State-of-Ascension-Report-35: The Ascension Scenario After 11.11.11

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-35, November 30, 2011

Turkish Coffee Party, from Callista Summerfield

November 29, 2011

Dear George,

As you likely know by now, I have nothing but the greatest respect for you and all of your very original treatises and books (that I have read in English).  Those astounding works alone mark you as an Ascended Master in my opinion, so please pay no mind to the “fair-weather friends” who have abandoned you, or worse, openly criticize you for Heaven’s? failure to manifest a major event on 11.11.11.  If it had been solely in your hands, a mass Ascension surely would have occurred.

I haven’t mentioned this before, but I also knew days ahead of time that I, personally, would not ascend on 11.11.11. That is because I received an emphatically-negative response at least one week prior when I queried my Galactic friends about this while I was awake.  (Their ‘yes’ or ‘no’ responses to my questions are signaled to me via digital display on an electronic device in my home, which they have been doing for 3.5 years now.)  Still, I maintained a positive attitude about the possibility of others ascending on that date.

That a mass event did not occur was a colossal disappointment to me, but I’m not about to throw the baby out with the bath water, i.e., reject anything and everything you have to say now and in the future. That would be the height of foolishness, to put it mildly, and this type of behavior clearly shows the shortsightedness of some people, especially considering the immensely complex nature of Ascension, to say nothing of the fact that this type of Ascension (both Planetary and Humanity concurrently) has never before been attempted.  Those same shortsighted people should also be mindful that the PTB continue their diabolical plans to destroy all, but a fraction of Humanity, even if it means destroying the Planet, too.  So, I believe that is a wild card that can also cause even the best-laid plans to change.

Therefore, I stand by you, George, in your decision not to publicize a change in plans, which would have thwarted a mass consciousness for very positive change to occur on 11.11.11.  In other words, publicizing a cancellation would have been counterproductive, not for the greater good of Humanity or Gaia.  It was better to allow that positive consciousness to continue to manifest as planned on that date.  Surely we are now further ahead in the overall process than if everyone concerned had decided to withhold their energy on that day.

On another note, your website is in stark contrast to others, in that you offer free downloads of very original, extensive, life-changing information, all of which does an extraordinary job of helping to lift the veil of deceit that has kept us in the dark. That you have asked only once for donations to help out your son-in-law webmaster, who is diligently working on a university degree, speaks volumes about your character, integrity and complete lack of monetary motivations. To that end, by November 29th, Christian should have received a second donation from me, for a total of $100US.  I hope that my mention of this will encourage others of good Heart to demonstrate their gratitude for Christian’s efforts, and by extension, show support of your work.

I wish I could communicate with you on a higher, more esoteric level, George, but my pitiful, 3D mind simply doesn’t go there, at least not when I’m awake.

In closing, I appeal to the Higher, Benevolent Powers/Forces to bring this Earth Experiment to a swift conclusion and within our Human conception of ‘very soon’, which means days or weeks, not months, years or decades.  In support of that appeal, my rhetorical question is:  How much more suffering must everyone, and Earth, endure at the hands of the Dark Forces?  HOW MUCH MORE MUST WE ENDURE???


Dear Bill,

Thank you very much for this very moving and loving email and for your moral support for my work, but above all for your full apprehension of the incredible mission which the PAT members have accomplished at 11.11.11. If anything happens on this earth, it is the result of their collective effort.

I am very obliged to you to have elucidated the veritable dilemma, in which I stuck during the last week before 11.11.11 when I knew intuitively that the plan was changed, but still hoped that some of us will ascend. You have explained very clearly the reasons why I did not want to jeopardize the optimal performance of the PAT members by being the harbinger of bad news and killing their motivation. I knew around Nov 3 that from now on it is all in the hands of the Higher Providence and that we, the grounded ones, have done our best.

That the ascension plan was changed in the last moment is even confirmed by Saint Germain (Aruna, Nov 27) in his latest, rather apologetic message, after he has announced full ascension for many months:

“My dear ones,

Those changes made to the ascension scenario are not really changes at all. ( For you these changes may not be real, but for us on the ground they are very very real.). 

Consider the death of ego to be the disappearance of “you.” All who ascended are now delivering the One consciousness. What happens to the body now makes no difference, as “you” are not the body. Please accept that what happened IS what was predicted (Not by you St. Germain, this is an outrageous lie. You were bluntly wrong on many occasions announcing full ascension and disappearance from this reality. You should read all your previous messages. Since when have ascended masters such a short and unreliable memory.).

The number of masters we now have on Earth have dramatically increased and they do not carry the density they once had.  A new day has dawned and another conclusion can come from these alterations. Cosmic consciousness is now anchoring in numerous areas of your planet. Call this more “light,” but it is more than that. Catalysts for more ascension candidates are now contributing to the major consciousness changes that need to be made (Here you have the reasons explained why we are still on earth.).”

In his latest message Archangel Michael (Ronna Herman, Nov 27) also addresses the pivotal role of the members of the PAT and that many other star seeds are still in a deep slumber and have not lived up to their obligations. This unfavourable condition on the ground necessitated the postponement of our full ascension at 11.11.11:

“Long, long ago, you, who would later come forth as the Star Seed Wayshowers for the ascension of humanity and the Earth, agreed to take on a special role on the planet Earth sometime in the far distant future. This group of brave Souls would incarnate into every race, color, culture and creed, and they would be spread far and wide upon the planet in preparation for a preordained cosmic drama: the mass ascension of humanity and the Earth, along with all material manifestations within this Sub-Universe…

A vast multitude of you, the Star Seed, are well on your way to Self-mastery; however, too many of this Wayshower group are still at slumber or in denial. Each of you has a major role to play in the accelerated evolutionary process that is now in progress. The genetic encodings of this group carry the best qualities of all the former root races, along with special memory cell encodings for the new Golden Root Race of the future. It is true that over time there have been great imbalances amongst this group of Souls, and many have not listened to the nudgings of their Spirit Self and have forgotten their earthly mission. However, deep within your Sacred Heart core, each of you were encoded with a Light Consciousness Cell that, when activated, would help you remember your promise to be our earthly representatives, and that your mission would be to strive with all your Beingness to become proficient cocreators of beauty, peace, harmony and abundance on the Earthly plane. ”

This message confirms essentially what I have been trying to convey in the days after 11.11.11, namely, that we, the awakened and active star seeds and members of the PAT, had to carry the whole burden of the opening of the stargate 11.11.11, while most of the other stars seed are still in a deep slumber. Instead of being honoured for our extraordinary achievement, we we were sacrificed by heaven to stay on earth for some more time and exert the function of huge and powerful antennae for the post 11.11.11 energies as to help humanity and the slumbering star seeds to activate their “encoded Light Consciousness Cells”.

