State-of-Ascension-Report-37: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-36, December 4, 2011

Eye Search, Callista Summerfield

December 3, 2011

Dear George,

I don’t have to tell you that everyone has a soul path and a destination, is guided and protected when unforeseen influences occur. I am sure that if we do what we should, we don’t have to worry about the outcome. To contribute to this on behalf of the PAT, I wrote down some things I’ve experienced during my life. There is more but that is for another time. Let me first quote part of what you wrote to Leonard in Report 36, because that triggered this writing:

“..If one assumes in an apriori manner that all incarnated entities who are supposed to survive the magnetic pole shift will be Christ protected and will survive it amidst mayhem..” and,

“..people must be always confronted with the results of their past deeds in a concrete manner, as this is the case in their personal destinies. I have observed this invariant pattern on numerous human destinies and I am pretty confident to have discovered a universal rule of karma on this planet..”

I can assure anyone out of personal experiences that this is so very true. Now, to share some of the pretty amazing experiences I had and how one is being taken care of, I need to go back to my past.

I was a professional military officer in the Dutch army who choose to be part of the starting army of the former Dutch Colony Surinam (also known as Dutch Guyana). At that time the country just became independent and needed expertise. Although I was a young Officer (age 24), my background of being acquainted with the country and my education in Finance and Economics (as part of the study at the Academy) made it an easy choice to have me in that job. Actually, many of these studies were a paid initiative of the former ‘Motherland’ to help build an army and structures based on the old control systems for this new country. The reasons are obvious of course.

Transitions need time and it’s of course also about people. The sergeants were not happy with different things during the transition and started to strike. We the officers had no other way then to take over their operational tasks.

I escaped from being killed twice during that time as the temporary commander in chief of the Guards at the largest Depot for Ammunition. At evening standing in front of an open window of this place while many soldiers in the field guarding it and surrounded by many means of protection, you simply don’t expect a Coup d’état at hand. A large group of sergeants were able to break in quietly and positioned themselves in the field hiding behind trees and laying in the grass pointing their guns at me waiting to shoot. But one of my soldiers saw something and crawled all the way up into the building to where I was and saved me just in time. The Coup was diverted.

Authorities didn’t take me serious and didn’t take extra measures. I had to sit there again in 2 days and was scared for what could happen this time. Then came this unexpected call from a colleague officer who wanted to change places because of some private things in his agenda on the day he had to sit there. He did not worry about all of this. We changed places and on that particular evening he was shot in his head from a distance and this time the Coup was successful. This was the second time I was save.

Fast forward: new regime in place in country and army and too many terrible things happened. I was forced to take care of the Finance Department (in fact a continued job for me) and all authorizations for disbursements from the Defense budget had to go through me at that time. It was not normal business, many claims came to my department for illegal payments done for a myriad of reasons in favor of ‘the revolution’. As you will understand, no one can function in such ways and still be held responsible for the budget. It got worse and I had to leave before they discovered that all this time I did not sign anything that was doubtful and that officially needed my end approval for money disbursement.

I had to leave but was not allowed (knew too much about what was going on) and finally took my chance and fled with the help of friends to Curacao, the Dutch Isle in the Caribbean where I was born. An eliminating squadron was send after me to do the obvious. But I was saved again. I got a phone call from the highest authorities over there. They explained the arriving of this team to eliminate me and explained that protecting me constantly was very difficult. So they arranged my leave to the Netherlands and made sure that my wife and I were expected at arrival by the highest authorities in charge with political asylum.

On the airplane an unknown lady walked over and talked to me in private. She handed a piece of paper with a very old scripture and asked me to mumble those words and keep that piece of paper in my pocket. She told me that this would be only a one time encounter. I can tell that all this time, till now, everything went smooth as foretold by her and this little piece of paper with the scripture on it dematerializes and materializes again on occasion and I have no say to it. When I want to show it to someone, it’s gone and when I suddenly think about it and check it out, it’s there again.

There are more amazing happenings in my life, but let me give this very special one when I and 5 young kids with ages of about 12 were saved due to a strange phenomenon. Many years ago my daughter was celebrating her birthday and she wanted to do so with a group of school friends in a bowling not far from where we live. So when we came back from the bowling I drove with these 5 kids in my car and my wife with 3 or 4 in hers. I drove on a one way street and from a street at the left a small green Van comes into sight, wants to go left but needs to wait because I am driving there filling the only space on the road. But unexpectedly he stepped on his gas, accelerated his Van and drove into my car. Coming from my left side he would hit me first. Normally no one could survive this, but then something supernatural happened. This Green Van drove through us making his left 90 degrees turn and continued his path without hitting us. But we blended together as one and the whole atmosphere in my car was filled with this green color of the Van, while all these girls were screaming, “we are dead, we are dead’. But we are all still here and very safe. After he drove through us, the green color vanished.

If one is meant to take part in an endeavor or special assignment or whatever reason that made his/her incarnation needed in the first place, our guidance will see to it that everything is done to -not waste- the incarnation. They need bodies (anchors) for this job and the grand final also needs these bodies. For without them, we have no grand final.

George, if you think these experiences can help the PAT to see how we are carried through all things then be my guest to share.

Love and Light,
Dear Rob,

thank you for these incredible stories, but credible to me, which illustrate my general statement that everybody is Christ protected and nothing bad will happen to him as long as it is in his soul contract to stay on earth, which is by the way the worst outcome.

I have heard of similar stories as the one with the green van going through the field of your car without collision. This is by the way the technique how the Greys enter the homes of humans through the walls and make abductions or clandestine experiments. This interception of energy fields will be rather common in the 5th dimension.

The bottom line is that our body is not our personality and it is protected as long it is needed on the ground as you said. This makes all our discussions much more simple and transparent.

I will definitely publish your email in the next report.

in love and light
December3, 2011

Hi Georgi,

Normally, you know I don´t write so often (as to not bombard you with inane emails). But you wrote 2 statements in the 36th report that I would like to validate with my own experience, if I may.

You wrote:  “We are now living in a kind of a quarantine bubble or a vacuum place, where we are cut off from all vital impulses and only old trash is allowed to come in. It strikes me that there is a purpose in introducing this mentally void space.

“Maybe, this dissociation of us, the members of the PAT, from this waning reality is the actual splitting of the two earths and dimensional realities”

I feel like I am dying inside, the energies of void are so present in me. The last two weeks I had been on a roller coaster of “bliss/ heart chakra high” and “the emptiness of wanting to die”, sometimes I feel these two polarities within the same hour!  It has been building up and now culminating today, it seems. My boyfriend has come to visit and instead of it being a joyful reunion, his energetic presence has sent me over the edge, perhaps in a healing way, and I am sobbing uncontrollably. The main feeling is one of inability to attach to anything, complete satisfaction with the ending of my incarnation, letting go, and having no strong emotional feelings for anyone or anything 3D. It is the void at it´s deepest, where the desire is to finally leave this plane to be one again with the light of God. The sobbing is purely energetic and I can´t control it. I feel like my body is just full of water.

This is a much different feeling of being down. Normally, I realize I am clearing dross, which has a familiar cloudy feeling. Not now. There must be a significant energetic switch happening. It feels like I am carving out space deep inside me in order to make room for something very grand, or at least dramatic, to occur.  I am due to experience an eclipse in my sign on the 10 of December, just after my birthday, which could also play a part. Nevertheless, I hope it happens sooner rather than later as it´s not easy to go through the motions of living in a (decrepit) city and running a business like this.

Hanging in there,

Love Debra.

