding) of the basis. Anyway I have read many books that actually were out of my comprehension at the moment, but I received so much information reading that, that it was worth the effort. My effort that way also programmed my reality guiding me in having the right experiences to start understand them.

Blue and Green
Dear Fabrizio,

I fully agree with the content of these two points as well as with your additional comments. In fact, I can confirm this soul development from my personal experience. I always alternate between past, present and future when I deal with human history and current politics, but, as you say, I also consider multidimensional aspects that are beyond earth’s reality.

For your information: Volume II, both concise and full version, are separate textbooks on the new physical theory of the Universal law and they can be read independently from the German volume I.  In fact, most of the derivations and equations presented in volume I can also be found in volume II. Volume I contains a more comprehensive elaboration of the philosophical foundations of mathematics, but the basic conclusions are also presented in volume II. In this respect you do not need to read volume I to understand my theory. I would recommend you to start with my Wikipedia essay on the Universal Law as an introduction and then proceed with the publication on the New Physical and Mathematical Axiomatics:

In love and light

I’m reading the axiomatics and finding it very therapeutic for my mind, a cure for the schizoid thinking that I absorbed during my studies, but I would prefer discussing it after finishing the whole reading and meditating about it or I could ask some questions about things you will discuss later on the script. I think that I have to expand my knowledge on the universal law.By the way, we are on I think we, the readers, might have misunderstood that point at some time. I’m not saying that the ascension reports are useless, They have been very inspiring, but they have to be integrated with basic scientific knowledge (not total comprehension, that is a role that “real” scientists have) that we don’t already have, otherwise we have the “right” esoteric “knowledge” with no concrete and coherent way of thinking to sustain it and to create new one.I know that your publications are not been written using only the left side of the brain, but to make this joke I have to simplify the whole thing: If you open an ascension report it appears on the right side, while your publications appear on the left side, as the hemispheres…

Love and Light

Dear Fabrizio,you have grasped the essence of my current dilemma. I established this website as a scientific forum and now it has become an esoteric debating club, probably the most sophisticated in Internet, but still only a debating club, and the readers do not take any notice of my scientific theory, from which my popular gnostic articles and the ascension report are insignificant fallout products. But I am doing this to support the people in these dire times shortly before ascension. After that the whole situation will change radically.In love and light
December 21, 2011

Dear George,

With regard to the discussion in Report No. 41 regarding a numerical vibration scale for ascension, perhaps Joe is referring to the work of Dr.  David Hawkins, MD, PhD, including the book “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness – The Stairway to Enlightenment”. Dr. Hawkins used Applied Kinesiology to create a “Map of Consciousness” that is stratified numerically according to a logarithmic scale from ‘1’(indicating existence) to ‘1,000’(the highest energy field possible in the human domain).

Dr. Hawkins identifies the level of ‘200’ as a defining moment in evolution or enlightenment, where there is a transition here that acknowledges an increasing influence of spiritual energy, which is, of course, very transformative.

Any reading below ‘200’ is aligned with force and is therefore concerned with survival. Any reading above ‘200’ relies on power and an increasing awareness to the energy of love. The energy of love is aligned with awareness of truth.

Dr. Hawkins even goes so far as to describe what he calls “Lower Mind” (below ‘200’) as being concerned with physical survival, emotional pleasure, and personal gain. The “Higher Mind” (above ‘200’) is tuned into the importance of others and holds a greater capacity of discernment. The higher one measures up the scale above ‘200’ the greater the capacity for spiritual endeavor as it changes the brain function and physiology by establishing a specific area for spiritual information in the right-brain cortex and its accompanying etheric (energy) brain.

The level of ‘500 – 599’ is the defining level of Love, where it is not just a feeling but a principle to live one’s life by. Dr. Hawkins states that only 4 percent of the world’s population reaches a consciousness level of ‘500’ and only 0.4 percent reach ‘540’.

