State-of-Ascension-Report-19: The Ascension Season 11.11.11 Is Opened.

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-19, October 31, 2011

The Pleiadian High Council and SanJAsKa: “You Have All Proven that Nothing is Impossible”, 10-29-11 (

Channeler:  Wes Annac

,,,,In fact, many of you will not realize and this will certainly not yet be reported in your media, but plenty of souls have in fact ascended on this date, the 10.28. As other Divine sources will tell you, while this date does mark the end-point of a great cycle that will see your collective evolution, the energy that has been added to it has been an effort all your own. Though you are now in the time of transition, at the shift point, this actual date or time period could have in fact meant nothing at all. You see, it is the energy you all have added to this date by its perceived significance that has made the difference, and with permission from your Highest Council of Gaia, we have been able to add to this energy and double it in scope and purity.

As a result, many who would have instead taken the ‘official’ first train Home on the 11.11.11, have instead went even earlier on this significant bench mark. Some are in fact in the process right now, and many are now with us in the higher realms, serving to reactivate their true Divine potential in very big ways. Many who have ascended at this time are helping us to manifest a sacred tone upon your world, a tone that will be absorbed by you all naturally, and will serve to speed up your evolution tenfold. Think about this dear souls. Your evolution has already been sped up to that of a master curriculum, and now with the sacred tones our re-ignited Ascended Masters and Archangels are assisting us to manifest, your already sped-up evolution will now move event faster. This will absolutely serve to speed up the process of disclosure on your world, and not a moment too soon!

October 29, 2011

Dear George,

I continue to be exhilarated by the knowledge shared on your site! I have devoured the General Theory of Biological Regulation as you suggested and as much other info as possible in the past 48 hours. I wish I had the benefit of these insights YEARS AGO!

Anyway, I felt inspired to share a poem this evening that I wrote following my awakening in 1992.

Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

At the blackest ebb of midnight–
not a single star in sight–
there’s a still and quiet whisper
of ebony delight.

It may appear quite frightening
to those without true faith.
But darkness only serves to show
where Light can heal our ways.

If you listen in the stillness
you can hear a voice inside.
It’s the steward of the lighthouse
sent to help you through the tide.

So, don’t tremble as you stumble
down life’s dark and narrow path.
Pick up your torch and lantern
and forge on to greater tasks!

Take heart in your ability
to navigate at night.
And remember that instinctually
you’re headed for the Light!

Love and Light,

October 28, 2011

Dear Georgi,

Your compilation on the magnetic pole shift (due imminently) was the most comprehensive information ever written about these times.  Why is it so difficult for people to get it?  Is it because of the distraction of dis-information ravaging the Internet?  What I think is, history has been tainted with the NASA mis-calculations, phony pictures and the infiltration ofGerman war time scientists working within the inner circle. This is the belief system that most lazy humans know.  If they would get out of the box they are in and see the wonders of what is coming, we could all collectively await with great joy instead of fear. I wanted you to know how much your work and website is appreciated.

For several months I have felt at peace within. Going about the day with usual routine structure, only with calmness and a happy heart.  I have felt several surges of light headiness, some fatigue without it disrupting my life.  Many sensitives that I trust via the Internet are telling humanity that there are signs such as these afoot.  It’s all a part of the coming planetary change. There is so much hustle and bustle to change the monetary system, to protest the financial institutions and arrest the criminals. Why?  Forgive them of theirinsensitivity, they are all playing a cosmic role just as we are. We are all on our way to our highest good. This is where our focus needs to be.

Thank you from the center of my heart for your brilliant composition on the pole shifting. As the Light engulfs us, we will recognize one another and smile with much gratitude.

Joyfully, Claudette ^jj^

Dear Claudette,

Thank you very much for your appreciation of my work. You confirm all vital aspects of the End Times as I also see them, In particular, I fully agree with you that we should not be distracted by petty developments in finance, society and politics, but concentrate on the most important process in the End Times – Ascension of humanity and Gaia. This process will solve all current 3d- problems on this planet for ever.

