State-of-Ascension-Report-25: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-25, November 13, 2011

How I See 11.11.11 Post Hoc

by Georgi Stankov, November 13, 2011

In the last 24 hours I went deep inside myself, before I decided to issue this report after 11.11.11. We  had all placed so much hopes in this auspicious date to leave this toxic planet finally and return back Home, but the divine plan for this planet was changed once again in the very last moment.

You will learn about the reasons for this in the latest emails below, which I shared with some of you while this unique event unfolded in front of our eyes. They perspire in a pristine and true manner our immediate thoughts and feelings about the role of the stargate 11.11.11 for the future of mankind and earth from now on.

In order to appreciate the importance of this event, let me tell you that the long history of mankind and all incarnation experiments on this planet will be evaluated in the future in terms of “Before 11.11.11” (B11.11.11) and the mission of the PAT (BPAT) and after the successfully accomplished mission of the PAT (A11.11.11 or APAT). No more BC and AC – you are the new Christed human beings on this planet. Without your god-given ability to open the portals on this toxic planet, the whole stargate 11.11.11 would have been a flop – ascended masters here, archangels there.

I will be very succinct here, because as all of you I am very exhausted from this past adventure as well as from my inhuman editorial marathon in the last three months, which was scheduled to end at 11.11.11. But if it is your desire, I may continue publishing at a slower pace on this website in the coming days.

Before I start with our regular Ascension-Report, which is still as valid as before,  let me convince you once again that whatever happened at 11.11.11, was your personal success and the fruits of your collective will and perseverance will be riped very soon.

The new, very powerful energies that flood earth since this event emanate also from your chakras and are not only harbingers of the new multidimensional reality of the 5th dimension, which we will increasingly experience and manifest on this earth, but will also trigger the imminent collapse of the Old World Order with its three major pillars:

1. The crash of  the Orion Monetary System, which is the backbone of the current Reptilian world economic order, will be the first to come.

2.  The substitution of the current established empirical science with the new Theory of the Universal Law will soon follow. This will be the new theatre of battle for me personally in the course of the next year and for that reason I will have to concentrate more on this issue.

3. The abolition of all organized religions of the Powers That Be on this planet and their substitution with a new true spirituality, to which you have dedicated yourselves in this last incarnation on earth. This website was a small, but pivotal forum for this new spirituality, which will soon encompass the whole humanity and will lead it to a new sparkling future.

It has already commenced with 11.11.11, which was in the first place your success, although it did not evolve to the full extent as we all have expected and hoped for in our limited linear thinking. But multidimensional matters are sometimes much more complex than we can envisage in our boldest, though humble, human imagination.

I have always seen my primary role in this cosmic transformation of mankind and earth as a  wayshower in the field of Science and Human Gnosis, the latter being the opposite to organized religious teachings.

In the last three months, I was however urged by my higher self to engage in the preparation for the First Ascension Wave at the stargate 11.11.11, and to collect all members of the PAT around this website.

Honestly speaking, this has never been my first priority in my life, although I knew for a long time that this is also part of my and your mission on earth. We  have then connected the dots in a miraculous manner and have heaved the “baby” as high as it was permitted by Heaven: With one foot still in the 3rd dimension and with the other, where you are now – in the 4th and 5th dimensions of simultaneous time which you have already begun to experience in a blissful way.

Without our joint effort on earth nothing would have happened in the first place and even this awkward splits of Gaia in its current interim state would not have been possible, make no mistake about it. You have every reason to be proud of yourself.

If Gaia has ascended as much as the deep collective slumber of humanity has allowed, this is exclusively your personal and unique achievement as wayshowers, star seeds and indomitable Openers of portals. These portals now exist and they will enable many light workers to ascend in the coming days. You have accomplished your mission to the best of your abilities as ascended masters in a physical vessel and beyond it.

Let us recollect that it was this website and your contributions to it that made the light workers community aware of the importance of the stargate 11.11.11 and the Opening of Portals. The very concept of “Opening Portals” was completely unknown to the light worker community prior to this website. All other more or less enlightened New Agers had to follow your example willingly or in a more clandestine manner. But they had to accommodate their ideas in one or another way to ours, if they wanted to evolve further in their spiritual growth. Because you are the true wayshowers of the New Humanity.