These same sleeping entities, calling themselves in unduly self-esteem “light workers”, are the ones, who now write in Internet their stupid and sarcastic remarks on how wrong we have been with our predictions, instead opening their eyes and grasping their own predicament. But it has always been so on this toxic planet: All Christed beings have ended crucified by those, whom they wanted to help.

The only deplorable fact is that these channeling sources are never honest and correct enough to admit that they have also failed from the higher realms to awaken their grounded ones, for which they have taken the responsibility long time ago.

In my article on the “Cosmic Law of Energy Optimization”, I discuss this mechanism of awakening which can be used both, by the dark forces to dumb down the incarnated entity, and by the forces of light to awaken him. Ultimately the forces of light from the higher realms have failed on numerous occasions with their incarnated star seeds on the ground and we had to carry the whole burden of ascension of Gaia and humanity on our shoulders.

Now we have vowed due to my initiative that we no longer have any responsibility for the ascension of Gaia which has already ascended more or less, but only for humanity as ascended masters. This revolt of the members of the PAT on the ground had significant influence on the Ascension scenario as experienced by many of you on November 22, when you reached the final threshold of Ascension. Now we can ascend as soon as the appropriate point in time has arrived.

All these multidimensional activities and processes cannot be made understandable to external observers as most of the other, so called “light workers” are not part of these processes. They have no idea that the opening of the stargate 11.11.11 was the achievement of the members of the PAT around this website. The reason for this is that they still do not experience the huge post 11.11.11 energies that are emanating from your heart chakras and have already catapulted you to the 4th and 5th dimensions in your thoughts and emotions.

The ultimate separation of the wheat from the chaff has already taken place and there is no common ground any more for real communication between the sceptics, the “we-knew-it-better” pseudo-prophets and the true heroes of this ascension mission – you, the members of the PAT.

In love and light

November 28, 2011

Dear Giorgio,

last night I had an interesting dream, quite vivid. I was going around, when suddenly I saw many Ufos in the sky, of various and different shapes. I was a bit preoccupied if they were positive or not and I entered my house. When I  was in the room, suddenly I felt on my back on the right side a presence. I turned around and there was an alien. He was very little, like a 6 year child, with human body, without hairs, brown eyes, it seemed like a Buddhist monk, the skin was like the one of a man from India. I felt the need to embrace him, as I felt he was like a friend, who I was missing since a long time. We embraced and he started talking to me, I asked him what could we do to help humanity, but I woke up and I do not remember the content of the conversation. I had quite a headache when I woke. Do you think this could be a telepathic encounter or what else? Thank you Giorgio!

Dear Alberto,

from your description of the dream it is obvious that you have visited one of the numerous mother ships of the GF which are in huge numbers around the earth and many of us visit them to get prepared for ascension. The fact you met this alien in your house was to create a comfortable atmosphere for you and to take away your potential fear.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Hi Georgi,Until now I have only been reading at your site and have not shared my experiences, but I had a very significant dream on Friday night, 11-18-11. I have always been a lucid dreamer and am aware of a lot of work that I’m doing ‘elsewhere. There are nights when I can barely get to my bed and I’m gone. For the past 2 years, I have been the opposite, staying up till 1 or 2 am, voraciously reading and taking attunements, etc and still having plenty of energy for a full time ‘day job’. But recently, it’s like someone pulls the plug and I HAVE to pass out! I tell my room mate, OK, see you tomorrow, I’m off to my other job! I have to ask my higher Self to please let my physical body get some rest so I can function in 3D!So, this particular dream took place at my office. I work in a high rise building in Los Angeles, a doctor’s office. One of my co workers is also a conscious light worker and we have established a lovely portal there since we spend SO much time there. One of the two doctors is also semi awake and so these 2 are often in my dreamwork. I was looking out the windows and it was night and very cloudy. My mind was agitated because we were overhearing a conversation about how badly things were going (business wise) in the medical practice and I told my co worker, Why are we still dealing with this 3D crap? Will we ever move on? And an answer came telepathically, a clear voice in my head….’worry not about the third density for it is passing. NOW is the time…it is happening’ I looked at the clouds outside and they began to open up, revealing a tremendous full moon, which was much too big and translucent.

Then it began to ‘replicate’ and became 2! Each moon was complete and opaque and began to radiate energy waves in all directions and I knew that the entire city below was being awakened. My physical body became pure light and I struggled to call to my coworker and doctor, I felt my throat was no longer under my control and in my state of bliss I woke myself up calling out loudly….IT’S HAPPENING, IT’S HAPPENING, IT’S HAPPENING!! Then I realized I was back and just laid in bed laughing and laughing…it was 3 am and I could barely get back to sleep. What a marvelous experience it was and I’ve told 4-5 people about this in detail and each time I can viscerally recall every feeling completely. Life is so much easier to live as the lucid dream now because this dream and a few others over the years is confirmation of my multidimensionality and my spiritual seeking and practice is finally ‘paying off’. Life is my opportunity to remain consciously present in each moment and know that I AM in service. Can’t wait to see where this all goes! Thanks for this chance to share and I send blessings to all….


November 28, 2011

Dear George

First off, I would like to say what an amazing job you and all of the members of the PAT have done. We should all be very proud of our selves for the progress we’ve all made in such a short amount of time. We truly stand on the threshold of the most unique experience in the universe, and because of your great effort and sacrifice, we have all been able to gather around your website for the final crescendo.

To give a little background on myself, I have been following your website since September of this year, and have read all of your articles and I am now beginning to chew on some of your books. I have been going through the light body process for most of my life, and it didn’t make a whole lot of sense until I came across your material. My awakening rapidly picked up on exactly my eighteenth birthday and has been going full steam ahead since. As I’m now twenty three, the process was fast and unrelenting to get me to a point where I was fully able to ascend, the point I’m at now. Still being young in this body, I had to cram a whole lot of material into a few short years. One of the perks of the process, as I’m sure you know, is you discover your true self behind the fleshy being, the true multi-dimensional self. I discovered I was a 5th/6th dimensional Ascended Master, a member of The Great White Brotherhood, a Wanderer, and have been incarnating into this universe and galaxy for eons of time, living with groups such as the The Pleiadians, Sirians, and the Arcturians (who I see as my personal “space family”). I’ve also lived many life times with the not so pleasant groups such as the Orion/Reptilian group and have pretty much tried it all.

From a young age in this life I knew that it would be a very special one, but didn’t know why until my more recent years. Having found your website gave me and many others a relief from the usual “esoteric vanity fair”, and a safe haven to explore, share, and grow, and again I thank you. You have also provided for many of us the final pieces of the puzzle. I myself knew early on that I would be leaving this planet at an early age, but for what reason and how I had no idea, just that it would be a turning point in the history of this planet. Later I discovered it would be the most spectacular way ever imagined, through the doors of ascension. Of course, many of us have done this a thousand times over, being the old souls on the block willing and ready to take on any challenge thrown our way, no matter the risk.

