State-of-Ascension-Report-4: Open Message to All Members of the PAT and Ascension Candidates

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-4, October 10, 2011

Open Message to the Members of the PAT and All Star Seeds From the First Ascension Wave

from Dr. Georgi Stankov

After I issued my warning that you may be potential targets of the dark forces in the coming days, I have received several reports confirming this fact. The dark ones are losing their power rapidly due to your efforts to diffuse darkness and promote light on this rather toxic planet. In their last act of desperation they hope to postpone the inevitable – their ultimate demise from this planet, which they have reigned unlimited for the last 10 000 years.

You are the ones, who will purge these evil entities once and for all when we will heave Gaia at the stargate 11.11.11 with combined force to the 4th dimension and will ascend to the 5th dimension. The energy, which all members of the PAT will receive from the Arcturus sun at the opening of this portal, will exceed one million times your current energetic fields. We all will be the conduits of this powerful transformational energy. This high frequency stream will be projected onto all human beings and Gaia and will lead automatically to the elimination of all evil entities, who will no longer be able to exist in this new powerful harmonious field of high frequencies.

The dark controllers from the Orion Empire are currently very weak. They are now hiding in the 4th dimension and beam with negative energies selectively and deliberately the members of the PAT and the star seeds from the first wave of Ascension. They know that you are the most powerful human beings on earth and that you are building now your personal portals, which will make you impermeable to such negative influences. This is their last desperate effort to change the course of the events, although they know that they will have no success. They can do nothing against the Divine Plan for this planet. These sporadic attacks are the last futile acts of wicked vindication of deadly wounded creatures, and you all, who will experience such attacks in the coming days, must know that they have no chance of success.

Therefore, I ask you all that we give them a preliminary glimpse at what they should expect from us very soon. At the October portal 11.10.11, at 11 o’clock GMT a.m or p.m, depending on where you live, let us all of us perform a small rehearsal for the final Ascension of Gaia at the stargate 11.11.11.

I suggest that all of you make a small meditation of no more than 5 minutes and then ask your higher self, your soul family, your soul family group in the causal worlds, all ascended masters, all angelic forces, the Elohims, and the highest realms of Cosmic Providence for this planet and the galaxy to send you the coherent white Christed light and to wrap you as protection. Then visualize this energy stream and magnify it in the form of an energy ball around your physical body, transform it into a spiral and project it onto the sources of dark energies that attack you or may be hiding in your fields, thus impeding the harmonious totality of your emotional and mental fields in a clandestine manner.

You should know that after your birth as a star seed  three of these dark entities from the Orion Empire have attached to your fields and have bothered you throughout your whole life. This is the main reason, why star seeds are not able to fully realize their visions on earth and to create abundance for themselves. This dark aspect of human existence is generally not know to most light workers, and therefore I must stress it explicitly at this place. When such an “unholy trio” is detected and recognized by the star seed, he has the divine right to purge them from his energy fields for ever. Therefore, visualize the stream of white Christed light and merge it with that of all other members of the PAT and other Ascension candidates and cry as loud as you can, no matter if anybody is hearing you:

“All dark entities leave immediately my energy field and that of earth and disappear from this galaxy”

You may use these or other words, but the statement must be firm and unequivocal. Repeat this mantra three or more times at your disposal. Perform this procedure individually several times a day for the next three days. You must take all precautions that you are absolutely protected in the next days and weeks, so that you can fully concentrate on building your personal portals and finalising your LBP. No negative interferences should be allowed.

Please understand that the Ascension process, which you are now meticulously planning is a two-fold process. On the one hand we will transport Gaia and humanity to the 4th and 5th dimensions and on the other we will purge this planet  once and for all from all negative energies that have caused it to fall so deeply in the present material separation from the Source.

Therefore, the above recommended procedure to cleanse your energy fields is already part of your mission as the chosen emissaries of light for mother earth and humanity. That is why you have incarnated at this time. You must remember it. All your past sufferings and challenges have been your initiations and purification for this final apotheosis in your earthly lives (Webster dictionary: Apotheosis (Greek) is the elevation or exaltation of a person to the rank of a God). You will be indeed very soon the new Gods on earth and in Heaven.

It is very important that you cry the above mantra as loud as you can without any reservations.

The human voice is the most powerful energy in this galaxy, especially when it comes from such powerful entities as you are. You have no idea how powerful you are as multidimensional beings. No dark entity could stand the resolute voice of a human being and, when ordered to leave his field, he must and will follow this order. This is the divine right of any incarnated human being.

Unfortunately this divine right is not well known, and many incarnated human beings harbour such evil spongers during their whole life, who manipulate them through fears and seduction, through punishment and immediate gratification. This esoteric topic is huge and I cannot discuss it in detail at this place. The results of this negative dark influence are visible the world over, they are around us and need not be discussed.

Please, remember that you, the members of the PAT and all star seeds, who will be the First Ascended Masters and at this moment are reading this message, are the most courageous souls in the universe and have taken on your shoulders the divine responsibility to help Gaia ascend to the higher dimensions. You are the Saviors and the Keepers of this planet and nobody else. You are the legitimate leaders of humanity, no matter if you return to earth after Ascension or will help it as pure energy from the higher dimensions. In these last days on earth, you should always remember your mission and keep in mind that you are invincible and protected from the higher realms beyond imagination.

October 8, 2011

Dear George,

I have not entertained this possibility before, but then I saw what you wrote on the site, so I decided to ask.
For several days during sleep I’ve been having these messages thrown at me. Usually towards the end of the night and before I wake up. Every night generally the same stuff all over again. I can’t remember most of them. It is as if somebody was repetitively and really stubbornly banging on my head with them. The one I remembered more or less was:

“…first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real, first and foremost it is not real…”

I might be overthinking. And it might as well be the good side, but why would it be so tiring. I’ve been waking up extremely tired even after many hours of sleep.

Plus, I actually felt the urge, which I decided  not to bother you with, the day before you described the invasion on your person to ask you, if there were any attempts on your life as the work you do, must be very troublesome for so many.

Dear Peter,

This is definitely an attack from the dark ones. It is very good that you have informed me. Please use the simple procedure which I have described in my email to Sue and purge them from your field. You may have to do it several times a day and definitely before you go to bed.

You should cry as loud as you can when you send them to the end of the galaxy because human voice is very powerful. Meditate a lot and ask to be wrapped up in white christed light. Make a ball of this light around you and then around the dark ones that attack you. Wrap them also up so that they can not get out of it. It is a very powerful technique. Do all this with the help of the angelic forces, ask them loud to help you. Do it for several days until you are sure that they have given up.

Dear George,

I love your style of writing. I thought you said you will be the first one to ascend, but later in Suzie’s blog you said that you will be the last to ascend. I am a bit confused. Could you also give an example of building a personal portal?  How does one merge each chakra with that of Gaia? It concerns me that my siblings might not make it as they think all this is hokus pokus. Is my concern a negative emotion?  Though I must say that I do hold them and send them waves of Violet Light in the hope that they will awaken.

Love and Light
Dear Olinda,

Thank you very much for your email. You are raising a valid point. If you have read my book as of January 2011, I have described in my first email in Part II my Ascension in October 13,  2010 and why I had to return to earth. This topic I have also mentioned in several other articles.

In this sense I have already ascended. However. when I said this for the first time in 2001 in my German book “The Evolution Leap of Mankind”, nobody believed me. Purely for this reason I am reiterating this fact as to stir the people, so that  they start thinking about their own Ascension and this pedagogical tactic works fairly well in these days.

