State-of-Ascension-Report-10: “I have built my Personal Portal”

On-Line Reports from Members of PAT And First Ascension Wave Candidates;

Report-10, October 21, 2011

October 18, 2011

Hello Callista,

I’m Marlon from Florida and I’m happy to finally write to you. For weeks now, I’ve sat back, read and digest much of Dr. Stankov’s work along with the beautiful insights you both (along with Suzanne Lie and other PAT members) given in the published emails. I always was curious to know from yourself if you had any insight about my own personal portal, but I was usually afraid or nervous of stepping on your toes or bothering you. I know there’s much important work to be done by each PAT member and I don’t want to disrupt it.

And that’s a huge reason why I’m writing to you. I want to think of myself as a PAT member, but I’m unsure. I am much an outsider. All my life, I’ve considered myself awakened from the sleeping masses. I also don’t share the concepts of many of today’s light workers (who Dr. Stankov appropriately deemed the esoteric Vanity Fair. And yet, although I agree and resonate with Dr. Stankov’s and Dr. Lie’s work 150%, I still feel I’m not smart enough, bright enough, imaginative enough or.. anything enough to be included as a PAT member. When I think about being alone, it hurts me to my core because I’ve felt alone all my life and this is something I’m waiting for and cherishing.

I can’t feel a connection to a higher source and I don’t want to be abandoned. I don’t really know what to do. Can you share something with me?
– Marlon
From: <>

Dear Marion,

Thank you for your lovely email and I quite understand your feelings. For many years I have worked alone and generally not understood by the people around me. Welcome to PAT, where no one is having to work alone any more, and everyone is encouraged to speak their heart. No one will ridicule you and no one will suggest that your experiences are not valid.

You are a beautiful and talented Being, who is here on this planet at this time to help with the Ascension process. You are doing tremendously important work even as you sleep. Just because you don’t remember what you do, it doesn’t mean that you have been doing nothing. And just because you don’t “see” your own personal portal, it is surely there, because it is a representation of who you are. It is your energy field which is readying itself by constantly updating and refining its ability to take in as much Light as possible. You are doing this without even realising it! I draw your attention to Sue Lie’s latest blogs on Opening Portals

Here is everything you need to know. Just keep your heart open and stay in the NOW moment. Pamper yourself and eat good food and water because your body is going through tremendous changes.
kindest regards from Callista

I want to whole-kindheartedly thank you for your reply as it helped a lot more than I thought it would. I must admit that I was so down in the dumps, I didn’t think words would help much but once again, the collective work amongst yourself, Dr. Stankov and Sue Lie proved to help “bring me up to speed” again.

I also want to commend you period. I’ve knew nothing of you in these past  few months and I’ve watched you, just like everyone else, rise up with incredible knowledge and experiences to help those in need. I don’t know if you wish or didn’t wish to be a growing public figure but in terms of  helping others, it’s a role you have slipped comfortably in and have done very well at.
Thanks again,
Love Marlon
Dear Marion

Thank you for your kind words and I am glad you are feeling much better. Four weeks ago I was first corresponding with George Stankov, whose website I had only just been made aware of. It was his persuading, which has led to the posting of my emails on his website and the subsequent posting of so many emails from wonderful souls who are all experiencing this Process.

I am a recluse, and do not invite publicity, and do not see myself as a public figure, but I am glad that I can be of some assistance during this challenging and exciting time. I encourage you to visit George’s website daily so you can keep up with the latest news. Things are moving swiftly and we must be ready.

Kindest regards from Callista
October 18, 2011

Dear George, cosmic brother and mentor!

It is a pleasure to share humble and deeply felt actions on this part of Mother Earth, where my life plan has placed me so far. Thank you for your kind words, as always it is a honour to be in this moment of planetary-cosmic change gathering with old friends, brothers, sisters, Family!

I was invited to join Belgian folk (I have to confess that I do not recall meeting before none of these guys.. but who knows?, now among other 98 people I am called to join forces for Hugs on the streets of Antwerp during another Occupy Antwerp demonstration next Sat. Oct. 22Th, even someone wrote to me sending me the link to the newspaper, where a photo was taken during my interaction with one policewoman) my poster said: “Belgian Police Wake Up, You and Us = 1!”. As the article says, the lady was positively shock with these love demonstrations. So I will go on, now it is the turn to spread love and hope among the Diamonds emperors in Antwerp…. and who know what/who else will be there!!!

Here I share with you the Flemish newspaper’s article (I believe with your German you might understand most of the text written there.
Until very soon. Love, Peace and endless joy for you and all your relations.

October 18, 2011

Dear George,

Sorry to bother you, since 16/10/11 Sunday afternoon the atmosphere around here London’s suburbs, has become heavy. I feel this is now human majority can’t get away from the light and that their negative influences and Old World stuff is really coming to the surface. My world feels tranquil. Like I’m looking at them through a remote lens, since this morning ( Tuesday) I ‘ve had family and friends calling me and just turning up with their Life problems, seeking guidance, I can see what it is, they still can’t. I believe they will in time. I just needed a bit of an encouraging word from you – this is  harder than I imagined.  I’m trying to ground myself and fill up home in light every day – any advice is appreciated though.

As Always Love and light

Dear Bernice,

try to avoid London and the city – stay in the nature. I myself never go to Munich because it makes me sick each time. We can no longer mingle our energies with that of the masses. The cleansing is in full sway and I advise you to see the positive aspect of the current energetic heavy times. The more quicker the dark negative energies are released these days, the more secure our Ascension will be. They correlate with each other. That is why first Ascension was postponed from October  to November.

Just stay grounded and calm and have a faith that all will be OK. We have done the job, there is no hindrance anymore – the portals are already built. Now it is the turn of the masses to mutate – and they will, I bet, and it will be this time much more heavy for them than for us, for a change.

In love and light
October 18, 2011

Dear George,

I  found this from a source unknown to me, but I guess it reflects the problems of many Light workers nowadays, which you wrote about not long ago.

* Dear Ones. It is truly unfortunate that the human species has forgotten that laughter is the best way to ascend. Laughter opens up the chakras, allows light to flow in, in abundance, expands the lungs, clears the throat, and raises your vibrations. All of this worry, worry, worry about who said what and to whom, what comet is arriving and when, is that really true what they said about… goodness know what!!!

The time to reassess your determined ways to find out “what is happening,” is well and truly here. Look over the past several hundred channellings and you will see a consistent pattern to your comments and comments  to others. What are you doing about expanding your own light, which in turn expands your aura, which in turn allows you to ascend to another dimension? HMMM? It really is very simple! Ascension is all about YOU !