Even Beckow had his last conversation with AA Michael on the role of 11.11.11 and first ascension wave one day prior to this event, after he has given up the idea of First Disclosure, NESARA and being saved by the landing of dubious aliens. He has gone a long way to join us in these last days, and I am happy to see how much he has advanced since our alleged dispute.

as “ascended masters in the pole position” we should not close our eyes to the fact that even an Archangel can be wrong in his information on stargate 11.11.11 and that our current predicament was beyond any human perception.

Now it is the time for us to make the decision whether “the glass is half full or half empty”. I personally tend to see the positive aspect in the divine plan to favour the minimal solution at the stargate 11.11.11. This will allow for a more smooth transition of mankind to an enlightened society.

The huge planetary changes that were bound to occur at this time will now be accomplished at a later date when the collective fears are not that much pronounced and the people will be more prone to see the blissful perspective that these huge physical changes will inevitably bring about.

There is a recurrent motif in all channelings that must be well-known to all of you: “Nothing is carved in stone” . Indeed, even a promised ascension can be postponed for the benefit of the whole humanity.

You have been used to make sacrifices all your life, now you have made your last and greatest sacrifice. But it will be repaid with a heavenly dividend, once you have finally ascended in crystalline bodies. And I am still confident that this will be very soon. The party has been only postponed, but it is still on our schedule. In the meantime nobody has been able “to steal the silver” (a German saying) – not even the dark ones that may rejoice at this temporary delay. But the ultimate victory is already ours – the harbingers of light.

November 12, 2011

Dear George

Is it possible for you to ask CA (Cosmic Awareness) to clarify this situation? CA seemed very certain that Ascension would be possible from 24 October 2011 until 21 December 2012. There is no doubt that PAT was ready and willing – therefore there must be some explanation for the delay this time. The CA channel is the only one I have any faith in at the moment – I know it is not healthy to rely on only one channel, but all the others have some parts of the truth but mostly a lot of the channeler’s own personal beliefs. CA resonates with me as a channel which is the most reliable.

I sent another email to Craig, but no reply as yet. and no word from B & B.  I have not discounted the possibility of ascension taking place at any moment in the next months. We will be snatched away in the blink of an eye when we least expect it. It all depends upon divine timing.

Dear Callista,

It is 05.00 CET in Germany and I just awoke because of a huge wave that also hurt my throat and I had to cough very strongly. This happens always when such a huge wave comes. At the moment I do not get any information from my higher self. However the energies as described yesterday are still there. I also asked Craig to send me an email within 12 hours and he has not responded yet.

You have the email addresses of many PAT members scattered around the world who have asked you about their portals. Why don’t you write some of them and ask for a response. I have no clue at the moment and I hope to receive more information in the coming hours.

Please read this channeling:

Dear George

Thank you for the link to the channeling – I read this channeling from Celia Fenn a few days ago. For me, it says nothing new. Part of it says:

“Now, at the 11/11/11, those of you who are entering into Multi-Dimensional Consciousness as Wayshowers, will anchor the Seventh Dimension, the Consciousness of the Ascended Masters of Light. You will become not only Masters of the Earth Plane reality, but you will integrate also the Spiritual Mastery and Wisdom that will prepare you for your New Roles as Stewards and Guardians of the New Earth and Keepers of the New Earth reality. This connection will mean the “end” of “religion” as an organized means of control, and the recognition finally of Individual Spiritual Connection with the Divine Heart. At the Seventh Dimension of Light, there is a Clear Understanding of the Divine Light in all things and the Joy of celebrating the Divine Light and Heart in Ceremonies of Sacred Communion and Love.

You will also become the Guides and Teachers for those who are just beginning their Journey of Awakening and leaving the third-dimensional matrix for the Higher Awareness of Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery. Just as you have worked to master the Skills of this New reality, so you will be called to show others how to become Masters and to Remember Who They Are and to Walk in Empowerment and Love.”

For me, this is exactly what we have achieved through your website – we have already done this. I personally have been working in Fifth-dimensional Planetary Mastery for some time, as I am sure you have too, and beyond fifth-dimension. It is not something that can be taught on-planet – you either do it or you don’t. I have been asked in the past few days to write a small easy-to-read book on Ascension. There is no need for me to do this – I simply refer people to your website where it has all been done. There is no need to re-invent the wheel. These channels are repeating things over and over because they don’t know anything new either. Only Cosmic Awareness can tell us things we don’t know.

Star seeds like you and I have done virtually all we can do and the logical thing for us is to move on – to me, this is the reason for Ascension. For some reason, it has not happened as we thought, but this doesn’t mean that it won’t happen. We are now all prepared and ready for when it will happen. I thought perhaps Cosmic Awareness would be able to shed some light on why it didn’t happen for us this time, but I leave that up to you.