In love and light
October 28, 2011

Dear George,

Most certainly do see it.  Thank you for your reply. I was one that  walked in dark forests with light and almost got stuck a couple of times.  In one sense my final clearing much dross came right when it was supposed to apparently. Yet for some reason I feel like I’m going to be called very soon to another level of service. The peace without the dross is so nice, but I believe that’s why my body is so tired a lot of the time. As I take in other sources this seems to be common however.  I’m so thankful that my vision that we were all here for a bigger purpose is manifesting in this time and it was real all along. I”m so delited to be participating in this consciously. The LBP has been going on for some time, but I reached some sort of a meadow now, where I can take stock and build up for another stage of the journey.

Blessings to you Georgi

Dear Bill,

This sounds indeed as a farewell to this earthy adventure and you are already looking for a new challenge. Take some rest first andenjoy for some time the marvelous future we have created with combined force for this most toxic planet in the whole Milky Way galaxy. The time will not run away, as there is no time in the Now of All-That-Is.In love and light
October 8,  2011

Dear Georgi,

I hope you are well. I am keep reading your post and since our last email-exchange I have gained more knowledge on this subject. I have millions of questions in my head, but I am not sure if I can express them. Today is the end of Mayan Calendar, that slowly paves the way for us into these new dimensions.

I have checked many writings and videos about Lucid Dreaming and Meditation, but I have so many thoughts in my head, so I had no success. Do you have any advice for me? Also, do you have any updates/advice for the average people, who aren’t that advanced spiritually like you are in regards of the ascension/physical earth changes/disclosure?

I wish a great success to you in your journey,
Dear Tibor,

I am happy to hear from you again. Lucid dreaming is an achievement of the soul in conjunction with the mind of the incarnated entity. I have periods when I dream lucidly every night for several months and then there are periods when I do not have any lucid dreams at all. It depends on what your higher self is doing  in the dream state. The one state is not better than the other. Lucid dreaming can be quite tiresome when it penetrates your daily life.

I do not believe that one can express certain truths and spiritual contents in such a  way so that they could be better understood by the people, who are not interested in them at this moment. It is the other way round.

First there must be the inner impulse of the soul that pushes the individual to seek in a state of mental or emotional dissatisfaction and then he is gently couched and finds the proper source to satisfy his thirst for knowledge. This is how all the readers found this website.

Do not worry, this situation will come much sooner than you imagine. By the end of this year we will all be fully occupied educating the broad population about what is currently happening on earth. It is only a matter of days or weeks. Some of you will channel from the 5th dimension after you have ascended and other as myself will educate the masses on earth in light bodies.

In love and light
October 28, 2011

Dear George,

I just read your report-17 and I want to tell I’m from Argentina in South America (now I’m living in Paraguay) and consider myself a member of the PAT. I hope you excuse my English. I found your website a few weeks ago and I’ve been following daily since then.

I experienced my awakening on June 21, 2008 and since then I have worked hard to discover, know and remember to create my experience based on love, light, joy and happiness with total conviction that came to be happy as Divine Souls we are. That is our power.

I feel totally identified with the information you provide and share many symptoms you mention. I love to share the experiences of all PAT members.  Thank you very much for the great help provided to us. Sincerely from my heart, thank you. In love and light to you and all members of PAT.

October 28, 2011

Dear Callista,

Great thanks to you and Georgi for providing guidance that I respect. The info you have provided resonated immediately and has provided a mental path that would have been difficult for me to achieve on my own. My question is about a two visions, very brief that I had. The first was a tunnel with a purple kind of kaleidiscopal effect sort of pulling me in, and the second was a door opening filled with a beautiful creamy white brilliance. I greatly want to ascend now, but am not getting a feeling of confirmation when I meditate. Any thoughts?

Dear Jeannette,

my personal conviction is that anybody who resonates with the idea of Ascension and building of portals will have the possibility to ascend in November as Heaven needs every ascended master to help humanity ascend in Dec 2012.

In love and light
October 28, 2011


I was lucid dreaming last night, just as you said yesterday, and I felt like some souls were going through the portals! It felt a bit urgent, like I could feel how close the 11/11/11 was. I was ushering them through, but half awake in my room. I woke up and my eyes were open while laying in bed, yet the ushering through kept continuing. I was experiencing both things. All I could feel was that 10/28 (today) and 11/11 was a huge window of opportunity. They (the souls) were very excited. There was a lot of activity going on. That’s all I can remember. Oh yes, and then my body felt 150 degrees!!! I was so hot, I had to take the blankets off and considered getting in the shower.