More and more readers are coming to me and my website and write that they also want to ascend or are sure that they will ascend with me very soon. This is the entire purpose of this website – it is a meeting point for all members of the PAT and many candidates for the First Wave of Ascension. I am the one, who actually connects them and opens their portals. In fact, they open their portals by themselves and I only initiate them to do so.

This is all planned and rehearsed many times in the dream state. By saying that I will be the first to ascend, I merely made these star seeds aware of my existence and official appearance on the scene and they recognized me immediately as the captain of the PAT, because their souls give them this information. And this is what they are writing to me overwhelmingly.

As I have ascended so many times as a soul, including the last time in October 13, 2010 in this physical vessel, it is only the linear human mind that is irritated by such seemingly sequential inconsistencies, which are part of human illusion. In the “Now” of All-That-Is I have ascended in the Atlantean times, long before St. Germain and other known ascended masters. I am the expert in Ascension and I have done it numerous times. That is why I am here on earth, while they look down from Heaven upon earth and can only give wise advise. But it is me, who “has to take out the hot chestnuts from the fire with bare hands”, to quote a German saying.

I was expecting this question for sometime and was surprised that nobody mentioned it so far. And you know why? All the members of the PAT recognize me as their captain and the most experienced ascension expert among them and that is sufficient for them. They do not bother about such trifle things as illusory linear time. They know that with my ascension in October 13, 2010 I have already paved the way for their ascension. It is a privilege as a Captain to leave the ship as the last one, after you have helped all others to climb on the safety boats and to know that their lives are no longer in danger,

In love and light
Aye, aye, Captain, with you at the helm! I feel privileged to be on your ship. It didn’t really bother me, but a friend of mine wanted to know. I thank you for your prompt reply. In fact, I was just reading your article on psychedelic drugs and remembered asking a question on a forum about, where can I get DMT.  I do look forward to reading your posts.

Love and Light
Dear Olinda,

You may purchase DMT in Holland. I also heard that you can buy psylocibin in Luxembourg quite easily in coffee shops. The other countries are very strict in this respect. The  explanation why it is so is given in my article.

October 7, 2011

Hello George,

I have been reading the many interesting emails you have been receiving from everyone regarding how their individual experiences are unfolding now. It certainly IS that you have been the Opener of this most important stage in our ascension. It feels as if we were all prepared, but waiting for your sign that our collective energies are entwined all across our planet, because we all speak of feeling that the event was coming,at the same time in synchronicity, it confirms to me that the NOW is here.

I feel that expectation and then experience is happening simultaneously, oh how wonderful this life is, your exchanges with Callista are delightful and informative and those from everyone else gives me the sense of the connective energies that links us all up. Am I right in feeling that this is why we all felt drawn to communicate at the same time? I literally felt a shift in the ‘machinery’ of the universe as this happened, like gigantic cogs moving in unison.

Also on the night of  2/10/11 I was asleep, but completely aware of walking through a chamber, platinum in colour, with a perfect atmosphere, perfect in vibration. I touched the walls, whereby they lit up. I was taken in to MY chamber and I laid down to grow accustomed to my surroundings. I loved it and was aware that I was accompanied by my galactic family that love me unconditionally and are fully happy of the sacrifice I made to incarnate at this time to be part of our planet’s ascension.

I was also aware of being in two places at once, in bed in my body and on the mothership. They asked me to retain this thought daily as I am experiencing 2 dimensions. When I part from them, it is always very difficult, but also they fill me with such high energy and love, I know we are never apart. I have been in contact with my galactic family now on a regular basis since Dec 2010, they have told me about my life with them on Gannymede and I know each of them as my family. They are tall willowy beings and we feel each other through our energy body, I have never felt confident to talk about this outside of my human family, but now that’s different as we are one here and need not worry about such narrow thoughts any more.

Last night, after an exhausting day, I was pondering what my individual portal might be, as it is paramount to me that I have to enable all of humanity to ascend with Gaia, I was concerned I may not be doing enough, I momentarily panicked but symultaneously was told: “YOU’ are YOUR portal, so no need to worry unnecessarily”.

I have also started to notice my partner and three children have been undergoing their LBP now, and their understanding of what is happening is growing daily. Although they are concerned, they trust me and that helps me with the process. I am not saying, there have not been times that I felt that I may be leaving them behind, whilst carrying out my purpose. However, now I know that is not an issue as we are all ONE.

You are always in my thoughts George as we the PAT team are ONE with all that is. Should any one of the team or fellow Lightworkers wish to communicate, I am happy to share experiences: (London/Essex in UK)

Thank You for all your hard work George – the openers
In love and light

Bernice Romain
Dear Bernice,

I am so happy that you have realized the full scope of my and your mission to connect as members of the PAT and to be helpers of Gaia to ascend. Only two weeks ago, this would have been considered a fantasy, but we are the makers of the new reality for the whole humanity. Thank you for your insight and I will post your email with your address in the next Ascension Report-4 the day after tomorrow. Ascension Report-3 is already under way and will appear tomorrow.

In love and light
October 7, 2011

Comments from Bert and Georg on the recent attacks of the dark ones against members of the PAT:

Dear George,

I can see by reading the replies to your messages that we do have some very strong players on board. Much love to you as well..oh and about the attack, I really do know what you mean, I’ve been getting them as well, but now that all of us are getting back together – they do not stand a chance.

Love you much! Your friend Bert.
Dear Bert,

Your moral support is immeasurably valuable to me. When I had the attack recently, I thought about you, and if you also have had such attacks, and I felt immediately better.

Dear Goerge,

It is very interesting, very interesting indeed. The other day my life mate was driving along the road and then all of a sudden the car flipped over twice then ran into a tree. Needless to say, the car was completely totaled, but she did not have a scratch other than being a little shaken because she was trapped in the car on the side of the road for a while before rescue.

Then the following day, my sister was scheduled to come to visit me, she felt that she urgently needed to come by, she flew in all the way from D.C. to my home in California. On the way here however, she too had a crash in the rental car. It also was totaled, lol! My sister was uninjured, and amazingly so, because she was on a very major freeway at the time of her crash, where she flipped multiple times, and she, like my life mate, had not a clue as to how or why they crashed, to this day it remains a mystery.

This morning, I was greeted by a very unusual psychic attack, usually I can shrug them off as just a nuisance with the use of the violet flame, but these somehow are different. I feel that they are originating from the lower astral planes or above,  I am not sure, they seem to be fairly ‘advanced’ and have some power to influence, but none of us can be affected by them now of course.

What I am fairly certain about is that we have attracted some attention from the off-worlders and perhaps those who have joined the ranks of the shadow here on Gaia. It makes little difference to me at this point which shadow they cling to as I have no fear left, the LBP made that realization crystal clear and I do not plan on going anywhere until I have completed my mission, but I can’t help, but think that they are pulling no punches.

I know that this change that we are going through threatens them and they are now not knowing what to do exactly or how to proceed. They thought that they had learned the lesson of chaos, yet now they are being consumed by the very chaotic energy that fed them. I know how this ends because I have dissolved the shadow within me and this “battle” is no novelty to me – so within, so without – and no matter how tenaciously the wounded ego held on, the light was much too strong, and I had gained compassion much to deep to fight, only to accept and love. I have had to heal many wounds inflicted upon me and the many others, whom I have inflicted selfishness and malice, lust, greed.,etc. (lol) in all of my many lifetimes and this one as well. Talk to you soon old friend!