Dear Debra,

Thank you for this validation of the emotional state in which many of us find themselves in these last days. It is an exceptional situation and only the exchange of information can help a little bit to mitigate this depressive state.

In love and light
December 3, 2011

Hallo George,

In regards to your latest report, I can only say that after reading many of those channelings for a long time now, that since about 2 weeks ago, I stopped reading them altogether (also out of boredom), as it dawned on me that many messages are just repeats, shuffled a little and “reissued” at a later date. Many are just “feel good” and hope messages. Maybe they have a purpose for those that are just now awakening. But there is a lot of disinfo out there to confuse, then you have the disinformation from the cabal also doing their bit.

As far as your time line goes with the occurrences, my thoughts are that most of these things might happen more or less at the same time? Well, let the oceans swing and the mountains shake, whatever comes, I will yell for joy.

Well, after my whale encounter, I have become a more conscious transmuter of negative energy. I was a passenger in a car travelling over a mountain pass, as we passed through an accident scene involving numerous vehicles and a biker that crashed and went downhill. After passing the area, while I had my eyes closed, I saw black energy coming into my energy field, and it went into my stomach. I started to feel sick, and then I started to draw light and transmute this dark energy, and felt good again.

I had the same experience while surfing a few days ago at a village of a poorer community, where alcohol abuse is a massive problem and many earn their income through the poaching and smuggling of abalone.

When the nausea feeling came, I just transmuted it. So now this happens more or less consciously as in the past, I had no idea when it was happening. In the past, I just cleansed my energy field once a day as a routine, and I still do, and would btw recommend this to anyone.

My past years have been a living hell, and at times I even asked to be taken home. Some of the occurrences still remain unexplained from a 3-dimensional viewpoint. Then about 18 months ago, it dawned on me that I was transmuting negative energy from the collective, as I basically had already mastered my LBP by that time. That helped me to accept the situation better, and what also helped was when I started to live in the moment. Fortunately now I am cruising, apart from a few financial challenges, since I refuse to be an obedient participant in this Orion Financial Control system.

I draw much pleasure from reading your reports and the messages from fellow PAT members.

Love and Light,
Dear Joe,

I can substantiate your experience with the car crash and the dark energy you felt by adding that all satanic forces from the 4th dimension flock immediately when there is a catastrophe and death and the participants release their fears and these dark entities feed on them. You have sensed this dark energy and has transmuted it consciously.

I can also confirm your experience that many of us have stayed on this planet for so long only to transmute the collective dark energies and not their own personal dark sides. If it were only about us, we would have accomplished this job with easiness.

I am transmuting archetypal collective fear based patterns since 1999 actively and consciously and my whole life half-consciously. I worked out the whole cold war drama very intensively between 1966 and 2000 and then I switched onto the Christ drama in the Christian religion with some very personal and nasty experiences, then I worked out the whole scientific drama with the current faked Orion system of empirical fraud, followed by the financial fraud since 1996 when I was urged by my higher self to participate in the equity markets and collect personal experience. Finally, in the last two years I was telepathically switched to the dark cabal in GB, especially to the Rothschilds and the Queen family, but also to other dark entities and the abomination I felt, revealing their heinous deeds, was beyond human imagination. England is probably the darkest place on this planet, much more than Germany with its concentration camps and only comparable to the region where I now live (see my publication “the Multidimensional Nature of Human History”).

These are experiences at a higher dimension on behalf of humanity, which have no relevance in this 3d-life and their importance and magnitude cannot be appreciated at all. But it seems that these negative experiences are coming to an end, more or less.

In love  and light
December 3, 2011

Dear George,

I have a lifelong question upon which I am sure you can shed some light:  Why are some family members close and others not?

For example, I hate to use the cliche ‘soul mates’, but that is pretty accurate in describing my relationship with my mother. We really enjoyed each other’s company. Growing up, I was described as a ‘mother’s boy’, and as a teenager, I assisted her with many projects around the home that my father couldn’t have cared less about. He was never abusive in a physical or verbal way, but a well-known and published California psychiatrist once described him as an “emotional moron”.  That described him to a T, because he was so lacking in that area. He never radiated any warmth as a Human Being and was totally into himself, showing absolutely zero interest or concern in what any of his children were up to.

So, my second question, which may have the same answer as my first question (underlined), are why would there have been an agreement for me to go into a family where I didn’t enjoy being around my father, nor him enjoy having anything to do with me?

I have a similar situation with my daughter, as we are extremely close, but I have never been able to get close to my son, who is an extremely difficult personality who thinks the world revolves around him.

Dear Bill,

When we incarnate, we take a basket of soul duties and emotional challenges with us in the incarnation, which we put in front of us to solve during our life. Each human relationship is twofold: You had to learn how to live with an emotionally deficient father and still accept him. while he could learn a lot from you and your mother, who seems to be a loving person as you said. Your must consider yourself still happy as in your life the emotionally closed and open family members are equally distributed. There are much more severe cases, where all members are emotional “morons”. Why these particular challenges? – it is difficult to say as there so many individual situations and personalities.

For instance, my wife is a very old soul and extremely medial and helpful to all humans. She is a true Samaritan but without any fervour. She helps out of joy, while enjoying life herself. But she stubbornly rejects all my activities in the field of spirituality and does not believe a single word on my part.

Not that it matters much, apart from making me angry from time to time, but the question is still unanswered: Why did not her soul open her earlier in her life. When I will ascend, she will be the first one to start educating other people how to ascend as she will change her mind overnight, but still – why is she so closed for the time being? There is no credible answer.

She is even going through many of the symptoms of the LBP, though in a lighter form than myself. The only explanation I have, is that she enjoys her life on earth so much that she has immersed into it fully and in complete harmony and does not want to be disturbed by other transcendental considerations. Although after 11.11.11 she has become much more intolerant to human stupidity, which is a clear sign that she is on the cusp of huge change. I only observe this development with a clandestine joy.

The other explanation is that my soul wants to make me more tolerant than I normally am, by accepting how closed my wife is with respect to my spirituality. In this case I cannot expect much from other people. This is also a valid point to consider.

I hope this presentation of my family conditions will shed some light on your question.