By the way, I myself am able to do this testing easily and I recently tested the “Satina” information and discovered that it was not one but Five individuals running that identity for the purpose of creating confusion and disruption in the PAT group. The level of consciousness of these five individuals came in at ‘270’.

Also, I got ‘503’ for the combined level of consciousness of the PAT group. Regarding the YouTube Video shown from Antartica in regards to the Solar Event, I got ‘999’ for that representing the Twinning of our Sun, which, by the way, is a number that I have never before received. I take it to mean ‘Absolute Truth’.

I have studied most of Dr. Hawkins’ works over the years and have enriched my life with these great ideas. I am more than happy to assist in clarifying any issues of interest that you and the PAT may identify.

With Love and Light,
Dear Carla,

Thank you very much for this very valuable information on the experimental work of Dr. David Hawkins with his numerical scales assessing “Transcendental Levels of Consciousness” in human beings. I am very impressed that you also have personal practical experience with this scale and can apply it to particular subjects and groups.

I have worked myself with numerous similar scales during my clinical research activities and have developed personally several new psycho-mental tests. However, the problem with all these tests is that they can only be validated prospectively and, to my knowledge, none of the researchers have done this validation in the past.

When I developed my soul age model some 13 years ago, I established a special test of similar mental and psychological characteristics as Dr. David Hawkins did, and tested it on a number of individuals with respect to demographics and population distribution (clustering). I will not delve now into details, but I can confirm that it worked fairly good. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that, while these tests may satisfy my academic ego, they are not better than my pure intuition in assessing the spiritual evolution of each individual and for that reason I discarded them. But this field research rendered some very valuable insights and results which I still use as a background information.

It is a remarkable serendipity that Rob from Holland also made me aware of the research of Dr. D. Hawkins and I already published his correspondence in my latest report-42, which I am sure that you will read.

I will however eagerly take advantage of your knowledge in this field and would like to ask you to present your results concerning other entities such as Satina, where you confirm my intuitive knowledge that it was a cover-up name for several CIA- or FBI-writers behind the scene, but also about the members of the PAT and other subjects or objects of your investigations in a special article and I will publish it with great pleasure separately. This will be a very important contribution to our ongoing discussion concerning the level of enlightenment and progress in the LBP. In my last report-42, I have also published a dispute with Ute on this same topic.

Obviously this theme emerges with purpose these days. I am making repeatedly the experience that this report evolves around numerous topics that surge out of an external chaos which displays a remarkable inner order behind the veil. Therefore, I am ceasing this opportunity you have given to me and would really be very happy to have a more comprehensive presentation of Dr. Hawkins scale and its concrete application based on your personal experience. I love this kind of work – after all, this is what I have done for several decades as a clinical researcher.

In love and light

PS. The fact that Dr. Hawkins has found out that only 4% of the incarnated human entities reach the level of 500 and only 0.4% the level of 540 is very remarkable, as it fully coincides with the results of my age soul model, where I also come to the conclusion that only 4% of the world population are old souls and that only about one tenth (10%) of them are in their last incarnation. In my soul age model, the old soul cycle on earth encompasses 10-15 incarnations, which correlates very well with Hawkins’ results.
December 21, 2011