Dear Andrew,

I am happy to hear from you that you have profited from this website and that it has helped you find your ultimate destination. This is not a coincidence as you all were directed by your higher selves to find this website, just as I was urged by my higher self to establish it as a home haven for all members of the PAT. As you are so young and a crystalline child, you are in the best age to experience these glorious times prima vista and to enjoy them. We, the old ones, are so tired of this life on this toxic planet that we have no power anymore, but we have almost reached the finish.

You do not need to do much these days, but stay calm and observe very carefully all the events. This is unique experience in the whole galaxy.

In love and light
Dear George,

Up until this point, I’ve stayed in the background, following closely the movements of the PAT, having had many similar experiences being a member of the team myself. Finally, the call from my higher self has come for me to contact you in this incarnation, as you and I, and many of the members of the PAT (If not all) are all kindred souls working very closely together in the higher realms of our dream time and with one another’s higher selves, not always consciously mind you. I, like many members of the PAT, was fully ready and prepared to ascend on 11.11.11. and very disappointed when it didn’t occur. While it wasn’t yet the full ascension, we were all preparing for, it was a huge step in the right direction. Since then it seems we have all collectively gone through the motions of anger at our situation and the direction the higher realms have been taking things, now more willing to “take the bull by the horns” ourselves, but have also reached the point where we can forgive, as we’re all in this together trying to make the best decisions for the whole.

We also all seem to have collectively gone through the motions of throwing off the constrictions of the lower realms, and now finally the higher realms, and I believe this is a natural process when preparing to become a creator god, which is the destination for many of us and will now each ascend according to the decision of each of our own higher selves, as they always have our best interest in mind. Of course, we’re all already creator gods, we just don’t know it yet. Through this process, we have truly achieved our sovereign being status and have achieved the right to ascend.

Of course, as you have explained, if we left, there would be no one left holding the light for the planet and her people as we are a little behind schedule and there are not as many awakened souls as we need. So we’ll be in our 3D form for a little bit longer, and I can assure you I’m one of the beings up there voting for a pole shift, as I understand that we need a final decisive move to bring this long game to a close and it must happen either way for Gaia to ascend.

To get to the point, since 11.11.11. I have been experiencing pulsating waves of energy like I’ve never felt before, which pulsates from my heart chakra, through my other chakras and out of my body. My chakras are finely tuned instruments that I use on a daily basis, and this energy is more powerful than anything I have ever felt, making me often have to stop whatever I’m doing at the time and allow it to move through me. The day of the 22nd I felt intense energies all day and sometime in the wee hours of the morning on the 24th I awoke in a half trance half paralyzed state and stared at runes and geometrical shapes and symbols on my ceiling for an amount of time I couldn’t even guess on. These experiences are enough to prove to me (not that proof is needed at this stage in the game) that the ascension process is still in full swing, but as you said, and I would agree, it will now be on an individual basis at the appropriate time for each of us. As time holds no true power, our ascensions will happen at the most divinely precise moment to bring this whole process to an end once and for all, and in the way originally imagined.

Finally I would like to thank you for taking the time to read this, as I know you are a very busy person, and if you find the time, would love a response. I hope that my insight and piece of the puzzle into the grand scheme helps further the PAT and the whole process that we have all elected to take on, and please feel free to post this on an ascension report if you feel it will help the other members. I wish to contribute in any way that I can, and look forward every day to seeing you all in the astral realm of our collective dreams.

In Love & Light
Dear Andrew,

I read with great pleasure your assessment on the current situation twice to memorize it as I need any input from the members of the PAT that helps me to complete the picture. I fully agree with you on all points and confirm that the energies now are inhuman and very difficult to bear in such a fragile carbon-based body that is not constructed for these huge energies. This is my chief argument that we will not stay for very long on this planet. I will soon publish a new publication after some time where I discus the possible End Time scenario in the coming days and weeks and, while writing it, I got many impulses from my higher self as usual that the situation is now cleared and the schedule set for ascension, including pole shift and economic collapse. You could bring your input much more often. It is highly appreciated.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Dear Georgi,

there is really nothing to say but “Thank you!”

Nevertheless, to give this some context, I will write my story – one of the kind you heard countless of times before. I was lead to your website with the very beginning of the Ascension Reports and followed it diligently ever since. Nowhere else did I encounter so much enlightened thinking as well as utter ridiculousness, from the perspective of an unenlightened observer, as in your Reports – the whole spectrum of Oneness neatly represented in one source. You triggered me a couple of times in the beginning and I am grateful for that – it gave me the chance to integrate parts of myself that were still separate. I can’t yet fathom the extend of your service to the whole of humanity, since I only read a small excerpt from one of your books – my inner guidance didn’t propose delving deeper into this treasure trove yet – but with just the editing of the newsletter its already worthy of all praise. The openness of the discussion as well as the true sharing was a big help for me personally. In this spirit I would like to contribute the essence of my experience I wrote down after awakening on the 22nd of November:

I was visiting an old friend and because I was tired I lay down in his bed while he talked to me. He seemed somewhat annoyed, was tired himself, and decided to lay down beside me in this big double bed. Since I was laying on the side, facing away from the bed, I didn’t see him but felt that he lay down right behind me in the same position – as this happened an incredible amount of energy hit my whole being from behind, basically went all through me. It was extremely intense and I can’t consciously remember having ever felt something like this before in the dream state, although writing down my nightly experiences every day. This energy was quite remarkable in its scope, but on waking up the interpretation I wrote in my journal associated it with the stress level of my friend. Its hard to say whether this is relevant at all, since it could have been the conscious mind just trying to make sense of the situation.

As I was reading the segment “Inkarnationszyklus der Seele” of your German book “Evolutionssprung der Menschheit” which my guidance lead me to, tears of recognition came to my eyes. Then, when leaning back for a moment, the purpose of a small blog I wrote finally stroke me – which meant having to write this email and mention it to you. Right with this thought I looked at the clock and it said 02:02, what confirmed this intuition for me….

Much Love
November 28, 2011

Hello Georgi,

Probably, it is the right time now to welcome and learn more details about our group (PAT), where it comes from, our history and where it is going.

After a very difficult episode of my life and long period of meditation, on October 2008, I started living New Spiritual Experiences like complete Peace, Samadhi and Ecstasy. I was aware also of a new spiritual talent. I am now able to read the vibration behind words or text. I cannot explain this but it is there.

Since then, I have identified many messages, text or extracts that contain different levels of vibration.

