On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;
Report-18, October 29, 2011
The Most Amazing Story of The Current End Times!!!
First Ascension Wave on October 27, as Announced in Report-16 Confirmed in Helsinki.
Read About “The Helsinki Miracle”!
Hello my friend!
I’m sorry it took me so long to write this message, as there were some doubts which I had to clear first. But let’s go to the point. This text is not written personally to you as you can see, and I think you know these things, but are just waiting for my confirmation. I hope that you publish the text below in the next State-Of-Ascension Report.
Sun Ystävä
Okay this is my first email to ALL the members of PAT, First Wavers and Candidates.
I have a very uplifting message to share and I hope all of you read it with heart full of Joy as this is a very great example of our magnificence as Sovereign Beings of All-That-Is and The Creator of our lives.
OK, here’s my story:
“It all started as a regular night in the Downtown of Helsinki. I popped some MDMA and went to the local Underground Dance Club as usual. I started to feel a bit euphoric after half an hour. Then I went outside to have some fresh air and sat on the stairs in front of the bar, I started to do some meditative work, when all of a sudden, got a crystal-clear Idea, that I want to manifest my Soul Mate right there next to me.
I visualised that she was already sitting next to me and we were holding hands. And all of a sudden 3-5 seconds after this visualisation, a young nice looking girl walked AND SAT NEXT TO ME! She was the nicest girl I have ever met. There was a straight connection between us. We had a beautiful conversation and after that she went back inside the bar and I said to her I will be there soon.
Then I was there, sitting alone again, when I again got an idea to manifest someone sitting next to me. Then somehow I got the idea that I manifest the man himself, Georgi Stankov sitting there. I heard some steps behind the corner and heard a male voice speaking Russian. Then I said silently in my mind: “That man coming behind the corner is Georgie Stankov” I was 100 percent sure that He is Georgie and when he came to my side I said: “Hello Georgie, how are you doing?”
Georgie came there sat next to me and we started a conversation. Somehow I do not fully remember all of our conversation. But it was truly a very nice meeting, like meeting an old friend after many many years of loneliness and isolation. It was a funny thing that Georgie spoke some Finnish and tried to help me manifest things to physical reality. I was a bit scattered, so there was no actual manifestation, but very great lesson indeed!
I can tell you, guys, that Georgie is the TRUE Teacher of Teachers. His energy is very Intense and uplifting. I was honored to meet him like this.
Other funny thing was that there were other members of PAT at the same place, at the same time, somehow “camouflaged”. Georgie was also somehow camouflaged as crew members of the club and regular party people. Then when I realised fully that this was the situation, it felt like being in the movie Inception or Matrix.
Then I saw my soul mate and she was leaving the club and told me that she was in a hurry to catch the last train. We all left the club and walked to a train/bus station. Then we somehow jumped to a bus. At few stops after the departure of the bus. the bus driver stopped the bus at the bus station and kept the doors open. I was wondering why the bus is not moving. And I went to ask driver why the bus is not moving and the driver told me that this bus is not moving anywhere before someone has stepped out of the bus. Then I realised that I have to jump out of that bus. I helloed all my friends quickly and stepped out of the bus.
When the bus drove away I sensed a very strong energy and felt desire to run. First, I jumped down from the bus stop to a lawn, which was quite crazy as there was quite a big drop. I landed and started to run and laugh. I ran few hundred meters and then I saw a big purple colored ORB shining in the park. I think I was guided there by my guides. I felt a very strong desire to take of all my clothes and Ascend right NOW.
I was guided to a place, where there was some kind of a terrace with a circle shaped hole in the roof. It was on the small hill surrounded by high-rise apartments. I took all my clothes off and went to stand on the table in the center of the terrace and gazed to the stars through that hole. I started to create a portal and clean my self from all the negative energies.
It was quite a harsh experience to stand there one hour without moving, just meditating and channelling my higher self. It felt like the whole world was watching me as I stated all kind of affirmations and mantras. At some point my voice started to sound very deep and different, like my words were ascending through that portal.
I truly felt that this was a huge event in human history. It was super cold as there was like +3 Celsius (37-39 Fahrenheit) degrees in the middle of the windy autumn night. Then I realised that It wasn’t time for me to ascend as I have to stay here a little longer as is my mission as a PAT member and an Opener. I welcomed all the First Wavers and Light Beings to my portal and stated something like this “The portal is open, welcome home my friends.”
Then I put on my clothes and left the place. I was trembling because of the cold. Then I walked to a place where I saw a couple of males sitting on the bench in front of the main doors of the Painting & Art Academy. And I went to talk to those two guys. They were very friendly and we had a small chat, and I told them that I do not have any place to stay and they said that I can sleep in the main hall of the School. There was something very special in that meeting, but I realised that only later on the next day. Our chat was full of synchronisations. But at that moment I was so exhausted that I didn’t realise all of them.
Later I chatted with my Higher Self/Soul and she confirmed that those men I met there went to my portal and ascended to the 5th Dimension!! They are not coming back.
So here’s my confirmation too that First Ascensions have started OCT 27th as Georgi stated in an earlier report. My higher self also confirmed that some of those members of PAT and First Wavers who were in that bus with me have also Ascended on the 27th of October”
Yeah, now it is done. We are at home already! WE ARE ASCENDEND MASTERS!! Let’s celebrate with heart full of joy!! And see you at home!!!
The author of this text will be the one of those Ascended Masters who will appear officially in front of humanity and announce the arrival of the New Age. Mankind will evolve to a multidimensional, transgalactic civilisation, based on love and compassion, inextricably linked with the Source and All-That-Is.
AM Janne Joonatan Söderholm
Dear Janne,
This is the most amazing story I have ever heard. I will keep it short and I have already entered your email in the next report for tomorrow.