In love and light
December 2, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Again, thank you for your time and dedication to this work. I shared my questions with you, which I was surprised to see published, as I didn’t wish to create added confusion around the pole shift. I had only thought I found a solution to the riddle about who would be left to ascend after the shift. I, now, understand the shift to be the parting of worlds, where those whose soul contracts allow for them to continue the journey into the higher dimensions will arrive unscathed. And, we’ll have plenty of work preparing them for mass ascension at the end of 2012.
I would like, now, to share my experiences leading up to and beyond 11.11.11. I was reading Wilcock’s Source Field Investigations when I realized he spends some 700pp. speculating about what you prove in less than 90pp. in your The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction – Why and How the World Economic Order Will Collapse in 2011. I remember thinking what ever happened to Stankov after your interview with Webre. I did a Google search and discovered your site. This was late October, and I had a lot of catching up. I hadn’t yet realized that the 11.11 opening was about the first waver’s ascension, although it completely resonated with what I read at Lauren C. Gorgo’s site Think with your heart. (Curiously, she hasn’t made a follow up post).
On 11.10.11, my wife and I were out for our daily walk on the beach, and I can only say the experience we had was surreal. The beach was nearly deserted, except for a few couples. Usually when we walk people are either preoccupied looking for agates and such, that if they even bother to look up, they always comment on our two-year old boy, or our all white Siberian Husky, both beautiful to behold, and usually avoid any eye contact with me or my wife. This time all the couples looked into our eyes, and smiled big smiles, not saying a word, nor breaking eye contact. They were all facing the ocean as in the scene from City of Angels movie, staring in silent contemplation at the sea, as if waiting for a ship to come in. The ocean was aquamarine even though the sky was grey. And, the waves were perfect. It was a blissful experience, and I took it as sign of what was to come.
The following day, I joked with my wife that we were still here. Later that afternoon, I was reading your website and she came down from a nap with our son, looked at the calendar and said it is time, then stepped outside. I was too busy to pay her any attention as I was busy rereading your Last Energetic Update, to see if I somehow missed some detail about the 11.11. When I finished my reading, I went out to see where she was, and she was gone. I looked everywhere, and had the thought that she had ascended. I thought what a cosmic joke that she would leave without me. Then, I went upstairs to see if my son had gone with her. They were both in bed, and she swears she didn’t come downstairs during that time. I can only say that for both experiences, it felt as if the dimensions were bleeding through.
My next experience was 11.22.11. I awoke that morning with the most excruciating chest pain, as if my heart were locked in a vice. My ears were ringing so loud that I could barely tolerate any synthetic sounds. This is normal for me when there are solar flares, only not to the same degree. It was such an intense energy that it took me all day to digest them. All I could think was to ground them, so I placed my attention on my Earth Star chakra, below my feet, and the energies passed. Nevertheless, I was relieved to read your report the following day.
Finally, last night I had a dream where we were preparing for a feast, not unlike our Thanksgiving in the States. I am a waiter in a restaurant by trade, so this dinner was a small gathering for the staff of the restaurant to celebrate before opening to the public. It wasn’t a good time, as time was running out, and the main course wasn’t ready. I have been a waiter for 20+ years in fine dining restaurants. So, naturally, I was pissed off at the lack of coordination, and ineptitude of my fellow waiters. In all the excitement for the coming Festivities, it seemed as if we were all too giddy to bother with the necessary preparations. With only minutes to go before opening, I had managed to put together a small plate of food, and was about to set the music, when I got tangled in the speaker wires. In my frustration, I left the dream. When I awoke I sensed the dinner for the staff was a certain Last Supper for the PAT, before opening for service to the general public.
I share these experiences to further validate the experiences of the rest of the PAT. Please share if you if wish.
As always, love and gratitude,
Dear Leonard,
Thank  you for this comprehensive account. This website evolves around an inner chaotic order that emerges from the questions and views of my readers and I only use their questions to forward and explain some issues that might have been misunderstood in the past. And it works fabulously because if one has a question many other readers must also have the same question and it is so indeed.The Nov 22 initiation was very powerful and it came through the heart chakra of anyone of us – hence your chest pains.Your last dream is indicative both of our final preparation as well as of the confusion that reigns in the higher realms as not all facts and plots are set firm for the final ascension scenario. In fact I dreamt last night all the time of having a motivation meeting with the members of the PAT, regarding our ascension and final preparation. The general motto was “hold on” during the few days left on earth,, but I did not get any information on precise dates. This is all for the moment.
In love and light
December 2, 3, 2011
Dear George,
Your statement to me: “Your final conclusion that we are ready for ascension and no longer need external sources and authorities for information is shared by myself since long time.” is exactly what I was referring to as our newest challenge: to truly live from this on a daily basis, now.
The following are examples from your new report-36 which illustrate where this still remains a contradiction….
you to Callista:  “…while overviewing the channeling messages during the last days – I can’t really read them as they are very boring.”
Callista back to you:  “I know exactly what you mean – I have been patrolling in vain…”
You to her:  “Thank you very much for this cunning analysis. In fact it was Blossom Goodchild’s official declaration of spiritual bankruptcy that prompted my decision to write this email to you. I expected this revelation for some time, following her stupid conversations with this obscure source.”
Where I’m going with this is that if we no longer need external sources, then why look for them and discuss them any further?  It often seems to end up being a commentary about others’ less enlightened views, and speaking negatively of others’ processes at this point, detracts from the light that you, and any of us, are to bring to the stage, George.  It is no longer necessary to look upon or focus “back there” from whence we have come.And like your Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization report reveals, the All-That-Is is a closed system, and therefore includes all. To quote you, “In All-That-Is there are preconceived paths of least resistance, which the energy flow must follow.  Even miracles need some rules.”  To me, this would then have to allow for everyone to be right where they are, whether we “agree” with it or not.  So, we might as well keep flowing ourselves, only now we are being asked to keep moving forward, no longer looking back at what is going on with others, and allow our gradients to keep building our own light quotients.
I feel the job now for each of us is to allow the full humility and oneness of our calling as the group we were always “called” from within to convene, which means to let go of ALL of what we have defined ourselves as on the human level…including all that we feel/have felt gives us our identity and human worth. This includes our “rightness”/self-righteousness about anything, including what we feel are “the facts” (which are really only our opinions and projections) about others; and our sense of worth/status concerning our human 3d level of intelligence, knowledge, education, degrees, credentials, accomplishments, etc.
To me, this time, right now, is the call for individual crucifixion of us PAT members (?), for we already may be vibrationally able to ascend, but as Saint Germain says, it is notour individuality or personality that ascends; and that “all mental attitudes about individuality (must) go away” (be consciously relinquished). Once ascended, we will share and create through our connection with the one Heart-Mind of God.  We will therefore have no need of our 3d minds’ ways; and therefore, no reasons not to relinquish them now!
Consider:  What if the Internet went down, and none of us could continue to communicate with each other in any way.  Would we all be able to be fine with that and feel at peace, totally able to know that we are strong sovereign Beings?   Would we trust, absolutely, our OWN internal experience of ascension from that moment forward?  I’m not so sure.
That is what I meant before when I said: “all’s that left is for us to LET GO….!!!”   And I mean to actually wean ourselves from the 3d dependencies we still partake in, probably still on a largely unconscious level.  It’s about becoming consciously willing to totally “die” to the “me” we each have become accustomed to seeing ourselves as.  My hunch is that many have not fully scrutinized their lingering tendencies to hang onto that which is not of a higher light quotient.
I ask that you consider what I say as your sister and spiritual peer, rather from your scientific perspective, which may find reason to find fault with my non-scientific input.  Thanks.
With love, warmth and humility,

Dear Robin,

I understand your point, but please consider that it takes me only10 minutes per day to check the latest channeled messages to get my  information how much these people are stuck in their cognitive dilemma. Besides many of my readers still ask me about my opinion on such texts and I must answer them. It is however not the texts that count, but the dramas behind them and they give me a very valuable information on how humanity and the light workers’ community progress in these days. This is important empirical data for me for my ongoing assessments of the current energetic situation.

Second, I have boycotted Internet effectively and deliberately for 11 years since 1999 and only started using it again one year ago after my higher self urged me to make my analysis on the New Age scene and obviously to start editing this website at some point in time in the future. I can very well live without Internet. In fact, that was my original intention after 11.11.11.

Since I have established my theory of the Universal Law and have elucidated it in 15 books on more than 5000 pages, I am immune to any external mental or other influences as I dwell in my own complete intellectual reality. But I can very quickly check any external data as to be on track as I have all the basic facts in my mind in one complete and congruent view of the world.

For instance, it takes me only 5 minutes per day to be profoundly informed on the financial markets, better than most journalists.

One should detach from the external world, as you suggest, as long as there are disturbing interferences because one has not raised his frequency levels high enough and can be influenced by the lower vibrations of his surroundings. But if your energy field is well above the low vibrations of your environment, you can easily screen it without experiencing any negative effects whatsoever, just as the excarnated souls are constantly doing this with our 3d-reality from the higher realms. This is a huge topic and has many ramifications.