I am proposing to every member of the group (PAT) to read a message that contains a very high level of vibration (my soul response to this message). It is a 10 pages document that is very simple to read and is related to the history of our group (PAT).

Many members have perhaps already read it, but it would be great if the rest of the group be aware of it. Any comments, feelings about The Atlantis Heritage are welcome in order to understand our mission and maintain the Unity of our Group.

Jeshua channeled by Pamela PamelaKribbe.
This message is available in 16 languages.

Here are some extracts of the English Version.

English The Atlantis Heritage

I AM Jeshua. I stand before you and send you my energy and love. I would like to be of support to you in these challenging times. This time of transition on Earth brings many old things to the surface. Old energies emerge from times long gone by, times in which you were incarnate and had lives in which you experienced much. All these old layers now resurface.

I would like to speak of these old times today, to bring you to a deeper understanding of yourselves, of who you are here-and-now. You are old, ancient beings, who carry within a great deal of experience. Long journeys through time and space you have made, and not just on planet Earth.

Please let me take you back to the beginning. There was never a beginning, but for the sake of this story, I speak of a beginning in time, because there was a starting point to the large cycle of lifetimes in which you are now caught up.

Out of paradise – the first Fall into Experience.

You got caught up in a fierce and grand battle. Part of the science fiction literature familiar to you, describes all this and is actually inspired by real events in a distant past. It is not mere fiction. Much has actually happened and you were deeply involved in it. You lost yourselves in the struggle for power and during this stage of your history you thoroughly experienced the energy of the ego.

Atlantis – the second Fall into Experience

Much became possible during Atlantis, but much went wrong as well. There generally was a divide between the political-spiritual elite and the ‘common people’, which were made up of Earth souls predominantly. They were looked upon as inferior beings, means to an end, and they were actually used for genetic experiments that were part of the Atlantean ambition to manipulate life on the biological level, so that more superior life forms could be created.

Rejection as a light worker- the third Fall into Experience

The coming of the Christ energy, my coming to Earth, was partly prepared by you. I could not have come without a layer of energy present on Earth that would receive me, ‘catch me’ so to speak. Your energy provides the channel through which I could anchor the Christ energy on Earth. It was a joint effort, truly. Your hearts had opened up to me, to what I represented. At that time, you were the part of humanity most open to receive the love and wisdom from the heart.

Translation in others languages.

Français L’Héritage d’Atlantis

Português A Herança da Atlântida

Español La Herencia de la Atlántida

Deutsch Das Erbe von Atlantis

Dear Marcel,

Thank you for this suggestion. I know this text from Pamela Kribbe very well and I liked it when I read it. I will post a link in the next report to this website, which is distributed in many languages. This is a good idea. Thank you.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Hallo George,

This may not be directly related, but I wanted to tell you about my experience yesterday.

I started to read a book from Madeleine Walker about animal communication on Friday, called “The Whale Whisperer”, then on Saturday I had this experience:  As I was surfing at Hawston Harbour, along with 3 other guys, the wind was blowing fresh off shore, causing a slight current that pushed us towards the open sea, so that we always had to  paddle some to get back to the line up. So, anyhow, there was a mother humpback whale and her calf nearby, about 50 m’s maybe, and we watched them surface and dive and blow air etc, when I started to let myself drift towards them slowly with the current. I then sat up on my board and engaged my heart chakra to send them loving energy. As I got closer to them I started to lie flat on my board and they submerged themselves.

The water was crystal clear, so that I could see them under the water, and could follow them as they came towards me and then slowly and very carefully surfaced a few cm’s from my nose, the calf being closest to me. I kept sending love and watched how they (especially the calf as it was closest) was moving so slowly and with utter care not to touch me, as they slowly moved on returning their love to me, leaving me with an incredible feeling. I was being respectful by not reaching out my hand and touching them.

I tried to channel any messages, but was unable to. That evening I was overcome by tears of homesickness, something I had experienced already a few weeks ago when I looked up at some clouds.

I am sure that the whales opened my heart chakra a little more, and there was some healing going on, as this energy exchange took place. I had to drink abnormal amounts of water that day and felt very fatigued afterwards.

This morning the waves were good there once more, but my friends were somewhere in the deep ocean.

In love and light,
Dear Joe,

this is indeed an amazing experience and I wished  were also there. From what I know is that cetaceans are the biggest and most  powerful carriers of love energies and help Gaia transmute its dark energies in the process of Ascension. But the whales also have a direct impact on us human beings, and you have had the extraordinary luck to feel this energy in a very direct and tangible way. A memorable experience indeed. Congratulations! A Mobby Dick touch in the positive direction.

In love and light
November 29, 2011

Dear George

Two days ago I had a dream where I saw a sphere sitting in the Cosmos.  The sphere was opaque and vibrating quietly with serene energy – it was opaque crystalline.  As I watched, the sphere divided neatly in half and the two halves moved slowly apart to reveal a round revolving central core which was dense and multi-coloured.  I saw a pristine planet, fresh and clean.  The “shell” remained in place to show me that this planet is still cloaked but it is close-by and ready.

I finished reading Rumi’s Vine Revelations this morning at 2.30am this morning.  I feel a deep affinity with this person – he is a seeker of the Truth and has delved into many experiences along the way.  His experiences mirror those which I dream about – but my life took a different turn.  Maybe he has experienced them on my behalf?  Maybe we all have experiences for each other because we are of the same soul group?

Last night I met with Rumi on the inner planes.  His energy is strong. clear and very powerful, yet extremely benevolent.  We had travelled a long way and found ourselves in a large delapidated house with many rooms. The floors were dusty and dirty with small rubbish and bits of plaster.  We were dismayed at the state of the house but realised we were standing in a clean room on a rich red Turkish carpet.  A cleaning lady came in and said she had just vacuumed the house.  Rumi and I looked at each other and realised that she couldn’t see the rubbish and dust in the rest of the house, so we resolved to clean it up when she had gone, as it was evident that it was useless trying to point it out to her.

How do you interpret this dream?

love and light from Callista
Dear Callista,

I have often dreamt of empty rooms with rest of dirt and rubbish to cleanse, sometimes of cellars, and this all has to do with the dross of our physical vessels during the LBP as long we had to cleanse them, but we are now beyond this time. In this case you have dreamt of the rest dross of humanity which the others  do not see yet.

Rumi is indeed a powerful personality and I hope I can win him to write for this website.

You have seen in your other dream the splitting of the two earths and it is obvious that this mitosis is in the making and will happen soon with the magnetic pole shift.

Now I will tell you my last dream. This is now not the dream, but the pre-history to it. Two days ago I asked my wife to look in my Turkish coffee and tell me the future. She is very good at that. This technique has tradition in the former Ottoman countries (Balkan countries, especially among the gypsies and my wife must have been a gypsy in her previous life).