Dear Bert,

This confirms my decision to mention this attack in my next release of the Ascension Report-3 tomorrow, which is very informative and to warn all light workers and members of the PAT to be careful and take precautions. At first, I was not so sure, whether this will not be an over-reaction on my part, but now I know that it was right to inform them.

We are their greatest enemies, and they know this. We have such a power now and they know that they have lost everything and cannot attack us effectively, but they try it all the time as they do not know anything else. Probably I should repeat this warning once again as to make all my readers aware of this potential danger. Sue Caroll also had a car break two days ago and I had four car breaks in the last three months. The same old story.
Thank you for your validation, my friend.

October 7, 2011

Dear George,

Thank you for your time and efforts to bring this information forward. I do resonate with this information, and your description of the light body process certainly fits more accurately my last ten years than any of the doctors or books I’ve researched.

I did consciously invoke my soul in the past and did also agree to the earth’s current evolution. There definitely has been a recent surge in spiritual interest and activity. How and if this is relevant to me is unknown, even though I knew, I had to hang on and survive for something greater. I would like to think that four decades of spiritual search and intuition were the correct choice. If  you have any comments or suggestion please do reply.

Thanks again Manfred
Dear Manfred,

Thank you for your email. I completely agree with your description and I will only add that we have almost reached the end of our journey on earth. Next comes Ascension and a new reality. The long years of endurance are over and the reward is in sight.

In Love and Light
Thank you again for your response and endurance to cause. Before being introduced to your web page, I was inspired to construct two four foot square by six and one half foot tall golden ratio pyramids with double terminated crystals inside them. One is for outside to stabilize the area and the other is for my wife and I for meditating in, it has an ankh for a window. I also constructed an orgone cube several years ago with Walter Russell science inside to also anchor energy to earth. So maybe there is and has been a portal here for awhile.

October 7, 2011

Dear Dr. Stankov.

After I have read your message about opening the portals, I decided to mail you, which I hesitated since August,when you started your website. My name is J.,47y.o.,I’m Polish and living in Poland since 2,5years, before that in Spain for a few years, so excuse me my English. I awakened all of a sudden in September last year and the things started to accelerate very rapidly since then. But that’s not what I want to write about…

In the beginning of August this year I’ve had the most extraordinary dream in my entire life. I was standing in the darkness among some trees, looking at a group of people encircled by a very thick rope of light. They were still waiting for more to come.The next moment I was looking a little bit more to the right,along some narrow road. On the right side of the road I saw some people standing,and on the left of it I noticed that the circle of people was already complete and the rope of light started to close.

All of a sudden, the rope opened again, like by some invisible force, I saw a turmoil and heard screams among the people on the right and then I heard a loud man’s voice shouting: ”Higher force! Higher force!”. I ran/floated very fast along the road, I noticed terrified, pretty face of a young woman and I knew that she was taken by some force from the circle. Little further away, I floated down to the ground and laid on my left side.

A moment later,a man with a very evil face floated down and laid on his back by my side.  I hit him on the chest a few times, last hit as if with a knife, but I didn’t have one. I turned my back on him, as if I didn’t want to see him die. Then all around me and from above I was surrounded by muscular guys with bald heads, but I was not afraid of them. Further away there were two similar guys sitting on a bench and staring at me. Between them there was a short, skinny guy looking at the ground, so I couldn’t see his eyes, but I knew that he was pure evil, and I panicked. I cried: ”Sphere of light!”, and I surrounded myself with light. Then I cried: “Angels!” and I saw three white angels floating down. Then I woke up scared to death and praying to my Guardian Angel.

The problem is that when I hit the guy on my side for the last time, I WOKE UP!!!, but the dream continued. I remember clearly being awake when I turned my back on him! At the same time I’m sure that I was in my bed. The next day, and until now, I was sure that I was guarding some kind of portal, but nonetheless that idea seemed a bit ridiculous to me.

So when I read your message concerning the opening of portals, I finally decided to write. I don’t know, whether I’m constructing my own portal, but I’m sure that I have seen one.

J. S.
Dear J,

Thank you very much for your email and for your vivid dream. I am glad that you know my website since its beginning in August. It is a meeting point for all members of the PAT, which you have seen in your dream in the circle. When they connect their fields and receive the energy from the Arcturus sun at 11.11.11, this will cause the death and purging of many evil entities on this planet. After that they must leave it or die. In this sense your dream is a valid vision of what will soon happen on earth. This is your personal information from your Higher self to be prepared for this event.

In love and light
Dear Dr Stankov,
thank you very much for clearing out my confusion, It started to make sense now. I’m really greatful for the great work that you are doing and I appreciate all the knowledge, I gained from you.

With love
October 7, 2011

Hi George and everyone,

I just wanted to share my experiences with all. I too suffered severe panic attacks for many years, and thank goodness that has all cleared away. Not a pleasant thing to go through, but I understand now why the process is so important.

I had dreams for years that I was helping other souls that had passed from 3d. In the dream I was standing at the bottom of a big slide and would catch these souls as they came down and would calm them and explain what was going on. I believe that I will be part of a team, helping those coming into 5d-earth after the last ascension in 2012.

As far as my portal, I believe that it was already here on my property when I purchased it 12 yrs ago, and that I was guided to buy it. There is one spot in my yard that always gives me a sense of bliss and ecstacy if I sit and gaze at it.

I find myself restless and highly vibrating, very hard to be patient!  It is becoming very hard day by day to want to stay connected to all things 3d… sort of having one foot in 3d and the other in the higher realms.

It’s been wonderful reading everyone’s stories and questions. Hang in there everyone, the excitement is just beginning!

Dear Vicki,

Thank you very much for your update and the support for my new Ascension Report. I felt that my readers have so much to say, and their stories are so moving and supportive to the Process at the same time, that I had no other choice, but to start issuing this report, although it is a lot of work for me.

In Love and Light
October 7, 2011

Hello George,

As I am recently new to your site & your absolute expansive knowledge on the inner workings of spiritual energies & the processes of Ascension,

I know that I am only a tiny part of the equation with much to learn, but such it is with life, always learning. Without going into an elongated story about me, my concern is for the healing health of Mother Earth, her plants & trees, & ‘ALL’ her beloved creatures & how they will be affected through the transition. I would like to hear your soul view point on this.

I am rather different from most, as they are consistently over consumed with their own personal Ascension, as I am more concerned about the present toxic injected state of Mother & the cries of death & suffering from her beloved creatures. I know the hydrogen infused aurora energies are coming to change this as Mother Earth returns home, with your wide band of vision, I would very much be interested in hearing your words.

I am a deep thinker that holds a delicate spirit that has always shared a Loving bond with Nature, in which I connect through gardening & photographs. A few weeks ago she disconnected me & it’s like my creative spirit just simply broke. I know it is for a reason that I have yet to understand, but it has not changed & will not change the eternal Love I have for her & my spiritual objective in helping her & ‘ALL’ her life attain health & happiness once more.
Best Regards & Strength to you in reaping All you sow for the greater good of Mother Earth & Humanity.
Dear Bev,

Thank you very much for your very kind letter. First of all, everybody is playing in these days a vital and unique role beyond our imagination, so please, do not underestimate yours.