In love and light

Dear George,

I have no doubt that you know more than probably the rest of us do, put together. I very much care about and appreciate your mission and role, and yet, I have to say, I feel concerned for your sense of balance, with all the praise, gratitude and accolades coming your way.

We all have “blind spots” in our ability to see ourselves accurately. And as you have seen and experienced, sometimes we are called on to bring light to something another is not seeing.

I have begun to see and feel a number of red flags in your writings and answers to people. It feels like at times, you are getting into indulgence of self-importance and arrogant tirades involving “we vs. them” dualistic terminology. This is not enlightened; nor is defending yourself constantly, without due reflection.

I no longer feel a connection with where you seem to be heading in your seemingly “puffed-up” assessments of what is beginning to feel like “THE TRUTH according to George…(and thus, the ONLY truth)”.   I wish you only the best, and I appreciate all you are and do.  And, it is time for me to let go of you, take what you have graced me with, and move on in my own path of ascension.

Truly, love, care and light to you, too!  Robin
Dear Robin,

I am afraid, but if you read my last reply to you very carefully, you will not see a single sign or a symptom of self-aggrandisement as you accuse me  and I would very strongly ask you that you substantiate your accusations with sound quotations from my emails. I am only referring to some facts in my last email to you.

The actual theme in our discussion was whether we should read other channeled messages and you suggested that we should not as they are of no value to us and only interfere with our goals. From my point of view, “the distinction between us and they” of which you accused me was made by you personally and not by me, while recommending not to read anymore other channelers so that your accusations are projections of your ideas and thoughts and I do not feel personally affected in no manner.

I only supported the view that as soon as one has made up his own mind, he should not be afraid to scrutinize different opinions and analyse them without being afraid of negative influence and closing himself to external challenges. I am a strong advocate of total mental openness and eagerness to include all possible points of view in my observations and consider the erection of artificial barriers in the mind as the greatest fallacy of human thinking that has led to the current mess on this planet. This was the only point which I addressed in my email. and I strongly urge you to read it once again in this light, as you have obviously completely misinterpreted it.

The actual advantage of my website is that it is open in all directions and to all topics and the people have the absolute right and possibility to criticize everybody, including myself and being criticized themselves. But the truth as such must stand above.

Therefore I do expect from you in the name of fairness to quote any excerpt from my last email to you or to other readers in my reports which are indicative of deliberate self-aggrandisement beyond the proven facts.

And please observe that the discussions I am having on this website with my readers are only part of my dedication to the PAT mission, but they in no way comprise my central piece of work – the scientific theory of the Universal law which is not a topic in these discussions for obvious reasons – my readers are not scientists.

I wished I could address the scientific community, but they are completely blocked for the moment. While moderating the current esoteric or gnostic discussions on my website, I am only giving from time to time a new direction or make a correction, but I in no way put any importance whether my opinion is shared by the others or not as we are talking most of the time about subjective personal matters and views, so that I am only a simple moderator among equal participants.

It is a completely different matter when one talks about science, where the truth should be irrevocable if ii is to be a scientific “Truth”.  But as I said, we are not there yet.

This website was established initially to be a scientific forum and now it has mutated to an esoteric club – probably the most elitist one in Internet, but still an esoteric debating club and nothing more. This has never been my ultimate goal, but I continue doing this editing work as I recognize the psychological importance of this website for the members of the PAT who have finally found a home haven.

In love and light
December 3, 2011

Hello George!

In its latest report you are quite right to note a trend: “There is another very dangerous tendency in these circles – their excessive assessment of their hearts through their critical, analytical and logical mind. This is their “sin”. You know where the hidden roots of this trend? I’ll tell you. You mentioned in one of the previous reports that came out of the GF, so they began to more accurately convert the energy of alpha centauri. Spectrum of the energy of the GF – love. They are interested in building their spectrum, so all of their messages tuned “future customers” it is on this spectrum. But Arcturus radiates energy in the full spectrum and requires its assimilation in the same spectrum. YOU, working under the supervision of the GF, expanded the spectrum due to the energy of the mind and, thus, have grown out of their superiors, as a result of Arcturus YOU raised in office. The fate of the GF solved in the upcoming cosmic cycle they will be sent to “downstream”. Be more tolerant of channelers and the workers of the light, who take messages – they promote the ascension. They were caught in a trap of narrow-spectrum GF and if you rely on long-term development plans will need to get out of it.

I would draw your attention that the “lightworker” is the term of the GF, which does not fully reflect the real state of affairs. “Workers of the world” – this is the shamans of the Mayas, the shamans of the Indians, the shamans of the other tribes, they have always been awakened, and now perform the activation of the entire planet. Their soul contract does not provide for the experience of duality in this life. They are the birthright of knew what they would do and have been preparing for this. Contracts shower so-called “starseed” provided the experience of duality and far to the fact that all of them will be ready to assist the ascension now. “Star seeds” were realized, to help ascension, and not to perform certain space plan functions, so that the more correct to call them “volunteers of light”. They passed through the experience of ascension before and specifically for them, this experience is not decisive. They temporarily refused further growth to help the ascension. But it is at the same time very dangerous for them. Previously passed “the level of play” in the case of a new passage may result in the “loss of life”, as the karmic responsibility they bear on a par with the newcomers. But at the same time are the ascended masters.

There is another category of “star seeds”, which could not ascend in the times of Atlantis. They are ordinary “contract servicemen” and are not ascended masters. They have concluded a new contract on passage of experience with the goal of ascension, and many of them, at the same time work on their karmic debts associated with the failure of the ascension of Atlantis.

I draw your attention that the failure of the ascension of Atlantis and the present of ascension is a single technological process. In other words, the second attempt of one and the same process. You were released from the responsibility of the ascension in part the failure of the ascension of Atlantis. For the present ascension on you responsibility no one helped.

Sincerely, Alexander!

Dear Alexander,

Thank you very much for your elaboration. There are some intriguing assertions in your email and such that I do not really understand as they don’t square, for instance this statement:

“You were released from the responsibility of the ascension in part the failure of the ascension of Atlantis. For the present ascension on you(r) responsibility no one helped.”

No matter how I read it, it does not make any sense to me. There are some apodictic statements in your assessment which do not sound good to me and I do not resonate with them,

The effort to explain the preoccupation of the channelers with their heart and emotions at the expense of the logical mind with the influence of the GF defies all my gnostic knowledge as to how the soul creates the psycho-mental structure of the incarnated entity and how it is regulated from the higher realms and I must refute it as one-sided and inadequate.

Ultimately every individual has the unlimited potential to develop both his analytical mind and his emotions in a harmonious and all-encompassing manner. If he does not, the GF cannot be made responsible for this default, but his individual soul. Everyone of us is a sovereign master of his personality in the first place and there are no limits to his evolution.

I am sorry, but while trying to render an explanation for the dire situation in the esoteric vanity fair, you, yourself introduce with your narrow interpretations further limitations and distortions, so that I do not see much value in this contribution, but I will publish it in my next report.

In love and light
December 3, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I just finished reading your post on the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization and once again, I’m extremely grateful for your ability to articulate the scientific facts so clearly and to add your analytical assessment of the events at hand.

I’ve been out of the communication loop for the past week. Something has attacked my computer systems which is why I am posting this from my husband’s computer. I have not been able to access my email or manage my Web stie in the meantime. The odd part is that I really don’t care. I have NO MORE energy to share with wounded beings at this point in time. I have no desire to do interviews or public speaking, or travel, or ANYTHING related to my light work! I cannot force myself to do anything that is required of me to make money. I’m exhausted and disappointed that I’m still here in 3D reality carrying the torch in this dark, debilitating environment. In reading the other member’s posts, I realize I’m not alone in this regard!