Stop looking for signs from the sky, what the next supposed message is from the poor over-worked Archangels and Ascended Masters, because I can assure you, they are flat out trying to maintain the light on earth level  because YOU are too busy arguing about Channellings and what comet or space-ship is arriving next!!

On the subject of comets or space-ships.. if someone added a message here that one is truly  coming and they saw it, how many comments and arguments would this bring? Endless discussion!! So, research about how to raise one’s vibrations so that one can indeed enter into the next dimension, IS the way to ascending from this world of turmoil – 3D earth. So, to get you started on your way, a little light-comedy for you to relieve all your stressers, relax those muscles, clear the head. You will feel much better. This is a lesson in learning to look at ourselves, and have a laugh!! Namaste ~ Dear Ones ~
Dear Jacub,

I have read this text, I have forgotten the source now, but this is essentially what I am saying all the time – take it easy, relax, expand your fields, do not worry and take it with humour. Laughing is the utmost form of expansion of the human energetic fields. Few people understand this.

October 18, 2011

Thank you, dear George for your nice (but tricky) answer to my letter even though you haven’t answered my simple last question…and I think it’s because I didn’t address it in a proper way. I will reformulate : DO YOU KNOW(see) ME (can you feel my vibes)? Am I in the PAT – on the ship to first wave of ascension?  Do you know, where am I addressing  this letter to you – from 3D -physical location?  A straight short answer is what I’m asking and then you’ll receive my peaceful-heavenly blessings.

Dear Zalmos,

my absolute honest answer is that I do not know. It is up to you to make this decision and to create the favourable circumstances around it. There is in general a fairly good chance that all readers of my website will ascend because they are resonating with my writings and the idea of Ascension and this is already a clear sign that they are all ascension candidates.

I  have personally decided at the level of  my higher self that all readers of my website will ascend and I operate these days from this optimal astral probability alternative. I would recommend you to also firmly decide to ascend and live in the Now with this decision. Thus you will charge the energetic field around you with positive energies and create your ascension as sovereign master. There is no other way to influence your destiny and no other can do it for you. My answer is that I wish that all of you should ascend, but the ultimate decision is within the free will of each individual.

In love and light
October 18, 2011

Hi Callista,

It’s Dena again, from Los Angeles. I cannot thank you again for your supportive response to my email.  I have re-read it several times when I am in need of reassurance and continue to find it so helpful. I think I have “built” my portal, but would love your feedback/ confirmation.  It is still hard to quiet that pesky voice of doubt.

It appeared in my living room during a recent meditation. I cannot really see it, but rather sense it. It looks like a pool of natural/healing waters, circular in shape.  Rising out of the center is a gigantic pillar of quartz crystal.  The water is flowing over it, sort of like a fountain, as it falls gently into the pool below.  As I immerse in these healing waters, two dolphin beings come to me. Their energy is so powerfully, unconditionally loving, that I cannot help but cry big tears as my heart bursts wide open.

Today, the dolphins told me they are here to guide me home. Their purpose is to make the journey joyful, easy and loving. They said to just hold onto them and they will carry me home. Even as I am sharing this with you I am crying. It is hard to believe that this is real, but I know when I feel this way in my heart it is because something resonates so deeply. Sending so much love and appreciation your way, Callista. I look forward to your reply/insights.
Dear Dena

Thank you for your kind words and I am glad that you find my advice helpful. We all need reassurance – and this is one of the wonderful things about being a member of PAT – we can encourage each other in the vital work we are all doing.

I was very moved by the beauty of your portal. You must realise that it is a representation of yourself – this is a picture of how you are, who you are. You are showing yourself who you really are, a beautiful Being who is here to make such a difference to the quality of human life. Your portal suggests to me that there is an inexhaustible supply of healing love energy which is flowing all around you. Each one of us is here on this planet at this time to help with the Shift – unfortunately some do not remember and some are choosing to be led astray.

Do not ever underestimate yourself. You are giving yourself the reassurance you need. And the dolphins are there with you! See how far you have come in a few days!
October 19, 2011

To George

I’m not certain exactly what the dialectical, philosophical point of view is compared to the dualistic point of view; however, the only point of view that makes sense to me is the unity point of view. We really are all one; and everyone and everything is interconnected.


Dear Ron,

Because you have no knowledge of philosophy. If you could speak German, I would have recommended you to read my 5 books on Human Gnosis, published as pdf on my website for free, where I discuss this issue on 2000 pages in total. But given the fact that you had difficulties with my popular scientific elaboration in my last article on the ultimate proof for 11.11.11, I am rather sceptical, whether you will follow me at all.

Of course, I can also recommend you to check my complete textbook on physics in English on my website, where I also discuss this issue from a scientific, mathematical point of view, but I again doubt, whether you will manage this intellectual leap.

Finally, I will recommend you to read my popular last book in English “The Cosmic Laws of Creation and Destruction” which is the lowest popular scientific level, which I have used so far…

But I will refer to your question shortly in this email. The Whole= All-That-Is= the One  is not only One, but an infinite plurality. You are not one with All-That-Is, but a separated incarnated entity. Were  you one with the One, you would not exist on this planet in a physical vessel  – This is self-evident.

You may strive to achieve this Unity, but it will remain an illusion as long as you dwell in a physical vessel. In this case, you must invent a dialectical method to help your limited mind or consciousness to expand and to begin to alternate between bigger mental categories, which are still not the One – the One you can never comprehend, no matter how many words as empty shells you may invent or use for it –  and the singularities of your plane of existence.

This method as as old as humanity and was part of ancient Greek philosophy. It was used by Socrates, his pupil Plato and later on especially by Plotin, who has established the most congruent gnostic teaching of Western philosophy, in comparison to which the whole New Age shebang, you are so fond of, is idiotic stuff.

Read the Enneads of Plotin and you will know what I mean. I have written a whole book on Neo-Platonism. You may also check Wikipedia for the names and terms which I have introduced  to you in this email. It will take you a week or so only to enter this field, but be careful – most of the information in Wikipedia is flawed or outright wrong. You will not profit much, you must read the original works.

Finally, you may start studying my cognitive concept of  space-time, which is in the core of any dialectical human thinking at the conscious or subconscious level. Dialectics is the nature of human thinking. Only the empirically tainted, shallow-thinking Anglo-Saxon ignorants have not realized the true essence of human awareness. That is why they are so dumbed down.

I do not expect you to read the whole German idealistic school, beginning with Kant, Hegel, Fichte, Schelling, and the many other German philosophers, but I must make you aware of the fact that Enlightenment is a much more complex matter than just issuing 10 minutes videos and play the role of a province-guru in the Everglades and expect to understand All-That-Is – the One.