Now about Gaia and her pollution. According to my information, after the stargate 11.11.11 when Gaia will ascend to the 4th and lower 5th dimensions, the energetic conditions will be much more favourable and the planet will be cleansed with the help from the higher dimensions within one revolution around the sun. This would say, that at the time of the final mass Ascension of humanity and earth to the 5th dimension in December 2012  Gaia will have obtained its pristine character. Otherwise it cannot ascend. But this alternative is not part of the Divine Plan.

Therefore, according to my view you need not worry much about Gaia, but think instead about your personal Ascension. Thus you are automatically helping Gaia.

In Love and light
October 7, 2011

This email touches upon a vital issue – the irrational reactions of all rigid believers and self-proclaimed New Age gurus to the coming sweeping events, which you as members of the PAT are beginning to trigger. Some of the negative reactions may reach you in the next days, so I think that you should be aware of them, although I know that you have had your personal encounters with them in the past. For this reason I have just published my latest article, dedicated to this issue: “Why America no longer needs New Age charlatans, but a true revolution”.

Dear Georgi,

At they have already begun to draw the battle lines. Their mantra – based upon the infallibility of the bible, those who believe otherwise are under “satanic control”.  No correlation to “the kingdom of God is within us” and new found “gifts and abilities”, no correlation to “we shall do greater miracles than these [Christs]”, no explanation of how the name Emmanuel magically became “Jesus”.

Even within my own household, I can see those who hold these rigid views may be the first to resort to violence in order to impose their “views”, as they now feel that they will be “eliminated”, if they do not abandon their beliefs.
As we approach the Ascension, the battle will intensify.  This is to be expected.

Peace and Joy to you.
Dear Charlotte,

I have expected this surge of the collective fears of most Christians at the final Judgement Day, but this will be their Fall in Disgrace. Wait patiently and see what will happen very soon.

Thank you for the information.
October 7, 2011

Wendy and Greg are the editors of the beautifully designed and very professionally run website . I cooperate very closely with both of them. Wendy and Greg are members of the PAT and they have begun preparing and enlightening the spiritual community for the final Ascension and Earth`s Shift long before I opened this homepage. I would strongly recommend all my readers to visit the website of Wendy and Greg and appreciate their valuable work for this final goal.

Dear Georgi,

I wrote this because I felt as though I needed to express to our readers where we stood in the whole lightworker debacle. I hope you enjoy the article.

Another thing that has happened and what I would like to show you, is that on Greg’s tablet he received a picture of a portal on his Tablet, this is something that is not part of the program that Greg installed (Live Saturn), however it is still showing up when he scrolls on his tablet.  I have attached the pictures to this email (Greg`s pictures of these two portals are published in Ascension-Report-3).

P.S. Greg says Hi and he misses you, he also wanted you to know that his email account is not working properly and we will have to contact the provider.

Talk soon,Namaste,
October 7, 2011

Dear Captain,

So heartened to find your site and to see the posting of other members on the Ascension team. Notice how I include myself, sheepish laugh, too many so called coincidences for me to doubt anymore.

I wanted to share some of my story and ask any input Spirit guides you to share.

My life has been mostly a spiritual journey to awaken my inner presence and to call it forth in my daily life. I am entering a time of staying within this energy more of the day. I feel so much Love for Mother Gaia, I am overwhelmed at times. Most of my clearing is done. I am still not sighted to see the energy but do feel it. Boy do I! I am now helping my daughter, who I am sure is another star-seed to release the old patterns and implants.

I live in rural Mo. USA and my world around me is so beautiful. Recently I got a message from my guides that I would be having a higher communication that day. That evening as I walked under the stars and communed, a spaceship flashed its light over my house in three large pulses of light, then flew a few feet on the same trajectory and flashed them again the pattern of three, closer together. I was awed and blinking in surprise, when comet like, over my head they blazed their light as in a salute or a benediction or till we meet again. The night world around me came alive, the tree seemed to speak to me in the rustle of their leaves. I could feel our connection of love and almost hear the trees with my physical ears. So I have no doubts, you see. In time I will know my place within this mission.

These last few weeks I’ve been visited by my darker energies, in the form of low flying helicopters and fighter jets and even a stealth bomber flying over my house. That has lightened up but I still feel observed. I am focusing on Love and Light for protection and feel that all is Fine. But now am left wondering if I had some help with my portal? When I walk out by my driveway I feel a strong energy that brought me to a stop last night. If you have any insights I would be most appreciative.

October 7/8, 2011

Hello George,

with everyone deciding to contribute at this time, I thought that I would offer my experiences on the processes which are occurring to other people here.

My light body process started quite abruptly a few years ago – I had the following sensations: feeling that I was walking a bit behind my body – like the body and light body were out of phase, ringing in the ears started with low frequencies, mixed with some high frequencies moving steadily up into ever higher frequencies – some of the frequency shifts nearly knocked me off my feet with their forcefulness – it was quite startling. Its interesting now they come every now and then ever increasing in higher and higher tones. I know we are steadily moving upwards in vibration, I can literally feel it. Sometimes, I felt weird electrical sensations in my brain – it felt like the neuronal passage ways were being reworked – it was sometimes hard to concentrate.

I had a dream last night of a coming together of all the players of my many lives – there was comraderie as we recounted some of the more funny and poignant moments and great love and cheer was felt – I felt so marvellous – it was a finishing of a time of experiencing – it was so beautiful it woke me up – I wanted to remember it… I felt something beautiful is going to happen…

George, I am drawn to astrally sit in earth orbit and often spread light into the upper atmosphere of the earth and around the planet and I feel other beings are helping me with this. Sometimes I am directed to create vortexes of spin in the particles in the vicinity of earth sometimes in the sun and sometimes I’ll do this galactically moving energy outwards from the centre of the galaxy… I feel that some of the changes we are experiencing will affect things galactically as well, so I am moved with waves of emotion to raise the vibration, where I am directed. Sometimes a massive charge will build and explode up my spine through up through the top of my head when I am doing this kind of work. Often I feel off-world beings helping me with this – they often flock to this activity to lend a hand when they are welcomed.

When I was young, I felt that I came from a building made of crystal flowing with resplenant light. I have always felt apart from the horrors of this world dumbfounded by the actions of many – with all the peoples stories here, I feel a bit of home here amongst you all.

I know this all sounds a bit strange but its my experience at the moment nethertheless – I am hoping, I may be a part of the ongoing prcoess you are all describing right now.

Dear Craig,

Thank you very much for your email and for sharing your experiences with me. Your presentation of the LBP is very precise and I will publish your email on the next Ascension Report-4, so that other readers my profit from your experience. The same holds true for your other spiritual activities.

In love and Light
Dear George,

I am very happy I am in the last stage of LBP. The stages, where I felt out of body a lot of the time, were difficult and the chest pains with the opening of the heart centre worried me quite a bit – I thought I was in quite ill health when this was occurring with symptoms of atherosclerosis; but after reading your article on this whole process I was so relieved – as you say, this just isn’t talked about in much of the current esoteric literature; and some LBP symptoms mimic other diseases as you describe in your article on this transformation.

I have found the light body process a challenging set of changes in the way that unresolved karmic issues within that may have been forced out of consciousness into the background or buried, are moved into ones mind’s eye, to be seen and held until there is a spiritual resolution of the matter – I think the LBP is a real clearinghouse – but the challenge is finding the right way to clear these blockages that works for yourself. Often in my awareness the idea of letting go would impress itself on me… letting go and releasing… if I thought that I had resolved something but it wasn’t complete, the whole thing would present itself again – you cant shortcut the processes of the LBP. I’m no expert on the matter, but I feel that we really need to release everything that has held us back – that being the irresolute parts of ourselves.