On the 22nd I started to feel like I was coming down with something which persisted for several days. I have also been experiencing an incredible inertia…I feel like I’m literally stuck in the birth canal! At least, that is the image that keeps coming to me.

I’ve been having repetitive dreams of being at a reunion taking place in either a grand hotel or some university building with large banquet tables of food and drink. When I’m in the school environment I am searching for my class and don’t know where to go, or who the professor is, and I’m worried that I’m completely unprepared for an exam that’s going to be given. Normally, this sort of 3D experience would induce a state of anxiety for my personality but in my dream state I just feel “lost” and a little confused trying to find my way around the building or campus. Many of the people there are from my 3D reality, but many are not, even though they are familiar to me.

Anyway, I just wanted to reconnect with the group and to add my two cents to the discussion. I’m hoping that the dream is representative of the PAT reunion soon to come!

Love and Light,
Dear Gwen,

thank you for your appreciation of my latest article. I can very well feel your current state which is paradigmatic for most of us. These energies are very transformative and they may feel rather weird. The best thing to do is to be as little active as possible and have as much rest as necessary. Just neglect your daily duties. This is also the reason why your computer is not functioning. Your dreams may also be related to our preparations for the New Earth, where we will all visit many colleges at the beginning and will attend numerous courses in preparation for our new reality.

In love and light
December 3, 2011

Hi George,

Just wanted to say thank you for all your hard work and input into this site and the PAT. My husband and I are frequent readers of your site for a while now, but have never introduced ourselves so I thought now would be a nice time to connect.

We are awakened starseeds in our mid 20’s living in the Caribbean island of St Vincent and the Grenadines. My origins are the Pleiades my husband Sirius. We have researched many websites, however Your site has been the most useful and resonating. We check in everyday for updates, patiently waiting for our call, our mission beyond this point. I was reading your last report and e-mails and it really does feel like a ‘null zone’.

I have almost completely disassociated from this 3d world, managing to survive on working one day a week. However my husband has the daily grind of full time work. Everything is seeming more and more surreal…

You explained it so well when you said this:

“Maybe, this dissociation of us, the members of the PAT, from this waning reality is the actual splitting of the two earths and dimensional realities. I will not be surprised at all, if we begin to see how some people simply disappear from our sight, as they vibrate with much lower frequencies or vice verse – we will begin to disappear from their sight, while still dwelling on this ascending version of Gaia. This may begin to happen very soon. Probably we are now exactly in this embryonic phase, before the mitosis of the two earths begins to accelerate with great velocity and the two versions split visibly”.

I have had this theory in my mind for a while now and have been experiencing it out in public, waiting in line for things and they serve the next customer like we don’t even exist or they didn’t notice us! We were also ‘left out’ or somehow missed the country’s population census, and often when people see us they think we have been away somewhere.

So that’s all really, just wanted to connect in 3rd dimension because this is what feels normal to us – to connect with everyone – starseeds,PAT members and genuine lightworkers. My husband recently connected with Ute on facebook who confirmed she is the same Ute who writes in to you as well.

Hope you have a nice day and you are doing a fantastic job. Much appreciation.
Love Jas & Chad
Dear Jas and Chad,

Thank you very much for your appreciation of my work and I am glad to hear from you for the first time, and hopefully not the last one. When other people begin not to see us, the star seeds, it is still preferable to have this experience in a queue on a warm Caribbean Island than on a cold winter day in Munich at -10° Celsius. This was just a joke. Otherwise I fully agree with you that we are living in surreal times and it will not change in the foreseeable future.

In love and light
December 3, 2011

Dear George,I was pondering the state of the PAT and the latest channeled messages yesterday and I received some information download. In reading your discussion with Callista re: the same, I thought I should send this to you.I sense that our ascension is now on track to be on a higher luminous plane than even the ascended masters had envisioned. The energies that we have brought into this 3d reality should have been enough to have accomplished our mission by now. however, due to the insidious mind control programming, that energy has not been allowed to diffuse throughout the population. If the extent of the manipulation had not become so vast and pervasive, the exponential growth of human consciousness would have already occurred. if only the separation between humanity and its soul had not become so great, that humanity no longer remembered the power of love, for we would have blossomed into the new earth already.

Instead, that energy has been held by us, the humble few, the lightbearers, wayshowers, truth-seekers and starseeds. and unable to share this growing light (for we tend to be reclusive, not wanting to be targeted for our seemingly anomalous worldview), we have used it’s creative power to envision the most amazing and beautiful world of light. we are the architects of the new earth. and it is greater than the ascended masters thought we could achieve, given the overall state of humanity. but we are remaining true to our word and our mission, to transform the planetary consciousness. there is no other option for us. If we can’t share that energy to create in the external world, we focus it’s creative potential inwardly. and to that end we have surpassed expectations.

In our relationship with the ascended masters, the student is on his way to become the teacher. The ascended masters are going to be learning from us in the not too distant future. Our guides are now of higher galactic dimensionality. we will continue to work with the ascended masters, but I see it becoming more of an actual partnership towards the awakening of souls on earth at this time. I would ask that the ascended masters use their channels to explore ways in which awakening souls can focus their intentions. I also ask that the ascended masters stop with the condescending tone. enough already. we are all ascended masters now.

Be open to alternative/emerging channels of information. you may find some of these sources within you. I’d be curious to know how this resonates with your perceptions.

Thanks, George.

Dear Ben,

It resonates very well with me, especially the idea that we have ascended way beyond our initial plans. This is natural as we augment our light body frequencies on the ground, while transmuting the dark low frequency patterns of humanity and thus integrate them into these higher and higher vibrations. This has never been done on this scale and to this extent. That is why I repeat time and time again that the members of the PAT are the true heroes of this galaxy and that humanity has no idea what an achievement we have already accomplished. This is the most important message and I see it exactly as you see it…

One last comment: We all are ascended masters already and have been so since eons of time. We are much more experienced than the ones currently channeling, otherwise they would have been on the ground and we would have channeled from a safety place, from above. You get the point, I hope.

Now to a different point: I am slowly getting the pieces together, and it seems to be correct, what I suspected, namely that even the higher realms were somewhat perplexed what happened at 11.11.11 as it was definitely not planned this way. Feeling this confusion in the higher realms, I took the initiative immediately after 11.11.11 and demanded that we, the members of the PAT, be released from our duties on behalf of Gaia and this was accepted as they had to admit that they have no better solution for the moment. Now we can principally ascend anytime from an energetic point of view, but our souls will most probably wait for the begin of the magnetic pole shift, which is definitely in the making one way or the other.

The other important information is that this ascension is associated with the ascension of numerous other planets, galaxies etc., so that a complete new cosmic space must be created for this ascension of myriad worlds. And this has not been done before in this form and magnitude. Here something must have gone wrong or at least not to the original plan, and we stayed stuck in this interim solution. The higher forces are solving the problem now step by step, improvising  most of the time, and this is also the reason why we do not receive any concrete information from our higher selves, as they, themselves, are not yet aware how this events will square in the near future.

I hope to learn more in this respect in the coming days, but this explanation sounds rather probable to me. It is not so much the dark ones that hinder us, they are more or less neutralized energetically and will no longer bother us due to our higher frequency fields, but due to the fact that there is a cosmic mess of gigantic proportions that has to be settled first. However, the process of ascension is not put to a halt – quite on the contrary, they progress with a rapid pace, but it is impossible to make any decent forecasts even at the highest level about the next phases.