But I agree with you that it is always a pleasure  to condemn other highly evolved human beings for their huuuge Ego – it feels soooo good, it uplifts one. It takes such a pride to show that you are politically correct to the design of the Orion System, while the others – the individualistic thinkers – are politically incorrect and must be condemned – the sooner the better, the less we know about them, the better, One does not need to think, while condemning. One may come in doubts. And doubts are bad – especially for the New Age veterans.

It is a such a pleasure to move in the Orion comfort zone, surrounded by the vast majority of dumbed down human entities, perennially enslaved by Greys and Reptilians without noticing it and feel secure, Why care about any valid scientific arguments or proofs. What for? One is so happy to condemn some  European son of a bitch of a scientist and show him the true simple way of American life, void of knowledge and understanding, but full of faked moral.

As long as I can ride on my Guru-Trip and indulge my Ego in the comfort zone of political correctness – I feeel good!
Those that have the courage to dare outside this comfort zone are the bad ones and I have every right to condemn them.

Dear Ron, In what respect are you better than George Bush and Cheney. The New Age camouflage is full of holes and is crumbling in front of your eyes.

Think about this next time when you make another trifle video. And if you feel the inner urge to answer me in writing, I will be pleased to publish it on my website with an adequate response on my part

Your question finally: “what the dialectical, philosophical point of view is compared to the dualistic point of view?”; The dialectical point of view is that of all enlightened beings, as many of the readers of my website are, who will ascend in November to the 5th dimension and the dualistic point of view is that of all dumbed down Americans, who take pride in condemning all others people for whatever reasons, while indulging their superior Ego.

In love and light
October 19, 2011

This is a channelled message from Peter, Hungary on the mission of the PAT:

Dear George,

As soon as my memory returns, I can validate both your statements about the team and the timing. So far, I feel that the need of preparation comes from inside and cannot fail. Everything is just happening in the way it needs to be.

The important thing about this team for me is that they are not replaceable. This is just like being on a razor’s edge with an unquestionable self-confidence.

It will happen. The team will succeed. As a matter of fact, they already did.
“Don’t panic!”

Dear Peter,

Please, read my latest  article “Your Hilarious Future is Knocking on the Door”, which will appear today. This is exactly what I announce there. Thank you for the feedback.

October 19, 2011

Dear Georgi.

After reading Sue’s article,which you also published, “Opening Portals” I started to make a mental imprint of my reality, which I can take to 5th dimension. I live in the mountains, in a beautiful place, where there are no houses around.  For the last few days the weather was perfect, no clouds and the sky incredibly blue. So I sat in front of the house, seeing only trees, mountains and the sun, with no external sounds coming,except for those from nature, and I imagined that this is my Paradise, my New Earth that I want to experience. I did this for the last two or three days.

Today after lunch, I decided to have a nap. When I woke up and was still in a state between being asleep and awake, I suddenly found myself in front of my house! It lasted only a couple of seconds and scared me a bit, but it was REAL! It was not a dream – for a very short time it was REAL ME in a REAL world! I wanted to go back there again, but I couldn’t anymore. Later I thought that maybe I experienced some kind of Ascension Trial Run or something like that. Anyway, it was beautiful, it was real and it gave me new energy to keep on with inner work.
October 19, 2011

Dear George,

Thank you again for sharing your brilliant vision! I wonder if you have read the “channeling” by Ken Carey titled “The Starseed Transmissions.” I thought it might be worth sharing on your website.
I look forward to your updates! We’re almost there!

Dear Ben,

Thank you for this information. I read the text with the quick method, but it only confirms what I am always saying that the quality of most channelled messages in the 70s such as Jane Roberts/Seth have a much higher quality than the trash that is currently channelled and published in Internet, which explicitly proves that most of them come from the 4th astral levels of the Orion Empire.

The text is very well written and everything there must be basic knowledge to an enlightened light worker.
October 19, 2011

I am so grateful to be able to read your website everyday, every spare moment.  I am in Montana, USA and I have been telling my patients that if I am not here next scheduled appointment, I have gone ahead to help them. The suggestions on various ways to expedite all the clearing and forgiving has been remarkably helpful.  I do not doubt that all that could inhibit my ascension can be transmuted in time. What Joy to be of service.
Dear Marian,

Thank you very much for your very kind letter. I am glad that you can profit from my website. From what I gather, you are a crystalline child and you are now preparing for ascension. This is good! I have some more readers in your age in Italy, Germany and some other countries. Are your parents aware about what is ongoing on earth? How old are you?

In love and light
October 19, 2011

Hello Georgi,

Let me first say that me and my spouse, Joelle are huge supporters of your work and thank you for everything you do.

I wanted to take some time to share with you the explanation as to why this “steve beckow” seems to put his name at the top of all his articles. This is actually a built in function of the CMS (Content Management System) that he uses to build his website. He uses a CMS called WordPress which does this automatically, it his possible to disable if you have the technical skill in website coding that I do, but Steve likely does not posses this level of technical competence, so while I agree with your other criticisms of this person, I feel that you should correct and/or retract the particular criticism in the this comment:

“By the way, why is he still writing his name on top of other peoples’  articles as to evoke the impression that he is the author, after I exposed him officially. Isn’t this a Reptilian behaviour? And where does the Reptilian influence begins and where does it ends? Have you asked yourself this question?”

Again this is a technical limitation in the wordpress system, it is actually quite well known and most people just ignore it. So I do not actually believe anyone is being “tricked” into believing these articles are Steve’s own writing and continued criticism of this is a bit pointless. I hope this clears up any confusion as to his apparent “blatant plagiary”.

Again both myself and Joelle, my spouse wish you and Sue the best in the exciting days ahead. We both have been following your work closely hoping to catch the “first wave” and although we have been unable to connect directly with our higher self in clear communication we both feel that we have rolls to play in educating those around us after our own ascension.  Do you have any insight as to our possible role in all this? we only have vague feelings to go on at the moment, i feel like my role is related to working with new technologies and something about helping to distribute and train people in the use of advanced technologies like replicators and quantum/holographic computer systems.

Also, we are highly technically skilled in graphics, media, and audio production as website design. If yourself or sue ever need any assistance we would be happy to help with any technical difficulties that may arise as needed.