My wife saw immediately all the members of the PAT ascended and having a huge party. She even described it as an orgiastic party like a group sex. Then she saw a lion sitting apart from this party and her first interpretation was that we will ascend in the summer next year – lion in the Zodiac. But it did not sound well with me and I asked if the Lion could be a symbol for something else. My wife is very good at symbols and in interpreting them. She is like an encyclopedia in this respect. Then she said promptly: The lion is also a symbol of earth and also the symbol of Bavaria and is on the banner of this country.

Yes, I said – it is the earth. We, the members of the PAT, have terminated our vow to help Gaia after 11.11.11. and have decided to ascend on our own, so that the ascension of earth is no longer part of our destiny. That is why she is staying aside in my coffee sediment.

Anyway, on the next (this) report-35 there is a very beautiful story from Joe who had an encounter with whales, while sailing with a boot few days ago and he wrote to me how he had exchanged love energies from his heart chakra with the calf of the mother-whale. This is almost a mythical story, similar to that of Mobby Dick but in the positive direction.

This story impressed me quite a bit. On Monday night, I dreamt that I was walking along the streets of Munich near the Zoo and I saw many people running  in panic. I asked them what has happened, but they could not answer as they were scared to death and in a hurry. Then I saw all of a sudden a lion that has escaped from the Zoo and he was running towards me. I realized that I have no chance to escape from him and I did like Joe with the whale – I sent the lion a huge beam of love from my heart chakra. The lion came to me and prostrated himself like a tamed cat in front of my feet, just like St. Hieronymus is depicted with a lion in front of his feet in the Christian legends and pictures. I tamed the lion with my love and he was now very docile.

While having this dream in the lucid state, I immediately concluded that the lion is the symbol of mother earth as seen by my wife in my Turkish coffee. While the people were running away from her rage, I, being a representative of the PAT, could tame earth. I remembered at this moment that in the Bible and in other Christian texts the New Earth is described as paradise, where the lion and the lamb will live side by side in peace.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Dear George,

Thank you beyond what I can express, for fully BEING yourself … and not only for what you give to all of us through this site, but also for mirroring to all of us who we each are, and the endless depths of Spirit that each of us also has within to pull from, to fully step into our own unique roles of this NEW WHOLE we are creating together! It’s simply exquisite to behold and co-experience!

I want to share with you and the PAT members what I have been blessed to come across and be supported by from my own experience over the past 18 years. Especially now, I feel not just an inner nudge to share, but rather basically an inner “shove”. In 1993, a Unity minister friend of mine gave me a book, and he seemed extremely determined and almost impatient to do so. He knew it was due to come out, and made sure he gave it to me just as soon as he received it hot off the press (as if he was being guided to do so).

The book is called “The Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth” and it is subtitled, “The Book of Co-Creation”. It is written by Barbara Marx Hubbard (1993).  In it, she first chronicles her own personal journey of discontent and questioning, which resulted in the breakthrough of the voice of her Higher Self, and then to what she refers to as the “Higher Voices” and the “Christ Voice”. She is then instructed by this Christ Voice to go through the passages of the Book of Revelation (the violent birth scenario of John’s vision) and write down the “re-interpretation” of this … the description of the “gentle birth scenario” that was/is intended for humanity.

When I began reading the book, I KNEW IMMEDIATELY that it was my truth, from the then yet un-healed depths of my being! I knew it was divinely brought When I began reading the book, I KNEW IMMEDIATELY that it was my truth, from the then yet un-healed depths of my being! I knew it was divinely to me as a guide for the rest of my days here, and it truly has been my “bible” ever since. I’m sharing this is because I now know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that we, calling ourselves the PAT, ARE those for whom this book was written.  And even though we all know we are way behind the original timeline for a gentle birth scenario to be fulfilled at this point, the overall pattern of this scenario IS what is foretold in this book. For this  reason, I want to include several quotes herein from the book that I feel would mean something to all, and in future emails to you I could add to it, if you and readers feel they are helpful. I also have a strong hunch that any of you who have the book, or can get ahold of it now, would vibrate noticeably  higher seeing for yourself that this book was, in fact, written FOR US!! So, without further ado, here are some excerpts, all of which are from the book’s italicized words of the explanations of the “Christ Voice.”

“One particular generation experiences the shift from creature-human to co-creative human. This generation, the first generation capable of self-regeneration, is now marked by intention, desire, will, love and total  dedication to being like me, doing as I did and even more. They are those sealed upon their foreheads just before the tribulations intensify. They are those alive now who are completely committed to the transformation of themselves, their world, even unto the resurrection and the ascension which, translated into modern language, means they shall change their bodies and leave this Earth alive, to join me beyond this physical plane.” (“sealed in your foreheads means your awareness is awakened”)
“The ones who can pave the way for the birth of the natural Christs are you, dearly beloved, the people who bridge the Quantum Instant, having been born as creature/humans, and, midstream in your lives, having consciously decided to transform. You are the precious link. You can manifest yourselves without being destroyed, for you carry the double template of creature/human and Christlike human—a very precious role.”
“You who believe in your capacity to be like me, will be enabled to do so in the fullness of time. You will be “taken up” at the appropriate time, *according  to the conditions on Earth, to prepare the way for your brother and sister believers in their potential to be me.*  “What does “taken up” mean? It is a complex transformation. You enter a state of universal consciousness—which you have already experienced at  your high moments when in communion with me. In this state of God-centered bliss, you are physically awakened by an inner electricity that changes the frequency of the atoms in your body. They quicken, and thus allow you to resonate at the same frequencies as other beings who have graduated from their terrestrial wombs.”
“You are ready to self-transform, not for the sake of your personal reward,  but for the sake of all humanity, that anyone may have the same opportunity as you. Your purpose in surrendering to self- transformation is to demonstrate that you can do it; therefore anyone can do it who follows me.”
“You who are attracted to being like me are the “missing link.” You have volunteered to serve as the transitional people, ones in whom the shift from Adam to Christ is experienced, demonstrated and revealed as a natural  and desirable potential for all who so intend.”

Again, thank you to all!
With a wide open heart and a smile
Dear Robin,

I have no problem publishing these excerpts with your recommendation of Hubbard’s book in the next report. I would like to make you only aware of the fact that I have discussed this same issue at great length as the “Parusia event” in all my five books on Human Gnosis. Two of these books were written in 2000-2001. I also describe very precisely the current scenario of “connecting the dots” of the members of the PAT. This information was given to me in an inspired state from my higher self as it was part of my mission on earth to take the responsibility for the coordination and assembly of the PAT members.