I will email some of the people I have on my email list and let you know of their responses. You are right, the energies are very strong and I feel like I have been hit by a bus – I have just visited Britte and Brett and they are much the same – it is almost like we have ascended and then come back again and we are having to cope with the thick energy back here in this dimension again.

Dear Callista,

After I awoke tonight a 05.00 and wrote several emails to you and other people, including Sue asking her for a further clarification from the Arcturians,  I went again to bed and slept for several hours. It was a very re-creative sleep with extremely high vibrations and when I awoke, I had the following explanation.

The Opening of the stargate 11.11.11 has been a success and obviously some star seeds have already left earth. This was possible only because we, the members of the PAT, have opened the portals and have kept the space for them to ascend. It was always known from the very beginning that we, the members of the PAT, will ascend last.

However, due to energetic considerations, which I cannot know now, it has been decided to gestalt the process of ascension slowly in the coming days as to preserve the stability and the balance of Gaia and humanity and not to create additional fear as the fear quotient is still very high on this planet and detrimental to Ascension and massive changes. For this reason it was decided that the loving energies of 11.11.11 should enter Gaia and humanity first, before other more massive changes of the planet and its population can be initiated. These energies will mitigate the collective fears that will inevitably rise high when the true changes begin to unfold. And for that reason they left us still on earth to keep the light quotient on the ground.

Obviously, Heaven needs still our duties as hard workers on this planet as there is nobody else to do this nasty job. Originally, it was planned that about 20 million should be in the first wave of ascension, but now they were estimated to be less than one million and none or very few of  them can open portals.

But this is, nonetheless, an awkward situation from a human point of view. Although I have the inner conviction this morning that we have done a fabulous job, we have no hard facts in the hand and I suppose that this situation may demoralize some of the people who have read my website and believed in ascension at 11.11.11.

On the other hand I have changed energetically to such an extent after 11.11.11 that I cannot even get really disappointed in true human manner as my emotional field is kept in the zone of heart love, which really streams out as a hot air from my breast and I somehow do not seem to care either if I have been compromised with my predictions or not. This is indeed even unusual for me, although I had already reached a high level of indifference to 3d-reality before I was urged by Heaven and the Arcturians to start this website and introduce the PAT mission.

Why am I telling you these things? Because I rely on this feeling and it tells me that we have accomplished the job successfully and we have fulfilled our mission. But we must, as usually in this incarnation on this toxic planet, do extra-hours for the others who are still sleeping and are not able to support this process more actively.

In fact I knew this three-four days ago that it will be so, at least for me,  but I hoped that some of you will leave earth in due time and this would have been sufficient as a proof for me and the others. But eventually most of us – the Openers – are still there.

This is my information from the higher self – call it CA or anything else – but I directly spoke to it yesterday and asked for an explanation and this is the information I have now. I assume that it also coalesces with your intuition on the current situation. Ultimately, we will stay to the very last moment and do the hard job, but the overall energetic conditions will change, have already changed, dramatically after 11.11.11. No doubt about it. From now on one will no longer need even channelled messages or other written information. One has only to feel his heart and inner energetic space to know what is happening on earth and in cosmos. This is what true multidimensional existence should be all about.

In love and light
Dear Callista,

please find the latest Arcturian message by Ute, which essentially confirms what I have written to you. Read in particular this excerpt:

“The concentration of light and energy, pouring down on earth and your participation in it today was so strong and powerful that it had great influence on the process of shifting earth into her new position, above the 3th dimension.

Although Gaia’s body is now lifted and purified from the heaviness of the darkness of the last thousands of years, she agreed to remain “with one foot and leg” still  in 3D, to grant  a “quickening” opportunity to  those of you, who need a bit longer because you still have to grow your consciousness and personal energy field or light quotient to follow her into the higher dimensional place . And so Gaia is enjoying her newly ascended state, while patiently remaining partially still in her old position, but which has not a great impact on her well-being anymore.

For some of you this might be difficult to understand, but what is above 3dimensional reality cannot be described  and seen with a linear and “logical” left-brain disposition. You have to learn to use your right brain, or better your whole brain, and start to see with your intuition and inner eye and with your heart.”