The dreaming continued all night, but not the portals. The next one was my biological sister and I at an airport, and we both had tickets to two different places, and we got separated and I went into a panic because they changed my gate at the last second and I was trying to find someone to show me to my new gate, all the while, trying to text my sister from a new phone (which I was having trouble working) and trying to let her know where I was and get her to her gate too! It was horrible! Just a feeling of frustration and panic and like I had abandoned her in the airport. But somehow I felt deep down that she was safely sitting at her gate, laughing at me, and thinking, “Well, she will figure it out!” Because that is actually her nature in real life. I always panic over her, and she is always just fine and collected, even though she isn’t fully awake! Hahahaha!

Love, Kari
Dear Kari,

your lucid dream that some star seeds are leaving earth and ascending, while we the members of the PAT are keeping the portals open is correct. Read my sensational message tomorrow in report-18. It is mind-boggling. Even I have problems to conceive it.

In love and light
October 29, 2011

Dear Georgi, Callista and PAT Family,

When I read your Urgent Message yesterday morning and learned that our first brothers and sisters had gone through the Portal, I cried tears of joy and exaltation. It reminded me of the old Negro Spiritual I learned as a child:

If you get to Heaven – echo (if you get to Heaven)
Before I do (before I do)
Just bore a hole (just bore a hole)
An’ pull me through (an’ pull me through)
If you get to Heaven before I do, Just bore a hole and pull me through. I ain’t a gonna grieve my Lord no mor’!

I know that we always have so much help and support from the other side. But NOW we have some of our OWN on “the other side” who will truly be PULLING us through the Portals, cheering us on and making it easier and easier for the ones who follow. Never have I felt surer of my mission.

Recently, I have had an intuition that for those of us who are destined to “return” after our “departure” we may not perceive that we have really “gone” anywhere. And that the people who know us in 3-D may not experience our disappearance. We may indeed experience ourselves in a Portal, and when we step out, it may indeed be a 5th Dimensional Reality. However, that may be the result of our 3D-Operating System shutting down and our Multi-dimensional Operating System coming fully online simultaneously. We will then step into our new roles as Wayshowers and get to work, carrying the new 5-D Reality within us, as we now carry our Portals within us. After listening to Archangel Michael’s beautiful message (thank you so much for posting that Georgi) I felt that my intuition was confirmed. Any thoughts on this?

In any case, for the past two days, my physical body has felt “revved up” like a race car – I can’t wait to get her on the straight-away and open her up full throttle! I feel the activation of every cell, my DNA and all the new systems being tested and tweaked. This can get a bit uncomfortable and distracting at time, but I have cleared my schedule of most obligations and allow myself to go gently and slowly through as many hours a day as possible. Fortunately, much of the testing and tweaking is being done while I sleep and I am (blessedly) sleeping.

I thank you, Georgi, for posting the email from Satina who included her email and said she was sitting right on the Pacific Coast. Well that is a long coastline, but I wrote to her anyway and lo and behold she is only four hours north of me and there is a possibility that we might visit each other in a couple of weeks – depending on which Ascension scenario plays out. We figure, if both of us “disappear” our partners (who are both staying grounded for the moment) can meet each other and swap Ascension stories.

My love and gratitude to each one of you,
Alia, Gold Beach, OR
Dear Alia,

Thank you for your update. Wait till tomorrow when you must read the latest report-18. It is a real sensation – mind boggling. I will not say anything more, but only to make you eager to read it.

When I am angry with my wife who does not believe in ascension and the whole stuff, I sing this song to her:

If I go to Heaven, if I go to  heaven,
I’ll make a hole
and spit on you.

But it still does not work, I am short of arguments. I don’t mind if the spitting can begin. It has already begun – read report -18. I am glad that you have established contact to Satina. The place where I come from (my mother actually) on the Black See coast in Bulgaria is called “Sunny Beach” and a little further to the north there is another famous resort called “Gold Beach” – an interesting coincidence.