In fact, I have shown in my book “Neoplatonism and Christianity” that this scenario was known 1800 years ago by Origenes, the father of Christian exegesis who discussed this scenario for the End Times with great precision and detail in his “peri archon tomoi 4” (four books about the first things). Please observe that John’s revelations were written much later (almost 200 years later than Origenes’ books) by the Templers and that the entity “John” has never existed, as I point out in my last book “The Cosmic Laws…”

In order not to get too much excited about some particular revelations in the current esoteric literature, one should have a broader overview on the gnostic literature of mankind in the last 2000 years. This will prevent one from putting too much importance on some particular sources, which have been inspired by the same sources that have also inspired such prominent thinkers in the past as Plotinus and Origenes who have shaped Western civilisation in a profound manner. I wonder whether Hubbard has referred to these prominent authors in the past, If not, she has not been diligent enough in her recherche.

With this email I only want to establish some academic order in our gnostic heritage and put the “first things” on their proper place.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Dear George,

I’ve been looking at how magnetic lines of force can be used for space travel and as a source of energy being put out of balance trying to go back in balance creating movement or something like that. Anyway, I know you know what I’m trying to say and If you could explain how it works. Also does the below still apply?

Scientific attachment:…

Humbly yours, Chris
Dear Chris,

You raise a fundamental theoretical question with huge practical consequences in the very near future. As we have entered the time of serendipity, I have just finished a new publication after some time which addresses some of the issues mentioned in the excerpt you have attached. It will appear very soon on my website.

Many of the theoretical problems discussed in this overview are solved in my two volumes on physics and I will not go now into details.

My personal opinion on this issue is that magnetism must be abolished or overcome before we can go through space and time, through portals, as magnetism in itself builds energetic polarities which create duality on earth and prohibit the access to the higher frequency levels of unity.

This is also the main reason why there must be a magnetic pole shift which will lead to the elimination of magnetism as a force of 3d-space-time. Precisely it builds the 3d-space-time. I am very confident that after the shift, there will be new technologies which will enable us to make space travels through mini-portals on every place on this globe as a substitute for the current mass transport based on the combustion of organic fuels, which pollutes earth most heavily.

The new earth must be however cleansed before its final ascension on Dec 2012 to the 5th dimension. This necessity makes it almost a certainty that we will very soon see this kind of new technologies on earth, most probably in the course of the next year. In this respect you raise a very actual and valid question. These portals will function from the 4th and 5th dimensions and for that reason earth must go through the pole shift very soon and eliminate most of magnetism on this planet.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Hello George,I was interested in Amy’s message about her creative work, because that’s what I have done also. I work a couple or three part time jobs now, but they are all in the creative areas I enjoy (writing, teaching, photography), rather than jobs I work just for the money. This Saturday for example, I just couldn’t sit down at my desk, until I had done some creative work outside first! So I do enjoy life much more from that standpoint, that it is more fun and creative!Mike/Florida

Dear Mike,

This is a clear prove that we have entered a new energy level, where our pristine creative powers and abilities emerge on the surface, as they can no longer be suppressed as was the case in the past in the old Orion system. They now spill over, so to say, in our everyday life, thus creating our new reality which will be based on unlimited spontaneous creation. This was the reason why I published Emy’s email to make my readers aware of this new emerging reality, which will substitute the old one.

In love and light
November 28, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I take the liberty to call you by your first name as we are all one on this journey. I have read your web site for a while now and have never commented on it before. I feel compelled, however, to share what I feel to be a hugely profound experience in my life in the November 11, 2011, until November 13, 2011, timeline. It seems that there are many who are disappointed in the events as we have all been looking forward to this event. I understand the disappointment of your readers as we have all been excited and had great anticipation surrounding this date. As I am not one to usually comment on web sites, I must say that it is definitely my higher self that has convicted me to do so. It is telling me “share your experience” and it is persistent so I have decided to do so.

I have been on this journey for about 15 years now. I was raised in a Christian home and the very journey for me to let go of the concept that someone died for us and that we are all innately sinners has been a huge undertaking for me. I have also had many, many lucid dreams. I have traveled to some interesting places in them, places I would love to go to again but cannot seem to repeat the dream. With that said, I understand lucid dreams and feel that I understand well what a lucid dream is. I had an experience in the very early morning of November 13, 2011, that would appear as a lucid dream on the surface, but I feel it is other than that. I am absolutely sure that is was something extremely significant.

I have worked a lot with light, color, and vibration as I have come to understand that all exists within it. On November 11, 2011, I participated in a world “attunement” exercise. It is a wonderful sound pineal attunement that I have been working with for months now. This particular attunement was for an extended period followed by a rest period and then sleep. Immediately following this I was extremely upset. I cried and found myself repeating the same phrase I have said so many times, that being “I just want to go home. I’m so tired and I want to be in the presence of love without all the hurt. I don’t want to be here anymore.” Needless to say, the next day I was exhausted. I had the rare opportunity to go to sleep early and I took it.

My sleep was in short bursts though deep. I awoke every hour or two from 9:00 p.m. EST until 2:00 a.m. EST. At about 3:30 EST I awoke and went to my kitchen to get a drink. When I walked into the kitchen everything was very fuzzy, which I thought was probably due to waking up. But it didn’t pass. I stood in my kitchen and was unable to clearly focus. It appeared as though everything was in a cloud. I rubbed my eyes and still it did not change. I was under the influence of no drugs or alcohol.

I started to realize that I felt very strange. My body felt strange. I couldn’t shake the feeling. As I reached for the glass of water on the counter I noticed my cat in my peripheral vision. He is a very big black cat. I turned to look at him and it appeared that he was floating, levitating if you will, about a foot off the ground. As I looked at him I realized he was not levitating but rising. He continued to rise and I began to think “this is it, this is it!” As I could see the lower half of his body at the ceiling and not the rest, I thought, “this is it, I want to go too! I want to ascend.”

At that point I closed my eyes and just thought about it, willed my mind to it if you will. I began to feel the all too familiar feeling that I have come to know as a Kundalini rising. I focused my attention and could feel myself begin to rise. Suddenly the rising was very fast, very very fast. I could feel the pressure on my body, this incredible pressure as I have never had before in any lucid dream. I felt as if I was moving very fast. I could feel it with my body as if I was on a roller coaster in free fall, but so much faster.

I never thought of trying to open my eyes as I felt dizzy and a bit disoriented. It seemed to be a short bit of time and I felt myself begin to slow down. As I did, I opened my eyes. I saw what appeared to be a complex of what I can only describe as apartments, but they rose so high, not like anything I have seen before. It was dark like it was night and I could see all these lights buzzing in the sky that I thought must be space “cars”, but on thinking of it further they were just these round lights that were moving. As I approached the “entrance” to this area I heard a voice, a female voice, saying “we have a new arrival.”