Dear Justin,

Thank you very much for your informative letter. I did not know this technical detail. But it does not matter in this case, I simply wanted to dramatize the story a little bit as to make it more credible, if you must have read in the meantime in my open letter to Steve, it was only staged to shake him a little bit and awake him. It has never been about him in the first place, but was meant as a mirror image to the still sleeping New Agers, many of which have gone astray from their original soul plan. It is all about saving their souls for ascension and there is a free choice in the pedagogical means to achieve this honourable goal, given that fact that they hurt nobody, but only the ego, which hinders ascension and must be eliminated in the first place.

If you have the feeling that you will be involved in new technologies, then this will be definitely the case. 4-5 years ago I had very intensive intuitive information from my soul about all kinds of new technologies. Some of them I have described in my last German book on Gnosis “Thoughts”  written in 2008, You may read the English summary. But there were more.

Now I read in a growing number of recent channeled messages about such new technologies, about which nobody knew anything at that time. Therefore, it must be true. I personally have the information that after the stargate 11.11.11 will be opened, we may have very quickly the technology of small portals around the globe that will allow for a quick beaming to any place on earth, thus eliminating all engines of combustion in transport.

The home heating will be based on free photon energy (read my article) and so on. These technologies must be implemented very soon as the pollution will kill Gaia. But this is not part of the divine plan. Therefore, I am pretty sure that these technologies, you are talking about, will begin to be implemented by the end of this year. We are living in very exciting times. I am also very eager to see these technologies coming as soon as possible.

In love and light
October 19, 2011

Dear George

Just a short note to say that I am receiving some amazing feedback from people who have written to me with their concerns about their personal development.  It is so rewarding to see these people gain such confidence in a few short days and realise that they are incredible Beings who have a purpose in being on this planet at this time in human history.

Once again thank you for persuading me to contribute to your website and enabling me to have the opportunity to contribute in a meaningful way.
Dear Callista,

This was a planned effort from the very beginning. Make no mistake. It has been arranged beyond and above us. When it comes, I know it and then I act without hesitation. However, in the last 13 years I was condemned to total inactivity by my soul, for good reasons, but nonetheless,  and this is the most difficult thing for me to bear. I have summarized the current situation today in my latest article. I hope that we can now relax, as there is not much to do anymore until Ascension.

Dear George

I also had to learn patience and inactivity for the past 11 years, but, as you say, it was designed by our souls, and there is no way I could have been prepared for this time if I had been busy in the world.  But my mind is constantly looking for the Truth in every situation.

In the next few days I am planning to devote some of my time to more learning and was looking forward to reading your Gnostic Tradition of Western Philosophy, except that it is in German, which, as you know, I cannot read.  I have translated some of it with Google Translate but it is very tedious and the syntax is all over the place. Is there any hope of producing an English translation?

I do not mean to rob you of your much needed rest, but I was wondering if by chance someone has already translated this paper?  I would be interested to read any other papers written by you that are in English.

But please do not over-extend yourself for my little whim – I am constantly thirsting for knowledge and can easily find something else to dwell on. Maybe you can suggest something appropriate?

Dear Callista,

No more translation in this life, I am afraid. But soon we will have special new devices that will translate everything. However, you will not need them as you will be in the higher dimensions and you will have an expanded consciousness and will know everything. Why bother learning more in the few days left on earth. Read my latest article that will appear today and you will know why I am giving you this advice.
October 19, 2011

Hi again Georgi,

As I consciously interacted with you a few times in dream state I noticed you are very busy, so I will keep the intro short. There is still some confusion which needs to be publicly cleared about some channeling entities and the information they bring forth.

– Ashtar Command. Through a channeling on Cosmic Awareness it was stated that they are not part of the Galactic Federation of Light and have in some way a pact with the Orion/Reptilian side.The names of entities from Ashtar Command are: Ashtar, Sananda, Archangel Michael, Hatonn and there might be some others. Are these the Fallen Ones?

– George Kavassilas. Came a few years ago with information about Galactic Federation of Light. Then he made a 180 degrees turn, saying that the Galactic Federation of Light is actually the False Light, pure evil and they ”rebuild the dimensions”.

By doing this he suggests they mean to come with space ships as friendly entities and take people from the planet to ”save them” from a destructive earth. This is also stated in a book written by Ashtar through channeling in the 60’s/70’s saying that we must all relax when ”the ships will pick us up”. By this they keep people from ascending. George Kavassilas claims he is ascending in October/ November this year and he is from “The Council of Light”. My intuition is that if you replace the name Galactic Federation of Light with Ashtar Command, everything is correct. Do you agree?

– Bashar. Channeling for a very long time, very high quality information, scientific, mostly through interaction and usually about personal growth. He is saying he is a positive Grey, doesn’t give too sensational information about 2012 and always refers to our own choices in this situation. I also feel he doesn’t suit himself to give such information which he is not part of (GFL). The few statements he made I will summarize:

* 2012 is merely a point where the Earth will be from slightly negative to slightly positive
* From this moment the quarantine will be lifted for multidimensional beings to directly interfere or contact with Humanity.

* He has laid out a plan/prediction in 2007 saying eventually in 2033 we will make Open Contact with the “Shalanaya” by which I think he means the Greys which are in some sense our “children” as he states.

You can find this prediction here:

He also predicted a sighting in Arizona correctly, which was on National Television.

Please shed your light on this information and by this the light worker community as there are still some places which contain confusion.

Two final questions regarding you personally:

– After you will ascend in 11/11 will you still write articles, or will you mostly be busy showing yourself in light body?
– Will the financial system still collapse before 11/11 or is this also postponed?

Greetings and you are doing a good job.

P.S. Very understandable that there are no pictures of you on the Internet, as I know what can be done by this.

Dear Erwin,

Quite a few questions! Woh! I will not go into details, but will tell you principally the following: The criterion for discernment with respect to channels should be:

All sources that talk exclusively about ascension and first wave of ascension in conjunction with the stargate 11.11.11 are correct and from the higher realms, such as SG /Aruna, Sue, me, CA with the caveat that its questioners will not ascend now and therefore it talks only about mass ascension in Dec 2012. There may be some more.

All other sources, no matter how they call themselves, have a hidden Orion agenda. Even Matthew. I tried to correct him on several occasions, but his mother got crazy. Now he is quite docile and is channeling only trash and known stuff, because I sanctioned him from a higher level. I do not bother about the others, as they are from the dark agenda and I cannot influence them. They are my foes. Matthew is simply not that much evolved as a soul and he does not grasp certain things. He does not even have the information.

When I will ascend, I will definitely appear in light body in front of humanity and I will have a lot to do to transform this debased society. You can bet on it. But there will be some others from the PAT who will also return to earth and help humanity.