When I fled as a communist dissident from Bulgaria, this happened during a journey to Helsinki in the summer of 1975, three weeks after the Helsinki Conference took place there. I left my group which was under an intense surveillance by the secret agents and then asked the Finnish police for a political asylum. They told me that normally they have a clandestine treaty with the Soviets to return all refugees to the Soviets on the border. I responded that I am not a Russian citizen and that by doing this they will infringe upon the 3rd basket of the Helsinki Agreement that guarantees the freedom of the individual and will thus prove that the host of this conference is not honest in its own international political engagement.
Then a miracle happen – the policemen became all of a sudden very polite and helpful as if an invisible power switched their minds and they began giving me some advices how I can leave Finland safely and travel to Sweden. As you see, I had already my “Helsinki miracle”. Now you have experienced the “Second Helsinki Miracle” also with my participation. Thank you very much for this report. It is sensational!
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear Callista,
I’m so thankful for your work on portals – I don’t have the gift to see as you do and I really appreciate your work – and I’m so happy that you are in Australia to lift the place up – I’m certainly trying my best here in Cairns to build a massive portal many others may use – I imagine lately that our portals can be seen astrally from space.
I’m really excited Callista you have been on your first lightship. There is certainly a knowing when you have been on one of these ships – it is unmistakable – this may be a communication from your star family. When this began for me, I had the dreams you are having: a ship would appear in the middle of a dream and they’d go hey come with us – you need to learn stuff. I was blown away by this. So I’m having this feeling this may be the beginning of a return for you.
My counterpart on a spaceship gradually introduced himself to me through firstly dreams then other knowings. I’d get a picture in my mind, where I’d see a hand on a console then know I’d started to meld with a being, step by step becoming more aware of this person, until it was made aware to me that this was a part of my self – a part of us; the multidimensional whole of you.
I have an impression of an alignment with either another part of yourself or your space family – and at this time with the increasing energies I’m not surprised. You have a wonderful gift of seeing what others can not – I feel compelled to suggest that you explore this experience as there is great meaning here. I’ll certainly be interested in what you see – and don’t be surprised if you get to know a part of yourself on a spaceship. I do know my counterpart on the ship is really busy right now – I have a feeling that maybe members of the PAT are getting last instructions before all begins in earnest.
Yeah, its hard to relax back with this sense of urgency, isn’t i, but hearing your message just gets me so excited – I know final preparations are being organised on various dimensions – and your dream just so confirms this.
The people from Cosmic Awareness have held the torch for so long; I have asked a council on the ship to assist them in anyway they can – I do wish them the best. The latest monthly channel from Cosmic Awareness which George alludes to in the current Ascension-Report – will provide even more substantiation of the 11-11-11 stargate and indirectly the majestic beings involved with this – the PAT.
yes indeed, See you on the bridge!
Dear Craig,
I am so excited I cannot sleep – I went to bed then I had to get up and check my emails and there was this one from you so you must be up late too! I have been seeing your portal as a huge bright light during the past few days. I kept thinking that I should try and get in touch with you, but I wasn’t sure which one of the many emailers I have had was the one in Cairns! Then I saw your report tonight and managed to find your email address. I have about 150 emails or more – a bit overwhelming for me as I am a recluse – or was!
Anyway, I see your portal – it is huge and powering! I am in Denmark on the south coast of WA so I see that you are on one side of Australia and I am on the other and between us we hold the portal open for Australia. I also have Britte and Brett here in Denmark – we only met 2 weeks ago, but we resonate so well.
Yes, I am sure our portal can be seen from space – I think I have been on the lightship before – did you read about when I first emailed George because I met with my soul family and I sat like you did with them in a semi circle in front of me and they asked me questions but it was telepathic and they read my energy. It is so like your experience!
I feel that George will need to give the call for action – although Ascension is an individual decision, we have all chosen to belong to PAT and he is the leader, so it is up to him to make the call.
Keep in touch my Brother
Dear Callista,
I felt massive building energetics last night – actually I was enveloped in the spiraling energy – I knew you felt it by your reply. I felt this energy, then along comes your email,and boom! intensity and velocity of energy ensure – I’d be surprised if you slept much or didn’t awake during your sleep from the effects.
By us all coming together as the PAT, we become part of the exponential curve of energy multiplication. You see, when master beings of love and light come together from all corners of the Milky Way galaxy and beyond to help change something according to the collective divine vision of life, itself, this is a wave that nothing can resist; love and light is the ultimate reality. The million times energy wave expansion comes soon – can you feel it… The Love for Gaia and Humanity is inestimable: Can you feel it?
Dear Craig
Yes you are right, I didn’t sleep until 4am there was so much going on – then I fell into a deep sleep and didn’t remember any dreams. I understand about the exponential effect of us all coming together – and we all feel the tremendous energy created by us. Several have commented that they wake in the morning and its like Christmas when you were a kid and you are so looking forward to reading the messages from the other PAT members, because you are so in tune with them. Its an amazing happening and I am constantly in awe of it.
Gaia is responding to our love for her and she is sending the love back to us in these amazing waves. I have just been speaking to a friend I haven’t seen for over a year and he was overjoyed when I told him about the ascension – I pointed him to George’s website. He says he is really ready – and I can already see his light body. it is clear and bright and pulsating. We are all coming together and more and more every day are awakening that the time is NOW.
October 27, 2011
Dear George,
Here is another quote from Lauren Gorgo’s latest. By way of explanation, I am of the Order of Melchizedek, which is a sub-group of the Great White Brotherhood. I have been aware of this for years now, and have been working behind the scenes at a planetary level. My planetary work finished, just days before I found your website.
Those who will be opening these portals are those who have completed their first level missions of service, and are preparing to receive new directives. These directives will be released thru the activation of what the PHC (Plejadian High Council) refer to as The Source Code in our DNA, which apparently is T H E entry code required to access and enable our full multidimensional participation with the crystalline grid, which includes our new-earth mission or “next level of divine service” on this planet.