In love and light
October 28, 2011

To Members of the PAT Who Are in Doubt:

The other evening, I walked into the kitchen to put something away and something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye.  I turned to look out the window and saw a little light bobbing back and forth frantically. I felt like it was signaling me. Upon further investigation I discovered that it was a firefly. I was contemplating the significance of this when it hit me. Fireflies represent illumination. They look like an ordinary bug in the daylight, but at night you can see the brilliant light they have inside. I realized this was my higher self trying to tell me that I should not doubt, and even though I look normal on the outside, I have a light body!

To Dr. Stankov:

Hello!  I had a question for you, but with all the emails you read and respond too, I will understand if you don’t have the energy to respond.  For the last couple of years I have had bouts of sickness. It does not seem to fit with your description of the LBP.  It seems to occur only when I am at work, or when I am out shopping around a crowd of people. All of the sudden I feel general malaise, my throat starts to hurt, I feel hot and fatigued and have something that I describe as “air hunger”. This is where no matter how deep of a breath you take, you don’t feel like you have taken in enough oxygen.  Do you have any idea what could be causing this?  This last week has been especially terrible for me.  I only feel better when I am at home and resting.  If you could give any insite, I would greatly appreciate it.  Thank you. Kindest Regards and Best Wishes To Everyone!
Dear Erin,

To your question: This is quite a normal feeling and I have the same experience when I am with other people in a group. This is the reason why I deliberately evade such gatherings. I even did not go to the school theatre performances of my daughters as I could not bear the low frequencies of the public.

When your body frequencies augment during the LBP, you are no longer compatible with the collective vibrational patterns of the others. As your fields merge with these collective fields automatically, they sponge, so to say, from your high vibrations and this makes you tired and sick. You may try to wrap you up in the coherent white Christed light, but it does not help much as there are laws of interference of waves which you cannot eliminate as I write in my book “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction”.

Just avoid such gatherings as good as you can and know that it does not have to do with you and with your LBP, but it is a consequence, an adverse side effect of it, so to say.

In love and light
October 29, 2011

Dear George,

It looks like many people share sleeping problems. Yesterday I was meditating around 3/4 am and received some important information.  Those patterns I was talking about earlier, I now see more of them and also other patterns like circles. I also see DNA like shapes, it looks like the crystalline grid is integrating with our DNA and changing it, enabling the 97% “junk” DNA.

When I was looking at this, I got lost in my thoughts and received no more input from other senses. While it is normal to forget about breathing, hearing and other things during meditation this was different. It wasn’t that I was unaware, but it was like there was no time. Several times I experienced exactly what the NOW means.

When it was time to stop and go to bed, it was like I meditated for no time, but also for infinite time. After that another surprise, the world had that dreamy feeling to it. Everything was lighter, more defined and connected in some way. Gaia really has progressed a lot.

Finally, a message to those who want to see their portal but have problems with seeing it: the trick isn’t to learn how to see, you can do this already. What you need to do is accept and understand the fact that you can do it. If you can’t directly see it, allow your imagination to show you how it looks like. Give it some time and allow a picture to form in your minds eye, and you will figure out how your portal looks like.

Dear Daniel,

You are absolutely right – our DNA is indeed integrated in the crystalline 144-grid of the earth and the 12 DNA-strands are now fully activated as to be able to process the infinite greater information which we will have to absorb in the 5th dimension as to cope with the new multidimensional reality. We are re-built completely. Virtually nothing will remain from the current physical vessel after we have gone through the portals. But this should be known to everybody.

The portals are indeed of high frequency patterns and they can only be perceived by the inner senses and not with the physical eyes. Recently, I tried to explain this to somebody who believed that he has made pictures of portals in the sky and expressed the view how easy it were to see them, contrary to the “great difficulties of many readers of this website”.

I explained to him that the portals are beyond the electromagnetic spectrum – they are made of light “behind the visible light” and are thus only accessible to our inner senses and cannot be captured in a photo.

In love and light
October 29, 2011

Dear George,

The story of Helsinki is just beautiful, its so nice for an experiential loop to close – i must say that I’m just so thrilled by all of this. It makes me wonder what we’re all doing in ‘dreamtime’ as there is usually little recall of it all – just extreme business during dreamtime and tiredness the next day.