Whether I will write articles – I highly doubt it, as there will be new technologies that will make it much easier and directly. I may channel my ideas through such technologies and they will be reproduced automatically. This is not science fiction, some of these technologies will be introduced this year. Wait and see – we are heading towards the most exciting times in the history of this planet.

In love and light
October 19, 2011

Hello to All!

This Sunday on Oct 23 I will give the final interview of this incarnation. I hope that all are available for this as I have no idea what will come forth until it happens. Since I have the blessings of the Council of Twelve for this interview they will be on hand to help and guide the  conversation as usual. There is a short post on the blog and the link to the show…

or use the one below.

Sending you all the greatest of love and respect for your ongoing  process of living with the light…

As Always

Mz. Mugzzi Show with Anthony Kane
by Mz Mugzzi
in Paranormal
October/23/11 @ 7:00PM
Dear Anthony,

Thank you for your email and for hearing from you. I am eager to hear this interview. Wish you a lot of luck and I am sure that it will be a success.

In love and light
Hi George,

Well I had some personal healing to do here the past month and at times did not think I would come out of it even though they kept assuring me that I would. I feel better now and ready to go on with the task that is mines. Where we are living now, there is a constant tone that is always on and fluctuating from hi to low pitch. I can find nothing to combat it and have noticed that it is in a specific area here. It is a mind control frequency and I cab find no sound to counter it. So be it for now.

This interview will be interesting for me as usual since I have not a clue what will come out so I wait to participate just like everyone listening.

So George on 11/11/11 do you see me personally at that time and if so what is my fate? Just curious and not necessary to answer.

Be strong in the light as you are
Dear Anthony,

I do see you in the first wave of Ascension from my perspective, however, ultimately you are the one to make this decision. Regarding this high and low pitch. Are you sure that it is not part of your LBP? I hear a high frequency hum that changes the tone from time to time for the last 12 years. Why don’t you read my article on the clinical symptoms in the LBP and check what it is.

October 19, 2011

Dear George
How can children prepare to ascension? I am mother of two boys .
Thank You
Dear Sandra,

They cannot prepare themselves, and the parents can do nothing in this respect. If it is in the soul contract of the children to ascend, they will do so without any effort. The influence of the human mind is very limited. Its only duty is to let go of prior to Ascension of all earthly bonds as to go through the portal. The mother must be also ready to let go of her children in her thoughts. I have two daughters and I am preparing them for this event for years and, although they do not believe me, they are conditioned already.

In love and light
Sorry, but can You explain what ” they are conditioned already”  means ?
Thank You
Dear Sandra,

“Conditioning” means in this case that I have prepared my family continuously at the conscious and subconscious level for the future outcome of Ascension since 1999, although they currently reject it as unrealistic. But this rejection does not make this outcome less real and the incessant confrontation with this possibility on my part creates involuntarily thought patterns and expectations in the minds of my family, which unfold their own dynamics and shape their mentality quite effectively on the long run.

You must bear in mind that the souls of your relatives know very well what will happen. It is only at the daily consciousness that they reject the possibility of Ascension, Therefore, I take this inner knowledge from their subconsciousness onto their daily consciousness, into their rational mind, so that now my family members can no longer escape the idea of Ascension, even if they still reject it. And slowly this knowledge erodes their past view of the world to my advantage. The idea begins to grow, so to say.

It is the same pattern that has been used by the Orion Empire for eons of time to dumb down all humans, only this time in the positive direction. However, one must be persevering and self-confident. One should not send mixed signals to the family. This is very important.

Thank You for the  explanation. I am a light worker.  I am very happy to be able to “live” in this special time for mankind. My husband thinks I am crazy, and I can not start talking about Ascension to other people because they will declare me crazy I live in Croatian town Split, where church is still very strong, so how can I help Galactic Federation ?

How can I know I have raised my frequency to a certain level for Ascension?

Thank You
Dear Sandra,

You must have faith in your soul and it is not necessary to do anything else in this particular moment. By helping your soul to do her work, that is to say, by not meddling in her job, you are helping everybody. One must eliminate the ego first and surrender to the soul. She will lead you then, be sure.

October 19, 2011


I am so glad you are online, for I know of no one else who can answer truthfully. I have said “yes” to ascension and with each moment open my heart more and more. I have one question left unanswered, and if you are not able to answer, I shall truly understand.

I care for and love special needs animals, all cats, and have been caretaker of many wild animals as well. Yes, I am willing to freely walk away from this situation, yet, the pain in my heart, I cannot describe. I love these animals dearly, and without them, they would suffer more then they are now, and eventually die a slow and painful death. I “see” them coming with me, as I walk through the portal. Is this possible? I have read nowhere that this is possible, yet with All That Is, All is possible. And the Creator would not allow suffering due to my ascension. I suppose, yes, I have answered my own question, but it would be such a relief to “hear” from another a confirmation that yes, these animals are part of the Divine Plan within my Contract.

I honor you and thank you. Again, if you are not able to respond I will understand. Blessings,


Dear Amy,

Only today did I answer this same question. Most of the pets will leave earth with us and will move to the 5th dimension. Whether they will do it in body or as a collective soul depends on the individual situation. But they will be waiting for us there for sure. And they will be much more tamed and clever. Cats will, for instance, be able to climb on the trees and collect fruits for us, if we wish this, and there will be other surprises. Just wait and see. But this will only be the case in the lower 5d-levels. Animals do not exist in the higher dimensions, but you can project them anytime.

In love and light

Oh, George,

I am crying right now. You have no idea how much these cats mean to me. They have suffered so much, and in fact, many of them, vets have said to put down. I have worked tirelessly for years to help them, learning many alternative modes of healing for them, as has my husband. The relief, the sheer JOY of knowing what you just said, you just don’t know. In fact, most of my ill cats, seem to have an increase in symptoms lately, and I “feel” it is their way of shedding the dross, or releasing. I have “seen” them totally well SOON, and some I know will have surprises in store for me, for they truly are not “cats”. I have one, for instance, who reincarnated and I was told she did so just to be a part of the role I will be stepping into.

Every day, I tell my precious babies hang on, we are almost there, I promise you, and you will never suffer again! Just hang on and then I sing my angel songs and they relax and are transported to another realm, one where there is no pain. My Molly who has CHF I say to her almost any day now, NO MORE PILLS! No more, baby! And all the others, who suffer as well, I keep saying almost almost time… oh, please just hang on for Mommy! Oh, for the joy!!!! Oh, God bless you!!!!!

OH, how I wish I could hug and kiss you! Thank you, and bless you! I can barely see my screen for the tears that are running down my face.