At that point I saw what appeared as an entrance. I say an entrance because there were no walls and I could see everything beyond it, but it appeared to me as a wide either hexagon or octagon, I cannot remember. It was elongated on the top and bottom and the connected sides were short and at sharp angles. At the opening of this entrance there was what I saw as a man who appeared to be in a military uniform, but on old fashioned one. He had dark hair and the uniform was khaki. He appeared to be in his late 50s or early 60s. He glanced our way and then simply returned his gaze to the entrance. I say “our” because at this point I felt that I was being accompanied by someone. I could not see anyone or my own body, but I felt as if someone was with me.

At this point I heard another female voice say “we are having an opening in ______  (I cannot remember the name).” We continued to move though much slower, then we slowed and I felt about to stop. At this point, there appeared as what I thought was the entrance to a pool, a rod iron fence surrounding it. Very old compared to the other things I saw. At this point I felt myself come to a complete stop, and when I did, I was looking at it and suddenly I appeared to wake up in my bed. I was wide awake. I was sitting cross-legged on the opposite side of the bed that I sleep on. I was leaning back against a few pillows almost sitting up. I never sleep on my back. I was in awe of the experience and could not sleep the rest of the night. I came to realize later that what I saw as the pool was actually the pool of the development I live in.

Since that night, for 3 days now, I have had the most incredible pressure headache I have ever had. I have had pressure headaches before, but nothing like this. I have had ascension energy headaches and earaches that lasted for months but nothing compares to this. My ears are plugged as if I have taken off and landed in a plane about 300 times. I feel fuzzy still but it is easing. My body still feels strange. I have eased the headache with some visualization work and the earache is better, but the pressure in my ears and on my body is still definitely there.

I’m not sure if this means anything at all to anyone else. It was PROFOUND for me. Absolutely profound. Suddenly all my worries about ascension have eased and I feel complete bliss. I have been worried about ascension, about actually making the decision to go as I realize if I leave, my children and friends would be terribly worried. I have struggled with this in contrast to the absolute certainty that I am going to ascend, I just know I am.

I have felt strong emotion within myself regarding what a massive disappearance of people from all over would do to a major part of society that has not even begun to awaken. Would they feel as if they were “left behind” in a religious sense? Would it send them deeper into fear? Who would help them? Would others prey upon those fears and trap them further in this dream? I have a feeling that if I could remember all of the journey, that what I felt and saw would be so strong that I could never come back, so at a soul level I choose to ascend without the memories of what being there was like, otherwise I could have never come back. Hence the veils are lifted when we are ready.

I also have wondered since this happened if maybe I was just awake and made the shift with Gaia to the 4th dimension. It is my understanding that she made this shift somewhere in this portal. Maybe I just happened to be awake when it happened and was conscious of the shift, while others were asleep. It’s hard to want so badly to remember all you are and what your experiences mean because you know at a soul level you are well aware. I can’t wait for the day when my conscious mind is merged with my soul and spirit. What a day that will be!…

I’m glad I shared this with you. I have no one who really understands this to share it with. I realize you’re a complete stranger, but I feel a sense of relief at actually having said this “out loud” if you will to someone who understands.

With the greatest appreciate and love.
Dear Terri,

Your story is indeed amazing and I wonder why you might have come to the idea that I could have interpreted it as anything else, but a major “ascension rehearsal” for you, to say the least. If you are sure that you have woke up and gone to the kitchen, then all your subsequent experience points out to partial ascension and return to earth for whatever reason.

Levitation -dematerialisation – and materialisation again. The fact that you found yourself on the opposite side of your bed was a deliberate sign from your soul  for you to remember that you have made this astral journey, but returned back home.

This is at least how I interpret it from your description. The interesting point is that it happened actually two days after 11.11.11. I would love to hear more from you about this story. Yes, please write to me as much as you find appropriate and I will read it with great pleasure and comment on it.

In love and light
Dear Georgi,

I do feel that I was awake when I went into the kitchen. Dreams have a different quality to them and recognizing that in the dream is what makes me able to lucid dream. Even if I do not lucid dream, I am able to look at the dream on waking and see many obvious signs that it was a dream. I have none of that with this. I have gone over it time and time again and nothing about that night makes me think I was actually dreaming.

I’m not a scientist, just an average person. I do not have many of the experiences that your readers have such as experiences with channeling or sitting in on meetings in the astral plane or any the amazing things I read of on many websites like people remembering their past lives. But I do honestly feel from my heart that I was not sleeping.

Dear Terri,

Thank your for this further confirmation and clarification. The whole situation confirms your presentation. I have personally absolute no problem to accept your experience as I have had several out-of-body experiences myself and actually ascended on October 13, 2010. However, when my higher self increased my vibration to maximum on that night, I left my physical vessel and went in spirit to the higher dimensions. Ultimately, it is irrelevant what happens to the physical body as one’s personality is not bound to it: It is only an instrument for the soul to collect human 3d-experience.

There are essentially two possibilities to ascend:

1) the carbon-based body is transformed into crystalline light body during ascension, just as water can be transformed into vapour upon heating or

2) The incarnated personality leaves the body and ascends as I did on October 13, 2010. In this case there are two further possibilities how to proceed with the body:

a) the body dies physically and the ascension is achieved through the death process. Many adepts in the pasts have chosen this possibility and there are numerous reports on such events.

b) the physical body is dematerialized by the higher self, so that those who stay on earth, the relatives, will miss the body of the ascended one. This procedure will be used during the magnetic pole shift when many people will leave earth and it will not be appropriate that there will be many corps dispersed all over the planet. The deceased ones will simply vanish and the remaining people will believe that they have been swept away by the natural catastrophe, as was the case with the huge tsunami in Thailand. These entities will ascend in spirit to the 5th dimension and will automatically acquire a new light body and may go to the New 5d-Earth.

This procedure will be predominant during the mass ascension in Dec 2012.

This is my concise version of the three possibilities, how one can ascend from the 3d-reality to the 5th dimension.

In love and light
November 28, 2011


Thank you once again for your response.., My mother has Fiber Mialgia (I am unsure if that is the correct spelling) which is a muscle wasting condition,..

Dear Tanya,

I almost suspected that it will be fibromyalgia. This is an “excuse diagnose” for all blinded doctors when they have no other explanation. There is no such disease at all – it is an invention of the doctors who label any unknown medical state with a word to make it more meaningful and important.