Amazing stuff!!!!
Dear Craig,

Eleven years ago, I had an eye operation – a cornea transplantation as I became blind on my right eye after my keratoconus – a total thinning of the cornea – fell apart. The surgeon had a guest and came later for the operation. The woman-anaesthetist had to increase the dosage of the pre-medication which has the same effect as psychedelic drugs as to bridge the excess time, while we were discussing scientific issues with her.

Due to this over-dosage, I had a trip to the astral levels that night, where I work in the dream state as a “savior of souls”, most often as somebody who guides them after they die to Celestria, to the 5th dimension. In this particular case I was responsible for a former school-mate of mine, a very beautiful girl, whom I liked very much and who married later a very good friend of mine and a neighbour. Later on they divorced. They all lived in Bulgaria and my operation was in a private hospital in Munich, Germany. I hadn’t seen her since I left Bulgaria in 1975, that is to say, for almost 25 years.

Anyway, when she died, and I waited for her to lead her to the 5th dimension in the interim 4d astral level, she came very distressed to me and complained: “I am so ugly, I am so ugly. I hate my body.”  “No, no” – I said to her “You are very beautiful, now you have your light body and you are perfect.”  “No” – she cried in disbelief: “I had to suffer so much from my disease and now I look terrible”

At this moment my wife came, who is also a soul-guide like me, and brought her a beautiful white dress. We helped her into the dress and then my wife created a large mirror and asked my school-mate to look in the mirror. She declined at first as she was afraid to see her ugly body, but then we convinced her telepathically and when she looked in the mirror, she recognized all of a sudden the beautiful soul she has ever been and this was her entry into the 5th dimension.

This whole episode did not last more than several minutes. During that night, I accomplished so many different jobs, I could write a whole book on them. I am telling you this story just to confirm what tremendous work we are performing in the dream state.

The next day I called a friend of mine in Sofia, Bulgaria and asked him to give me more information on this school-mate. You must consider that I suffered all the time from terrible pains in the eye after the operation. He told me later on that she has had breast cancer and was operated two years ago. The operation was a full catastrophe as the surgeon injured the lungs and the lung skin and caused a life-threatening pneumo-thorax (air between the lungs). They treated her with high-dose corticoids for more than a year to cope with the inflammation from the pneumo-thorax and thus her body swelled incredibly. She died exactly in the night when I met her in the astral level after my operation.

The last year, before she died, she stayed closed at home as she was ashamed to be seen by other people. When I met her at the astral level, I already knew this intuitively, although the details became only later known to me after I had several phone calls with Bulgaria.

There were times, when I was very involved, meeting all kind of politicians – several of them each night – from Obama to Putin, from Merkel to Sarkozy etc. It goes like this for the last 30 years. I have met with all important politicians in the last 30 years in the dream state. I always speak with them in their native language – with Putin in Russian with Sarkozy in French and I am surprised how well I know these languages. I remember all discussions which can be very long. Most of the time I instruct them, but they rarely follow.

I met with Putin 6 time in the last 10 years. At first, I scolded him a lot for opening the Chechnya war in 1997-8,  but then we became good friends. The last meeting was about an year ago when I prevented a coup d’ètat against him organized by the dark ones from the Anglo-Saxon faction of the Orion Empire because he does not follow their orders. This is a long story.  I do not want to go into details.

Anyway, he was very thankful to me for having saved his life and we walked slowly along the empty streets around Kremlin and discussed various issues. This was real as I know Moscow well. He will be on the side of the light when the events begin to unfold soon, although he has his own agenda.

Contrary to Obama, with whom I met 5 times in the last 3 years. I will not tell you about my encounters with him now, but they became unfriendly and unyielding each time. Therefore, I believe that he has sold his soul to the devil.

And it goes like this all night long.

What I want to confirm here is what most New Agers do not even bother to consider – our main work is done in the dream state and we are only here on earth as energetic conduits and nothing more. Our petty human ideas are negligible in comparison to the enormous coordination work we are doing in the dream state.