With all my love and appreciation,


October 19, 2011

Dear Georgi

If/when many of us have ascended around the 11.11.11. will we be able to go back to 4th D earth as many have said they will to communicate with our family and friends.
Dear Eric,

I believe that some will return to 4d-earth, if it is in their soul contract and then they will meet their relatives, but I cannot tell you what percentage. My guess is that there will not be many. The vast majority of ascended masters will stay in the new 5d-earth and help prepare it for mass ascension in Dec 2012 or may leave earth and go to their original civilisations.


Dear Georgi…

Thanks again for your reply. I forgot to ask, are you taking your wife and children with you when you ascend?  I just wondered if we have a choice to take them with us.

Kind Regards

Dear Eric,

Definitely not. They do not believe yet in ascension. They will come later by all estimations. But they are all old souls and already in the LBP in one or another way. They still love earth and are not prepared to leave it at this stage. There must be also such entities to establish a balance.


Dear Georgi…

Thanks again for your reply. So they will be staying behind. wow… they must be very upset … if they do not understand your thoughts and beliefs how will they cope or comprehend Ascension. Have you spoken to them about this, and if you have how have they reacted to your departure?

Kind regards
Dear Eric,

As I tackled this topic already with a Croatian mother today, I will copy for you my conversation with her (see above).
October 19, 2011

Dear George,

there is something I wanted to share. it has to do with a dream in 1989. My father visited me from the astral plane.  He was going back through a tunnel/portal about 7-8 feet high and found with white glowing light around it. He wanted me to come through, I suppose to share in what he was experiencing seeing.  I felt a slight pulling like a mind suction of a vacuum cleaner.  i said no, no, not yet, and awakened.  i believe that there is no-time now and that this is the portal I will be going through. I wanted to know if this makes sense? It does to me.

I sent you a you tube. i don’t know if you need it, but it is quite positive and  I’m not sure if you would like to share it.

Of course this is just something to warm my heart: Gregg Brandens take on divine matrix, but I found it a wonderful thing.  I collectively love all the positive input on everything since all is one and connected.

There is another youtube as well on ascension. Very different from what you know and share, more of generalities, not on the depth of your conscious knowing, but very nice to hear, love and I am so happy when I receive your information.  i believe my portal is ready,Gregg Braden (1 of 5) The Divine Matrix with Gregg Braden

much love to all,



Dear Cindy,

The  space-time is full of portals, who have more or less the same function. If you associate the portal, your father has shown you with your present portal of ascension, then it has to do with your emotional bond to your father and this connection may make it easier for you go through. Therefore, it is of advantage to believe that this is precisely your portal as you charge it with the positive energies you share with your father.

I know Gregg Brandens and he raises many valuable points and objections against the concepts of current empirical science, which I also raise, so that his lectures are an important contribution to the basic topic: What is matter, what is space-time, what is energy? It is good that there are such people, who come from the spiritual field, but try to reform current failed science as I also do.In love and light
October 19, 2011

Dear Georgi,

thanks a million for your work and this site! Most enlightening. And catalyzing.I’ve read the English edition of your work on physics till p 59, and must say your idea of mathematically representing the holographic nature of Existence as U-sets (if I understand it rightly) is brilliant. Pointing out the cyclical definition of mainstream physical formulas was a Eureka-moment for me. Although, I’m more interested from a structural, idealistic perspective on physics and have only my faint school knowledge to rely on,

I immensely like the way you show a mathematical description of the unity and oneness of All That Is with the power to unravel to as much complexity as ever necessary to explain physical 3D-phenomena, be they micro or macro. I’d really like to talk with you about it a bit (and other things, of course), particularly as I live currently not far away from you a little north of Regensburg. But there are more urgent things at hand now, for sure.

Until I was pointed to your website (by a Bulgarian by the way — thanks Naumov!) I did not give much about the often incoherent ascension talk. My spiritual need for information got fairly satisfied by non-dualist (Neo-Advaita) anti-gurus like Tony Parsons and the amazing RA channeling (The Law of One).I think the latter might be quite to your liking — it is precise and to the point. Totally lacking in frills and fluff that even in the very interesting Cosmic Awareness channeling are present. Cf.

It came to us in the early 80s and speaks among many other things of Harvest, happening approximately 2011. I’m not sure whether this is the same as ascension, though. They mention a similar process (resurrection), only when explaining the use of the Giza pyramid and Jesus, inevitably.The Law of One’s chief concern is to point us to the most efficient usage of 3D experience for our spiritual evolution. They probably are (were) well aware that for ascension was catered already.

What I particularly like about The Law of One, however, is that according to it there is also a possibility of spiritual evolution by the negative, service to self way of wisdom without love. Till at a final point such an entity realizes it can evolve no further without seeing others as self too. It then can switch and evolve together with those who went the positive (and a lot easier) way.I like this notion so much, for it reflects the dynamic symmetry of Creation as it is embodied by the Tao (yin yang) symbol. Therefore, I do not quite share your condemnation of the Orion forces, as heinous as they are. I’d rather like to thank them. They are ‘Part of that power which still / Produceth good, whilst ever scheming ill.’ as Goethe so eloquently put it. Would be fairly boring here without them.

Now, am I a first ascension candidate or even member of the PAT? I don’t know. My third eye is not open that much. But I have always had really good intuition and discernment. And since I was a small child I’ve known I would do something extraordinary that has not come to pass yet. Since my awakening to a spiritual perspective roughly five years ago I have released a lot and gained in trust, that all is well, no matter what.Shortly after my awakening, Déjà Vus started to happen in my life, situations occurring twice. The most remarkable one was a neighbour smashing his Corvette, so that the left front wheel was at the height of the door angles. I got aware of it because the towing lorry was idling in front of my window — at half past two in the night. About three quarter of a year later — the same again, at the same hour. I must have had more than a  hundred of such Déjà Vus now; most of less spectacular nature, of course.

The last one was on Friday 14th. I see them as signal that I’m on the right track as well as to impress on my mind the illusory nature of 3D experience with its apparent causalities.There’s no one who relies on me. I have no worldly obligations. I’m just present and enjoy the ride. Being in this world but not of it, as the saying goes. Though most time while sleeping, which increasingly has been my main occupation. From your description of the LBP I can say I have several symptoms (mild fibromyalgia) but have never had pneumonia or migraine and am not aware of energy waves. I’m just physically bogged down and sleep / lie in bed 12-16 hours a day.