“What we would like to make clear is the fact that those who are activating to this level of service are those who will employ the missions required to prepare humanity to ascend into multidimensional consciousness. This means that each of you who are encoded with the new-human prototype will be embarking upon a new journey together as a soul group of cosmic initiates thru the Order of Melchizedek. This Order is of the highest… a soul collective here on earth at this time with a mission to awaken the codes within humanity for the resurrection of the christed-template and the template of sacred co-creation. For those who have contracted to serve in this way, it is by the Order of Melchizedek that you will be now be called forth and under your new-level directive.” -PHC
October 27, 2011
Dear George,
Here are some excerpts from the latest from Lauren Gorgo who I have found over time to be a reliable channel.
(PHC = Pleiadian High Council )
“The moment that each of you have been waiting for, the moment that we have termed “inception” is approaching. This is heralded by the massive energies precipitated by the opening of the 11:11 stargate portal on 11/11/11. What this means for the way-showers is monumental, for it is this group, who will be physically laying the template on earth for all other inhabitants to follow.” -PHC
Moreover, we are proud to be part of, and witness to, the unfolding of the most momentous “time” in history. We are representatives of your galactic origin and so we too have much invested in your BEcoming. Through this gateway, you are centering yourselves in universal abundance and grace and this means that each of you who don robes of honor are becoming a universe unto yourselves. We know that this may seem out of reach to you now, but know this: as the sun shines forth on the last day of the last day, a sincerely new day dawns.” – PHC
“You are the first group of souls who will be utilizing your full human potential and christed-monadic capabilities. This means that those of you who are entering leadership, or earth stewardship roles, are those of you who have undergone a full 12 strand DNA activation and have enabled the extensions of your over-soul to do the same. This is the beginning of the new multidimensional human race, the seeding that will begin the long evolutionary journey home for humanity.” – PHC
The website is:
October 27, 2011
Dear Georgi,
It is with deep love and appreciation that I send this greeting to my fellow Light workers. Thank you, Georgi, for clearing up so many intellectual points of contention racing around in my mind! I have been following the channelings of other Web sites recently and simply don’t resonate to some of the information found there because of the lack of scientific explanation.
I woke up in the pharmaceutical industry in 1992, only to realize that I was a Trojan horse placed there to save Indigo, Crystal and Star children among others from being drugged and brain damaged by the medical mafia.
My own LBP caused me to suffer severe physical symptoms for nearly 12 years. Fortunately, someone gave me the book What is Light body? channeled by the Archangel Ariel early on which helped me navigate the process without a lot of fear.
I only discovered your Web site in the past two weeks and have tried to absorb as much information as possible. My need to “hide” in the public eye because of my work has made me reticent to explore some of the more tabu phenomenon such as negative alien mind control etc, until most recently. I feel like I’m taking an accelerated course in reality at present!
My work has been slowing down and feels like its coming to a crossroad, but I don’t get the sense that I will be leaving until the end of the show, so to speak. I have been told by my Higher Self that I am a Gatekeeper. Is there anyway you can confirm that?
With Light and Love,
Dear Gwen,
thank you very much for your email and I am happy to hear that you are profiting from the writings on my website. From what you tell me, I assume that you are an Opener of portals and thus a member of the PAT. At least, I interpret the word “gatekeeper” in this sense – we have to keep the gates open until all star seeds, qualified for this first ascension, have gone through the portals. These portals will be also supervised by us for the mass ascension in DEC 2012.
If you were in the pharmaceutical industry as I did, you may also profit from reading volume III on the General Theory of Biological Regulation, where I prove why 90% of all drugs increase mortality and morbidity. I have mentioned this issue also in some of my popular articles. In case you will have time to do this, as the Ascension season has started (see above).
In love and light
October 27, 2011
I feel I have ascended. This morning, but am still here. Can I be at two planes at the same time?
Yes, this is a normal feeling as we all have two operating systems in our bodies at the same time – the old 3d-system and the new MOS (multidimensional operating system) which carries you to the 5th and higher dimensions. Enjoy it.
October 27, 2011
Peace, Joy and Love to you George,
Last night as I closed my eyes I saw nothing but a vast expanse of stars and then I fell asleep. I don’t remember what happened after that and I can’t say that I know of any young people who just disappeared. Is there really a need for their disappearance given that we must all be changed (transformed) and become adept at multidimensional living?
What I have noticed is a change in the tone of things in the media. They are starting to use the words “Fraud and RICO” much more when referencing the need to prosecute the Banks. This is unusual as normally such strong language would not be allowed on major media when referencing the banks in general.
I also noticed the recent Internet posting from “White Hats” that appear to put pressure upon this administration to either prosecute the banker/ illuminati elite or be considered wholly one of them. At the same time their postings lean toward the need to prevent the financial system from collapsing in order to prevent a one world system from coming into place as the other channeling’s lean towards the view that the financial system must collapse before a new system can replace it. While all of this is going on the LaRouche people want an impeachment or something like that without serious mention of the bloodlines that pull the strings of the administration which raises a different type of suspicion. Chaos and frantic actions on all sides.
Based upon the most recent posting of the “White Hats” their desire to prevent the collapse of the financial system goes hand in hand with the Zeta’s statement that the financial system will never collapse but just become a non-functioning corpse. Therefore one can only conclude that the “white hats” are aligned with the Zeta’s and their agenda for humanity, which does not appear to be full sovereignty in peace.
I believe that everything has been scripted from the beginning. I do not believe that the current person that we see as President is the true person known as Barack Obama, but rather a clone under control of those who want to see war and destruction.
Therefore, I believe that the script will move in the direction of some type of removal of the top tier of controllers and that those who are holding open the portals will play some type of role in these things. I myself have an interesting case with BofA as a former defense contractor whose home was foreclosed upon due to a business loan which BofA refuses to admit was guaranteed by a worthless insurance policy and not my residence. And this was after the FBI asked my husband and I to play along with the machinations of their banker who I believe was a foreign intelligence agent. The story is to complex to go into further details. But suffice to say that I believe that when my mortgage was sold to Countrywide that it played an overwhelming part in BofA’s purchase of Countrywide which allowed them to force Countrywide to withdraw their motion to dismiss against BofA and hire a different attorney for Countrywide.
I also believe that there are others among our group that have equally compelling stories that highlight the sin and corruption of our system.