George, the LBP is such a multifaceted thing – it hasn’t been an overnight occurrence – one breakthrough leads to the next in an ascending, cascading energetic flux. This can be real hard work in dealing with personal karmic issues and the energetic interactions of the LBP itself, which can feel great one day and leave you enervated the next. I read in your LBP work that you often had been forcibly hit – and I’d like to just impress on people how physically disorientating this is, as it is so powerful. I was truly dumbfounded as I couldn’t believe an energetic wave could be so strong and affect the physical so powerfully.  Now when my heart centre is open and I feel the absolute power of love as a vibration move though my body, I KNOW it is the creative principle of the universe… I can only imagine what the transmuting of our cellular structure will be like – I have a sneaking suspicion that it will be the most overwhelming, tremendous experience we have ever felt in physicality in this dimension…

I’d like to say that I’m so very excited by the coming of the galactic federation. In dream states I find myself visiting the ships for various reasons and I have to impress upon everybody how amazing they are. One ship I was taken on was simply beautiful and so welcoming. The atrium of the ship lead into a massive opening, where a gigantic waterfall cascaded into a pool where we stood in front of. I was told that a beautiful natural environment to walk though when coming onto the ship was to put visitors at ease and feel relaxed. The opening or maybe biodome was simply massive – it was like being in a totally natural environment, in space. Keep in mind, it was only the entrance to the ship I was shown – I know massive natural environments of many types existed and I understood how long periods could be spent in space completely self sufficiently. These are truly massive craft – true traveling light ships; jewels of life in the darkness of space. I read in cosmic awareness that the Orion’s had tyrantor a massive space station, but I’m sure it would pale in comparison to the organic nature of the craft and their higher order technology.

I want to thank you George for all your advice to us all – for me esoteric literature, and wading though it all and trying to reconcile all the various information has been such a time consuming process, is quite confusing and requires such a clear intellect to evaluate the real from fiction. Yet so often all I found was platitudes where internally I felt the utmost urgency in regard to what I knew, I was meant to be doing on planet earth and what I needed to find out. I have always felt the veil of forgetfulness to be such a handicap when all ones desire is to help, and to know what one is meant to be doing… I really am so thankful we can all come together because the threads of others tapestries of life often help to complete our own… Im finding great direction from all the comments here and am so thankful for everyones ideas…

In service to the light,
Dear Craig,

I have now published this email too, as it is extremely precise and validates my articles on LBP. I think that many readers will truly profit from your description of the LBP symptoms. We are here to share our experiences in this extremely difficult process and not to lull us in fluffy, rosy expectations as so many channelers are currently doing.

If this society would not have been so restrictive and full of ostracism, so that the light workers in the LBP would have had the chance to exchange their personal experiences, the whole process would have been half as difficult as it has been for many of us in the past. Or as the Germans say”a shared burden is half a burden”

In love and light
Dear George,

I forgot to mention that I get quite hesitant to do some of my work sometimes as the dark starts up psychic attacks – I’ve got to say they are subtle sometimes – you have to really know yourself and believe and trust in what you are doing or the attempted mind control tricks or heavy energies they send out can thwart these activities as it all can ‘feel’ so hard. My motto is know what you are doing, move through the morass they are sending out, and just keep doing the work… under these pressures we truly come to forge ourselves in the cauldron of the dark’s machinations transforming into irresistible conduits of light.

I am so thankful of your endorsement of Cosmic Awarenss – finally a source of information that makes sense in the midst of platitudes and ignorance. George when I was in my early 20’s, I had a forceful, urgent intuition that there had been unbelievable interference on this planet – but there just wasn’t information available except in excerpts here and there, but I just wasn’t aware enough to put it all together at the time. I had always felt, I had a different realisation on what life was about to others, but who can you communicate this with – usually derision and incredulity result.

I have never shared this information before but now is the time isn’t it. As you say, so much restriction in the accepted worldview and censure for thinking outside of this is breathtaking. Most of us have had to take an extremely tenuous, solitary, journey and this has made me angry sometimes as we came to help humanity evolve out of something terribly broken and most of the indigenous inhabitants were asleep and didn’t care. Instead they derided us when we tried to convey the problem. There is the most insidious mind control apparatus working on this world – it took me years to release those beliefs that weren’t mine but were inculcated from the youngest age.

Having others, who were in the midst of, or were completing the LBP, would have been a boon – there simply hasn’t up until this point been a support for such poignant changes. I certainly would have appreciated support during the early changes as they were intense to say the least – I have to smile here because until they begin in you words can’t convey accurately their intensity. Your experiences of your LBP come to mind; I chuckled a bit when I read them for the first time as I realised the gravity of what you were experiencing – and I felt relief that there was someone else who had cognition of this.

Indeed: “a shared burden is half a burden.”
In the work of light
October 7, 2011

Dear Georgi,

The last two weeks I was having a vision/image in my mind which depicted two golden spiral revolving galaxies in my eyes. At first I thought that my eyes were replaced by these galaxies, but after reading your article I realised that it is my personal portal which is reflected in my etheric/5th dimensional eyes and this discovery was amazing! I really feel amazingly deep and positive energy each time I visualise this! Thank you very much for your amazing articles and energy!

Best Regards,
October 8, 2011


I’ve read numerous posts about Ascension and how the world will end. When I’ve had a different view than the Author, I was banned. I thought I would send an email now and you can ban me later.

Many things bother me such as the Earth splitting in two and some unanswered questions about Ascension. I’ve read different versions about Ascension, one everyone will have the opportunity to ascend and not everyone is ready to ascend and those people are uncreated. Which ones are correct?

With all this misinformation it’s clear to me most won’t have a clue of what to do when confronted head on with the idea whether to ascend or not. I don’t believe people, who have done crimes against people will be given the option to ascend. Will these people be uncreated or placed on planet B as you’ve stated?

Then by your version the Earth splits in two most of the people won’t have to make a decision about Ascension because they’ll already be dead. I’ve read if a poll shift occurs around 20% of the total Earth’s population will survive. If large ships show up the worlds population will panic and most have been taught God will rapture his choosen ones and not by spaceships or crafts. All of whats being spewed online is just too much to digest by the average person. Then how does the Galactic Federation fit in and what do they have to do with God?

For the enlightened ones (Channelers), they won’t have a problem believing they are going to be given a chance to be uncreated or to ascend or live on a planet like Earth that is worse than the present. If this is going to be sold as the truth it can’t be vague like all these posts I’ve read online. The big question is, which one is correct? Telling someone to make the choice from their heart isn’t going to help them when faced with a final decision about their life. I think all this disinformation is being done on purpose so people will be so confused they won’t know which end is up. I’ll really be surprised if I get a reply.

Dear Russ,

I will not go into details, answering your doubts. It is your divine right to have doubts as anybody else. I can only tell you that I receive 50-60 emails per day now and there is virtually not a single email that displays your doubts, but only conviction – not because of what I am saying, but because of what they believe. And they believe the same as myself.

How could so many star seeds be wrong? 99,5% of humanity is in deep slumber. And the 0,5% community of light workers – in deep confusion, just as you are. In this case numbers are not an argument. It is up to you to decide, whether you belong to the few convinced, to those in confusion, or to the huge masses in slumber.