Thus, ascension would be a nice diversion and I intend to be amongst the first wave :). In any case I’ll be (back) here to help others getting ready after conducive catalyst will have opened the minds of the many. Although I’d rather like to be in Freiburg im Breisgau (perhaps the relatively highest vibing town in Teutonia) fate has brought me to the dreary place I grew up in, so I suppose it is here where I’ll be needed most. Ascended or not — you can reckon with me!So far, there is only one last 3D-wish I foster.

Getting to know an aware enough woman, I can realize with the spiritual potential of love-making — mutually creating by it a vast portal — and finally leaving this plane together. With a bang. It’s the most beautiful way of ascension I can imagine, and although I certainly am willing to ‘do’ it alone, I intend the former with all my heart. I’ve experienced enough amazing synchronicity and am convinced that this is part of my incarnational plot; that there is a familiar soul in feminine guise I arranged this with. Or some more for back up. May our guides lead us together. Besides, the joint creation might yield a splendid portal for others to slip through. We’ll see.

Sunny LOVE,
Kain Mumm
Dear Kain,

Thank you very much for your email and for the appreciation of my work. I will address the numerous topics you have mentioned. The Ra material is indeed among the best, one can find in the esoteric literature and it is a pity that Carla is currently very ill. I tried to establish contact with her some time ago, but she was hospitalized.Instead of reading my physical books, why don’t you check my five German books on Gnosis, which also deal with the concept of space-time, but from a gnostic point of view.

They are much more similar to the books on the Law of One.I did not care much about the Orion Empire until a year and a half ago, although I knew in general what was going behind the curtain. If you read my five German books on Human Gnosis in pdf on my website, you will see that I am dealing exclusively with philosophical, theoretical and gnostic topics and you will not find a single reference on the Orion system on all the 2000 pages altogether.But in these End Times when the “wheat is separated from the chuff” one must clearly discern what is dark and what is light, because the dark must be eliminated.

But before it can be eliminated, it must be described, understood and finally one must make the decision, whether one likes it or not. It will eventually come out that many will find that they like the current darkness and will stay on the catastrophic earth. It is unavoidable that one scrutinizes the Orion Empire, before eliminating it as it pervades the whole society and all human minds.If you take the Germans, for instance, who have absolutely no idea what is going on behind the veil and are deeply tainted by this system without knowing it, one can very well imagine their shock when the whole facade crumbles and they will stay for the X-time amidst ruins.

In the USA, there is much more sensibility on this issue. The situation is much more convoluted here in Europe, and Germany is the most dumbed down country on the Old Continent, because of its relative high living standard. “Die Biedermeyer Mentalität läßt grüßen.”Ascension is a lonely affair and the chances to find a partner in this adventure are very small, but one should not give up hope.Wish you all the best.

In love and light

October 19, 2011

Dear Georgi,


Thank you very much for your beautiful post. Tears are coming down my cheeks. All feel at this moment is gratitude. Gratitude for all and everything I had experienced in this life… Feeling that it was all worth the ride. I am ready for the next chapter. Full with unconditional love and without limitations. Cannot wait… cannot wait!

with love,


October 19, 2011

Dear Georgi,

I want to thank you for coming in to stir up the post so to speak from the complacency it had settled into. What you have done is a breath of fresh air.  I just wish I could see and talk to you personally.  I don’t want to make any complaints about Steve B., but he had severely burned me in the past and for some time left me emotionally and spiritually devastated, but I guess that was good because it got me to process through a lot of my personal demons. To this day the man will not even speak to me or even return any of my emails.  But hopefully you have awakened him to his complacency in the light worker scene.  I feel that not one person can have all the answers.  I will be combing through your site to glean what I can.

October 19, 2011

Dear George,

I just thank you for your and George Kavassilas’s messages about the Ascension and Elenin and things like those. Some of us (Hungarians) translate your, Kavassilas’s and Alaje’s messages into Hungarian language. I have questions regarding to “The Transformation of the Seven Body Chakras in the LBP”: How could you tell, that those psycho-emotional problems are the ones, when your heart chakra is opening? Will I know (or feel) it? And did the soul coded those fears in the DNA, because she wanted to be it a test, that we can overcome?
Sorry for my English.

Love and Light for All
October 19, 2011

Hi Dr. Stankov,

thanking a friend of mine, Joy, who’s in USA, I’ve known your site, and I’m very happy for this, you are giving me lot of answers in a right way, not scaring, but simply telling what it really is. I have a lot of questions about Ascension, but through your articles and your answers, you are responding me, but I have one more question… I live alone with my 2 dogs, they are my family, i love hem like children, will they ascend with me, if I’ll do it? I don’t want to leave them alone, we live in symbiosis…

Today in a short meditation, Archangel Gabriel told me that ‘Love could not separate Love’, this was his answer, but I’m not sure to understand in a clear way the messages that I receive. I thank you in advance for your answer, I don’t know if it will be to my private mail, or somewhere else, please tell me.

I know that I have to be strong heart-centred, but it’s very hard when some people tease me in different ways.

Thanks again for your attention and answer…please, when you’ll take the Portal open, let me and my pets walk trough.

All my Love and smiles
October 19, 2011

Hello Georgi,

Recently I remembered my true being and it has kick started a process at light speed.I am an angelic being and have traveled to a lot of dimensions and galaxies, which I have had lucid dreams of. In this realm I’m of the pink ray and violet flame. It is my specialty to go inside dark places and liberate from within.My last incarnation here on earth was Atlantis.

There I had to exit this dimension on purpose because the dark was wanting to misuse my powers. I’d rather die than to have that happened. It was very hard on my, even from a higher dimensional point of views.My mission here as a healer and teacher is to guide the ones who are not decided to ascend or not.Even more recent I was conscious of more of my being, the team I’m here with and my issue here. In that state more of my whole being was connected to my physical body, and this dimension.

The point is I have a developed LB, cleared a lot of the human patterns, everything is in order, except I’m having difficulty getting into my physical body. There is some kind of block between my heart and solar plexus chakra. I can feel it strongly now.What I know is that I didn’t want to ground completely as I wasn’t sure I could get out again. Now I know though. It is also coupled to my human hesitation to express my being fully.

I feel somewhere if I would express my being fully, it would be to much for people.Do you have an insight on this blockage?My feeling is that I’m on track to fix it energetically, but there’s more to it. And it’s weird from a human point of view that I’m here, complete and all, but not yet fully arrived…I’m aware that my story is a bit disarranged, but as you know it is hard to put these matters in sequential language.