Dear George

I am so glad to get this email from you. Firstly, let me clarify my suggestions about Cosmic Awareness – on the CAC website you can send in questions to CA and I thought for a moment that a question could be put to their website, asking if they knew why there had been a delay. But this is not necessary now that you have clarified the situation from your higher self. I had a moment of anxiety this morning because I could not contact my higher self and you also could not with yours – I was mystified as to what was going on. But that is now solved.

Going through your email, let me make the following comments. I entirely agree that the opening of the stargate was accomplished by the PAT, and that we will be the last to go through. I even think within myself that we will maybe not go through until 21.12.2012 – we may have to be in this role right to the end.

It is indeed difficult to grasp this event in human terms and demoralisation amongst PAT is a factor to be considered. I am sure that if you post a message on the website outlining the content of the message from your higher self, this will be ample explanation. I am not so sure that we haven’t achieved ascension anyway – I have a suspicion that we indeed ascended and returned because of the factors you have outlined. The energetic change that has taken place within us all should more than accommodate any risk of demoralisation.

There is no doubt that we have all changed energetically, as you say, and your description of the hot air from your breast is very significant. As from yesterday, when I was meditating, I became aware that my heart chakra was very large at the front of my body, but also the same size at the back of my body – so that it is like a tunnel, not a funnel as before. Also, I became aware that the chakras just below the collarbone on each side of the front of the body are opening very wide and cause a feeling of tenderness on the body just three fingers-width below the collarbone on each side. It feels like energy is surging out from these chakras. My knee chakras have also enlarged and are working more energetically so that I want to scratch under the patella, but can’t reach it, so I flex and bend my legs instead.

It is a test for each of us to accept the situation for what it is, without thinking that we have compromised ourselves. When we work in the Light and in Truth then we maintain our integrity no matter what happens. To speak frankly, my only regret is that we had to return to this toxic environment and continue to work using a body which is already worn and fatigued. However, I am confident that the renewing energies of the 11.11.11 gateway will compensate for this.

I have also been able to persuade my Galactic friends to beam me up from time to time and put me in a rejuvenation chamber while I sleep and I am convinced this is making a big difference to my body.  After the initial imbalance, after the influx of energies, I feel now that I am in a better space, and my intuition is intact once again. Thank you for confiding these thoughts and feelings to me – your insights have lightened my heart and validated my own feelings.


PS Brett told me about a dream he had last night which I must ask him to write out in full. One part I remember is that he was in a huge bathroom where there were many baths which all had special lights in them. There were only a few people there, even though the facility was for a large number of people. Sounds to me like a rejuvenation room and they were expecting many more to fill it up!

Dear Callista,

Thank you for your comments and analysis. I am now extremely exhausted after the marathon editorial work in the last three months, plus opening portals that depleted me energetically at the physical level, plus the energies of the last two days. But I am more and more inclined just to publish one more report with our emails, so that the people can gain a direct access to our thoughts around 11.11.11 and make up their own mind.

In love and light
Dear George,

Yes I think this is an excellent idea – by all means use my emails if you think they will help. I have emailed Brett to see if he will send you the full description of his dream. But do take care and rest – it has been an overwhelming experience for all of us, and now we need to take a break.

in Love and Light from Callista
November 11, 2011

Dear George, beloved cosmic brother and mentor,

Thank you very much for all your teachings and words shared to all of us around this beautiful Mother Earth. The roller coaster is on and we are going home! I simply ignore when I will join you, my I Am simply tells me soon, and I will.

I have started fasting only drinking plain water since the 11.1.11 as part of my personal process to prepare more for whatever might come, of course I would love to be there leaving this heavy and toxic 3d with the rest of you and the PAT brothers and sisters, perhaps I will, perhaps I must remain for as long as it takes spreading the light among the darkened ones, the sleeping sisters and brothers if awakening is their life plan. I simply flow with the cosmic flow guided by LOVE All That Is. I am a light warrior and once you leave and I don’t, if such is the case, I remain here in the battle with my key that opens and transforms everything: LOVE!

In case I remain here I will continue fasting until 11.30.11 if I manage, my heart will indicate my stomach what to do, for now I live just for Today, in Joy,

in Peace, being love and joy.
Infinite Gratitude and Love dear brother from the stars.

@ the service of All That Is being the Light that I Am
FEderico Kuauhtli Itzkoatl
standing for the Eagle from the Primary Light
Dear Federico,

Thank you very much for these loving words. You will not be alone in case you decide to ascend later, what I personally do not believe and see, but It is you who knows your soul contract at best. I will return immediately on earth after ascension has taken place as my mission has just begun. I have to introduce the new scientific theory of the Universal Law to the world and the scientific community and to help destroy all organized religions, in particular the Christian. But also help transform the Orion Monetary System.