In Love and light
October 8, 2011

Is it ok if I tell my Kids/Family – “a little while you will see me and a little while you may not see me`.` Write what will happen to us soon? I don`t want our transition to drive anyone crazy.
L&L – divsy
Dear Difsy,

I am personally telling my family the whole truth as it is, even though they do not believe me. I have been announcing my final ascension since 2000 and now they do not believe me anything what I say. So I keep saying it like a “radio-point” at the Nazi time.

Therefore, I can only recommend you to do simply what your heart and your intuition are telling you – and it will be perfect. Kids are more apprehensive than adults, as they have an open channel  to their soul and will understand you at another level. The problem is with the adults. But they also must change their minds radically – at the latest after 11.11.11. The earlier they begin – the better.

There is no way that they will preserve their current hallucinatory ideas. Why spare them now? Tell them bluntly your truth. They are doing the same with you all day long – telling you what they believe to be their truth. They normally do not share your gentle considerations, do they? When the changes come, everybody will be crazy because nothing will remain the same. Your preoccupations are absolutely pointless. You cannot cushion them in false security. After all, the apostles were much more confused by the above quoted Jesus’ statement than if he has not uttered it in the first place.

In love and light
October 8, 2011
Dear George,

It would be wonderful to share with you my personal experiences but you, already being an Ascended Master, would already know all I am personally experiencing.  For now all my personal puzzle pieces are all coming together. To share would be a book.

There are times, I feel I have ascended and returned, but to date no real evidence of any of that except for inner vibrations, calmed via experiences, and inner feelings. My hope is to be the living example of what humanity can be and my inner voice suddenly, yet joyfully, spoke out to me a year or more ago as I was getting out of my car to go grocery shopping, “Let’s WOW them!” and I am now in the allowing stage for I know, again via personal experience, that my Higher Self is running the show.  It sure would be FUN to WOW them and that is said with Truth and Love. Should something phenomenal occur, I will share for sure.

I am almost done reading a book,”Kundalini: The Evolutionary Energy in Man” by Gopi Krishna that my guides or Higher Self or my seeking Self purposely placed in my hands. And I feel Gopi, who passed in 1984 at age 81 I believe, was another pathfinder and way-shower and now we are to take all this wonderful info and experiences of others to our highest level and be the trailblazers, take it all to the butterfly level. Kundalini for me now personally means: Truth. The awakening of the Kundalini is the awakening of our Truth.

October 9, 2011

Dear George,

I just finished reading Report 3 about building one’s own portal, and it clarified some things for me. A week or two ago I was taking a long walk, and felt very connected to Spirit.  I was very tuned in to what my guides were telling me, and they had a lot to share.  Anyway, during my walk I clearly saw a white door against a black background on three separate occasions. It was on my left side each time. I then heard one of my guides say: “Better get your affairs in order” and saw this message written out in my mind’s eye. Again it was on the left side. A short time later, I saw the white door again on my left side.

I was thrilled with this, and wanted to receive more messages like this. Shortly after this happened, I started experiencing some severe Ascension Symptoms, and haven’t had any experiences like that since. I was concerned because it seemed I had come very close to ascending to 5-D, then had lost the opportunity.

After I read the article, I realized that my guides had probably given me a glimpse of my portal because I was ready to see it at that moment. I also found out that lots of other Ascending people have been experiencing severe symptoms over the last couple of weeks. Is it likely that my guides will show me my portal, and tell me more about it between now and 11-11-11?  Thanks.

Dear Tom,

Thank you for your email. I am sure that your guides will give you all the necessary information you need to progress with your LBP and ascend. All my articles and these Ascension reports perspire one basic truth: You all are sovereign powerful creator beings and have the answers of all your questions in your higher heart and consciousness. Everybody has the potential to build his personal portal if he is a member of PAT or use one built by its members to ascend.

The symptoms of the LBP will definitely increase in the coming days prior to Ascension as to calibrate the individual and collective energies of all Ascension candidates and with that of Gaia, to which we are all entwined.

In love and light
October 9, 2011

Hello Callista,

I would just like to reach out. Found you from Georgi’s website. I have  found Georgi’s information inspiring and would like to reach out to you as well. I have been going through the LBP for some years now. I have currently reside on Oahu, HI. I am not sure if I have a portal or if someone in my area has one. I usually keep to myself. Are these portals bound to one area?

I ask because I am a small business owner and travel between 2 store locations and my home. Are these portals where ever we are or just where we sleep? By the last articles it seems as though these portals are build while we dream. Please let me know if you need more information from me.
Thank You,
From: <>
Subject: RE:Just reaching out

Dear Joelle

Thank you for your email and for wanting to contact me. I am glad you have found George’s website because it contains so much information that is relevant to the present situation.

Not everyone will build portals and it is not essential to build a portal in order to ascend. When your time to ascend comes, there will be a portal for you to use.

However, we are given a choice, and we can have the satisfaction and fun of creating a portal for ourselves, which contains our own signature or personality, and then we also have built a portal that can also be used by others who don’t have one for whatever reason. In this way we are helping the collective.

Your portal is an energetic pathway or environment, and, as such, is with you wherever your energetic signature is, whether you are at home or travelling. Portals are not bound by time or any 3D constraints.
I see your portal as made with clear crystalline, like clear quartz, and it has a clear fine tone to it.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011

Hello Ms. Callista.

My name is Bill M. I graciously ask for a moment of your attention. I guess like a few others I am wondering if I have built a portal at my new apartment. I may have actually started one at my previous address, but as you may or may not know my LBP has been drawn out for various reasons and I allowed myself to be distracted for some time in dark forests and some addictions. My LBP is now powerful and I love the new energy that I feel in my whole body as I feel a unified pulse in my entire abdomen and even head at times. I have never liked the terms light worker or starseed but have just recently started considering using them to describe myself as I can no longer hide from what my whole life has been telling me. Like many my story is long. complex and a bit rocky but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Or maybe I’m about to. I should stop here. Thank you so much for any insights you might have, bless you and see you in the dimensions soon.

From: <>
Subject: RE:Question please.

Dear Bill

Thank you for your email. I was very moved by your account of your life. It is so representative of the struggles lightworkers/wayshowers/star seeds have had, but in the end, we can all be thankful for the journey, as it has led us to where we are now.

I see a portal which you have created and it covers the whole of the building where your apartment is, and I think a park nearby. So you have provided a portal for any souls in the vicinity, who wish to make the ascension. I am a little puzzled as to the construction of your portal because it reminds me of the structure of the Eiffel Tower in Paris – but the girders of your portal are composed of thick snowy crystalline. It is a wonderful sight, but I am not sure if I am becoming fanciful in my imagination of it! Maybe the Eiffel Tower has a special meaning for you, or maybe you are interested in architecture.

Have confidence in your own abilities, Bill and look with your imagination and see what you think your portal looks like. Have fun with your creative abilities.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011

Dear Callista,

I was wondering if you could tell me if what I feel to be a portal in my yard is really a portal? This particular area has always drawn my gaze and given me a sense of bliss.

Thanks you so much,

From: <>
Subject: RE:Portal

Dear Vicki

Thank you for your email. I think you know the answer already, Vicki, but you are asking for confirmation. Your Soul has been drawing your attention to your portal for some time now, so believe in yourself.
Every portal that I have seen is different – we all put our own signatures on our portals. We are making these lovely portals so that they are a loving and soothing place for many to feel comfortable and secure when making their Ascension.