This is also the reason why all channelling sources are so perplexed and only channel old trash like a “German radio point” during WW2 shortly before the total surrender of the Nazis when these official radios were playing all the time victorious marching music.

In love and light
December 2, 2011

Dear George,

Please pardon the expression, but I was “blown away” by your treatise “How The Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization Determines the Time of Our Ascension?”. Your very scientific approach, which I must assume is naturally inherent in, and required by, all “Higher Cosmic Decisions/Actions”, makes complete sense to me, though I have a major concern, which I shall explain…..

We have seen how the Dark Cabal keeps the global economy alive with smoke and mirrors, in all logical opposition to what should be occurring, i.e., a complete financial collapse. Just yesterday, they tossed some special chips on the fire to create miraculous smoke that caused a nearly 500-point rise in the DOW.  (I don’t even try to understand what the Central Banks just decided to do jointly to create more smoke to obscure our eyes and confuse our minds to keep their financial charade going.  Why waste energy trying to analyze utter fraud?)

The point I am trying to make is that these Orions/reptilians obviously have an endless supply of rabbits (more appropriately, snakes) to pull out of their hat, such that they keep this charade going as long as they like and how ever they like, while all of us awakened ones hang and miserably twist in the wind.

I certainly agree with you that a tremendous lesson to the masses may well be lost if a pole shift occurs before a complete financial collapse takes place, which would have happened long ago, if not for the very magical hat. That lost lesson would be unfortunate, indeed.

What I want to ask you, George, is whether you have an opinion you may want to share as to whether we may forever be (absent death) at the mercy of the Dark Cabal and their diabolical antics, or if a pole shift will happen to release us from this prison World, in spite of the Dark Cabal’s current and future actions to keep us enslaved?
  (I understand that this would only be your opinion, since we seem to have lost trust in the words and deeds coming from what you would probably term “Higher Providence”…

Dear Bill,

The current situation is indeed beyond any logical understanding whatsoever if you look at the naked facts. I have commented this last scam in some emails to other readers and I agree with you that this scam is not worth discussing.

From a logical point of view, the whole financial system should have collapsed in 2008, but it still works on fraud and printing money out of thin air. Now one can interpret the last move of the central banks to flood the market with cheap US-dollars as a desperate act to buy some more days of power for the Cabal, come what may come.

The indices of the stock exchanges have lost long time ago any correlation to the real economy. All physical investors have withdrawn after the 2008 crash and only a couple of dozen big banks worldwide manipulate the indices by virtual orders through computerized programmes with phony money, as these banks have made agreements not to pay each other for this fictive transactions. This is generally known by the specialists. But this is the lowest level of interpretation.

The actual question is why the system has not crashed yet, And here is my paradoxical explanation. Not because the dark ones keep it with their fraudulent activities on life as their actual goal is to crash the system,  but because the forces of light keep it on life and do not let it crash under the conditions of the dark ones. This sounds absurd, but that is how the system keeps on going and you will not find this explanation anywhere else.

For instance the dark US-GB cabal want at any price to default the Euro currency because it is too strong now and jeopardizes the power position of the Rothschild-Rockefeller factions. If they could have achieved this, they would have destroyed the few countries that stay in a relative opposition to their heinous plans – Germany and France, where Germany is in a clandestine alliance with Russia, which is now the greatest adversary of the USA and GB. These are the last fights among the dark factions.

As soon as it became clear that Merkel will not allow ECB to print money as the Fed, as demanded by the US-GB Cabal two days ago, they made the next move and flooded the Euro zone with worthless dollars. This tactic is as old as humanity. With it they have destroyed any economy so far, the last major ones, being Argentina and Russia under Jelzin in the 90s.

The forces of light know all these plans precisely and their tactic has been since many years to postpone the solution to the last moment by simply counterfeiting the plans of the dark cabal to ruin the world economy. I did the same mistake some years ago, while waiting impatiently for the crash as I hoped that we will come more quickly to the solution. But it does not work this way.

Ultimately, the solution will take place at the cosmic level – through the magnetic pole shift and the splitting of the two factions of humanity  – of the dark ones and the potential candidates for ascension, together with the two earths. I have written about this scenario in report-35 of today and in the next one.

Humanity is in a huge retard and incapable of changing anything at the social level. All upheavals that I expected for this autumn in the Western world have not taken place so far, and this scenario has been now discarded by the higher realms. What remains is a total crash, hand in hand with the magnetic pole shift at the same time. In this case everything will collapse simultaneously.

It maybe that the crash will happen some days prior to the magnetic pole shift for didactic purposes, but the consequences will overlap. After that the two earths and fractions of humanity will be neatly split and separated and the actual ascension process can begin. There will be no organic revolution and evolution as it was originally planned.

If you  play bridge, there is a tactic called “squeezing”. You play a long hand to the last card and hope that the other side will play some of their trumps, so that you can win with a weak card at the end. The forces of light use the same tactic. They neutralize any efforts of the dark ones to annihilate humanity, but they themselves make no decisive move until they play out their last possible card. Contrary to bridge, it is their strongest card, but the tactic of squeezing the adversary is the same. The strongest card they have is the shift of Gaia to the higher dimension, while leaving the whole pack of dark entities on the catastrophic planet B to go their own way.

For that reason they keep us on the ground up to the last moment, then without us the whole humanity will go under. This is also the reason why most of the channeling sources are talking only trash or outright lies these days. This End Time scenario for earth is anything, but a masterpiece, it is the ultimo ratio. We will ascend, and Gaia will ascend, but the harvesting of souls will be very modest and many people must die and reincarnate, as they will not have awakened enough to ascend in Dec 2012…..

in love and light
December 2, 2011

Dear Georgi,I met with you in the dream state last night. I can’t really remember all that what said, but I felt you were reassuring me on things! I do remember commenting on the beautiful Greek columns at our place of meeting…leave it to me to comment on the architecture! Been keeping an eye on the world-wide financial scene…talk about roller coaster ride! I just wish it would be over and done with.Blessings as always,

Dear Vicki,

I can confirm this meeting definitely as I also dreamt of Greece  last night and I met with a woman, you?, She talked to me in Greek and, although I barely understand this language in real life apart from some words, I seemed to have no difficulty in understanding her. I even commented to myself: “Gosh, I understand this woman as if she is talking English to me.” Then I remember that we have discussed the Greek sovereign debt crisis and when it will unwind. The next thing I remember that we talked about were some mines in the vicinity of Athene and the plight of the workers there and when they would finally revolt, but I no longer remember the details of this discourse.

This is extraordinary and I thank your for this feedback.

In love and light


It’s quite possible I was speaking to you in Greek. I’ve had a few past lives in Greece and it is not unusual for me to speak in other languages in the dream state, although I’m terrible at languages in this life! I live in the southeastern U.S., and I have trouble sometimes understanding some of the heavy southern accents around me. But I’m pretty sure that I was that woman that spoke to you because I immediately woke up afterwards and said, “I just spoke with George!”. The discourse we had would make sense as I’ve always felt fondly of Greece and have kept up with the news on the state of affairs there.



December 2, 2011

Hi George

Do you understand the higher being named Lucifer, to be the dark one we have always known of, the so-called fallen Angel, the devil as many refer to this being ?

Love and light
Dear Eugene,

Lucifer was, to my knowledge, an angel, a powerful creator being, who initially took the role of the “fallen angel” to make the incarnation game on earth more realistic and got trapped in the duality, he has created, while his brother angels returned back to the Source.