These are huge tasks that lie before us and we must accomplish them by the end of next year as to help a large part of humanity to also ascend to the 5th dimension. As you see, our joint venture has just begun.

In love and light
November 12, 2011

Hi, have been reading your information on the 11,11,11 info. I am a channel and was going through some massive clearings lately. Yesterday (11th) I was half out half in all day, was very strange energy all day. Around lunch time though, time stopped! For the first time I understood and felt non linear time. Strange feeling, almost like being frozen in time, yet able to function. Still feel strange today, here but not if that makes sense. I know I’m one of many keys around the world. I heard that in so many channels over the years and until recently, did not understand what a key was for. Of course now I see it clear as day.

I like your writings, they help many confused people out there. Thank you!

Alexandra (Australia)
Dear Alexandra,

I can confirm your experience fully, but we have again some delays in the scenario that are difficult to convey to many people. Find below my explanation of the current situation as I see it, as I have just written to Callista from Australia, whom you must know from my website as the lady who is able to view portals of other people remotely.

In love and light
Hi George,

Thanks so much for the info, you seem to verbalize what I see and feel quite well. I’m unfamiliar with Callista, but will look for info on her on your site. how does she view portals of other people? Interesting.

Interesting what you wrote about not really caring about the changes etc. I feel the same, strangely at peace with everything and not in a rush to do anything or go anywhere. Just do what ever I’m called to do and go with the flow. I’ve even stopped thinking in terms of money so much and how I’m going to survive. Somehow I just know everything is going to be fine.

Thanks again! hope all is well for you

hugs Alexandra

November 12, 2011

Dear Georgi,

If you read between the lines, the feeling is that the impact will not be enough for what is to come! The message from AAM (see above) stated that the more consciousness that are available on the planet, earth changes would be reduced considerably!

I think from now on it is moment to moment for energy flow on this planet! We are in the now completely and every decision will be navigated from this now moment to the next!

If you look at the highlighted areas, we awakened ones are the only ones to transmute what needs to be transmuted in the mass consciousness!

You were asked to come back to assist with this mission, if you look at the other message of SG, is said that fear is next to go! We are already working that energy line in transmuting it individually and as part of the mass consciousness! The next step would be with main focus in the mass cons. The strategy was to get all the able ascension candidates to prepare for complete ascension, by pushing hard and creating some drama in the process. Well, we walked the road and succeeded! The next step is the masses of sleeping beings!

These are my thoughts.

Ascension’s Next Step

What do you think of this new day? Are you new and light? Are you celebrating freedom? Can you be the dancing fool? Yes?  Welcome to my world. We can combine our auras in gratitude that our goal has come to pass. We can activate all the new dancers in their light bodies with our amazing grace. Are you an angel? Yes, and a member of the second wave of ascension.(according to SG the first ascension was cancelled last year) Are these words making sense to you? Can you give human gratitude to all who woke you up? Celebrate the new dawn with man’s controllers as your new deliverers. Yes, we can now align with God’s controllers as a means of delivering you to this moment. Will you completely disappear? Not yetEnjoy awakened awarenessWe want the group consciousness that is now available to be huge—contractions deleted—and new openings in all who are not ascended yetAll the candidates ready to ascend have done the needed changes to their opinions and their facts, as they formerly considered their beliefs to be. In one day all these old, deleted attitudes are null and void.

Are you negating this now? No reason to. We have done our next step todayWhen the next wave comes into their new awareness all will disappear in one giant step for man, as an astronaut once declared. This one step is more manageable than the one he took. No travel needed.

Change to your matrix has been accomplishedYou are on a very different matrix than the day before this. Shall we take this time to detail the effects of this huge change? No need to for those now fully awakened. For those who are not feeling any different,  give me your attention. Please do not get contracted. This can be a wake-up call. Clear happiness can also be yours forever when you drop your control and negative approach to those you come in contact with. Face the fact that more work on your own consciousness needs doing. No ascension details are needed when only divine will lives through a man’s character. When this occurs there is no “you” to continue life on Earth. “You” have ascended. Only the divine uses the body now.