I am seeing a lot of roses and green leaves and vines around your portal. This is unusual because I usually see crystalline structures. What a lovely portal you have! It really reflects the nature aspect of Gaia and indicates to me that you are very much in tune with Gaia. It is not just in your yard, but extends over your whole property.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011

Dear Callista,

I know about you from Georges site. I wish to thank you for your work for the highest good of us all.

I am unsure if I am building a portal or should be building. There are signs that it might actually be already happening though. I would like to kindly ask you to use your skills and help me discern if it is a reality : ] or maybe a possibility.

Love & Light^^
From: <>
Subject RE:To portal or not to portal^^

Dear Piotr,

Yes “to portal or not to portal, that is the question!!” (with apologies to Shakespeare).

Thank you for your kind words. As I have said on George’s website, not everyone will want to or have the time to build a portal. It is not essential that you build a portal in order to Ascend.

However, I can see that you have a faint portal, and it is faint because you are not sure whether you have one or not. It is there in the background, waiting to be more certain if it is truly your intention. Everyone who desires to build a portal is able to build a portal. It is all about your intent.
So believe in yourself, Piotr, because you have the makings of a fine portal which I see is composed of fine filigree patterns of snowy crystal which reflect your sensitivity and compassion.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011


Hiya, mine name is Geoff and I wrote the following for Georgi, and by extension yourself as well, per the email discussions being posted on Georgi’s website. I tried to submit this to Georgi via the website’s contact form, but it wasn’t/isn’t working for me. Since this was also meant for you to read, mine hope anyway, I saw that your email address was therein. I hope I have not infringed somehow on ya, mine apologies if this is so.
Could you please forward this to Georgi; I will try a few more times at his website, but I have gotten several consecutive errors, and I am unsure if it was sent/received. Also, if you have the time or notion, I would very much
like to hear back from you, too.

Thanks, and Sincerely,
Hello Georgi,

Mine name is Geoff and I live in the western U.S., Utah specifically. I’ve read much of the info. You’ve written/published on your website & have, for a few months now, regularly read your material. It is a breath of fresh air!  For a subject as vast & intricate as ascension, energy dynamics, consciousness, etc…, I’d like to extend ya a huge thank you for providing the perspective your work does; additionally, I’ve found that your work definitivley mirrors mine p.o.v. & perspective, and what a relief it was to resonate with another soul of “like-mind” because as you know (and have written about) the confusion and dis-information currently “out there” can be/is nigh-overwhelming.

So, Thank You! I’ve no doubt your service to Humanity in these times is of great, great value… to those who intuit & know it, That last part above, the “desperation” that is kind-of apparent therein is, methinks, the reason I wanted to write to you. I’ve been following the email discussions you’ve been posting the last few days and I’ve been uplifted @much of the discourse. I feel and sense a tremendous resonance w/ many of the notions and sentiments being explored back & forth amongst your readers, yourself, and the other personas involved…

So, I guess mine abstract query, reason for wishing to discourse with you, stems from this notion that I’ve always, always simply known that I was somehow more/different than most of the souls around me. I’ve always, always known there is something very wrong with this world, it just took me the last few years to identify the depth of “it”.

Along the way, too, I’ve maintained an arms-length relationship w/ anything esoteric, not because I do not believe certain ways, but because much of it, too, left a perceptively bitter taste.

Religion, for example, has always been obvious to me as a cruel hoax, never has been something I could’ve embraced in any form because it is quite obviously complicit and corrupt. Another abstract example would be mine intuitive dislike for anything (anyone) involved in both the “medical” and/or “financial” fields, doctors, attorneys, etc… Imagine mine lack-of suprise then, within the last 7 years  or so, as I finally was able to attach a name to the energetic difficulties, the perspectives, I’d always had but in the past had attributed just to human greed and ego.

I feel an inexplicable draw to ascension, this year, NOW, and 11 in so, so many ways has been a constant theme in mine life for well beyond a year. I know, have read and studied about numerolgy, psychic opinions of what 11.11.11, and the like means, and some has resonated, much not. Again, confusion but surely, too, I am not really confused.  * sigh *

In short, I am un-engaged and I so, so want to engage, mineself, mine mind,  all of me, and yet it simply seems as though nothing is happening. Have I ever had what could be described as a “psychic” experience, maybe, but I can definitively say that I have never thought so. So, do other people, when receiving guidance from their higher self, their soul, attribute such guidance as/to being psychic? I’ve always “seen” it as coming from mine  soul… It is a strange thing to resonate so, so much with others of like-mind, seemingly, only to realize there a depth of “differences”.

A good example of what I’m trying to illustrate here would be an email dust-up that occurred between mineself and Steve Beckow earlier this year; I read everything I can, accept what resonates and discard the rest, and Steve and his various chat-groups was a place I experimented w/ mine writing and words… Suffice it to say that such a scenario unfolded, I participated in discourse, and, as soon as Steve felt threatened, he unceremoniously attacked me privately whilst publicly, of course, playing an entirely different role.

Eh, ’nuff said about such a faux-lightworker, not an issue whatsoever, but imagine mine surprise when I read your experiences w/ him… Not to mention that I have also been privately informed by another prominent blogger of a   scenario very similar to your experience w/ him… But, I digress, he and that is not what I intend on discoursing w/ you)  So, the differences have always puzzled me, why, what are/is that? How can I feel and intuit so much about the truth, back it up w/ research and knowledge, and yet it seems I cannot effectively communicate it without stepping on toes? It always, always seems that when I try to engage and emerge that I, instead, become attacked and dismissed, even labeled, anarchist, idealist, etc… and etc…

Another part of what I’d like to ask is about portal-building; having never really had a psychic experience, I intuit I am to ascend, I have declared mine intentions to do so, and I feel I am clear… But, no experiences I could point to or mention as having “happened” for me. I cannot really  meditate, in the accepted definition of meditation, but I do think I meditate. When I close mine eyes I do not see images, colors, or whatnot, I see the back of mine eyelids!  But, I believe Georgi, I resonate and FEEL it… This/these are confusing, abstract notions that have dogged @me for months, years. Am I building a  portal? Am I to ascend, NOW, this year? I know you cannot neccessarily answer these queries, but I resonate w/ what you say/write, and you are obviously sure, your “ego” has had/gotten it’s answer (I mean ego in the sense of your earthly-self)… Why, how, can I feel, intuit, KNOW,

Geoffrey L V.

P.S. Thanks for reading Georgi, thanks for the work you do and are doing…
Thanks for serving Humanity and the Light…

In Love,

Dear Geoffrey,

Thank you for your email which I received from Callista and your comprehensive presentation of the current situation – both personal and that of the New Age. In fact, you have anticipated my publication which will appear today, titled:

“Why America no longer needs New Age charlatans but a true revolution”

Your sceptic with the current esoteric literature is well-founded, although there are some scattered sources which are valuable and trustful. The one I regularly recommend or

My personal impression is that you are still in a state of searching your individual way, which is the most normal situation for any star seed in these days. You may profit from my readings, but ultimately you can only find your security within yourself. Written words are always a dilution of energy and the most pure energy one can only get is from his higher self.

I will post your email with some editing as it is too long on my next Ascension report-4 because it deals with a lot of important issues of general character and can be also regarded as an anticipated response to my article that will appear today.

In love and light
From: <>
Subject: RE:Please Read, Reply

Dear Geoffrey

How wonderful that you have found George’s website and that the content resonates with you!