Lucifer was not an individual, but a whole population of souls, who dwell for a long time in the 4th astral dimension around this planet. However, Lucifer, the angelic entity, has returned to the Source in the 80s according to CA and since then his separated soul elements in the 4th dimension are living without a higher coordinating power. They must also return at some point in time to the source, but first they must declare their firm will to go through the incarnation cycle and purify as all human souls are doing.

The current ascension of Gaia and humanity was a real chance for them to take this road of purification. But as it seems now, most of these lost souls have made their decision in favour of darkness and separation and must wait for another 26 000 when the next similar chance will arrive. Or they may even be removed from earth and this dimension and painfully destroyed and their energy reconstituted. This is another possible, but very rare procedure in All-That-Is when individual souls have no chance to return to the Source.

However, this is my perspective on this topic and I am aware of the fact that there maybe other interpretations.

In love and light
December 1, 2011

Dear Georgi,

it’s a while since I have been in contact. I felt that I have been drawn into a different direction, perhaps not different but just spiralling into a new direction.

Interesting enough, any feeling or connection or drive regarding “Ascension” is gone. It is gone completely, it is not an issue any more. At least now it feels like. Since my release from the GF and my responsibility to Gaia, everything is different, and instead there is a kind of infinite void of radiance in which I am existing. Daily life is more like observing how the mind works by igniting images, all based on mini-electrical charges. My body and my mind are functioning, but they belong to the 3D body-mind, it is a mechanism and plays as usual, nothing “holy” about it.

But at the same time I am in this infinite void in the heart and above the head, and the 3th eye as well. And great clarity. And today I suddenly thought, perhaps Ascension is not issue anymore because it already happened. We might have had perhaps a wrong understanding of what it means, who knows, but for me everything is different, not the body, I believe, but in terms of my “consciousness”. As if something has been emptied, which has been packed with something  before, perhaps Atlantean karma and connected responsibilities, which has been taken off me. There is nothing to do, although I believed new service would appear. But nothing is happening as if the world stands still.

Perhaps I am in another state of transition to something else, I have no idea. Everything is very ordinary, the excitement I felt around 11.11.11 is completely gone. And there is just this indescribable vastness. However clarity. No universe, no world. No above and no below. I am wondering whether others feel something similar? As if something has come to a halt.  Just wanted to share this with everybody. Thank you!

Love and Blessings,
Dear Ute,

Thank you very much for this update. Your feeling of stillness and a kind of emptiness is shared by many of us and the last ascension reports perspire these perceptions. But this may also mean the proverbial stillness before the storm.

Ascension, as I understand it, is still imminent as it means transformation of the current carbon-based bodies to crystalline light bodies with complete new energetic possibilities. Actually our current energies that are harboured in our physical vessels are not meant for this biological bodies and we live now in an exceptional energetic state that was not meant to be in the original plan for the End Times.

Therefore I believe that this will be a temporary affair before the next huge change must occur soon and then most of us will ascend definitely to the 5th dimension. Ascension by spirit and emotion is nothing new to me. I ascended in 2009 in spirit and in October 13, 2010  also in body, but had to return back as humanity is still in retard. The whole ascension process on earth is anything, but a masterpiece – it is the last resort solution at our expense and the higher realms have failed to awaken their star seeds, for which they had taken the responsibility.

All channelled messages after 11.1.11 are not honest and only mire the light workers as to dissuade them from their own failure. And they do not give any sound information, but only trash. Why? Because otherwise they will have no authority anymore and they are now losing even this limited authority with their perennial trash. Besides, the actual work was done here on the ground by the PAT members, opening the stargate 11.11.11 and allowing for these energies to enter earth and not by all obscure channeling sources that pretend undue competence. Unfortunately, few people on this planet see through these events and camouflage and are able to follow the red thread of the events.

I cannot imagine that it will go like this for too long, and I do expect huge changes, a magnetic pole reversal  and a shift of Gaia to the 4th dimension rather soon.

In love and light
Dear Georgi,

my feeling is that Gaia is already in a higher dimension, she already ascended and she is so powerfully present there. There is this multidimensionality and the 5th dimension is already here. This stillness is a sign of it, and there might be or not soon a magnetic pole shift on the level of 3D. Or her old body might just drift away attracted to other existing 3D realms.

I do not see this whole process from the 3D point of view alone, and ultimately it is all in our own mind happening. I see so clearly that the outside appearing world is a reflection of what is igniting as images in our brain. In that sense – there is no ‘outer’ world.

I realized this already in the 8Os, but now it comes back even stronger. Dimensions are merely levels of density and have always been present in our subtle awareness since eons, only now it  becomes an experience of humanity in general. It is nothing else than the dream state as described already in the ancient Sacred Literature of humanity. This new energy, which has arrived  undeniably, and which is so tangible, is now “working” on our bodies to transform them. But we don’t know the “time” it takes. It is a new process which is not known to anybody, a new creation so to speak, so we will be surprised how it will develop. Perhaps each of us will wake up in their own time and find themselves suddenly in the new world without  traces of the old world. The old basis of  thinking and of science and perceiving is breaking down and what comes now will be based on something nobody before has ever been able to imagine. It is a complete break with our familiar experience. It is a jump, a quantum jump ahead of us.

Perhaps you are right that this stillness is the quiet before the “storm”, before that new arrival.  This understanding  depends on “point of view”. One thing is for sure: something is mightily cooking. And we might not experience a pole shift, as this is not something which happens in a higher dimension. Dimensions are states of dreaming, and we might wake up to a new state of dream. But I am aware already now that it really does not matter, which dream it is, as they are all dreams of the mind. I see  how interlaced everything and the “dimensions” are, the only thing is that humanity, or a part of it, starts to become aware of it. The veil becomes thinner and the Divine appears to be increasingly more recognizable. Gaia beyond the veil of 3D does not need any shift, she is already appearing in her subtlety there. Many say she has been there already all the while, and her 3D appearance was a kind of falling for a time into greater density, like our physical bodies did, while we always still existed as light bodies at the same time. It is a great mystery, the Great Maya is unfathomable, and we cannot make predictions. They all have failed so far.

I do not see that the Galactics are to “blame” for anything. Because there are no “parents to save us”, never have been, it is all part of the great dream we are dreaming and we are responsible for our own dreams. Even the universe is our dream. They are only playing their part in them, while all these dreams are coming to an end in some way. We are on the great path to the dissolution of the universes and the great and grandiose Divine Play,  has just started, on the way back to the Source.  I do not see how this great play could be viewed from just one point of view, one has to jump and look from different levels to get the whole picture, but even then it remains piecemeal, until we are able to transcend mind completely.

Love and Blessings,
Dear Ute,

As long as you intermingle with entities. who have not yet awakened and still determine with their collective dreams the matrix of your dreams and your daily life, you cannot totally disentangle from their reality and must participate willy-nilly in their dreams.

First, there must be a clear-cut split in dimensions. You can imagine what the 5th dimension might be, but you are still trapped in the old 3d-matrix. I do not say that your presentation is not correct, but that it simply does not apply to the current situation.

And within this matrix, the GF took the responsibility for the behaviour of their incarnated stars seeds. The GF ought to coach them and awaken them at the appropriate time. But they have proved to be a bad soul coach, so that they let their star seeds be mired by the dark forces. Make an analysis of the current New Age scene and you have the proofs. That is why I am talking incessantly about the intellectual stupidity and lack of discernment by most channelers and light workers. This is the ample fact on the ground. I know how my soul has coached me and I can discern when the souls of other light workers have failed in this respect. It is as simple as that.