Thank you,
Dear Georgi,

I have been following your postings for about a week now. Before I found your site, I was starting to think I had gone crazy, Finally. I have been consciously on the path towards ascension for about 4 years now, but I was not finding any confirmation for my deep down feelings…that I was saying goodbye and more quickly than I had suspected. I may be one of your younger readers…

I just turned 30. But I know that I am a very old soul and I am so very exhausted!  I fluctuate between exhausted, and bored to tears with 3D. I feel everything is so heavy and complicated here. Many of the mundane tasks cause me to feel frustrated and it can be very discouraging.I know completely that I AM ready to ascend! Even though, I will honestly admit that sometimes I get anxious or uneasy because I can not remember the other side of the veil, totally. But, I do know one thing. I cannot stay here. That is not even an option for me. I feel that I am coming back through the portal, just as the Arcturians described.

I have not been creating a portal really. I just feel I will be drawn to one when the time is right and I do not fuss about the details.I am sorry you have been so criticized by some. I think my ego is so dull by now, because I was not triggered at all by the things you wrote about many of the other channels. It did not even phase me. They truly are talking in circles, and that is why I was losing heart, in this process. But you have renewed my trust in MYSELF… through your posts. Thank You! I’m not going to say that I remember being a part of PAT, but why the hell not? I mean, I know that my time is coming very soon, and here I am being drawn to your website, so again,

I trust myself and this is all I need.I am doing the final releasing, taking inventory of any lingering pain I have not processed or anyone I have not forgiven and it all feels very natural to me. Like I have done this before and I know how to tie up the loose ends. While I am very excited to graduate from this very difficult plane, I must admit that it feels bittersweet. I find myself releasing human dreams and desires…yet, somehow knowing that I will still get to have it all. It’s a bit of a contradiction, but I know my soul understands this.

Thank you, Georgi. I love you.
October 19, 2011

Dear George,

I am thankful for all the help you’ve given and the love you’ve shared. Many moments recently have been overwhelming me with their shining brilliance, almost completely erasing the previous years of seeming constant discomfort, review, and re-review.. Almost. In all seriousness, thank you, I send you all my love and joy, your messages are pertinent and extremely reassuring. I am in contact with my higher self and the words,

I keep hearing are “patience”, it’s hard to stay put sometimes! I am feeling so tired and yet so full of joy, very funny to feel both at the same time. I do have a question about cysts, can they be a symptom of LBP, my friend was recently diagnosed, and I am curious to hear your thoughts. In any case thank you once again, I am doing my best to complete my release and shine brightly.

October 19, 2011

Dear George,

Only this past weekend did I discover your online plethora of knowledge, which is freely available to all equally, and what a treasure trove it is! The clarity of the expression of your insights on such worthwhile subjects is impressive and astounding. Indeed, Georgi, truth rings definitively from your corner. Bravo! The simplicity and directness of your thoughts so easily clears away all lingering cobwebs of confusion from any reader open to the enormity of what you offer.

That you go the extra mile to rebuke and challenge those who are actively misdirecting others at this most critical juncture of our evolution, you certainly get my full support for that as well. Your dauntlessness and ongoing efforts on behalf of the Forces of Light are truly to be commended.

Sincerest gratitude!Demitra
October 20, 2011

Hello Dr. Stankov,

I’m the admin at I thought it’s important to let you know that the reason why the site is redirecting to right now.

Basically I got a letter from CAC asking me to take it down because by giving all the issues away for free it was reducing subscription revenue that keeps CAC going.Vikki at CAC relies on that income for her livelihood, so giving the entire collection away was not working well for CAC. We are working on ways to make an alternate version of cosmicchannelings which has both free content and makes it easy for people to contribute to CAC financially. was never an official CAC site, it was a site I put together independently since the newsletters had a copyright notice that said distributing the newsletters was encouraged by CAC. I tried to make it clear on the site that it was not part of CAC but apparently I didn’t make that clear enough on the pages. That was my mistake.CAC is not closing itself off to anyone, it’s the same as it’s always been. They didn’t stop publishing in May, it’s just that I haven’t uploaded anything since then.

You can buy the newsletters on the site and you can get a digital subscription which will ensure you get all the newsletters and are also contributing to CAC’s survival.Vikki is under the weather right now so I’m sure your subscription would help them out. I personally don’t get anything if anyone else subscribes to them or not, but I feel responsible that I’ve caused some of this confusion so I feel I should recommend that the solution is to become a paid member. I just wanted to let you know that the site coming down didn’t have anything to do with your blog post.

In fact I didn’t know the post existed until one of your readers sent me a letter in which you wrote:”What better proof can there be for my devastating analysis of the closed mentality and spiritual disarray of this group than this one.  I do not even believe that this is serendipity, although we live in such times, but a reaction of my critical article on CAC.”CAC is not in disarray, but it almost sounds like you want it to be in disarray?

I’m sorry if they didn’t accept your earlier suggestions but that’s life sometimes.

It would be good if you could post a correction on your site to let people know that CAC is still publishing newsletters and never stopped. Your post stating that they haven’t published since May is factually incorrect and therefore should be amended in order not to cause problems for CAC or confusion with anyone else.Thanks for all your excellent work and your amazing website.Thanks very much,
Dear Nick,

Thank you very much for the additional information. While it may represent the subjective perception of some CAC members of the current situation in this group from within, it by no means makes the facts look differently.

Although I have always expressed my great esteem for CA as a source of information in my books and articles. I have great difficulties to convince my readers to read this source, if you have been following the discussions on my website,All my readers, which are between 4000 and 5000 worldwide (or probably much more, as my articles have been, in the meantime, translated in many other languages) are preparing to ascend in November next month, so that the least thing they are interested in, is the situation in the CAC group.Hence,

I do not see any reason for any official clarification whatsoever, given that fact that nothing has changed in the intransigence of this group to encourage an open unconditional, enlightened dialogue, as I am practicing it on my website.  And this is the main target of my critics.

Of course you may change this situation, if CAC is ready to publish my article on his website and encourage an open discussion with the participation of all CAC members and  my readers, including myself, as we are doing it on my website.When I wrote that the CAC is in a disarray – and this is my opinion for a long time –  I meant in the first place the spiritual disarray of this group. My conclusion has been now fully confirmed by the last message of CA. What better proof do I need? Directly from the Source.

If you have read my article on CAC, you must know that I am in a direct telepathic contact with CA and thus I have automatically a direct access to the mental confusion in the CAC group. This is enough for me.

Therefore, I still consider to enjoy the liberty to conclude that the closing of this website after many years of existence one day after the publication of my article on CAC is not a coincidence, but a direct consequence of my critics. Your subjective presentation does not furnish any convincing evidence for me to change my mind.

In order to satisfy your request, I will publish your letter and my response to it on the next Ascension Report.

In love and light

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