We all have feelings of self-doubt – that is part of being human – we are actually programmed to be reliant on other authorities because this makes us ideal slaves. However the time is now very near when we will be free of all the encumbrances that have made us doubt ourselves. The very fact that you resonate with George’s website indicates that you are listening to your Soul and She is taking you where you need to be.

Everyone has different paths and that is why we most often find ourselves “alone” or “different” or “don’t fit in”. Our path is different because we are Wayshowers.

So please understand that your feelings of self-doubt are normal, but you don’t have to listen to them any more. If it’s any consolation to you, when I close my eyes to meditate, I also only see the back of my eyes!! This worried me for years, until I realised that I could see with my third eye, whether my eyes are open or closed. I use my imagination to form images from the energy which is presenting itself to me. I seldom consciously enter a meditative state because most of the time I am living in one anyway. I think many enlightened souls have the same experience. And anyway, even if they don’t, it doesn’t matter – my experience belongs to me and it works for me, just as yours works for you.

So be encouraged to operate in your own unique way. If you intuit to ascend, then Ascension will be your experience. If you desire to build a portal, that also will be your experience. Go into your imagination and Dream the ideal space for yourself. I will pass this message on to George, as I always do, so he can post it on the website to help others.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011

Subject: Sant Mat and Perfect Masters

Hi Callista,

my name is Brian and have been seeing 11:11 so often for many years now and greatly enjoy George’s website. I believe there are greatly Enlightened Realized Beings that function on Earth all the time and are here to see and talk with today. One named Adi Da who George recently discussed may be an example of what I’m talking about.

Another very large spiritual group is Sant Mat.The esoteric aspect is quite profound. You can find you tubes of Kirpal, a recent Perfect Master. I was initiated by Kirpal Singh in India in 1974 and his line is headed by Rajinder Singh at The lineage goes back hundreds of years to Guru Nanak.As Adi Da has said, Enlightenment is right here, right now, in 3D.If an individual is not enlightened here in 3D, they’re not going to be enlightened in any other D, it’s all just another form of seeking,

I don’t see how anyone can permanently reach and maintain a higher dimensional level when they still are addicted to physical things like food, emotions, sex,and many other examples. This is just basic Buddhism and seems to be giving false expectations, in my opinion. An issue I have with channelled material is that these beings have not proven themselves in 3D.

When I was in India, Darshan Singh had a full time 9 to 5 job and came home to listen to the problems and questions of seekers until the Westerners would have a chance to talk with him and we got a call from his wife around 10pm and chatted til around 1am and he had to ride his bike to work that morning. This went on the whole week I was there. That’s quite an example of Selfless Service and never has this organization charged a penny for their services even though they’ll rent for a week the highest class hotels in Chicago, without ever asking for a donation. I consider these Sant Mat Masters to be something very unique and the main reason for writing is to let you know of one named Judith Lamb-Lion who has a very small following is very easy to talk with on the phone if you’d be interested in getting an opinion on this whole Ascension concept which I feel has something to it and I feel this energy influx alot to the point my physical body is so intoxicated at times, and many times , it feels like it will go invisible….

Bryan P.
From: <>
Subject: RE:Sant Mat and Perfect Masters

Dear Brian

Thank you for your interesting email and thank you for feeling that you can share these aspects of your life with me. I am glad that you have found the superfoods are helping you. I have found that each person is unique and it seems that we have to all source our particular aids for helping our bodies as we go through the LBP. It sounds like you are working hard to help yourself and this is commendable.

There are a number of Sant Mat members in the community in which I live and they are a wonderful influence. I live in a remote village on the south coast of Western Australia where many paths are accepted and we have a very supportive community.

I have heard of George Kavassilas but, along with many now on the Internet, they are using video to transmit their message and I have a very slow computer with limited download, so I dont listen to them. Also the impending Ascension correspondence is taking all my time now, along with resting and Dreaming.

I am glad you have found George’s website, because I believe it is the most comprehensive information we can have at this important time.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 9, 2011

Hello Georgi,

I was just finishing up my meditation and I have come to a realization. While reading Callista’s work I sense that she is a brilliant being who is using her creative ability to visualize her portal that is at her house and others as indeed this is what I sense as well, but it must also be emphasized as well that the LBP was the true builder of the portals. I have come to the realization that we are the portal’s not just at our locations geographically but rather where ever we go a portal exists in that now time.

I say this because there are many ‘new’ starseeds who are going to read these post’s and whom I ‘fear’ may become fixated upon the external manifestation of ones personal portal. Many have been trying to DO the ascension rather than becoming their personal ascension, while daily looking for outward validation. The “new” awakened ones will need to focus on their inner portals first and that starts with the belief patterns…especially the belief in themselves, from that point it will be a easier jump to where we are right now in the process. Once they realize that they are the portals then even the slightest smile they give as they walk through their day to day lives will open up the portals in others and wherever their laughter travels, it will remind other selves of home and that it is NOW time.

As each of our personal portals intensify and expand we then merge into one overwhelming pillar of intense light one large portal will be open for ALL of humanity.  This is how I have seen it in my mediation that I have just left as I write this.

Love you much old friend.
Dear Bert,

I am so thankful for this vital contribution to our main topic – building of portals and LBP. This is another remarkable serendipity in these days. While preparing the Ascension Report-4 for Monday, I was just thinking that I must address this issue and you have tackled it already.

Indeed, it must be clearly stated at this place that while augmenting the frequencies of your fields during the LBP, you are actually building your portals. The personal portals are not external devices, but the final result of your efforts during the LBP. It is very important to understand the dialectical nature of this energetic phenomenon.

For instance, I can see the vibrations of my personal energetic field in a radius of at least 100 meters around me. But this is only the core of the field, as I was told. The actual radius of my energy field, which is at the same time the radius of my portal, was given to be about 50 miles. Thus it encompasses the whole region of big Munich, where more than 3 million people live.

Therefore, my urgent appeal to all members of the PAT and all candidates for First Ascension: Do not bother too much about building your individual portal, but think only about completing your LBP in these last days and your portal will be automatically built.

Bert, thank you for your valuable comment. It will be posted with this answer on the Monday’s Report.

In love and light
October 8/9, 2011

Dear Mr. Stankov,

since I find your inspirational site, from the very first moment, I make great move forwards, hope to see you soon in 5th and beyond. I admire your strength and achievement (I know that you spent so much time for research job that I can compare that with my countryman Tesla)

I must say something: This time, End Of Time, I feel that Georg Lucas allegoricaly described in Star Wars, because that I say: May The Force Of Unconditional Love Be With You and All of Humanity

Light & Love
Daniel V.
Dear Daniel,

Thank you very much for your very kind email. The comparison with Tesla is not coincidental – we are linked as soul mates. Lucas is right – it is a Star War and much more dirty than one can imagine – read my last Ascension Report. But with love and compassion we will prevail.

I Love and Light
Dear Georgi,

Thanks for Your e-mail. I am not surprised.
For many years I am convinced about Starwars, and I suggested to my girl friend and to some of my friends to watch movie with understanding. It’s soft (light) version of reality.
I am convincied that we (as human race) will this time be in Light with One.

Light & Love
Hollywood gets these scripts directly from the dark ones. They have no choice, but to film them as part of the mind propaganda. George
Hollywood is their extension, and is very deep in process of enslavement and brain washing of humanity.

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