In fact your mother is in a severe phase of the LBP that goes with diffuse muscle pains and subsequent joint pains. I have gone through this too. The hernia has nothing to do with this state. It  happens at certain age and even with young people. There is absolute no treatment for this state defined as fibromyalgia. When you look for fibromyalgia in a standard textbook on medicine such as “Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine”,  you may also check wikipedia, you will find out that the doctors are at pain to define this disease and they openly admit that there is no effective treatment at all for this condition. But I can assure you that many drugs cause adverse and side effects similar to the symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Now let me make you a sound proposal. Your mother should stops with all current medication without any exception immediately. She will then begin taking Nystatin (for instance Lederle, tablets 500 000 IU) eight tablets per day, three times: 2X morning, 2X lunch and 3 X supper after mealtime for at least three months or even better for six months. You can also order Nystatin by the local pharmacist as gelatin capsules of 250 mg powder Nystatin (1,25 million IU) and then take 1,1, 2 capsules per day). Try to find a cheap provider of powder Nystatin in Internet – Import from Holland, Canada or Italy, if it is too expensive in the UK.

Your mom will be surprised what a huge change this new treatment will bring about. You can also check my US-patent on Nystatin on my website for further information. Her asthma will be also cured with this drug very effectively. I promise you. I have treated many patients with this indication and have cured them all, where no other therapy has helped.

I have just started to cure the Iceland horses of my wife against neurodermitis, a kind of psoriasis and asthma, for which there is no treatment at present and the effects are spectacular. This was not my idea, but that of my wife, who I had treated successfully from her asthma, acute rheumatitis with fibromyalgia, similar to that of your mother, and severe food allergy many years ago with Nystatin. Now she is absolutely healthy.

Give me a feedback, but follow strictly my advise.

In love and light


There is no single test that can fully diagnose fibromyalgia and there is debate over what should be considered essential diagnostic criteria and whether an objective diagnosis is possible. In most cases, patients with fibromyalgia symptoms may also have laboratory test results that appear normal and many of their symptoms may mimic those of other rheumatic conditions such as arthritis or osteoporosis. In general, most doctors diagnose patients with a process called differential diagnosis, which means that doctors consider all of the possible things that might be wrong with the patient based on the patient’s symptoms, gender, age, geographic location, medical history and other factors. They then narrow down the diagnosis to the most likely one.


As with many other medically unexplained syndromes, there is no universally accepted treatment or cure for fibromyalgia, and treatment typically consists of symptom management. Developments in the understanding of the pathophysiology of the disorder have led to improvements in treatment, which include prescription medication, behavioral intervention, exercise, and alternative and complementary medicine. Indeed, integrated treatment plans that incorporate medication, patient education, aerobic exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy have been shown to be effective in alleviating pain and other fibromyalgia-related symptoms.
November 28, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I can imagine, my feeling is this is not going to end Dec 2012. The energy does not seem to move on the service, but myself inside can feel the changing. The goal is all of humanity must ascend!

Be honest if you were the unseens what will you do? Keep 1.5 million ascended masters on earth to change the mass consciousness!

I think we will be the last ones to go, after all of humanity that make it to ascension went! The days are long and frustrating! I am not sure if you read the last SG message, but here you can read between the lines that we are going to be here for a while longer!

What are your thoughts/feelings on this?

Dear Wilfred,

I have told you that I do not trust SG of Aruna as he changes his opinion like the wind. Second, you make a wrong assumption: It is not intended that the whole humanity will ascend, but only the souls that already come from the 5th and higher dimensions.They will return back home in Dec 2012 – through death or mass ascension. The other ones, the clones and the unripe souls, will stay on the remaining catastrophic 3d-earth. The battle is “pari” and no side has won.

Now  the magnetic pole shift and the other events must come swiftly. The higher realms know that the dark human entities can no longer be saved and they will no longer try to do this. Their target of interest are the 40-50% of the more evolved souls on earth, who are still sleeping, but must awaken in the course of the next year and they must begin doing this quickly and with great power. Therefore, there will be dramatic changes very soon.

November 28, 2011

Dear Giorgio, do you think that it makes sense to store food, and gold and other things like this to have a better transition during the period just before the shift, as many say. Or is it a nonsense for the ones who are going to ascend because they will not need anything specifically? Thank you a lot, Alberto
t is an absolute nonsense and an admittance on your part that you still rely upon material things for survival. George
So, even before ascension we will not need any food, as I understand. After the ascension life will be totally unphysical, is it right?
Thanks Giorgio to clear up my little doubts!
Yes, but the most important idea to observe is to have full faith in your soul that she will bring you upon the crest of the cosmic wave to the 5th dimension and that you are well protected. Any preoccupation with petty material needs is falling back to 3d-human thinking that lowers your frequencies. George
Your answers are just fantastic! Thank you! And let me know about the old Berlusconi that was a friend of Putin, he was positive at that time?
Putin has to dance with the wolves. But he cannot be mired. Berlusconi was substituted with a clone after he was hit in the face and disappeared for 2 weeks. Before that he had good relations with Putin, but not afterwards. You have brought me to a new clue. It might be that he was killed because he was too friendly to Putin? It makes sense. George
I think so. He also had good friendship with Gheddafy and Mubarak…. All the newspapers of the dark cabal always criticised Berlusconi for his too close relation with Putin. Also the aggression towards Berlusconi clearly happened with the complicity of his bodyguards. They did nothing to protect him and they were looking at Berlusconi instead looking around! Seems that also Argentina is going to the light. And what about China and India?
Dear Alberto,

China is definitely a very strong and powerful adversary of the USA-GB Cabal and has recently made an alliance with Japan, which knows that the Fukoshima disaster was caused by US-HAARP technologies. They are also in good relations with Russia and coordinate their foreign policy as is the case with their veto in UN against Western sanctions against Syria and Iran.

India is still on a crossroad between East and West, as depicted by the famous writer E.M. Foster a hundred years ago,  but when it erupts, this will be the end of the Western dominance in Asia.

Argentina is on the way to collective awakening as the first country in the world, after it defaulted in 1998-99 when it was hit by the financial US-cabal who aimed at impoverishing  the Argentinian population and deflating their currency, just as they are now doing with the Euro, so that all people lost their money and savings in the  banks. Now Argentina is the only Western country with an 8% annual growth and is largely independent from US-capital. This is what Greece should have done an year ago.

Any more questions?

In love and light
Published November 18, 2011:

Southern Africa is experiencing weird vibes, according to scientists studying one of the more profound upheavals awaiting planet Earth.

This forthcoming revolution is a reversal in the Earth’s magnetic field, an event that occurs every 500 000 years or so.

Signs that the reversal is about to happen again are nowhere more apparent than over Southern Africa, according to Dr Pieter Kotze, head of the geomagnetism group at the Hermanus Magnetic Observatory in the southern Cape.

Satellites in low-Earth orbit over Southern Africa are already showing signs of radiation damage suffered as a result of the Earth’s magnetic field weakening above our part of the planet. The field forms the magneto-sphere, which, like the Earth’s ozone layer, protects the planet from the sun’s harmful radiation.

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