Therefore our greatest challenge is to remain peaceful, without fear, anger or false judgements and filled with unconditional love and forgiveness and all else will flow unto us in divine order.
We must totally detach from this drama.
The unfolding of all of these various stories will culminate into the acts that causes the current structures to appear “naked a jay birds” before the whole world and among one of the final acts to bring upon their complete collapse.
It matters not any longer whether or not we are hear in the physical or not. The “records” have been laid down and are in place. All that remains is the unveiling of the truth.
Dear Charlotte,
thank you for this cunning analysis. In earlier times I would have indulged with you in deep discussions. But now my predominant feeling is that all these fraudulent aspects of our society will be wiped out by a single tsunami after 11.11.11 and the new system will begin on a new empty play field. The old structures will simply crumble and nobody will care about them. The key fact ts that most of the people are still asleep and that the whole change and enlightenment are shouldered onto the few star seeds, many of which are readers of this website.
In love and light
October 27, 2011
Dear Georgi,
The following statements by you in your dissertation “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” have helped me overcome a significant mental/ psychological hurdle in the Ascension process, so I want to emphasize this crucial point of yours for others who might be in the same boat (second underline is mine):
“… the experience of unconditional love on earth is a myth forged by many channels from the lower astral realms to lull the incarnated entities.
They make human entities dependant on their idiotic, iterative advices as to how to experience unconditional love in order to evolve spiritually by instigating in these mediums deliberately the feeling of spiritual deficiency.
They know very well that human beings cannot experience unconditional love on earth to the extent that has been recommended to them by these self-acclaimed astral mentors.”
Without going into detail, I have considered myself a Light worker since mid-2008, yet I am continually battered by this concept of, and supposed necessity for, Unconditional Love. Try as I might, I do not feel unconditional love for those who harm other Humans, lower life forms or the environment/Gaia. Consequently, I have always felt somewhat deficient and, perhaps, unworthy of Ascension.
Upon reading your expose about “unconditional love”, as expounded upon by “self-acclaimed astral mentors”, I have been able to overcome this hurdle in thinking that I was less than I should be. You have clearly pointed out that this “love deficiency” is just more propaganda thrown at us by the Dark Forces to make us doubt ourselves and our unlimited potential.
Thank you SO much for the enlightenment, Georgi. You are such an amazing person!
Dear Bill,
Thank you very much for pointing out once again this key element of modern esoteric weltanschauung, which has not been discussed at depth or critically assessed so far.
Of course every one of us can love those who are worth to be loved, or one can feel love and compassion for humanity as a totality, which is an identification with All-That-Is. But why should one also love human aspects that are apparently despicable?
What one should however do, and what I have always tried to do, is to develop an understanding as to why some entities behave deplorable out of lack of any love and compassion for others. I try to enter their personality structure and check the “bugs” in their thinking and acting.
Through this kind of active mental engagement with somebody, who wants to harm me, for instance, I automatically develop a deeper understanding for his problems – I actually do the cleansing work for him – and this effort brings with itself automatically compassion for his failures without imposing on myself the necessity to love him unconditionally from the very beginning.
One should always preserve his critical discernment and not let it being lulled or mired by flawed fluffy or unanalysed rigid New Age recommendations or concepts as to how one should behave to be enlightened.
In this context I would like to tell you the latest and shortest joke: “If you want to know how an ascended master should behave properly ask Steve Beckow.”, (see his answer to me, after I published my open letter to him).
The recommendations for unconditional love are of the same nature – they are narrow minded human interpretation and nothing else.
But there is one final aspect I would like to address in this context which is also my personal experience. When you hate or despise somebody or an external phenomenon, you ultimately despise parts of yourself. When you begin to understand, instead of having negative emotions towards something else, you automatically become centered and can also address some negative aspects in your own personality without starting to hate yourself. You begin to love yourself with all you personal facets from darkness to light.
If there should be a form of unconditional love on this planet, it should begin with loving yourself unconditionally. This has nothing to do with the ego, but leads to its quickest surrender to the soul, which is pure love.
In love and light
October 27, 2011
Just checking in, you know Georgi, it is going to be very hard to hold this body together it seems to me. I am literally now in a whole other dimension, yet I’m still here. I started feeling this around two days now, so I perhaps want to focus on the holding myself together part now until my mission is accomplished, I think lol. I don’t know how to describe these energy downloads, they are quite orgasmic, even in the midst of such rancid body changes. So, I sense the shift I see the portal opening daily, but today my concern is with being able to hold it together til the 11-11 window lol! Love you much old friend and the rest of PAT. HOLD ON TO YOUR HATS!!!! LOL!
Dear Bert,
you have now two operational systems in your body, just as most of us – the old 3d-system that anchors you in this reality with a dwindling power and the new MOS (multidimensional operating system), about which the Arcturians are talking. The latter enables you to exist or participate in many parallel realities at the same time. In this metamorphic state, it is indeed very difficult to stay for a long period of time in this physical vessel. Therefore, we will soon ascend, no doubt about it.
October 27, 2011
Dear George,
My co -worker (who I have to admit is a challenge to work with), came up to me and stated:
“Some dude on the radio last night was talking about how the alien’s took out this black op base underground in Virgina where that earthquake happened… that guy is out there and nuts.”
The only thing that came to my mind was: “Bucko you got a rude awakening coming.”
Dear T,
The Virginia earthquake was a revenge of the Chinese for the devastating earthquake, the US-secret services caused three years ago in China. Both were triggered through HAARP. The Chinese wanted to show the USA that they are now a serious adversary. They did not had HAARP three years ago.
In addition, the GF intervened in this event and saved some entities that were imprisoned there for a long time. This will become known after 11.11.11. I know that Fulford and many others speculate on this event, but that is the most precise information you can get at this moment.
October 27, 2011
I discovered your website a few days ago through a new friend I met from Denise La Fey’s blog, Thomas Pafe, and I totally resonate with this. I just noticed you said the first ascensions have started today and you opened the portal. I do think it will be easier in your sleep, but I can’t help but wonder about a meditation I do, where I stare into my eyes in a mirror. I’ve felt compelled to do this all my life, but nothing much happened until May of 2008.