When one realizes this fact, one becomes very, very humble and can let the ego surrender completely to the soul. I have not yet started to talk about these esoteric aspects, which are in the core of our human and extra-terrestrial existence.

In love and light
October 29, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I read your latest report on ascension in Helsinki. I have a question: I thought that ascension to the 5th dimension can appear in two ways. One, you decide to ascend, dissapear and no longer be reachable for people on earth and two, you decide to ascend, come back to earth to assist others to ascend during the coming year. Please correct me if I got it wrong.

I myself feel a great urge to break the news as widely as possible and do everything in my power to help others who want to ascend. So I will still be reachable for the vast majorty. Does this mean I will not feel much of the 5th dimension? Will I be switching from 3rd to 4th and sometimes to the 5th then? The last few days have been very intense. Every night it seems as if I do not sleep but have all kinds of visions of a new era. During the daytime I often feel a presence through sensations in my body or for instance a little wren flying arround in my livingroom when no windows or doors were open. The bird appeared last Thursday morning when I decided to start and was setting up a new blog in Dutch to inform people about ascension.

If you will disappear soon as you have announced, I wish you all the best, but I will surely miss you and your clear updates on ascension. Thank you very much.

Lots of Love
Dear Mie,

You should not put the soul in a Procrustes’ bed, if you know what I mean. Your soul can do everything. It can appear in light body everywhere, while you sleep in your bed and so on. Only this kind of behaviour has been forbidden for the last 10 000 years on earth as not to jeopardize the camouflage of the 3d-illusion. Now the rules of the game are rapidly changing.

What you say is correct. Most of you will ascend to the 5th dimension and stay there as there is no need to experience once again the limitations of the 3d- or 4d -reality. Few of us, as myself, will appear in front of humanity in light body and empowered with the infinite creative possibilities of a multidimensional personality and with an all encompassing knowledge. They will embody All-That-Is, for which the gods in the human religions stood in the past as an explanatory principle.

All members of PAT suffer from the same symptoms as you complain. It has to do with us living in many realities simultaneously in these last days prior to Ascension.

In love and light
October 29, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I have done the translation. In addition, I will give some detailed information about manifestation and Akashic record in the later blogs for my readers. What a piece of great news. I don’t know much about Hinsinki until I read your email and some of my own research.

The news indicates that the ability of manifestation and other supernatural will become more and more common to show the proof of ascension for the public. My take is that the portal Janne saw, was the one you opened up in your lucid dream state. Is that right?

in light and much love,

Dear William,

I assume so. Read my next report, where I speak about us as creators in the dream state. From now on everything will be possible. We enter the time of miracles.

October 29, 2011

Hello Georgi

I am very honored to report that I am ascended to the 5th dimension and beyond. I have a contract to bare multiple dimensions in a 3d vessel. I knew this for a longer time, but didn’t get the whole picture. Until the 25th of October I never heard of your website.

Coincidentally, I was led to your website and got stuck in it. Everything I read so far is a confirmation of what I thought and felt the past 30 years. I stepped consciously in the ascension process in 1997, but then there were already 10 years of undefinable pain, aches, dreams, paralyses and so fort. I loved and hated the New Age movement. Love of the explanation and confirmation of my experiences. Hate, because of the fluffy and semi-loving people, who didn’t understood the essence, but were running away from life and the meaning of life and ascension process.

Now the last few days the LBP has intensified again. Headaches, muscle pain, dizziness etc. Fortunately, I was visited by a delegation of the Arcturians and  some creatures of my home star beyond Sirius. It is amazing how much support we all get from the galaxies. The puzzle is coming to an end for me and I see that everything ever happened and everything I ever did had its place. I have built my personal portal and I have got the message to melt the various vortexes in my house and garden to once great portal. The archangels, angels, ascended masters, Arcturians and many others are very proud and happy to see that the PAT team is coming together and work to lift Gaia and humanity.

Not every one is ready at the moment, but there are enough. as far as I can see in my environment, there are several people who are building, or have build a portal. I don’t know if they have contacted you, or if they are of the PAT team. (are there more PAT teams?) Also the whales and dolphins are taking there part in waving the 5d matrix. This was all I had to say, for now goodbye and for every specie that is involved; We are one!