Dear George,
Sorry I have not kept in contact with you for a few months but I have never missed any reports put up on your site. I have been having many odd happenings which never fail to amaze me. I feel rather embarrassed to relate these happenings to anyone other than you but maybe I feel at ease with your soul.
I do not know if I mentioned before in another mail, but since my oroberous in 1995, my appearance changed from a dark haired, blue-eyed, extremely fair skinned Scottish woman to a Nordic blonde haired, turquoise eyed, peachy skinned Scottish woman (albeit over 15 years to this point) but lately, I appear to be reversing the aging process also and developing dimples in my cheeks too, ha, ha.
All this may seem very untrue to someone who has never met me before, but I could send photos to prove this. I have no reason to lie. Perhaps the most strange happening is that my brain seems to be able to hold vast amounts of information, complex information that would have normally in the past have decayed over a short period of time but now retains within my schemes.
I sincerely do not know where I am going with all of these happenings, but I had better come up with some answers soon to tell my loved ones as they are noticing things changing too. I am also blowing all the light bulbs and fuses in our home regularly, sometimes 3 times a day. None of this I can explain, is this quite common George?
Have a very merry Christmas and a wonderful 2012.
Kind Regards
Dear Linda,Thank you very much for this account. The facts you are telling me do not surprise me at all. Very soon we will be able to gestalt our outer appearance exclusively to out inner aesthetic perceptions after ascension. You have started now.The burning of the bulbs is a common phenomenon in the first half of the LBP and I must have mentioned  it in my two articles on LBP, but definitely so in my first book on LBP “The Evolution Leap of Mankind”, unfortunately written in German. I had to substitute more bulbs in 6 months than in 10 years before. I even sent a complaint to the manufacturer as I believed that they are selling deficient bulbs before I realized the real cause.

The human brain and, more important, the human mind have an infinite potential and can develop in many directions independently of biological age, which will very soon play no role at all. I feel today, with my 60 years, to have a better memory than when I was a teenager and my memory was actually excellent.

This is a direct result of the rearrangement of the neuronal synapses in the brain and the expansion of the frequency spectrum of the mind, which is fully connected to the higher self during the LBP and can process much more information. I have written on numerous occasions that the incarnated human entities operate with only 8-10% of their brain capacity. Now our brains and minds are expanding and will soon acquire 50% and more of their potential capacity. This jump in our mental abilities will be very pronounced after mass ascension to the 5th dimension when the real spiritual evolution of homo sapiens will unfold in an accelerated fashion. No more Alzheimer!

In love and light
December 20, 2011

Hi George,
Hope all is well. I need your quick advice on ascension (based on your extensive experience re same). I have been reading and meditating very diligently, but feel that I should somehow accelerate the process. Should I contact a channeller to learn more about myself or should I just keep reading and meditating? I would greatly appreciate any suggestion/recommendation. Thanks in advance!
Dear Ivan,

you do not need any external help, but should only follow the inner guidance of your higher self, which will tell you what to do. Meditation is always a good start, but a thorough self-reflection and a rigid discipline in thinking are essential to promote the LBP.

While the New Age movement stresses the role of emotions and their control under various esoteric methods and recommendations, I personally advocate the free expression of all feelings without any censorship whatsoever and then the use of a clear-cut, analytical mind to scrutinize the origin of these feelings, how they evolve and affect your thoughts, and what consequences they bring with them into your personal life. Then you can begin slowly to modulate and change them according to your inner voice and preference by eliminating all emotions, which may not lead to desirable results. This is a complicated process with many feedback mechanisms and ramifications, but this effort is essential if you want to help your higher self accelerate your LBP.

The magic word  is “critical self-awareness” with respect to your emotions and your thoughts and their interwoven relationship. When you become a master of these psychomental processes you have automatically advanced in your LBP because you are becoming master of your ideas and feelings which comprise your personality. You will no longer need to rely on external opinions and beliefs to guide you in your daily life and to influence your world view. In this way you no longer need an external adviser or help, which will only document that you are not yet a sovereign creator being. And this is the ultimate goal of the LBP. Ascension is a by-product that inevitably follows as soon you have achieved this end – the mastership over your full personality through accepting all its aspects. First comes acceptance of oneself and only then the purification of the self.

In love and light
December 20, 2011

Hi George.