A couple weeks before that the realization of what ascension was, it hit me. I think I started my ascension journey in August of 1989 when my twin flame appeared to me in a dream, where she came out of a spaceship. But in April 2008 I finally realized that the key to ascension is being in the NOW in your mind. Before that my mind was so overactive and I was always lost in thought. So I cleared my mind for the first time and reached a state of no-mind and looked out at the world through new eyes. My whole body felt different, like I could literally float away.
Then when I did my mirror meditation a couple weeks later suddenly the lights in the room got brighter and a yellowish glow surrounded me and my whole body started vibrating with intense surges of energy. It literally felt like I was about to lift off the ground, and I felt like I was entering some kind of gateway through my mirror. I got kind a freaked out though, and the vibrations died down after a few minutes. A friend told me that it was an ascension experience, and more of my soul came in. Then I had another profound experience a couple weeks after that. This time there was a whitish glow around my body, and I knew and felt that the glow was ME and the body was just a body. It was like I was looking at my body from the perspective of my soul.
Have you ever heard of this technique? I feel like I’m the only one who does it. I’ve heard of people doing it for other reasons, like seeing faces from past lives, but that wasn’t my experience. I feel like I must’ve learned this in a past life, although I have no conscious memories of any past lives. I feel like I’m an innocent soul though, and haven’t been in this dense a world before. I feel like I’m not cut out for 3D life.
2 years ago I left the working class system because energetically it became unbearable. I thought this was a normal part of ascension for all light workers but I did notice a few people still have jobs, so it must depend on individual soul mission. Karen Bishop used to talk about this and just when she wrote about it, I knew it was time for me to leave, and no it wasn’t just because I read about it. Everything she wrote about was exactly what I was experiencing at a given time energetically. She wasn’t a channeler, just sensitive to energies. Anyway, I’ve been out of work but my family still expects me to go back into the system and get a job and live a 3D life, but I can’t. I’m just not there energetically anymore. I also can’t explain ascension to them as they would never understand or accept it.
So for the last 2 years I’ve been publishing and promoting my book Robbie the Butterfly, where I use the caterpillar/butterfly transformation as a metaphor for the shift from human to light body. Also, when Robbie makes his transformation in front of his shocked caterpillar family and does come back to teach & explain what’s going on, which leads me to believe I might be coming back. I also wrote that it’s on the news that caterpillars are once again making a transformation that most caterpillars only thought Emmanuelly (my reference to Jesus) could do, but that was a natural transformation thousands of years before recorded history. So I wrote this book a couple months after I discovered being in the NOW, and of course that’s how Robbie makes his discovery to how to transform. Then more recently when I began promoting on facebook I discovered members of my soul family who I became very close with. I feel now this was the true purpose of my book. It is intended as my legacy in this world for children to discover.
By the way I noticed when you in your article about scientific proof for the activation of the 11-11-11 portal you mention about how the waves are 20 times faster and on 11-11-11 it will be 1 hour 11 minutes. I was born at 1:11pm. I knew this had a spiritual significance.
If you publish this it might be in your state of ascension report 17? I’ve been seeing the number 17 everywhere the last couple years. Once I looked it up and it meant union of soul & matter.
Okay one more thing before I go. I’m still wondering about the mundane 3D things after 11-11-11. Because I’ve heard that eventually we won’t need to eat or sleep anymore. Will this happen after 11-11-11? How about shaving, showering, getting haircuts? I’ve heard that we will eventually have control over how our body looks. Also, we will have abilities like teleportation, manifesting matter from air, time travel. Well, I told you I already almost levitated in my mirror, and I’ve had many dreams where I do the meditation and levitate easily, and even fly.
Well, thanks so much George for all your info, and for opening the portals and your contribution to humanity.
Blessings, Robert
Dear Robert,
thank you very much for your very kind and informative email. I am sorry, but your email will not make it in the report-17 as it was finished today and sent to the webmaster before I received your email, but in the next one.
Mirror meditation is quite popular, but I have no experience with it. But if it works for you, this is excellent. The vibrations are augmenting by the hour and what you have experienced recently, becomes now normality.
Your ideas about life in the 5th dimension are correct for the first phase. After that the experiences will become more differentiated and complex.
I do no think that it it will be necessary for you to enter the work force once again in the present form, but you will certainly be involved in more pleasant creative forms of social work for the benefit of others. That is what I see for you.
In love and light
October 27, 2011
Dear George,
will all systems change for the better as well as the monetary? Will services still be provided? Its too hard to keep going in the controlled world and I pray children and everyone regain their freedom to have the space to follow their intuition, be who they are, not brain-forced information and fitting the authorities’ schedules, school college, uni, work, unenlightened medicine, education, prisons class systems, 3rd world control, using animals, the vulnerable and all unevolved systems.
Will the shift make everyone evolve to always work for the highest good of all life? Thank you. oh and those of us who have suffered such deprivations of love and sacrificed ourselves for others, will we find our soul-mate or will we all become souls that don’t need a separate mate?
Thank you so much for your amazing work you explained it in such great depth. I asked a few questions to the universe and was guided to your site! Wow! Thank you! wish I could talk to you in person its so hard here isn’t it when we all don’t have enough support.Thanks for the bigger picture!
Pippa Sweet
Dear Pippa,
To all your questions I will answer with one big “YES”, and much more is awaiting us in the very near future. That is why we are here, that is why we have undertaken this epic battle with the dark forces. That is why we have gone through so much suffering. That is why we are now preparing for Ascension. We all are driven by our deep desire to build a new world full of love, compassion, understanding, creativity, and infinite possibilities.
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear Georgi,
After 2 weeks of posting your 11.11.11 ascension on my second blog to the Chinese public since my first blog was banned in China, I have almost received thousand clicks on several related articles to portal, symptom, and solution. Many readers have showed the resonance as many other your readers did too. At least 60 people have requested from me to send them some more information in reference to connection with higher self and etc. There is nothing more grateful and blissful than help people awake and realize the truth. Thank you very much for sharing your wisdom and information and thank to Arcturians for their unconditional love.