Bodies cannot disappear as easily as the content of the mind. Happiness is the absolute deletion of man’s identity combined with the the deletion of attitudes of a personal nature. What is happening today is this: No more “me” and no more control of mind in those bodies where ascension has occurred. Will the body disappear? Quite naturally, as any of those who have ascended can tell you. No big drama—no attention getter—only disappearing from what would be a man or woman’s life. Now what about the media attention my messages were talking about? What do you think can energize that? A new day’s expression in delight, a mass consciousness of love, a new change in the content of the next days creations. Please, don’t get aroused and demented because my drama to get you able to ascend was not the exact content that is now occurring. It was what got you to the loving light that has now become the dominant energy in the entire mass consciousness today.  May we catapult this into dislodging the lack of awareness throughout human evolution into a new answer for man’s development.

What can be done about the global money condition? Give, and give until no contractions occur when you do it. Allowing things to go through you easily activates the next direction of money. Now there are a lot of lack attitudes that include  gathering and hoarding. Negative attitudes all! Fear dominates this condition.  Can your new freedom from fear deliver more charity and more clearing out of the collections that drive money out of your control? Greed and hoarding are the very same consciousness. Hoarding is about “me.” Giving is about “we.” Today’s new consciousness is about “we.” “We” are not one by numbers, only consciousness. Others appear and disappear in our auric field to provide dramatizations of our mental attitudes. Once the attitudes of “me” and “others” dissolves there will be no condition of lack in your energy.

Will the banks come into these new conditions also? Not necessarily. All will continue to go down in chaos while those who are now ascended masters will not be disturbed. All of you will give and deliver other means of continuing the dance. But many of you will disappear also—some today and some on the days to follow. When the call comes, go outside and declare “I AM THAT I AM.” Welcome this. Now that you are ascended in consciousness, this minor detail will matter not. After you finish your contract it could be at any moment. Cancel all anxiousness about the date and time, and delight all who live with the ascended awareness that came to you today. As the light competes its new ability to expand in degree within the body, anything can occur in any moment.

Believe in nothing, and clear the dense areas of the mind and body if any remain. Bless you, All is One.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

November 12, 2011

Hi there George

if you are not in the 3d reality of this planet anymore then I salute you and will not subsequently be hearing from you via a reply. If you are still in this reality on the other hand then i feel with huge respect,that an article from you will be the best course of action as soon as possible for all your readers of this website. I consider myself both an admirer of your work, and a star seed as additional points to my short message to you.

Love and respect
Dear Fraser,

you have assessed the current situation exactly and I am still wondering which is the best alternative way I should follow now.

On the one hand, I am very exhausted by my extremely intensive, almost inhuman editorial activities in the last three months, which were scheduled to end at 11.11.11. In addition I was opening all the time portals the world over at the soul level for this event and this also led to my energetic exhaustion/depletion at the physical level.

On the other hand, the End Time scenario for this planet and humanity has now shifted somewhat and everybody must prepare himself for his individual ascension in the coming days and months.

In this context my future efforts should also shift somewhat. I must prepare for the huge battle of refuting the current established empirical science and substituting it with the New Theory of the Universal Law. This will be an epic battle, much harder than the one I staged against the esoteric Vanity Fair, which ultimately shifted its position for the better as a result of the appearance of this website.

My second huge theatre of battle will be the abolition of all organized religions as part of the dramatic changes that must take place in this society in preparation for the final ascension in Dec 2012.

And last but not least, I must watch and analyse now very carefully how the Orion Monetary System will collapse in the coming days, thus taking with it in the abyss the whole Old World Order, and how the latter should be substituted by a new, more just and fair order of distribution of wealth and resources. This can only happen if some of us ascend very soon and take the lead of humanity.

As I do not want to repeat myself on this issue, I will attach below some emails which I have just written to other star seeds (to Callista first) giving my assessment of the event 11.11.11.

In love and light
November 12, 2011

Dear Wilfred,

You are right. Please read my letter to Callista below where I present my view on the current situation.

Now you may know Eugene from South Africa. I had contact with him some 6 hours ago and since then he has disappeared from the surface and his email address gives error when I send an email to him. This is not normal and I  do not know what to think about it. He was sure that he will ascend and return on earth.

Can you check the matter from South Africa? I will give you below my last correspondence with him. Thank you.

Dear Georgi,

Later this afternoon I shall disappear from the Radar, attending a family gathering at my in laws, still they are pulling in closer! The light is starting increase exponentially!

I am also at a very peaceful loving state, feeling neutral! Do not really care if I go or stay! I am just happy! I did send Eugene an email, I shall let you know as soon as I hear something from him.