The divine workings of All-That-Is has surprised me yet again, especially after this short hiatus. For myself a great confirmation of the new energies working on the surface for us to see.
In the last three or four days both my brother and my mother have had a shift in consciousness and understanding. My brother in recent times has always been spiritual person studying techniques of improving himself from within. He however has also always dismissed the darker side of our 3D reality as just conspiracy theories, until now. I received a text message from him out of the blue wanting to discuss for the first time some information he has been told and seen regarding the PTB. It almost knocked me over.
My mother on the other hand was forced to take a break from her busy life with a broken foot. She was actually fore warned that if she didn’t start to get her house in order that she would be forced.
For the first time in a long time she has started to make sense again, talking from a place of wisdom. What a relief.
These confirmations have reminded me how the divine workings of All-That-Is are perfect and that events will unfold as they should. I have been told numerous times in the past and now see for myself, that the less I push, the better. I have also been told that I am a control freak. Still working on that but all in good time.
Take care and talk soon

Alex (from Perth, Australia)
Dear Alex,

you are absolutely right. The powerful energies of 11.11.11 are doing their job in a clandestine manner and nobody can escape their effects. I am not at all surprised that your brother has discovered his interest for the dark side on this planet. If he had rejected it in the past, this has been the wise protection on the part of his soul, which considered it appropriate not to engage him with these scary matters before he had achieved a certain inner mental strength as to be confronted with this issue.

In addition, we had in the last two weeks, since Dec 8 a huge energy surge around the two portals 12.12 and 12.21; the last one has already commenced  and will peak tomorrow. Together with the stargate 11.11.11, they build three powerful portals in a row that are about to flood earth and humanity with new huge energies from the central Arcturus sun that will melt away all dark patterns on this planet.

For this reason we were all switched once again in the last two weeks onto the collective negative patterns of the dark ones to finish with the cleansing of the last dross of humanity, so that we can have a clean start in 2012. Not that all the dark human minions will be ousted from power immediately – this will be an ongoing affair from the end of January till summer –  but the prevailing energies on earth will be in 2012 of love and compassion, so that all people must open one way or the other. I also observe this same trend in my family. We are now witnesses of a huge spiritual U-turn in mankind’s destiny for the better which is of unprecedented cosmic proportions.

In my first gnostic book as of 2001, I have written, based on my observations in the 90s, that many souls, which are on the verge of awakening, need an external brake that will catapult them out of their routine life and even immobilize them as to start reflecting on themselves and their inner dimension, which they stubbornly neglect and suppress with hectic daily activities.

I observed this tactic of all human souls on numerous occasions among my friends and acquaintances in the 90s and made some cunning conclusions out of this experience. In the next days and months, this trend will stipulate and many human entities will be thrown out of their routine as to experience the change of energies directly as is the case with your mother currently. They must be expelled from their comfort zone. In this respect the divine plan is perfect, notwithstanding its perennial delays in the current End Times at the expense of us – the few star seeds. But there is no point in lamenting over spoiled milk….

In love and light
December 22, 2011

Dear Mr. Stankov,You may remember me from a link I sent a couple of weeks ago regarding a trance channeling (Sal Rachele) about the long-term ascension process of earth, and the third, fourth, and fifth density earths emerging from it. In that video it is stressed that this process will know of three major acceleration points in time (2012,2017 and 2028), quite unlike your rather dramatic insistence on the 21/12 date (which you seem to use as a new target, after the 11/11 “failure”. Do not get me wrong here, the 11/11 event, was nevertheless a very important event, as it triggered 1 500 000 potential masters and shifted the density level from 3 to 3, 5 (instead of the 5 that was anticipated).). The question of density of matter/energy is discussed to some extent in the Ra channelings, a narrow-band sixth density trance channeling, which have been studied by D. Wilcock, and the channelings of several highly evolved entities called the Founders, by S . Rachele.I do not think your conception of dimensionality, which you seem to use interchangeably with the notion of density of matter/energy, is quite fit to attack the multiple questions that are arising in the domain of this global ascension. In short, what is clear from these channelings is that dimensionality has nothing to do with density of matter/energy and the idea that you in no time will become on par with the 12-density creator gods is, to use an understatement, quite a bold proposition as there ever was. One percent of 12th density energy is enough to let you instantly explode, so please, may I remind you to judge your own position in this hierarchy suitably. If I may, at the risk of sounding like a fierce critic of yours, which I am not, continue to express my personal disgust at the way you judge other light workers, who may not have done exactly what you have done in terms of scientific achievements, but nonetheless are every bit as important as you are in this process.