I am just curious, whether I would be in the first ascension team or not. Just curious and not necessary to answer.
in light and much love,
Dear William,
Thank you very much for your update and I am happy to hear that you receive such a great response in China for your efforts to enlighten your countrymen. This is a great responsibility. As I have said on many occasions, according to my mind and my pronounced will, all readers of my website who resonate with my ideas and the content of my articles have the potential to ascend in November at the stargate 11.11.11. It is my wish that they will all ascend as thus they will be of much greater help to humanity, if they decide to stay on earth and ascend at at later date. Ultimately everyone must make his own firm decision. If you are sure that you will ascend, so it will be. Hence be sure.
In love and light
Dear Georgi,
I want to keep you updated. I recently concluded and translated your article about the last message from Arcturians and your following comments, and blog my article. It has a dramatic result, with the law of attraction energy. More than 300 readers have read the article just within 2 days. And many of them dropped me a message to express their affirmation and firm determination of ascension. In the end of the article, I encourage everybody to firmly tell themselves and their hearts: I am the light, the light I am. I have made a firm determination that I want to ascend. Nothing will change my mind. I want and will ascend on 11.11.11.
The sense of energy and unconditional love is just amazing. I am so glad that more and more people are awakening. Thank you for your effort, captain.
In light and much love, smile and harmony,
Dear William,
You made me very happy with this wonderful information. Only two days ago I was asked by another reader about the situation of enlightenment in Asia and I referred to your efforts to promote the ideas of Ascension in China, and how difficult the authorities make it to publish such ideas in Internet.
And now you are reporting about the growing interest and determination of your countrymen to embrace the idea of Ascension. There is a huge transformation wave currently sweeping humanity and the Chinese people are not spared. When this sleeping giant awakes and re-discovers its spiritual heritage of Confucius and Lao Tse, but also its Taoistic roots this will reverberate throughout the whole globe and nothing will be the same again. I am even optimistic that this will begin to happen by the end of this year and you, my friend, are in the front line as a wayshower. Hold on the course.
You can translate this letter for your Chinese countrymen and tell them that I admire their perseverance and steadfastness.
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear George and Sue,
I want to share an experience with you, as further confirmation of the beautiful awakening that is occurring in the NOW, and to seek your counsel.
Several days ago (it seems like weeks), I was invited to participate in a meditation with two other star seeds that I met through George’s website. We live thousands of miles apart. Our initial focus was on three things, one for each of us: knowledge, heart, and confidence.
All three of us experienced support and blessing from higher realms as we made our first connection. Also, there have been many curious watchers of our activities. While we first came together to meditate, we quickly learned that what we are doing is energy work. And Sanita, one of my partners, was told a few months ago that she would be soon doing energy work with two others. At the time, she had no idea what that would mean.
We have now met five times, I believe, and we continue to do wonderful things – harmonizing energies – and I receive much information downloads afterwards. Our coming together has been guided by higher purpose, the oversoul perhaps? Saint Germain’s presence has been made known, as have other spirit guides. We have experienced great success and mutual confirmations of experiences, and have witnessed a phenomenal impact on a large scale, i.e., the atmospheric region of earth around which we are scattered.
Personally, I have recently been battling doubts, especially when I am entering into our work. Nevertheless, with the support of my companions, I am still able to maintain a laser-like connection through the clouds of doubt and fear, and experience waves of clarity like never before.
I saw during one of our connections how the three of us form a triad of consciousness, and that the three points of our initial “meditation,” knowledge, heart and confidence, were now refined to their higher dimensional affirmations of Love, Believe, and Trust. I was also given the word LOGOS. As I transcribed this information, I was guided to draw a triangle, and then three lines, one beginning at the center of each side ending in the center of the triangle. Instantly I perceived that it was the image of two tetrahedrons, one inverted and overlaid on the other. I also received the words merkabah and light body. I can intuitively connect all of this, but words fall very short. There is so much.
I received suggestion that we invite others to join in our work with us, and we have been discussing it. Is there any information or guidance that either of you or the Arcturians may be able to share with us that would expand our understanding?
Any words would be sincerely appreciated.
Much love,
Dear Ben,
This is an amazing experience which you shared with me and I can imagine that with this combined mental and emotional power you can accomplish miracles. This is the kind of interconnectedness that is now being established among all members of the PAT and first ascension candidates in preparation for the final ascension and that of Gaia to the 4th dimension.
But I personally believe that you are now establishing also the basis for future mutual work in the 5th dimension, which will go beyond our current narrow perceptions. I congratulate you for this endeavour and I will publish this email in the next report.
I do not believe that you need any recommendations from other sources. Follow your intuition and the inner guidance of your souls and you will always do the right thing at the right time.
In love and light
Thank you for your encouragement, George, now and over the last couple of months, and for giving us all the gentle nudge that we needed.
Octrober 28, 2011
Dear Friends, Wayshowers, Members of the PAT and First Ascension Candidates,
As we get closer and closer to the time of departure, details of the mission come into my conscious mind. I will describe my feelings and welcome your thoughts on them.It seems that we will be transported into a starship of the GF (I presume this is Elenin, which is cloaked to prevent further attacks from the Cabal). This operation will take place in the usual way, and we will be protected as we journey through the Lower Astral planes because we have built portals through which to travel.On board the ship, the environment is comfortable for our bodies.
We go through some form of treatment that will enable our bodies to transform into vessels which can take on more light. The environment on board ship will be altered according to our bodily requirements. All human ailments will be eliminated during this process. We will have rest and restoration before the next phase.Then some will go to Ascended Planet A to organise in preparation for the mass ascension.Others will organise the DNA grid on Gaia to facilitate events that will enable the masses to clearly see that Ascension is the only possible outcome for the survival of Humanity as we know it.