Dear Ditmar,

Thank you very much for this elevating message that makes my heart vibrate with joy. From your email I gather that you are ready for the final mission and  that there is nothing more you have to know. Where do you live? Can you contact the other PAT members in your vicinity and make them aware of the PAT and this website? I doubt if there are more PAT teams, but I believe that there are some PAT members who have not connected yet.

In love and light
Dear Georgi

I am ready indeed for the final mission, if you can speak of “the final mission”. There is nothing that I have to know because the process of ascension unfolds the way it is supposed to be unfolding. The I in terms of “ego” has nothing  to say about it. It is for me a matter of trust. The thoughts of being not enough, of not being multidimensional, that it is all a joke are there, but  that’s it. I can’t deny that it is a wonderful and amazing process. It is to big to understand mentally. I mentioned my home star, which I cannot pronounce because it is a completely different language. It is not only speech, but also feelings, intuition etc etc. So I don’t know if this is the final mission.

it is the final mission for me before 11 11 11. But I feel that it is enough. My body, especially my nervous system is working very hard to hold the information and energy steady and clear. I am very happy to get all the help there is out of multi dimensions.

I am living in the Netherlands. I am going to try to contact the people who  probably are also member of the PAT team.  Be the light and love who you already are!

In Lovely Light
October 30, 2011

Dear Georgi!

Thank you so much for the reply. Let me further introduce myself  in regards to the question someone asked you earlier about if there are members of PAT in Asia. My husband and I are from Nepal currently living in Calgary Canada and only recently we came to know about some other people in Nepal who belongs to PAT, but have not been able to connect due to the language barrier.

Lately I have been trying to connect with more and more people and to my greatest surprise my whole family accepts the idea like the thing they knew all their lives. My older sister has already started having out-of-body experience and my dad is taking my idea of ascending as if I am visiting somewhere. I am sure there are more and more people going through the same phase where we are all meant to be.

With Love and light

Dear Rosha,

Thank you very much for this information. I have always assumed that the population of Nepal is open for these ideas as they look back to a great spiritual heritage. But Nepal is a small country and the question remains still unanswered as to how many people in China and  India are open to these ideas, given the fact that they comprise almost half of the world population.

In love and light
October 30, 2011

For all my Italian readers – an Italian video on Elenin:

October 30, 2011

Greetings, Mr. Stankov,

I’m Seth, Catheryn’s long-time friend and a long-time friend of David Wilcock. I’m grateful to Catheryn for turning me onto your website and I’m in awe of your brilliance that shines through the pages of your website. I regret that I dragged my arse in not really getting into your site until now, two weeks after Catheryn first told me about your site. I’m now busy catching up as fast as I can.

You must be inundated with emails and all-too-aware of the shortness of time that you now have left between now and 11/11/11 day, so I don’t know if you’d even read this email, let alone respond to it, so if I don’t hear from you at all, I won’t hold it against you at all. Catheryn has said that you’d be personally  offline as of Nov 1st and that one of your sites would be shut down as of the day after the 11th, so I wanted to say to you “Greetings and farewell” before you leave for your journey.

I really do wish that I had acted sooner to get connected with you and your site, as there are ideas that I have that may be very important to your website that you plan to leave, but that depends on how much time that you have between now and the 1st of November. If you have time to discuss those two ideas that I have, I’ll share them with you as briefly as I can.

I wish to thank you from the bottom of my bottomless heart for your efforts to help all of us with regards to ascension and awakening, Mr. Stankov.

Dear Seth,

I am happy that you have written to me. Your friend Catheryn was a little bit worried about you being in a  period of spiritual transformation, which is quite normal in these times. While I intend to diminish the scope of my editorial activities after November 1,  I will still be available for the more important issues until the last date of ascension.

I did not say that I will close my website. It will continue to exist in Internet as long as this medium exists. I only uttered the possibility that after 11.11.11 the electric grid may collapse and that this medium may no longer exist and be replaced by a novel, more advanced technology of communication, which I hope will occur by the end of this year.

I am, by no means, disappearing from the surface of this planet, but quite on the contrary. The divine plans foresee that what we have started in the last two months with the members of the PAT around this website will soon expand to a global movement that will encompass the whole humanity and be a beacon of enlightenment for everybody. Our mission has just begun.