The unseens really need our energy to be grounded, I also got this feeling last night! If we go, I think things are really going south on this planet! We are currently  +/- 1 000 000 ascended, awakened masters on this planet now in this moment, this I think has never been done before on this scale.

November 11, 2011

Dear Alia,

I am checking the state-of-ascension after the gate 11.11.11 opened. The energy quality has altered  dramatically for the better since yesterday. Can you please confirm if you are still here or if you have heard of anybody who has already ascended. As you know, I will be the last one to leave earth and I would like to know what is the situation currently.

In love and light

Dear Georgi,

Good to hear from you.

It is 10 PM on 11-11-11 here in Oregon. I have had the most extraordinary day. Our spiritual community of friends performed meditation and ceremony in a private medicine wheel of one of our members who lives on a beautiful natural property. The sun was hot and white. The energy felt different. Several of us felt it quite distinctly. During the meditation I had a sense of holding open a portal with a group of people. I could not tell if it was my friends in the circle or my circle of friends around the world, but it was definitely a group endeavor. I clearly remember saying: “This portal is now open. All who wish to pass through may do so. It is safe here.”  I did not have a sense that anyone did go through, We had a splendid day. The sunset was like the eye of God and afterward the sky was crimson.

This evening our group reconvened at our indoor center for kirtan from 7- 8PM and then beginning at 8:30, we received the Hathors (through Tom Kenyon) attunement for the pituitary gland. I feel more grounded and also more ethereal. It’s a paradox. Tomorrow my husband and I drive to Seattle Washington to fly to Hawaii where we will spend 10 days with my younger son who is in the Army, stationed in Okinawa. I consider this a divine appointment, as I am very connected with this son. I may leave from Hawaii, who knows?

I just read the message from the Arcturians that you posted in your last blog. My sense is that I will activate my multi-dimensional operating system and keep on working in 3-D through 2012. I will do my best to communicate with you one way or another once it happens. Meanwhile, I continue to feel more centered and lighter. Just enjoying each moment and all the doingness and beingness thereof.
Many blessings to you, my friend, Alia

November 11, 2011

Hi George

We are both still here, it is 8.00pm West Australian time. The energies here do feel different, more peaceful. Yesterday I had a strange experience, while driving my car, I felt myself leave my body completely, but had to pull myself back as Britte was my passenger and we were travelling at over 100 kms per hour on a country road. When I felt this happening, I started to brake as I did not want the vehicle to crash. Once I had pulled myself back into my body I looked at the speedo we were still doing 90, but it felt like we were almost stopped. This was not scary but strange and also not a very convenient time for something like that to happen.

Hope to see you soon, maybe on Elenin.

Love and Light Brett&Britte


Ciao Georgi,

Your letter has touched the hearts of ALL the Souls who have been desiring to go home. By letting them know their courage has not been in vain and they collectively faced their opponents, who now look for places to hide. This has been a momentous time to be on this magnificent planet.

Your contract with the Universe has been meticulously carried out. It doesn’t matter when/how you connected with the many Souls, fulfilling their agreements. The difference in the scheme of our evolution is that you selected the right time to reveal the missing strands of the cosmic fabric.  Perhaps it was one page, one sentence or merely one word that ignited the spark in the Souls that were disenchanted.

There are as many ways through the window as there are people, each having to believe their true origin. There is no magic bullet, nor mantra, nor guru.  Only the Self, each an intricate part of the universal fabric of creation.

There is the Creator and You and You are It!  Once we realize our greatness the rest, as we say, is history.

Georgi, I too have an intent, a very strong desire to go home. I have released my yearning to my Higher Self, my Over Soul and my Heart. I Am sure when my contract has been completed I will zoom out of here singing joyously.  Would be awesome to be at that cosmic party you will be hosting.

In any event, thank you for imparting your wisdom with your earth family.  I’m sure your cosmic family will be greeting you with jubilant cheers.

As you embrace the space of no boundaries, have a journey filled with the wonder of LOVE.
Aloha my friend, Claudette ^jj^
Oregon, USA
Dear Claudette,

thank you very much for your beautifully written farewell-letter and for your appreciation of my and your work. You have presented the core aspect of this mission and why it is a full success.

Everyone of us had reached the final stage of his inner evolution as an incarnated soul when a singe word is sufficient to ignite his power and exaltation for the common good. This is what the dark ones, who only want to manipulate other entities, will never grasp and which I have painfully learned throughout this incarnation.

You cannot exert influence on anybody, unless his soul has prepared him for this change and has given her permission. When one knows this basic esoteric truth, the desire to exert any kind of influence on anybody diminishes to zero.