This means that those who are at present sleeping will awake and will be thrown into the throes of LBP and will Dream about Ascension. This is of course subject to free will and there will be those who choose not to participate. But the ones who decide to ascend will have their DNA activated so that their light bodies are prepared.And that is all I know at the moment. Does this resonate with you or am I completely off track?Your sister
October 28, 2011
Dear Georgi,
Your compilation on the magnetic pole shift (due imminently) was the most comprehensive information ever written about these times. Why is it so difficult for people to get it? Is it because of the distraction of dis-information ravaging the Internet? What I think is, history has been tainted with the NASA mis-calculations, phony pictures and the infiltration ofGerman war time scientists working within the inner circle… this is the belief system that most lazy humans know. If they would get out of the box, they are in and see the wonders of what is coming, we could all collectively await with great joy instead of fear.
I wanted you to know how much your work and website is appreciated.
For several months I have felt at peace within. Going about the day with usual routine structure, only with calmness and a happy heart. I have felt several surges of light headiness, some fatigue without it disrupting my life. Many sensitives that I trust via the Internet are telling humanity that there are signs such as these afoot. It’s all a part of the coming planetary change. There is so much hustle and bustle to change the monetary system, to protest the financial institutions and arrest the criminals. Why? Forgive them of theirinsensitivity, they are all playing a cosmic role just as we are.We are all on our way to our highest good. This is where our focus needs to be. Thank you from the center of my heart for your brilliant composition on the pole shifting. As the Light engulfs us, we will recognize one another and smile with much gratitude.
Joyfully, Claudette
Dear Claudette,
Thank you very much for your appreciation of my work. You confirm all vital aspects of the End Times as I also see them, In particular I fully agree with you that we should not be distracted by petty developments in finance, society and politics, but concentrate on the most important process in the End Times – Ascension of humanity and Gaia. This process will solve all current 3d- problems on this planet for ever.
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear George,
All of you that are in PAT, I have read your emails to George and I think you are brave soldiers for pouring your heart out. You all are very blessed to have George come in such a important time in humanities history and we are so very honored that George came to us to ask us to post his articles on our blog, we felt honored, and still do.
Now is a time where life in the 3d existence will soon be a past memory for some and others will have to wait their turn as a lot of folks will be entering the first wave of ascension, but like Georgi stated, only a few light bodies come back to help. This article, that I keep meaning to post the link in here, might explain a bit more of how I fit into all of this.
I also want to say I always click on all of the side links, boy you guys kept us busy. We have seen all of the Youtube videos and read all of the channels and we even watched the Movie that one of your readers suggested, I believe Techie was the one who suggested it, and because I am terrible at naming the name of movies, I will let you tell, because I simply do not remember, but we watched it. I do have to say that my Grandparents did not speak Russian, they spoke Yiddish, but nevertheless it was a great movie to show the culture, however it was very sad and I cried by the end. Regardless, great suggestion as it tugged at my heart. Thank you.
Also, I have been so grateful to all of you for your honesty and heartfelt emails with your experience, strength, and hope for humanity and all that is!…
In love and light always
October 28, 2011
Dear George,
Great news to hear that our first star seeds have ascended, my deepest gratitude goes out to them for their dedicated service to Mother Earth and our fellow beings.
Thank you for taking the time to read my email and answer my question on the LBP. I know you must be quite busy with answering emails with questions about ascension.
Feel free to post my letter in the next report, I hope it will be helpful to the PAT and fellow readers. Actually it is the first time I have told anyone about my portal experience. I had a feeling that the energy downloads and inner portals were related. Other times where I felt surges of energy is when I was around 11 years old and I used to get severe migraine headaches over a period of 3 years.
I went to a healing centre in the Amazon last year, where I attended several ceremonies and drank Ayahuasca. My perception of reality completely dissolved or my ego’s identity with the material world and I have a better understanding as to what we may expect upon the higher dimensions after ascension. I would definitely agree with your article “The Use of Psychedelic Drugs in the Preparation for Ascension”. To try and help the readers and give them information as to what to expect when using Psychedelics, I will describe some of my experiences just in case any of the readers want to go down that path.
In one ceremony I experienced similar electrical sensations to the ones I had in the dream, where my entire body was pulsing with energy. I could ‘feel’ the energy in the form of vibration, sound and colours. It felt like my brain and whole body was being completely rewired. So this is similar to the LBP you described in one of your articles. I asked the shaman about my experience and he said new connections were being made in the body with help of the spirit doctors.
There was another ceremony, where I was given a chance to relieve past memories involving shame and fear that I thought were already processed. But after relieving those painful experiences again, I could not process them again if I reacted in the same way and there was a blockage. However when I processed those memories differently with unconditional love and accepted them as part of me, then I had the most wonderful sense of release and euphoria enveloped my entire being and it felt like my heart was about to explode. I knew that love/light heals, as is repeated in most New Age material, but to actually experience it so directly under Ayahuasca was such a beautiful feeling.
I was taught how you could instantly manifest with your thoughts in one ceremony. In the ceremony I was able to become whatever I focused my attention on, it is difficult to describe such an experience using words but I will try. It was a weird but amazing experience, in which I found that if I thought of something then I instantly became that something.
So during the ceremony I had experiences of being an insect, animals such as an elephant, dog, eagle, then as a rock, cave and many other things that I focused my thought on. When I became or shape shifted into something else then I took on all that particular entity’s consciousness, senses and feelings or emotions. It was beautiful being a dog as the overwhelming emotions were that of pure joy, excitement and love.
Later on in the night when the effects of Ayahuasca were wearing off and in a lucid dream state, I thought to myself ‘what would it feel like to be on a Starship?’ and instantly I was on board a Starship. I saw several beings on the ship who looked at me in a surprised way. This experience is very similar to what has been described as to what we would expect when entering the upper levels of 5D where thoughts instantly become manifested.
If people decide to take Ayahuasca, please treat the plant with respect and remember in duality there can be extreme light and extreme dark experiences, so make sure you stay centred and grounded. Although the experiences I described were quite amazing, I don’t want to sugar-coat the experience because there were times I experienced extreme darkness and fear not to mention the heavy purging. I felt like I was going to die during several moments of the ceremony.