Therefore, go ahead and write me about your two questions.

In love and light
October 30, 2011

Dearest George,

When I was out this morning getting a hot chocolate at the coffee shop I immediately heard Archangel Michael speaking to me, which he does from time to time. I had looked in the sky and for a week I have not seen the sun or the moon in the skies around us.  I asked if this was all true and if so, it is miraculous. I can be affected by these trumpet frequencies terribly so and I have to continue to remind myself to protect myself when I go out.

I was told by AA Michael, that the Earth has seen it’s last days in this existence and that our solar system will be changing dramatically in the days to come. I was told that there will be tragedies upon this Earth that will be catastrophic and that we should celebrate that they got to go first. At that point I had someone who did not know where they were going on the road and I had stopped communication as I needed to concentrate and I could not drive in this dream state, which I do often.

I also had an amazing vision or perception/feeling when Greg was reading your last article to me, I zoned out during the last paragraph and had a intense feeling of people heaving Gaia and souls through the portals. So strong of a heave that these people are creating to help others move into the light. There were others around, (ex. Steve Beckow), but an arm was outstretched as to stop them in their tracks and said “Not yet, you must finish your work”. I felt the despair of those that could not go into the portal, but were sanctioned off from this space. It was unbelievable.

I did however finish the report and I just mentioned this to Greg as these things are so common for me and I never had anyone to share it with.  Now that I have Greg I am able to speak about these things, but sometimes I just dismiss them in the moment and understand it for myself, as I forget that I do have a companion with me that will understand and I can now speak aloud and not fear that folks will hear my thoughts (which I haven’t feared in a long time).  For Greg alone, I am blessed.

October 30, 2011

Dear Callista,

I have been reading your and George’s work, and am very grateful for it. I have been working my LBP since 1996. As such, I am very lined up with the idea of ascension. The way I perceive energy is predominately kinesthetic, so I don’t really see much, and that is why I am writing you. I feel like my portal is likely within me, not something to look for outside of myself. I am a bit confused about that, as it seems like most PAT’s are talking about a portal outside of themselves.

I ‘d Love to know what you can see or tell me about my portal, or lack of portal.Thank you so much Callista. I so appreciate any input you might have. Lots of Love and Light, and very excited,

Dear Nancy

Dear NancyThank you for your email and I am glad to meet a fellow warrior who has experienced the agony of the LBP for as long as Ihave!  Thereare not too many of us around, it seems!  You can imagine my relief when I found George’s website and his eloquent explanation of all I had gone through!

Yes I see things kinesthetically also and I have trouble putting into words exactly what I see. You are quite right in that your portal is actually you – the multidimensional You. Until you are able to percieve yourself multidimensionally, the tendency is to percieve things of this nature as being outside of yourself (The logical mind cannot comprehend the notion of such a large space being inside of us). That is why many people experience their portal as being outside of themselves.  Below is a general idea of what I “see” when looking at a portal.

Hope this helps!!  See you soon!
October 30, 2011

Dear Callista,

Your message on Georgi’s website definitely rings true with me, I got excited when I read it!

“It seems that we will be transported into a starship of the GF (I presume this is Elenin, which is cloaked to prevent further attacks from the Cabal). This operation will take place in the usual way, and we will be protected as we journey through the Lower Astral planes because we have built portals through which to travel….”

Yesterday I was drawn to look at what my dog was staring at outside in the yard. I looked and saw 5 light beings standing at the edge of the wood line. I was taken aback at first, so I kind of just sheepishly waved at them. Then I noticed many of them creating a circle around the perimeter of my property. I immediately had an extreme pressure and dizziness in my forehead. I kind of got excited and said, “Is it time to go now? The answer was “No, not yet, but very soon?”

After I read your message, I realized that they were letting me know exactly what you are saying – that we will be protected through the lower Astral planes, and will be on board the ship temporarily. I’ve also noticed now that my property is surrounded by a spinning vortex that is quite bright and sparkling. It goes up and also down into Gaia. It almost makes me dizzy if I try and look at it.
I just wanted to let you know that what you have said seems right on target for me also.


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