Of course everything is a dream from a higher perspective, but not within this matrix. It has its subjective reality, just as your dreams have their subjective reality.

Our duty as incarnated star seeds here on earth is to destroy this collective dream matrix of the dumbed down masses. And we can only do it if much more star seeds awaken and help. But they don’t, because they have not raised their vibrations sufficiently yet.

And for that reason the End Time model of matrix change for earth is in retard and we have to stay in the matrix longer than planned. It is a simple as that and your reflections, though principally correct, simply miss the point.

Ultimately we will have to await and see. As long as I see my dumbed down neighbours every day and don’t have the proof that they have moved to the catastrophic earth, I am expecting a tangible split of the two earths through magnetic pole shift or a similar dramatic event.

In love and light
December 1, 2011

Dear George,

I felt like sending you this C2C show where they talk about the Light Body and Ascension etc. Maybe interesting and nice to listen to for many.

Dear Piotr,

Thank you for the information. Quite nice. I have discussed this topic extensively in my philosophic study “Neoplatonism and Christianity”. The discussion here is rather loose and the approach is free of scientific accuracy, actually it is a free and creative interpretation of the New Testament text.

In love and light

I don’t know why I felt I wanted to send it. I also don’t see any really breakthrough information there, but I think it’s always encouraging to hear people are talking about these things all around. So there it is. Thank you for your time. Namaste

Dear Piotr,

You are absolutely right. The connection to Jesus, but above all to Paul, who talked a lot about the new “spiritual bodies” of the new humans after the Second Coming of Christ in his epistles, is a clear anticipation of the LBP and the building of crystalline light bodies in the current End Times.

This connection will play a decisive role in the abolition of the Christian religion which has failed to interpret correctly its sacred books with its flawed Christian exegesis. I have a very precise idea and information from the higher realms since many years how the collapse of Vatican and the Church will actually take place very soon. And it will have to do in the first place with these few quotations about the new spiritual bodies of the new humans in the New Testament.


Dear George,

Now that you mention it, there is also an interesting prophecy you might not have heard about.

112 popes. Interesting thing to notice is that Benedict XVI is the 111th – the Glory of the olive. In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.

“112 Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end.”

They say hell be black. And frankly I also heard he’s practically already chosen, waiting for his time. I never seem to be able to remember his name. I love that/when the signs are everywhere.

By the way. As I’m already writing about that. Ive been wondering what is your opinion on JP2 (John Paul II). As he was also Polish, it is a matter of curiosity for me. I always liked to think he was different. I have not read his writings. I never tried to think about the things he might have been involved in.

And a great article on the Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization.



Dear Piotr,

contrary to Ratzinger who is mentally charged and actually does not believe in God and transcendence, but is only a rigid theologian, Wojtila (John Paul II) was a spiritual man as he was an old soul. He was unfortunately also quite dogmatic and had amassed some sin, while crashing the Church of Liberation in Latin America in the 80s which supported the poor people and the underprivileged.

He seemed to have realized in his last years what kind of dark complots are playing out in Vatican and according to my information he tried to take measures against them. For that reason he was killed about four-five years before he officially died and was substituted with a clone, who was very ill and immobile as to cover the fraud, just as the late Berlusconi is a clone/shape-shifter, after he was hit in the face two years ago and disappeared for two weeks when  he was exchanged.

Most of the important men in power are substituted at some point in time with a docile clone by the PTB. This is how the Greys and the Reptilians keep their dictatorial order on earth. Sometimes they substitute them with an shape-shifter.

The new Berlusconi is actually a shape-shifter in a clone body, just as Mubarak and many others. The current Clinton is the third clone of the original Clinton and his wife Hillary was recently exchanged with a new clone. The present  Hillary has nothing to do with the Hillary who was a candidate for presidency. You may check the photos or videos.

One has to observe very carefully to find the differences. But I have gained some experience in discerning them in the last year or so. I am also helped by my higher self. It is more a kind of an intuition. I simply know if this person has a human soul or if he is a clone or a Reptilian shape-shifter. Especially the latter are very easily to be discerned. This whole scam must come out very soon and be made known to humanity.


Dear George,

What stops them from doing the same thing to you? Or any other PAT members? Wouldn’t exterminating such individuals cripple the process? You even said without us physically here, all this would not be even possible. Instead they do silly psychic attacks and poke you with spam.

DW for that matter said he is protected from above and without that he’d be already dead or wouldn’t be able to do the things he does. And that there are things he can’t say/do because he’d be whacked even with the protection. I heard similar statements from other people.

Project Camelot always makes a fuss about the safety of their whistle blowers, their identity, how they should officially proclaim what they know as killing them after that would be admitting they are telling the truth etc. And some of them or their friends were murdered or in a lot of cases many attempts were made on their life. Not to mention disturbing their careers and financial security.

Even writing a spiritual book, especially containing actual truth, is nowadays dangerous. If you even publish it. Then when you gain popularity you often need security, bodyguards. I know you mentioned they hindered you with your works all the way too.



Dear Piotr,

you raise a very important question, which I have already discussed on several occasions, but I will do it once again at this place. As long as you are a star seed, no dark force can touch you because you are Christ protected. Before they try to kill you, these dark ones will be removed  from this planet because the forces of light that stay behind each star seed are immense and the dark ones from the Orion empire are no match to them.This is the general role.

There are however some exceptions. if you are a star seed, but were mired by the dark forces and were engaged in their projects and then you awaken and start to attack them actively at the 3d-level, they may also attack you, if you become a direct danger to them. This does not necessarily mean to kill you, but they may even do this, as has been the case with Cooper and other prominent whistle blowers in the past. But in this case you must cherish this killing scenario in your mind and thoughts as to prove how heinous the dark ones are and you may experience this scenario eventually.

If you act as in my case as an “enlightener”, a teacher, and do not attack anybody personally, but only the system as a whole and only tell the facts from this perspective, and in addition, if you have never cooperated with these dark ones and have no connections with them whatsoever, they have no right to touch you as is the case with me.

But anytime in the past when I have tried to attack the scientists at their level with respect to my theory, I have been a target of many nasty attacks from the dark ones, until I decided to give up this futile battle at this level and to transcend it at a higher level.

On this website, I do not attack anybody directly, but illuminate through information, even when it is personally attached. I even say that every dark entity can change and become an enlightened one, In principle, of course, I see this chance as not very high, but it cannot be wholly excluded,

But I do not see myself as an adversary (a crusader) of the dark ones, as they see themselves with respect  to other people, and this keeps me Christ protected. This is also the reason, why they cannot kill David Icke although he has made some of the most important revelations on the Reptilian ruling families. He gives the facts, but he does not participate in direct nasty attacks against them. He moves along the borderline, but still within the safety area, where he is Christ protected.

I hope that I have explained to you the basics of how to enlighten humanity without risking your own life on this planet.

Being a former dissident in Bulgaria, I had lived for years in imminent danger of being arrested and I have learned the rules of behaviour not to compromise your ideals and not to endanger your adversaries at the same time to the point that they must kill you as to get rid of you.

After all, this life on earth is an illusion and these antagonistic relations are also part of the illusion and they does not matter in the context of All-That-Is. What matters only is Ascension, and the dark ones attacked me in the last months on many occasions, but not in such a way as to kill me and I had every right to hit back as to defend myself and it worked fabulously on behalf of the PAT, as you all have witnessed in the course of the drama with the FBI-secret services under the cover name of “Satina” for Satan. They wanted to hijack this website and had to give up at some point in time and leave us in peace because they lost the battle.

In love and light

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