But I understand it is all part of the spiritual experience, this is symbolic of the death of the ego in 3D to all the pain, fear, attachments and inner demons which is required on any spiritual awakening. This release is what we all have to face before we are ready for ascension and entering our portals. The only thing with Ayahuasca, the experience or processing is supercharged! Hopefully the use of Psychedelics for use in assisting ascension will become more widespread and common after 11.11.11, especially since the things that are experienced using Psychedelics will actually start occurring more frequently in ‘real life (4D/5D)’.
I hope you get a chance to share this information with the readers on your site before your final post on 1 November. Thank you again for your website, it has played an integral part in putting the pieces together in my own ascension journey and I am sure for many of the readers and those who have bravely shared their experiences. Keep up the good work over the last few days, it is greatly appreciated and much love and best wishes for the PAT and readers for their ascension journey!
Blessings of love and light,
Dear Martin,
Thank you very much for this excellent description of psychedelic experience, which is worth being published in any standard textbook on pharmacology. I remember reading the book of Stanislav Grof, a famous specialist in psychedelic research, “Beyond the Brain” some 15 years ago and the reports on psychedelic experiences, which he had published in this book. I must say that yours are much more clear and helpful than his.
Grof was not aware of the soul and the higher realms the way you are and without this knowledge as vademecum you cannot make the appropriate psychedelic experience. One must enter the shamanic ritual with a clear mind of what one wants to experience or learn during the trip. I have already published your email in the next report.
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear Dr. Stankov,
Thank you, in advance, for taking the time out of your busy and, I’m sure, exhausting schedule to read my email. You are a great service to all of Humanity and I can’t thank you enough for your efforts overall to spread the Truth to the rest of the world.
I stumbled onto your website a couple of months ago. All of your material has deeply resonated with me and has helped me to understand and Know my role during Our Ascension process. Mine is simple, that I have incarnated at this time to assist Gaia in her transition to 5D and to be a beacon of Light for others to see, so that they may themselves find their own inner spark of Divinity.
My story, I think, is pretty typical as far as Star seeds and Light workers are concerned, just with my own unique circumstances. I’ve struggled all my life to fit in with others, to get approval from outside so that I can feel good on the inside. I was always the “outcast” and had only a few close friends. Never really had any interest in activities in which other kids my age were participating.
As a teenager, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder after attempting suicide, entered therapy and thought I had it beat. I was accepted to the US Military Academy – a lifelong goal of mine from the age of 9 – despite my depression. Shortly into my junior year at the Academy, I had a resurgence of my depressive symptoms. All of a sudden my lifelong dream turned into my worst nightmare. I wanted nothing to do with being at the Academy, my performance decreased significantly, and I entered therapy again. Eventually, I was put on medical leave, and shortly thereafter received a DUI, and then a medical discharge from the US Army. Those combined events served as my ‘awakening’ and I began, in earnest, to figure out who I AM and what my purpose is. Fast-forward three and a half years of spiritual seeking and a library of esoteric, metaphysical, and spiritual books later, and here we are.
When I read your article on the LBP, I realized I had been experiencing many of the symptoms you mentioned. I have chronic lower back and shoulder pain, have experienced heart palpitations, electrical “shocks” throughout my whole body but specifically in my endocrine glands, weird and abnormal bowel movements while not feeling physically sick, tired all the time, etc. I believe all of those are part of my LBP. Can you confirm? I shouldn’t have to ask for your confirmation, I know, but it might help me feel more confident. I understand that I will Ascend if I choose to, and I have chosen to do just that.
I’ve always been a good-natured and even-tempered person. Very patient and well-mannered. Non-confrontational. I try to see the Good in everyone. It has only been recently that I have totally accepted everything about myself (this has been part of my Great Work) and dedicated my time (even at my job) to staying Present and anchoring Light for everyone.
I learned, a couple of days ago, about one of my past lives as a Native American Shaman named Laughing Crow. The best part about that is that I had never even mentioned my interest in Shamanism to my friend who was reading me. He said he just ‘saw’ a man standing behind me with a crow-feather headdress and told me that it was me in a past life.
I guess there isn’t really a big point to this email. Part of me just feels like I should write to you and tell you a bit of my story. I belong to a few online forums dedicated to the Ascension Process, but have never really had the energy to participate as much as I would like. I feel like there’s a message I need to relay, but can’t find the words because I don’t have the linguistic capacity to put what I’m feeling and what I Know into language. I so deeply want to inspire others to find their way.
Is there anything I need to do, now, to facilitate my Ascension? Part of me feels like I’m walking on the razor’s edge – its like I have one foot in 3D and another in 5D – and the balancing act is starting to wear me down even more than it has already. I Know that I should stay patient and centered, but I’m feeling like my time here is coming to an end, and I’m anxious.
Thank you, thank you! again, for reading this. I appreciate it very much. And I’m sure we will meet again soon.
Kevin from Colorado
Dear Kevin,
Thank you for your wonderful letter and for sharing your story with me and with the other readers. I can tell you that you do have a talent in expressing your ideas in a literary form and you should continue doing it. Practice leads always to a quick progress in imaginative writing.
I have posted your email in the next report. Your bio is similar to that of mine and many other star seeds when we were in your age and tried to adopt to society – in vain!
You are definitely in the LBP and it is up to your sole decision to ascend in November as you are a sovereign creator of your destiny. You only have to make a firm decision.
In love and light
October 28, 2011
Dear George,
Last night I couldn’t sleep until 2 am and as I drifted off I found myself in a tunnel, where I was moving upwards. The walls of the tunnel were dark but had fine bright lines of light running through them like veins, only it was bright light. I felt very peaceful and unbelievable light and floaty. then I woke up five hours later in my bed. I think I was having a practice run. Today I feel the hub in my throat and feel like coughing a lot. My heart chakra feels very large and pulsating. It is 3pm and I am having to go to bed again as I am very tired.