Your public scolding of Mr. Wilcock is not quite elegant, and first of all, inappropriate because you seem to claim to have the monopoly on the domain of science by the publication of your theories. Mr. Wilcock assembled many writers in his works, making comparisons between otherwise unconnected domains. His latest work makes an entry into the subject of quantum gravity.There have been many scientists, including Tesla, Walter Russell, Edward D Close, and others putting forward very advanced scientific material. Many perspectives are needed because the whole is completely interconnected and one view, however brilliant, will not be sufficient here. I too have some “problems” with the extravagant style of, say, Wilcock, but is this sufficient to categorise him on the same rank as the criminal elite? I have my doubts.

friendly greetings,
M. Clarie

Dear M. Claire,

I have scrutinized your source and it seems incredible and improbable to me. After all, we have very little time left to prove that.

The 11.11.11 was postponed indeed, but the opening of this powerful stargate happened in the first place due to my effort and that of the members of the PAT (2000 powerful beings and star seeds, all of them  my readers) who opened their individual portals at this time. Without this achievement on our part nothing would have ever happened on earth. The members of the PAT are not only the most evolved souls on earth, but in the whole Galaxy. There are many independent channelings that confirm this elementary fact and it is only your ego that prevents you from seeing it.

The members of the PAT know this and have stayed loyal to me because I am one of them. You as an external observer have no link to these powerful  energetic events, which we have created and therefore you are in a greater disadvantage to make any discernment on the current situation whatsoever. That is your problem I  admit, but I cannot help you.

All that I have said so far remains valid as the shift will now come more powerful than before due to the fact that we, the members of the PAT and the only true beacons of light on  this planet, have stayed on earth longer than planned and have thus contributed to a greater extent to the ascension of Gaia. Read also my latest article on the 2012 scenario.

For me Wilcock is a light category and a plagiary man and I am fed up to comment this chicken.

I do  not despise the light workers for their failing scientific background, but for their perennial refusal to learn something new when it is proposed to them. Instead, they begin to spit at the more educated people as you are doing now in this email paradigmatically with me.  Why don’t you try to understand my scientific theory of the Universal Law to get a glimpse into the beauty of my abstract ideas that are from another dimension? What I really despise is intellectual laziness and a number of negative human aspects associated with this kind of human stupidity, which is not hereditary,  but can and must be changed, if the people want to evolve.

But this is all irrelevant now. Next year, there shall be the first ascensions and who will ascend first has been nearer to the truth than the rest. My forecast remains unchanged that the members of the PAT will  be the first ascended masters on earth and I will personally appear in front of humanity and will do the main job of collapsing this debased society. If you cannot believe this forecast this is entirely your problem, and  I can assure you that It will become an even greater problem when all my forecasts come true next year.

In love and light
Dear Mr. Stankov,

I hope to answer your mail to the best of my efforts and explicitly would like to express my gratitude for your quick and honest reply
Dear Marjin Claire,

I will publish your correspondence  in the next report, so that make sure that you have a good answer. In particular I expect that you should prove your accusations that I mix the term “density” with “dimensions”. I never use the word “density” as I have proved in my theory of the Universal Law that this physical quantity is a fundamental blunder of present-day physics.

With these faulty accusations you have only proved that you have not read anything from me or you have not been able to understand my works as they are beyond your intellectual capacity. This has not prevented you from projecting your prejudices and false beliefs onto me and have thus only proved that you are not a diligent and trustworthy person as you want to present yourself, who could be able to lead a serious and qualified discussion in an intelligent, competent and civilized manner, but  has ultimately confirmed my poor opinion on the current “light-dark workers”. Quod erat demonstrandum!

In love and light

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