This insight helped me a lot in this final act of our long journey throughout the dimensions, as I only served as a mirror-image for your desires and wonderful emotions and this is what made the difference in comparison to other websites, blogs and forums in Internet.

Besides, the readers of this website are the most evolved souls throughout this universe and that is how I see you and for that reason there was no need for profiling in this respect. I must admit that I had to block some rare attempts of some readers to profile themselves at the expense of the common mission of the PAT, but I did this from the very beginning and there were no real disturbances. But this is also history now.

In love and light
November 11, 2011

Dear Callista,

It is 11.00 pm Central European Time. Three hours ago the energy quality changed dramatically. The whole day it was very strenuous and I had a severe headache and felt very tired and agitated. Then all of a sudden around 07.00 pm an unusual and very peaceful and harmonious energy pattern entered my body and made it very light and easy. My whole agitation is gone now and I had a quick review while meditating over most of my life, predominantly nice memories. As I have a very good memory, I can remember that I had this secure, peaceful state of mind only when I was a child and still fully protected by Christed light as all children are. This heavenly protection of the children disappears later. There is an underlying very strong wave of love, emanating from my heart and breast (4th heart chakra).

All the recent messages, which I have read in the meantime on 11.11.11 describe this feeling, so that I can definitely confirm their validity through my experience. As we are the Gate-Openers, we will be the last ones to leave earth. I have the feeling that many have already left, but I do not know how to validate this fact.

I also read in a message from a new channel today that the Arcturians are responsible for this “light show” at the stargate 11.11.11, as the energy comes from the Arcturus sun, while the Plejadians, the Sirians and the Adromedans from the GF are responsible for the individual souls, protecting them during the stargate 11.11.11.

As we received most of our information from the Arcturians, which has been in the meantime confirmed by many other sources, and this information also fully coalesced with my inner voice, I cannot imagine that they have postponed first ascension and put us in such a difficult psychological position.

However, I have experienced twice that my ascension was postponed in the past, although it was announced in advance. Fortunately, in these two cases it only affected me, while now we have a whole group of people, who believe in this event as their souls have also been telling them the same story. Ultimately, linear time does not play any role in All-That-Is, but for us it is still vital. I cannot imagine that Heaven will boycott all our efforts during the last 2 months after we all have been protected and helped so much from the higher realms.  What is you take?

The hew harmonious energy quality which I feel as an underlying emotional feeling is indeed exceptional as I have not had such kind of a nice feeling for decades, so that this state is quite pleasant to stay in, in case it continues like this. I experienced such a harmonious mood only when I ascended on October 13, 2010, but then had to return on earth. It lasted for two days and then the usual nasty LBP waves commenced again. But this time it seems to be different – all encompassing, and everlasting.

Do you feel this difference in the energy atmosphere around you?

In love and light
Dear George

I fully concur with your thoughts – I experienced waves of bliss and peace several times throughout yesterday (11/11/11) while in a meditative state (I followed the 11.11.11 meditation as recommended by CA). This peaceful state remains with me today, even though I expected to be in a different place when I awoke. Aaron came and had lunch with me yesterday and he has experienced what I can only describe as an epiphany, where he has found all fear has passed from him.  He is more grounded and peaceful than I have ever known him.

For myself, I am disappointed in one sense that we seem to have been let down, but I also know that there is much going on that we cannot understand or see.  We are still in a ‘needs to know” pattern.  While all seems to be calm and uneventful, I get the impression that there is hasty activity in other planes. We are doing much work when we go to sleep – I know this because I wake tired and unable to remember where I have been, but I slept very heavily.  We always knew that this ascension would be tricky.  As you point out, linear time means nothing.  We are now, thanks to our work over the past 2 months, armed and ready for action.  Nothing is ever wasted or lost.

Dear Callista,

I have also sent messages to Brett and Britte and to Craig as I assume that it  will begin first in Australia and they have not responded yet. I have no information of any particular ascension yet, but I feel the build-up of energies since yesterday.

Please read the latest interview of AA Michael with Steve Beckow on 11.11.11 and first ascension – it is a complete confirmation of what we have been discussing and saying for the last 2 months.

As I have already written on several occasion, AA Michael confirms that about one million people will ascend at 11.11.11, but that the number of the Gatekeepers, the members of the PAT, and the wayshowers to return to earth is much smaller. Steve has ultimately arrived at his final destination, where I wanted him.


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